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 Re: Election Day 2016
Price wrote: Shack wrote: Like 75% of white people voted for Trump. Horrifying But 93% of black people voting for Obama was beautiful.Gotta love them double standards. What does that even mean? It's horrifying so many white people voted for Trump because of the awful, hellish, racist platform he ran on--whereas Obama ran the exact opposite of that ("Yes We Can" and all that positive stuff) plus Republicans have largely not been a sanctuary for black voters. So if anyone even said your cited statistic as "beautiful," again that would at least make sense as black voters were voting in their own best interest en masse. I guarantee you most of the genius whites who voted for Trump will not benefit at all from any of his very well thought out policies of being the best, with the best words, the best way the best guy can do. They were duped into voting for a fool, but I guess white English speaking guys across the globe (I refer to Brexit here, of course) felt like burning the house down with everyone in it instead of letting some other people--some without dicks, maybe?--have a say for a while. Did I mention white people are *the worst*?
Wed Nov 09, 2016 7:23 am |
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:07 pm Posts: 3004
 Re: Election Day 2016
Malcolm wrote: tree and a half wrote: Malcolm wrote: There is no coming together after this, in my opinion. This country has looked at a hateful, petty, fool of a man for well over a year and came to the conclusion that his exclusionary/racist/ill-informed/all-around repulsive behavior gets a big thumbs up. How does somebody in one of the many, many groups he shit all over look at this as anything other than the majority of America fully embracing and endorsing the idea they aren't wanted here? Which is exactly the way the other side would have felt if it had gone the other way. America is a divided state. ...except for the part where Hillary is none of the things I listed. She said nothing in the world at all close to what the sack of orange feces said about anybody. People go on and on about her being "corrupt" like the eight year old kids repeating something their parent said with zero clue what it means. If "corruption" was a dealbreaker for someone then Trump should have been a no-go a long time ago. Every criticism leveled at Hillary was either a complete lie (like most of what Trump said--fact) or something Trump himself was guilty of. And again I say, if the President doesn't pay taxes then why the hell should anybody? Also the FBI's complete bullshit "announcement" seems like treason. There was nothing there, they knew full-well there was nothing there, but for a week and half in the DAYS BEFORE the election they played up the complete and utter lie that Hillary's emails had anything at all to do with anything. Hillary should prove everyone right, since apparently the truth is completely irrelevant to most Americans, and go ahead to enact her doomsday scenario that results in all her enemies dead. I thought perhaps sleeping on it would make this a more tolerable turn of events, but Quote: as a gay atheist stoner I feel very much so like this country is no longer a place for me and unconsciousness has only cemented that position. In the more-good-news column I also get to add that I do feel a bit more racist after this election--which sickens me--and the race I find myself repulsed & disgusted by is fucking white people. So, that's a revulsion/shame combo felt towards both my own country and race--good takeaways from this, I guess. I should just move back to CA before the West Coast simply secedes and builds their own wall to keep out all the awful white people. What did you do in this election? Did you volunteer time or anything to help your preferred candidate or causes? People like to complain about other people and the world in general, but can't be bothered to engage in order to create the changes they want to see enacted. We need to as a society quit counting on others to carry the load we are unwilling to shoulder ourselves.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:09 am |
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:07 pm Posts: 3004
 Re: Election Day 2016
Price wrote: xiayun wrote: Looking pretty good for Hillary across the board. It could be over in an hour. Shack wrote: Hillary is on the verge of winning  mdana wrote: I have had my suicide plan ready since last December. mdana wrote: Some people really should not be allowed to vote. Please close the door before pulling the trigger and I hope you keep your word and never post again.  You sound nice.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:10 am |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
You are all correct that Trump is an awful person and proud of it. However, before declaring that America is a shitty place to support such a person, please consider the fact that a lot of Trump supporters say things like "I care more about what Trump does rather than what he says" and "I would rather have an openly poor person as president than someone who tries to hide it" "Supporting Hillary is supporting the same corrupt establishment we've had for years and years". The majority did not vote Trump because they want to burn women, blacks and gays at the stake. The president won't ruin the nation if we don't let him. Have faith in fucking democracy!
Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:23 am |
Gamaur's sex slave
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:15 pm Posts: 8889 Location: Los Pollos Hermanos
 Re: Election Day 2016
mdana wrote: Price wrote: xiayun wrote: Looking pretty good for Hillary across the board. It could be over in an hour. Shack wrote: Hillary is on the verge of winning  mdana wrote: I have had my suicide plan ready since last December. mdana wrote: Some people really should not be allowed to vote. Please close the door before pulling the trigger and I hope you keep your word and never post again.  You sound nice. I put a smiley behind. I must be nice.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 8:36 am |
 Re: Election Day 2016
zwackerm wrote: You are all correct that Trump is an awful person and proud of it. However, before declaring that America is a shitty place to support such a person, please consider the fact that a lot of Trump supporters say things like "I care more about what Trump does rather than what he says" and "I would rather have an openly poor person as president than someone who tries to hide it" "Supporting Hillary is supporting the same corrupt establishment we've had for years and years". The majority did not vote Trump because they want to burn women, blacks and gays at the stake. The president won't ruin the nation if we don't let him. Have faith in fucking democracy! What he "does" more than what he says? He doesn't do anything but say awful things about everyone, and everything he's said he wants to do directly involves specific groups of people--Mexicans, Muslims, women, etc--being punished for some slight he and his nutso supporters perceive as a danger to 'Murica, their bank account, or their god. Someone who respected and valued the rights of women, gays, blacks, hispanics, muslims, or anyone who isn't a straight white Christian male could NEVER have voted for someone that vowed to punish all those people without also believing that. If the Democratic nominee had said white men are rapists and can't be trusted to make court decisions because they have a white bias, or whatever, then anyone who voted for that candidate would be accepting of and have no problem with that viewpoint--so as a white male you'd rightfully take that as a truth they accept about you. Anyway, to mdana earlier question--I did actually volunteer (for about 5 hours in July because my arm was twisted, so where's my medal?) but what does that matter? Aside from being an informed voter it isn't my job to enlist others and go door to door. It is my civic duty to vote for the best candidate, not campaign--I'm a citizen, I'm not running for anything.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 9:47 am |
Darth Indiana Bond
Joined: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:43 pm Posts: 11506 Location: Wouldn't you like to know
 Re: Election Day 2016
I mean, the GOP votes along party lines, no matter what. I can only hope Trump surprises everyone and turns out to be much more moderate.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:17 am |
Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2005 11:07 pm Posts: 3004
 Re: Election Day 2016
Malcolm-fair enough. It was not meant as a criticism but as a challenge. However, if everyone thought like you, where would we be ? People need to be more active and engage with others, just voting doesn't cut it. Talking to people over the past month, I realize how horribly disconnected people feel on both the left and right. Both sides are extremely ignorant of how the government and politics actually work. There are so many problems we face that can't be fixed by slogans like "Hope and Change" or "Drain the Swamp." There is so much decay and rot in both the major parties, the other parties never display enough competence in party building. We have reached a Constitutional crisis due to the the failures of everyone over the years. No, you are probably right, now that I think about it. Ghandhi should have thought he was just a lawyer and MLK should have thought he was just a pastor. 
Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:48 am |
KJ's Leading Pundit
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:45 pm Posts: 63026 Location: Tonight... YOU!
 Re: Election Day 2016
This was a statement that America will not tolerate people of color, women, lgbtq, among others.
We all knew the country was capable of this, and felt this was. Now we have the hard evidence.
_________________trixster wrote: shut the fuck up zwackerm, you're out of your fucking element trixster wrote: chippy is correct
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:07 pm |
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 3:38 pm Posts: 48674 Location: Arlington, VA
 Re: Election Day 2016
Chippy wrote: This was a statement that America will not tolerate people of color, women, lgbtq, among others.
