World of KJ

Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread
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Author:  Alex Y. [ Thu Jan 11, 2024 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Aaron Rodgers

Author:  Shack [ Thu Jan 11, 2024 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Can we not do the affirmative action hire over the purely most qualified candidates thing with airplane pilots and mechanics

Author:  Alex Y. [ Fri Jan 12, 2024 4:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Alex Y. wrote:
Aaron Rodgers

Lol Rodgers Uncancelled already, back on Pat McAfee show

Author:  Shack [ Tue Mar 26, 2024 1:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

One more name change for P. Diddy to The Diddler

Author:  Shack [ Mon May 13, 2024 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Nice speech (barely related to this thread though there was some Israel related walkouts beforehand)

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Thu May 16, 2024 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Harrison Butker had a commencement speech in Kansas where he stated women graduating are more interested in who they will marry and their children than their careers, and that being a homemaker is more fulfilling job for them. Probably won’t be fired for having a backwards opinion (as he shouldn’t) but will certainly get him less love in the locker room and will certainly get him more ire in the eyes of the public at large, in particular with the social justice warriors (do we still use that term). Guy’s been a dumbass for a while. A few years ago he refused to get the vaccine and missed a few games for his stubbornness. But he is a great kicker so nothing will happen

Author:  Alex Y. [ Fri May 17, 2024 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Harrison Butker had a commencement speech in Kansas where he stated women graduating are more interested in who they will marry and their children than their careers, and that being a homemaker is more fulfilling job for them. Probably won’t be fired for having a backwards opinion (as he shouldn’t) but will certainly get him less love in the locker room and will certainly get him more ire in the eyes of the public at large, in particular with the social justice warriors (do we still use that term). Guy’s been a dumbass for a while. A few years ago he refused to get the vaccine and missed a few games for his stubbornness. But he is a great kicker so nothing will happen

Full transcript of his speech: ... enedictine

Author:  Shack [ Fri May 17, 2024 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Fri May 17, 2024 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Liberals don’t support the bombing of Harrison Butker either. So this is a poor point that misses the issue. Pretty disingenuous. That being said, I do not support the “Left”’s stance on defending Humas. They claim Israel is committing genocide but are silent when Humad is actually calling for it directly. It’s like they are immune from criticism because everyone in this country has to be us vs them

Author:  Shack [ Fri May 17, 2024 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

The strange situation that ultra progressive who think Republicans are evil for their abortion/trans/etc. views are shedding tears over the most extreme far right people in the world that treat women like property and treat any gay act as executable by death, isn't because they have so much empathy to look past their political views, or else they would be nicer to American conservatives. I think one thing it always comes back to is they just have lower expectations for minorities. If there was a white country with Islam type views they would call them nazis and either way they deserve it (going too far the other direction) or just ignore it, since it's minorities though they have to cheer for them no matter what, the difference is so wildly huge based on skin color. Ultimately this is racist towards minorities, not white people, it's putting more expectations on white people that they should have the enlightened political views in their eyes.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Tue May 21, 2024 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Jon Stewart had a great video out tackling the subject of cancel culture very well:

Author:  Barrabás [ Sat Jun 01, 2024 7:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Shack wrote:
The strange situation that ultra progressive who think Republicans are evil for their abortion/trans/etc. views are shedding tears over the most extreme far right people in the world that treat women like property and treat any gay act as executable by death, isn't because they have so much empathy to look past their political views, or else they would be nicer to American conservatives. I think one thing it always comes back to is they just have lower expectations for minorities. If there was a white country with Islam type views they would call them nazis and either way they deserve it (going too far the other direction) or just ignore it, since it's minorities though they have to cheer for them no matter what, the difference is so wildly huge based on skin color. Ultimately this is racist towards minorities, not white people, it's putting more expectations on white people that they should have the enlightened political views in their eyes.

I'm gay and would never step foot in a Muslim country let alone a far right Islamist one like Gaza, but that doesn't mean I think burning families alive is ok. Nothing justifies that.

Author:  Malcolm [ Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Barrabás wrote:
Shack wrote:
The strange situation that ultra progressive who think Republicans are evil for their abortion/trans/etc. views are shedding tears over the most extreme far right people in the world that treat women like property and treat any gay act as executable by death, isn't because they have so much empathy to look past their political views, or else they would be nicer to American conservatives. I think one thing it always comes back to is they just have lower expectations for minorities. If there was a white country with Islam type views they would call them nazis and either way they deserve it (going too far the other direction) or just ignore it, since it's minorities though they have to cheer for them no matter what, the difference is so wildly huge based on skin color. Ultimately this is racist towards minorities, not white people, it's putting more expectations on white people that they should have the enlightened political views in their eyes.

I'm gay and would never step foot in a Muslim country let alone a far right Islamist one like Gaza, but that doesn't mean I think burning families alive is ok. Nothing justifies that.

Israel isn't wantonly burning families alive, FYI, but people die in war, especially when a government (a pretty loose use of the word when speaking of Hamas) actively refuses to help its own citizens. The whole population of Gaza could take cover in the miles of underground tunnels Hamas uses, but Hamas has specifically clarified that won't be happening as civilian death isn't their problem or concern. To make it worse, they've actually said (from their own mouths on their own TV channels) that it's more helpful to their cause of wiping Jews off the face of the Earth if the civilian death in Gaza is maxed out and photographed (to elicit sympathy from ill-informed people).

Israel has done much more than just about any other government to avoid civilian death where possible (dropping leaflets & actually calling those in whatever danger zone to give enough time to leave pre-bombing, for example), but I know it's popular these days to pretend that Israelis are genocidal monsters foaming at the mouth to kill the randos of Gaza--even though reality doesn't support that view, at all, in the slightest.

You know who *is* constantly calling for and actively trying to commit genocide? Hamas! They ramble on endlessly (on TV, on the internet, and wherever they see an audience) about how their goal in life is to kill all Jews everywhere, how October 7th was a glorious day that should be repeated over & over, how it's okay to abduct an Israeli woman to keep as a sex slave (she deserves it, after all, and Allah approves!), how there will be no two-state end result as the only answer is The Final Solution (ie no more Israel or Jews, period), and so much more. That's all stuff various Hamas officials and "average" Palestinians have said, multiple times, since October 7th.

This constant whining about the unfortunate dead in Gaza from certain people (as if this is the worst humanitarian crisis in history--newsflash, it is nowhere near) seems happy to leave out that Hamas started this war with extreme genocidal barbarism, Hamas continues to hold hostages, Hamas steals/resells much of the aid being sent in for civilians, or that many "average" citizens in Gaza view the deaths of their family in these bombings as some kind of heroic act of martyrdom against the demonic Jew (their demented worldview, not mine).

So, in summation re: Gaza--boo fuckin' hoo ;)

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

I tend to agree. It is hard to talk about because this war has had a lot of unwarranted suffering. But people tend to forget that Humas is campaigning for genocide and honestly, yeah they probably made the calculated stance that this war is one they cannot win or even expect to, but rather are trying to maximize suffering including throwing their own people under the bus to push people away from Israel, and frankly it is working.

I won’t stand by the current government of Israel who doesn’t appear to have much of plan other than using war as a means to keep an unpopular figure in power. They have gone too far, but don’t let Humas off the hook on this

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