World of KJ

2024 election - Second Republican debate
Page 11 of 30

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Wed Jul 06, 2022 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Again the issues with abortion revolves around when you consider life begins. Christian dogma suggests it is conception and a lot of people consider it occurs much later. The
Most importantly, the government consider life to begin at birth according the legal jargon vis-à-vis insurance, social security, and other aspects. Therefore abortion laws can be considered imposing one belief system over another’s where as pro-choice laws respects this divide of opinion.

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Just absolutely hilarious how some people can twist their morals to claim all abortion is killing a human, but then just have not a care in the world in regards to protecting others from a virus that has killed millions in 2.5 years.

Which, again, is why not a single republican is redeemable. If hell exists, it's going to be full of them.

Author:  Shack [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Chippy wrote:
Just absolutely hilarious how some people can twist their morals to claim all abortion is killing a human, but then just have not a care in the world in regards to protecting others from a virus that has killed millions in 2.5 years.

The short version is it's unclear whether covid kills more people than lockdowns when you consider many other factors that unemployed people living in fear may have gotten fatter, more depressed, or more likely to use drugs or crime. Even after the lockdowns inflation is one of the biggest things that causes poverty, which then can causes those things. Say there's a person who can't take a job cause the commuting math doesn't check out anymore, and that job is the difference between them turning their life around and OD-ing in two years.

For old people there is an argument the negative emotional impact of not seeing their grandkids literally makes them wither away and die faster, plus not being in the sun has some negative impact.

There are also people who skipped doctors appointments because of lockdowns or fear of covid, and some surgeries that the hospital had to delay because they were concentrating on covid or were full.

This is only people who literally died. Someone who lost their job and their wife from covid and will live unhappy the next 30 years may not have been killed by lockdowns, but their life was figuratively ended which is nearly as meaningful.

If covid is really as dangerous as the media said, then it likely outweighed the deaths caused by lockdowns, but if a lot of it was inflated by dying "with covid" instead of from it, it's possible the negative impact of lockdowns were bigger. And as zwackerm said we could technically save some lives if we made people live a more miserable and empty existence, but there is an assumption that some increased risk is worth it. I was never as afraid of a disease with 99% survival rate that mostly affects people much older than me as I am the 2000 pound metal objects flying past me at 50 miles an hour every day, as it turns out I don't know a single person who died of covid or came close, but I did have a 16 year old coworker get killed by a car last year.

Finally in the bigger picture, millions of people were murdered or starved to death just in the last hundred years due to tyrannical governments who told the people they should be controlled for their own good. To prevent that from happening again, it's worth it to fight back while we can when a portion of the population starts making the same mistake of thinking the government loves them and that all that is needed to create utopia is to give them more power.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

I wore a mask in indoor public settings until I was vaccinated anyway. I didn't think it was my "responsibility" but I didn't mind doing it if there was a chance it would get less people sick (though I'm still quite skeptical it did that). I just haven't worn one since vaccination except where absolutely required.

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Shack wrote:
Chippy wrote:
Just absolutely hilarious how some people can twist their morals to claim all abortion is killing a human, but then just have not a care in the world in regards to protecting others from a virus that has killed millions in 2.5 years.

The short version is it's unclear whether covid kills more people than lockdowns when you consider many other factors that unemployed people living in fear may have gotten fatter, more depressed, or more likely to use drugs or crime. Even after the lockdowns inflation is one of the biggest things that causes poverty, which then can causes those things. Say there's a person who can't take a job cause the commuting math doesn't check out anymore, and that job is the difference between them turning their life around and OD-ing in two years.

For old people there is an argument the negative emotional impact of not seeing their grandkids literally makes them wither away and die faster, plus not being in the sun has some negative impact.

There are also people who skipped doctors appointments because of lockdowns or fear of covid, and some surgeries that the hospital had to delay because they were concentrating on covid or were full.

This is only people who literally died. Someone who lost their job and their wife from covid and will live unhappy the next 30 years may not have been killed by lockdowns, but their life was figuratively ended which is nearly as meaningful.

If covid is really as dangerous as the media said, then it likely outweighed the deaths caused by lockdowns, but if a lot of it was inflated by dying "with covid" instead of from it, it's possible the negative impact of lockdowns were bigger. And as zwackerm said we could technically save some lives if we made people live a more miserable and empty existence, but there is an assumption that some increased risk is worth it. I was never as afraid of a disease with 99% survival rate that mostly affects people much older than me as I am the 2000 pound metal objects flying past me at 50 miles an hour every day, as it turns out I don't know a single person who died of covid or came close, but I did have a 16 year old coworker get killed by a car last year.

Finally in the bigger picture, millions of people were murdered or starved to death just in the last hundred years due to tyrannical governments who told the people they should be controlled for their own good. To prevent that from happening again, it's worth it to fight back while we can when a portion of the population starts making the same mistake of thinking the government loves them and that all that is needed to create utopia is to give them more power.

A whole lot of words to say "I don't give a shit about anyone other than myself"

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Chippy really deserves the Best Person on Earth Award

Author:  Excel [ Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Fascinating numbers from new Monmouth poll.

"Should members of Congress who assisted the planners of January 6th be removed from office?"