We all knew the country was capable of this, and felt this was. Now we have the hard evidence. I just can't believe we're following one of the most dignified, effective, progressive presidents with...this. America can (and will, I hope) regroup but this was a massive setback.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:17 pm |
llegó a la casa vía marítima
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:53 pm Posts: 6288 Location: la gran casa de la esquina
 Re: Election Day 2016
The First Lady downgrade is also embarrassing as hell...
_________________ .
Last edited by Barrabás on Wed Nov 09, 2016 11:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:23 pm |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
I really don't think someone hates minorities just because they voted Trump. Again, every single Trump supporter I have met says that they voted Trump because of his policies, none of which hurt minorities except for his desire to send marriage equality back to the states, and his dislike of the Muslim religion. There are no policies that hurt women or black people, or people with disabilities. Most Trump supporters believe Trump will be better than Hillary at wipiny out terrorism, protecting our borders, preventing abortions except in the case of rape, cutting taxes, protecting the second amendment, and other things, few of which can be painted as inherently evil. I honestly don't believe that he will be successful in overturning marriage equality, but if he does, the states still have the power. And you also don't need marriage to be bonded and love one another. Loss of gay marriage would be devastating for many, but it would not completely destroy the country beyond repair. And while it is obvious that making judgments on all Muslims is wrong, his desire comes from a longing to wipe out terrorism, not because he feels Muslims are inferior.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:31 pm |
Mister Ecks
New Server, Same X
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:07 pm Posts: 28301 Location: ... siiiigh...
 Re: Election Day 2016
But the loss of gay marriage would be devastating. It was a sign that America was forward thinking. It showed progress. Reversing that proves that the open-mindedness we came to expect is not a given, and is in fact completely unheard of for millions of people. Any good given to us by President Obama is being erased with this vote, whether or not Trump actually does anything.
_________________ Ecks Factor: Cancelled too soon
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:44 pm |
llegó a la casa vía marítima
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:53 pm Posts: 6288 Location: la gran casa de la esquina
 Re: Election Day 2016
"except for his desire to send marriage equality back to the states, and his dislike of the Muslim religion. There are no policies that hurt women or black people, or people with disabilities."
Because women, disabled people, and black people can't be in same sex relationships?
Oh and by the way, his running mate wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and believes in gay conversion therapy.
_________________ .
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:45 pm |
Mister Ecks
New Server, Same X
Joined: Wed Oct 13, 2004 7:07 pm Posts: 28301 Location: ... siiiigh...
 Re: Election Day 2016
That's what scares me more than Trump, because I do believe deep below the bullshit, he doesn't believe anything he truly says (but is willing to be bought and paid for to act like he does), but Mike Pence does believe this bullshit.
_________________ Ecks Factor: Cancelled too soon
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:46 pm |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
Barrabás wrote: "except for his desire to send marriage equality back to the states, and his dislike of the Muslim religion. There are no policies that hurt women or black people, or people with disabilities."
Because women, disabled people, and black people can't be in same sex relationships?
Oh and by the way, his running mate wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and believes in gay conversion therapy. But that is nothing we can't overcome! And do you think Pence will force gays to get conversion therapy? He can't. Trump is not abolishing marriage equality. He is letting the states vote. Most of them should vote in its favor.
Last edited by zwackerm on Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:56 pm |
KJ's Leading Pundit
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:45 pm Posts: 63026 Location: Tonight... YOU!
 Re: Election Day 2016
zawckerm, stop being so FUCKING naive. Jesus christ.
_________________trixster wrote: shut the fuck up zwackerm, you're out of your fucking element trixster wrote: chippy is correct
Wed Nov 09, 2016 12:59 pm |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
Chippy wrote: zawckerm, stop being so FUCKING naive. Jesus christ. Stop being so fucking defeatist! We can't fix this country with a negative attitude. It's so important that we band together as one. All of this hostility is going to hurt our country the same as any hostility Trump/Pence have against minorities.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:01 pm |
KJ's Leading Pundit
Joined: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:45 pm Posts: 63026 Location: Tonight... YOU!
