World of KJ

Fitness/diet discussion
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Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Fitness/diet discussion

Hello all lol

So right now I'm trying the keto diet since one of my friends lost 40 pounds on it and I got inspired since I've been wanting to lose some weight and have been eating horribly this year. I've done it for a week and have been considering doing it for a month and I've actually lost 6+ pounds so far, which is pretty surprising to me but as someone who has eaten rice almost every day for my entire life I'm struggling lol definitely not going to continue eating like this when I decide when I'm done but I think I need to start eat healthier more often, portion control and do more versatile exercising.

Idk just curious are you guys eating healthy or whatever? Exercise regularly? I've been doing a 3 mile walk probably 4x a week for over a year but I haven't really lost weight till now cause of my eating habits lol. So idk, just interested in everyone's lifestyle!

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I was severely overweight but last three years I dropped 1/3 of my body weight due to some health issues. I did this by a mix of controlling portions, eating everything but on fixed time, have early dinner (before 6pm, previously I used to eat after 9pm till 11pm). In addition I added walking, I do 25k steps now but I started with 1k steps because I never exercised before in my life.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Jack Sparrow wrote:
I was severely overweight but last three years I dropped 1/3 of my body weight due to some health issues. I did this by a mix of controlling portions, eating everything but on fixed time, have early dinner (before 6pm, previously I used to eat after 9pm till 11pm). In addition I added walking, I do 25k steps now but I started with 1k steps because I never exercised before in my life.

Oh wow, my walks are usually 8k steps, good that you were able to get healthier :thumbsup: definitely gonna try and portion my food when I start eating what I usually eat and choose healthier meals more often.

Author:  chQta [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 2:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I have been diagnosed with a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 6 years ago. I'm not obese but a bit overweight and I've never eaten vegetables before. I decided to diet a little since my diagnosis and nothing seem to work.

But since I am getting on with my age, I decided to commit to a change of lifestyle that I can really stick with. Since Late 2018 I have been regularly jogging and eating vegetables (Started with just a little bit of carrots and lettuce and then started to add more, my favorite meal now is Falafel). What really helped me lose weight is eating less sugar especially juice drinks even fruits juices in a can. I've lost 10 kls and I am now maintaining my weight. Despite my weightloss, I still experience some overweight diseases but My menses did become regular! Sometimes when I can't jog, I do at home exercises

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I've never been overweight, but was starting to pick up some weight in my early 20s that I wanted to lose and get generally more fit. I went from about 140 in late High School to around 170/180 a few years later. Again, not much and fine, but didn't want it to escalate.

Back then, I cut out sugary beverages, increased protein intake (not overly so, like buying protein shakes or something, just choosing a few foods to add to my diet), and went (mostly) vegetarian for about two years with the exception of grilled chicken about once a week. Didn't eat late (important), and instead of potato chips or sugary candy for snacks, I'd get nuts or various crackers. I'd also walk most evenings, but not as much as you guys have mentioned so far. I also started parking near the back of parking lots, which while a small change, is just some small daily/weekly thing to do. I got down to a steady 140/150 again, even 125/130 for awhile (too low), but did eventually add a little more muscle to hit 150/160 so I was more "fit" than I was in High School.

I've more or less been around the 150/160 mark (163 this morning) since then and I'm 33 now. I still mostly follow the same routine/habits mentioned above to this day, but I do eat more processed foods that I could/should cut out again. I've found making many small heathier choices is a lot more effective than making any number of big ones, especially if it's making small changes/alternatives to things you do almost daily (like parking at the back of the lot), and are much easier to turn into routine and habit so it doesn't feel like work.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

chQta wrote:
I have been diagnosed with a Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) 6 years ago. I'm not obese but a bit overweight and I've never eaten vegetables before. I decided to diet a little since my diagnosis and nothing seem to work.

But since I am getting on with my age, I decided to commit to a change of lifestyle that I can really stick with. Since Late 2018 I have been regularly jogging and eating vegetables (Started with just a little bit of carrots and lettuce and then started to add more, my favorite meal now is Falafel). What really helped me lose weight is eating less sugar especially juice drinks even fruits juices in a can. I've lost 10 kls and I am now maintaining my weight. Despite my weightloss, I still experience some overweight diseases but My menses did become regular! Sometimes when I can't jog, I do at home exercises

Thank you for sharing! Good to hear about the weight loss. Cutting most sugar right now for me has been surprisingly ok but I used to get stuff like boba tea all the time so I need to limit that when I'm off this diet. I have been too lazy to exercise at home but I think I should.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Corpse wrote:
I've never been overweight, but was starting to pick up some weight in my early 20s that I wanted to lose and get generally more fit. I went from about 140 in late High School to around 170/180 a few years later. Again, not much and fine, but didn't want it to escalate.

Back then, I cut out sugary beverages, increased protein intake (not overly so, like buying protein shakes or something, just choosing a few foods to add to my diet), and went (mostly) vegetarian for about two years with the exception of grilled chicken about once a week. Didn't eat late (important), and instead of potato chips or sugary candy for snacks, I'd get nuts or various crackers. I'd also walk most evenings, but not as much as you guys have mentioned so far. I also started parking near the back of parking lots, which while a small change, is just some small daily/weekly thing to do. I got down to a steady 140/150 again, even 125/130 for awhile (too low), but did eventually add a little more muscle to hit 150/160 so I was more "fit" than I was in High School.

I've more or less been around the 150/160 mark (163 this morning) since then and I'm 33 now. I still mostly follow the same routine/habits mentioned above to this day, but I do eat more processed foods that I could/should cut out again. I've found making many small heathier choices is a lot more effective than making any number of big ones, especially if it's making small changes/alternatives to things you do almost daily (like parking at the back of the lot), and are much easier to turn into routine and habit so it doesn't feel like work.

