World of KJ

How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?
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Author:  Corpse [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

How do you guys purchase, if at all, your movies these days?

Curious since I came across complaints of how the Spider-Man: No Way Home DVDs/Blu-Ray/4K release today doesn't have any deleted or extended scenes (which was apparently advertised), nor any cast interviews and such.

Personally, I don't buy movies very often in any format (physical or digital) these days--only my favorites or the next film in a franchise. But I've never bought a digital movie. When I do decide to buy a movie, it's always been a physical copy. Otherwise, if a movie is available on a streaming service I sub to, I'll watch them there, but I won't go out of my way to sub to a service just to watch a movie unavailable on already subbed services either.

So, I guess I'm still primarily physical copy with a bit of streaming thrown in if a movie is available there I want to see but not buy.

Author:  zwackerm [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

I purchased the MCU spider mans and hulk lately so i can stream all the mcu content in order but other than that the last time I purchased a film was avengers endgame, since it was the last movie I really liked to come out before Disney Plus was a thing.

I usually watch movies on Disney, Netflix, my friend's HbO max and amazon, or peacock which I have through my comcast service. Sometimes I pay for a month of other subscriptions like Hulu, Paramount and apple for specific movies rather than renting since it's a better deal.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

Almost always digital, but I did buy a bunch of 4k blu rays after I got my PS5. Do they look better? A little bit. Do they sound better? Definitely. Is it worth having to get off my ass to change discs? Meh.

Digital sales are great though. Sure I'll pay the full $15-20 if its a new movie I really wanna see, but most of the 150ish movies I have on itunes/amazon/vudu were $5 or less. Bundles can drive that down even further!

Author:  Chippy [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

Haven't bought a movie in ages, but don't think I'd ever buy a digital over a physical. Don't most physical purchases come with a digital copy anyway? That's what I like. I watch most/all? of my movies off my projector, which is not set up with a bluray player, so it's all streaming/digital for that.

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

They generally do, yeah. I probably buy about 5 Blu-Rays (sometimes 4K/UHD) a year on average. I never use the digital codes though. I wonder if I could sell them or something. Or maybe gift them. I'll have to go through all my movies now to see which ones are still valid!

Do digital movies have all the special features that physical releases do?

One question I always have with digital content of any kind is what happens if trademark or copyright issues arise? There are some video games, for example, that aren't available digitally anymore due to loss of trademarks or copyright claims. If you bought a digital movie that must be taken off a digital platform (iTunes, Amazon, etc.), do you lose it or is it just taken off for any future purchases?

Author:  Rev [ Wed Apr 13, 2022 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

Hardly buy physical or digital anymore. I save my money for only the ones I really want.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Sat Apr 16, 2022 3:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

I used to buy sooooo many blurays until I realized I hardly rewatch movies lol. And I've stopped buying stuff I used to collect like all the Disney stuff because of D+...

I would always prefer physical over digital though. I did recently buy NWH since it won't be on anything anytime soon.

Author:  lilmac [ Sun Apr 17, 2022 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

The question is how do I purchase. Mostly digital (via Apple or Amazon). For the special franchises and movies, like Star Wars, I want everything (companion reading material, behind the scenes featurettes, etc.) so I'll get the blu-ray set.

Author:  Riggs [ Sat Apr 23, 2022 12:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Do You Purchase Your Movies These Days?

I'm a collector. Sometimes I buy something digital but 90% of the time I'm going for the physical copy. I love buying movies, I love the feeling having them at home even If I don't or ever rewatch them. For example, I started buying a lot of movies from my early movie-loving days (especially from the end of the 90's) even though I know I won't be watching them. Just wanna have them at home lol.

What I'm mostly buying these days are Limited Steelbooks, Mediabooks and so on. Stuff you won't get if you don't buy it right away.

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