World of KJ

Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)
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Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Fri Jun 17, 2022 4:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Watched the first two episodes, but I am having a hard time getting into the show. Disney just had a wall for how much quality they can bring in these last few years.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Jun 20, 2022 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

So Reva kinda turns to the good side, so we can't even enjoy her death scene and then ... Vader leaves her alive??? This show is so fucking stupid. Unless the finale is an A+ it will easily be the worst thing Disney+ has come up with.

And this shit is taking all the hype away from Miss Marvel? I thought we were waiting on She-Hulk for an abomination, but Disney delivered early this time.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Jun 20, 2022 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Obi-Wan >> Ms Marvel

Author:  Rev [ Tue Jun 21, 2022 9:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Shack wrote:
Obi-Wan <<>> Ms Marvel

:thumbsup: BOTH ARE GREAT!

Author:  Shack [ Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

I initially had some misgivings about the fight but the more I read or thought about it, the more it made sense. Anakin executed Count Dooku when he already sentenced to no fap for life, whereas Obi Wan makes the opposite choice to let the defeated Vader live, choosing the Jedi way. Also Obi Wan beating Vader makes sense since Vader always loses to Obi Wan for the reasons laid out in the flashback, he has too many emotions when he is facing Kenobi and is seeing red trying to kill him at all times instead of being able to back off and regroup after taking damage, if he stayed on the light side he would have eventually learned to channel his hotheadness and pride but he never got to that point. Also, Palpatine shutting Vader down is the perfect way to explain why he didn't keep chasing after Obi Wan, much better than if they made Vader just bury him under some rocks and assume he's dead.

Author:  Rev [ Thu Jun 23, 2022 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)


enjoyed the series very much.
hoping characters like Reva, Leia and Roken stories will continue to be told on D+ :wub2:

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Sun Jun 26, 2022 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

"You didn't destroy Anakin Skywalker ... I did."
-Great line to end a mid show.

I'd give it another chance if s2 is just Ewan and Ghost Liam hanging out but I'm not watching a Reva spinoff. No way!

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Jun 27, 2022 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

The series seemingly only wanted to accomplish 3 things:

1. Give us an Obi-Wan/Vader fight
2. Explain the relationship between Obi-Wan/Leia
3. Set up Reva for a potential spin-off

I'd much rather get that spin-off over a S2.

Author:  MadGez [ Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

This was pretty epic. I was expecting nothing yet received the perfect bridge between the prequels and originals, epic villainous Vader, cute Leia relationships, fantastic duals and plenty of PT/OT easter eggs. I enjoyed this more than the sequels - which for a low fanfare, cheapish D+ show is saying something.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Andor is becoming overrated, Obi Wan was underrated

Author:  Rev [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Shack wrote:
Andor is becoming overrated, Obi Wan was underrated

nope, Andor is STILL underrated....judging by the ratings. Obi Wan was NEVER underrated.

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Shack doesn't like Andor because it's about politics, lmao

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

I don't care about the politics (which are good as they are anti authoritarian) but it's just not that interesting to me outside of Skarsgard's character, haven't gotten that far but it looks like Serkis did well too based on a clip I saw. It strips away the Star Wars-isms and visual interest of a show like Mando, but D+ doesn't really have it in them right now to make an HBO like drama in terms of characters/writing/complexity.

It's not overrated by general public/ratings but there's such a thing as becoming critically trendy which it became over the last month or so, now an overload of articles saying "Andor is by far the best Star Wars show, why isn't anyone watching it?", I visit television subreddit and it's becoming a running joke how much of these types of articles are coming out and people questioning how much of it is astroturfing. I would guess it jumps to like a 85-90 on metacritic in season 2 as a result of now being branded the good/awards caliber Star Wars show. For the same reason I correctly predicted ahead of time that Apple's NASA show For All Mankind would get a jump in reviews in season 3 (it did from 75 to 84) since I noticed halfway through season 2 it became kind of trendy to talk about as underrated show people aren't talking about, eventually leading Alan Sepinwall of Rolling Stone to rank it 1st of its year that season, so it was "hot" going into season 3 leading to initial reviews surge. But then halfway through season 3 I think people realized they went too far and started pointing out its flaws, so it will probably decline in reviews next year. Now conventional opinion for critics will probably be season 2 was its one gold season, but in reality season 2 is the obvious transition year plot wise, for most regular people it'll probably be one of their least favorites. Same with Ted Lasso where its season 2 metacritic was really good (85) reflecting peak buzz after its first season, however midway through the season it became more popular to start attacking it more, so now it's probably an absolute guarantee its season 3 metacritic is below season 2, there's nothing it can possibly do quality wise to counter the fact that anti Ted Lasso-ism is more in than it was before its second season. There is a lot of other examples like thatI could mention where it seems like TV critics job is more like Stefan in SNL telling you what's hot or not than just judging things in a vacuum.

This may all seem like pointless things to complain about, I don't have a problem with anyone who honestly loves Andor or thinks FAM got way better in season 2 or Ted Lasso got worse, but it feels like there a lot of people on social media who are just being followers and treating other people's opinions as knowing better than them so shifting their takes to match them. And obviously, I'm not a collectivization/groupthink mentality type of guy, I'd rather people have honest emotional responses to things instead of being so tied attached to things like following social media consensus is saying. Rottentomatoes film scores feels better to me since it feels like 150 people having an individual opinion relatively unaffected by what other people online are saying. People being in this state of mind of course, is much bigger than just about TV reviews, it has major implications when they use the same mentality when it comes to cultural/political issues. It's merely just a metaphor reflecting a deeper issue.

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

You haven't even WATCHED it??? lmao come on

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

I have seen 4 episodes currently

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Then it's insane that you even feel the need to comment on whether it's overrated or not. You write this long ass post about people liking things, just because you want to shit on a show you haven't even watched half a season of.

It's you, you're the problem, it's you.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 23, 2022 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Chippy wrote:
Then it's insane that you even feel the need to comment on whether it's overrated or not. You write this long ass post about people liking things, just because you want to shit on a show you haven't even watched half a season of.

It's you, you're the problem, it's you.

My post is not about people liking things, that's the point, it's about people losing the ability to "like things". I believe people like you and Rev genuinely like Andor, my issue is with other people online who seem to be pushing it for the wrong reasons and no longer really capable of having an honest reaction to things that's not heavily influenced by their confirmation bias already going in already looking for either the best or worst parts of something.

4 episodes/11 is enough to get a good feel for something. Especially as episode 3 seems to be a "big" episode.

Author:  lilmac [ Tue Dec 13, 2022 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

Just saw the Kai Patterson cut. It's the entire Obi-Wan series but condensed down to 2.5 hrs. It is not only orders of magnitude in improvement on the original series but actually made me kinda like the Inquisitor lady villain. It makes the Obi-Wan series my 3rd favorite Disney+ Star Wars series (behind Andor and Mandalorian but ahead of Bad Batch & Book of Boba) I highly recommend everyone give it a look.

Author:  MadGez [ Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obi-Wan TV series (Disney+)

lilmac wrote:
Just saw the Kai Patterson cut. It's the entire Obi-Wan series but condensed down to 2.5 hrs. It is not only orders of magnitude in improvement on the original series but actually made me kinda like the Inquisitor lady villain. It makes the Obi-Wan series my 3rd favorite Disney+ Star Wars series (behind Andor and Mandalorian but ahead of Bad Batch & Book of Boba) I highly recommend everyone give it a look.

Thanks will check it out.

While I loved the show - i do think it would have been better as a film (which it was originally supposed to be before.

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