Dang I'd love to be in the 160s lol. I'm lucky that I've always felt relatively thin for my weight, I guess my body just distributes my weight ok but based on BMI I am pretty overweight lol. Definitely gonna make some changes whenever I start eating regularly again though, I used to eat junk food and eat out a lot, honestly glad I didn't gain weight during quarantine.

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

If you eliminate sugary beverages, and take out (although just cutting back and being more selective can go a long way too--such as ordering non-fried foods), you'll lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time. Especially if basic exercising like the walking here and there is included.

I think many people feel intimidated or overwhelmed by losing weight, but seriously, just start by doing several small things and see where that takes you in a month or two. You'll be surprised. People sort of defeat themselves by overthinking how much work it requires to get to a healthier or desired weight. Not saying it's easy, especially early on, but you don't have to go all-out with the diet plans and put in hours at a gym every day. Of course, aiming for muscle definition and such will take a more strict and committed approach, but it's not necessary for weight loss or to be healthy/healthier.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Wed Jun 23, 2021 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Agreed with others that sugary items are the cause of a lot of overweight people. I used to drink lot of coke, pepsi and sugar juices which was the first thing I cut down. I have always been vegetarian my life so meat fat was never a problem for me. Btw being from India I still eat a lot of sweets and cakes but then balance those out with walks and lesser food. I wanted to reduce weight by not giving up on all the things that I like/love to eat.

Author:  Shack [ Thu Jun 24, 2021 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I haven't had any sugary drinks for years for sleeping reasons so after years of mlik or water as two of my only options, it was a godsend to discovered the whole flavoured water infusion things, you can drink things like kool aid/iced tea/lemonade/etc. that they manage to make without sugar for reasons that I don't understand. The Kool Aid squirt bottles are excellent and as far as I can tell taste like the real kool aid.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Fri Jun 25, 2021 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I used to get a boba milk tea pretty frequently so I did ingest a lot of sugar before lol. I think going on a diet made me realize how much eating or getting a beverage was done just for me to do something, I just need to indulge every so often as opposed to... every other day lol.

Author:  Libs [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I'm a runner and routinely do marathons so I stay in shape that way. I usually do a 5-10 mile run most days of the week, more emphasis on the treadmill when it's brutally cold or hot outside like now. I do love to run outside in the spring and fall.

Diet wise, I eat a lot of lean protein, fish, and salad. Try not to snack much because that's where the extra pounds come in - if you replace your chips, crackers, and cookies with carrot/celery sticks and hummus, it's still delicious and your body will thank you!

I usually treat Saturday as my day to "eat whatever I want," within reason. If I'm going to gorge on pizza or a burger and fries, I usually do it on Saturday.

My main vice is Diet Coke. I've never been able to shake it!

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

^omg I've been drinking a lot of Diet Coke recently lol

So I've just ended my 4th week of being on the keto diet and I lost 18 pounds. I'm thinking of starting to transition out as I have plans this month where... I want to eat what I want lol so I may take a break and maybe go back on it next month to get to the weight I want.

Author:  MadGez [ Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Great stuff guys. Your posts are encouraging.

I need to get back to portion control and better eating. The last year and a half have been a disaster for my waistline.

Thankfully - the one area I'm OK on is drinks. I've never really drank sugary drinks (only water for me).

Author:  MadGez [ Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Jack Sparrow wrote:
I was severely overweight but last three years I dropped 1/3 of my body weight due to some health issues. I did this by a mix of controlling portions, eating everything but on fixed time, have early dinner (before 6pm, previously I used to eat after 9pm till 11pm). In addition I added walking, I do 25k steps now but I started with 1k steps because I never exercised before in my life.

Yes timing is critical. Eating (and snacking) late is a killer for me too.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Jul 26, 2021 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Eating late is my biggest vice. I basically force myself to eat in the early hours, and usually prefer healthy food as it is easier to deal with.

But then midnight hits and a black hole forms in my stomach. Nothing in my kitchen is safe. My strategy is to avoid buying anything that might be tempting, but that is hard too especially when you're at the grocery store and all the delicious snacks are staring you right in the face proposing that the two of us become one.

Author:  Mau [ Mon Jul 26, 2021 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Lost 12 pounds in two weeks with diet/crossfit

Author:  lilmac [ Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Good for you, Mau. Yes, I often eat late. I need to also control my portions better.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I've fallen off my diet but luckily I haven't gained that much weight since stopping. Planning on doing it again after my vacation for another month though.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Little things: I resisted the urge to eat a pack of peanut butter cups at 3am last night. :funny:

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Why were you up at 3am? Sleeping on time is one the key elements to stay healthy.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Yum peanut butter cups sound good, haven't had them in a looong time lol

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Jack Sparrow wrote:
Why were you up at 3am? Sleeping on time is one the key elements to stay healthy.
Mornings are for sleeping. Nights are for fun.

Author:  Jack Sparrow [ Thu Aug 12, 2021 9:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
Jack Sparrow wrote:
Why were you up at 3am? Sleeping on time is one the key elements to stay healthy.
Mornings are for sleeping. Nights are for fun.


Author:  stuffp [ Tue Aug 24, 2021 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fitness/diet discussion

I think sleep is critical for good health, I think with 8 hours sleep I feel fittest, but I usually struggle to make it 7 hours a day, mostly because I don't have the disciple to quit being online earlier. I usually binge sleep a bit more in the weekend to average 7hrs a day in a week I guess.

Since a few weeks, I started skipping breakfast, but I usually have a relatively late 9-10pm dinner, but I cut snacking after that, meaning I basically do about a 14 hr fast until my lunch the next day.

Just this week I also started a F45 week subscription, I must say, it's pretty fun.

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