Happy 2025 everyone
Algren wrote:
I wonder what will happen in 2017. Which celebrities will die? which countries will be targeted by terrorists? will Earth live to see 2018 (Trump)? will world peace happen this year? which diseases will be cured? Will there be a new war? what data breaches will occur? what embarrassing stories will be unearthed about powerful people? and my personal favourite...what new memes will be created?
Tom Petty, Hugh Hefner, Mary Tyler Moore, Roger Moore, Chester Bennington, Chris Cornell, Chuck Berry, Bill Paxton.
But the most foreshadowing line in your post was "what embarrassing stories will be unearhed about powerful people" - it turns out a lot.
And 2017 looks like an amazing year for memes, according to ask AI it created all of distracted boyfriend, finger on the temple guy, blinking guy and sprinkling salt guy.