 Re: Election Day 2016
There is no hostility. I hope they can do a good job. I hope that everything they said they were going to do does not get done. Because that would break this country. This isn't the same as Congress vowing to not work with Obama ever. Because Obama was talking about progressive policies, and bringing the country into the 21st century. Trump/Pence preached hate and want to reverse any progressive progress we've made as a country.
It's them you have to worry about. Yet you're being a fool and thinking they're these good human beings. They've proven time and time again to not be. Not even a little bit.
_________________trixster wrote: shut the fuck up zwackerm, you're out of your fucking element trixster wrote: chippy is correct
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:08 pm |
Dr. Lecter
You must have big rats
Joined: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:28 pm Posts: 92093 Location: Bonn, Germany
 Re: Election Day 2016
Billy, even for your age, you are a very naive individual.
_________________The greatest thing on earth is to love and to be loved in return!
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:09 pm |
The Original
Joined: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:19 am Posts: 9808 Location: Suisse
 Re: Election Day 2016
Well I guess the "best" thing that can happen. Trump doesnt get too much into it and just does shameless lobby work for the businesses he and his friends are into. If he gets some kind of god complex (and that might happen with Trump). Funny times ahead. 
_________________Libs wrote: FILMO, I'd rather have you eat chocolate syrup off my naked body than be a moderator here.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:12 pm |
llegó a la casa vía marítima
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 4:53 pm Posts: 6288 Location: la gran casa de la esquina
 Re: Election Day 2016
zwackerm wrote: Barrabás wrote: "except for his desire to send marriage equality back to the states, and his dislike of the Muslim religion. There are no policies that hurt women or black people, or people with disabilities."
Because women, disabled people, and black people can't be in same sex relationships?
Oh and by the way, his running mate wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and believes in gay conversion therapy. But that is nothing we can't overcome! And do you think Pence will force gays to get conversion therapy? He can't. Trump is not abolishing marriage equality. He is letting the states vote. Most of them should vote in its favor. And why the hell should the states be voting on human rights?? It's part of the constitution now. No one should be voting on whether or not 5% of the population should be second class citizens. And no, they probably won't vote in its favour, considering what we just saw happen in the elections.
_________________ .
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:13 pm |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
Barrabás wrote: zwackerm wrote: Barrabás wrote: "except for his desire to send marriage equality back to the states, and his dislike of the Muslim religion. There are no policies that hurt women or black people, or people with disabilities."
Because women, disabled people, and black people can't be in same sex relationships?
Oh and by the way, his running mate wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and believes in gay conversion therapy. But that is nothing we can't overcome! And do you think Pence will force gays to get conversion therapy? He can't. Trump is not abolishing marriage equality. He is letting the states vote. Most of them should vote in its favor. And why the hell should the states be voting on human rights?? It's part of the constitution now. No one should be voting on whether or not 5% of the population should be second class citizens. And no, they probably won't vote in its favour, considering what we just saw happen in the elections. Newsflash. Most people do not vote for president on gay marriage policy alone.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:20 pm |
Joined: Sat Aug 20, 2005 12:54 am Posts: 22154 Location: Places
 Re: Election Day 2016
Everybody knows where I stand. But.
Democrats claims that Trump "hates" minorities et al are vastly overstated.
_________________Ari Emmanuel wrote: I'd rather marry lindsay Lohan than represent Mel Gibson.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:35 pm |
Hold the door!
Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:26 pm Posts: 21171 Location: West Chester, Pennsylvania
 Re: Election Day 2016
Excel wrote: Everybody knows where I stand. But.
Democrats claims that Trump "hates" minorities et al are vastly overstated. Thank you. I don't support Trump regardless of how it looks, but this is true.
Wed Nov 09, 2016 1:42 pm |
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