Among all Americans: 66% yes, 26% no
Among independents: 65% yes, 27% no
Among Republicans: 48% no, 36% yes
Among Democrats: 94% yes, 5% no

I think folks on the right are dramatically underestimating how unpopular everything surrounding 1/6 is. Trump would be an even more unpopular version of Bernie Sanders. I suspect the obvious rise of Desantis and open support he is receiving from some prominent names (Musk, Rogan, etc) is a tremendous sign that establishment GOP is aware of the extent of DTs toxicity and want to move on before DT wrecks their election season yet again.

Author:  Excel [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

No doubt in my mind that Pete Bootedgedge will be the net major Dem leader. Every time I see him, its obvious. His communication skills are simply next level.

Author:  Shack [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Excel wrote:
No doubt in my mind that Pete Bootedgedge will be the net major Dem leader. Every time I see him, its obvious. His communication skills are simply next level.

Main problem is he's DOA with the black vote

Author:  Excel [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

That can and will obviously change.

Author:  zwackerm [ Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Pete Buttigieg is not the charisma vacuum Harris is, nor is he losing his mind like Biden. So he may be the best option by default

Author:  Shack [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

The black vote was the #1 key for Hillary and Biden and why Bernie lost, so for people who did so poorly in it last time like Buttigieg, Warren, Klobuchar it is uphill climb

Of the top 10 on predictit after Biden (not counting Bernie who is a wishful thinking inclusion)

Harris, Abrams are black, AOC at least is hispanic
Hillary is proven with black vote

Newsom and Sherrod Brown probably have a better chance than Buttigieg/Klob/Warren just based on not failing already with them, and being straight males I guess is more appealing to more masculine black community than a gay guy or women.

He is not on predictit but if you look up top 10 Democrat candidates some places like Washington Post and CNN are name dropping North Carolina governor Roy Cooper. I don't know much about him but he has a pretty good presidential look and based on winning there maybe he is a candidate to be a white guy who can appeal to black voters. Though I think one of the most important things for white candidates to appeal to black voters is name recognition which he doesn't have.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Yeah Democrats are weird. They don’t have a coherent base to court and thus have a large array of demographics they have to appeal to.

Author:  Chippy [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Yeah Democrats are weird, they have to actually appeal to all demographics, while the Republicans only have to appeal to racist white people.

Author:  Excel [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

It is humorous how underrated Kamala Harris is. The notion that sexism or racism is applied to something is often overused, but not here. Like Hillary, Kamala has faced an immense barrage of hit jobs by people fearful of her future political power.

People are seriously acting like Harris didn't ace her big speeches as VP candidate. They're acting like she didn't decisively beat Mike Pence - the same Mike Pence who soundly whooped Tim Kaine in 2016. They're like she was not an absolute fundraising juggernaut.

This happens in between every election cycle. Everyone thinks Corey Booker, Rick Perry, Scott Walker types will dominate, but they never do.

Author:  zwackerm [ Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Excel wrote:
It is humorous how underrated Kamala Harris is. The notion that sexism or racism is applied to something is often overused, but not here. Like Hillary, Kamala has faced an immense barrage of hit jobs by people fearful of her future political power.

People are seriously acting like Harris didn't ace her big speeches as VP candidate. They're acting like she didn't decisively beat Mike Pence - the same Mike Pence who soundly whooped Tim Kaine in 2016. They're like she was not an absolute fundraising juggernaut.

This happens in between every election cycle. Everyone thinks Corey Booker, Rick Perry, Scott Walker types will dominate, but they never do.

I will say that she didn't sound quite as vapid running for office as she does now that she's elected and famous for her speeches where she repeats the same phrase 5 times at different speeds.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Looks like Mike Pence is really pushing hard against Trump. If Trump does not stand down this could be a disaster for the GOP.

Author:  Steve [ Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Looks like Mike Pence is really pushing hard against Trump. If Trump does not stand down this could be a disaster for the GOP.

What is this based on?

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Jul 25, 2022 1:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

His recent speeches.

Author:  Excel [ Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Pence grasps what Trump tried to do and is obviously beyond furious. The hearings have been utterly devastating for DT and he 100% should be indicted for treason.

Author:  Shack [ Mon Jul 25, 2022 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Excel wrote:
Pence grasps what Trump tried to do and is obviously beyond furious. The hearings have been utterly devastating for DT and he 100% should be indicted for treason.

Judging from the awful ratings probably the only people who care about the J6 hearings are ones that were never voting for him in a million years anyway

Author:  Chippy [ Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Just a truly idiotic deranged perspective.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Jul 26, 2022 4:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

To half the people (which is about the % that supports the hearings), milking J6 makes it look like the Democrats care more about scoring political points trying to make their probable 2024 opponent look bad, than actually trying to solve some of the current problems like inflation. Hence it's not a win for them and is possibly contributing to why Biden is -20 in approval.

The Democrats are basically saying "we must imprison our main political opponent to save democracy" A very basic knowledge of third world politics proves how laughable that idea is.

Author:  zwackerm [ Tue Jul 26, 2022 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Is anyone watching the J6 hearings lol?

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Tue Jul 26, 2022 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 2024 election

Shack wrote:
To half the people (which is about the % that supports the hearings), milking J6 makes it look like the Democrats care more about scoring political points trying to make their probable 2024 opponent look bad, than actually trying to solve some of the current problems like inflation. Hence it's not a win for them and is possibly contributing to why Biden is -20 in approval.

The Democrats are basically saying "we must imprison our main political opponent to save democracy" A very basic knowledge of third world politics proves how laughable that idea is.

So if crimes were committed, they should just be ignored?

Also Trump’s numbers having going down with GOP voters recently, so while people might not be watching, they are paying attention

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