World of KJ

The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fascism
Page 38 of 91

Author:  Algren [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

What a moronic thing to do.

Author:  FILMO [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Lol Kathy Griffin is done.
Bitch that is what you get for joining ISIS!

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Did Kathy Griffin have a career? She seems to have always been on the fringe of fame. A silly TV show, a few hosting gigs, pops up every now and then, but not like she was a huge presence.

She absolutely thought this would propel her into another dimension with the left. She would get lauded for making such a bold statement with this one little picture. All it did was unite both sides in their disgust.

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Austin's mayor had a fantastic response to some a-hole who was calling for all men to boycott the city because, yes, of women-only Wonder Woman screenings.

I hope every man will boycott Austin and do what he can to diminish Austin and to cause damage to the city’s image. The theater that pandered to the sexism typical of women will, I hope, regret it’s decision. The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women’s eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement. Women learn from an early age to value make-up, that it’s OK to pretend that you are greater than you actually are. Women pretend they do not know that only men serve in combat because they are content to have an easier ride. Women gladly accept gold medals at the Olympics for coming in 10th and competing only against the second class of athletes. Name something invented by a woman! Achievements by the second rate gender pale in comparison to virtually everything great in human history was accomplished by men, not women. If Austin does not host a men only counter event, I will never visit Austin and will welcome it’s deteriorati on. And I will not forget that Austin is best known for Charles Whitman. Does Austin stand for gender equality or for kissing up to women? Don’t bother to respond. I already know the answer. I do not hate women. I hate their rampant hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the “women’s movement.” Women do not want gender equality; they want more for women. Don’t bother to respond because I am sure your cowardice will generate nothing worth reading. — Richard A. Ameduri

Dear Mr. Ameduri, I am writing to alert you that your email account has been hacked by an unfortunate and unusually hostile individual. Please remedy your account’s security right away, lest this person’s uninformed and sexist rantings give you a bad name. After all, we men have to look out for each other! Can you imagine if someone thought that you didn’t know women could serve in our combat units now without exclusion? What if someone thought you didn’t know that women invented medical syringes, life rafts, fire escapes, central and solar heating, a war-time communications system for radio-controlling torpedoes that laid the technological foundations for everything from Wi-Fi to GPS, and beer? And I hesitate to imagine how embarrassed you’d be if someone thought you were upset that a private business was realizing a business opportunity by reserving one screening this weekend for women to see a superhero movie. You and I are serious men of substance with little time for the delicate sensitivities displayed by the pitiful creature who maligned your good name and sterling character by writing that abysmal email. I trust the news that your email account has been hacked does not cause you undue alarm and wish you well in securing your account. And in the future, should your travels take you to Austin, please know that everyone is welcome here, even people like those who wrote that email whose views are an embarrassment to modernity, decency, and common sense. Yours sincerely, Steve Adler ... ic-1009343

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Mister Ecks wrote:
Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Have you really met a lot of white men who don't want women or non whites to succeed?

Author:  Rev [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Libs wrote:
Austin's mayor had a fantastic response to some a-hole who was calling for all men to boycott the city because, yes, of women-only Wonder Woman screenings.

I hope every man will boycott Austin and do what he can to diminish Austin and to cause damage to the city’s image. The theater that pandered to the sexism typical of women will, I hope, regret it’s decision. The notion of a woman hero is a fine example of women’s eagerness to accept the appearance of achievement without actual achievement. Women learn from an early age to value make-up, that it’s OK to pretend that you are greater than you actually are. Women pretend they do not know that only men serve in combat because they are content to have an easier ride. Women gladly accept gold medals at the Olympics for coming in 10th and competing only against the second class of athletes. Name something invented by a woman! Achievements by the second rate gender pale in comparison to virtually everything great in human history was accomplished by men, not women. If Austin does not host a men only counter event, I will never visit Austin and will welcome it’s deteriorati on. And I will not forget that Austin is best known for Charles Whitman. Does Austin stand for gender equality or for kissing up to women? Don’t bother to respond. I already know the answer. I do not hate women. I hate their rampant hypocrisy and the hypocrisy of the “women’s movement.” Women do not want gender equality; they want more for women. Don’t bother to respond because I am sure your cowardice will generate nothing worth reading. — Richard A. Ameduri

Dear Mr. Ameduri, I am writing to alert you that your email account has been hacked by an unfortunate and unusually hostile individual. Please remedy your account’s security right away, lest this person’s uninformed and sexist rantings give you a bad name. After all, we men have to look out for each other! Can you imagine if someone thought that you didn’t know women could serve in our combat units now without exclusion? What if someone thought you didn’t know that women invented medical syringes, life rafts, fire escapes, central and solar heating, a war-time communications system for radio-controlling torpedoes that laid the technological foundations for everything from Wi-Fi to GPS, and beer? And I hesitate to imagine how embarrassed you’d be if someone thought you were upset that a private business was realizing a business opportunity by reserving one screening this weekend for women to see a superhero movie. You and I are serious men of substance with little time for the delicate sensitivities displayed by the pitiful creature who maligned your good name and sterling character by writing that abysmal email. I trust the news that your email account has been hacked does not cause you undue alarm and wish you well in securing your account. And in the future, should your travels take you to Austin, please know that everyone is welcome here, even people like those who wrote that email whose views are an embarrassment to modernity, decency, and common sense. Yours sincerely, Steve Adler ... ic-1009343

:funny: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

zwackerm wrote:
Mister Ecks wrote:
Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Have you really met a lot of white men who don't want women or non whites to succeed?

I would think very few people would say that out loud. But I certainly know more than a few white men that make comments regarding women/POC and how they're "lesser".

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

zwackerm wrote:
Mister Ecks wrote:
Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Have you really met a lot of white men who don't want women or non whites to succeed?

Yes. Even if they're not conscious of it.

zwackerm, I don't understand why you can't just accept that white men are the ONE demographic that have it easier than everyone else.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Libs wrote:
zwackerm wrote:
Mister Ecks wrote:
Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Have you really met a lot of white men who don't want women or non whites to succeed?

Yes. Even if they're not conscious of it.

zwackerm, I don't understand why you can't just accept that white men are the ONE demographic that have it easier than everyone else.

Because employers and universities are like "we need to accept/hire more white males cuz diversity". Oh wait that's not true.

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

HAHAHAHA omg holy fuck

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Holy fuck is right.

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

zwackerm wrote:
Because employers and universities are like "we need to accept/hire more white males cuz diversity". Oh wait that's not true.

What's even the point of responding. You will never win an argument trying to claim white men are discriminated against. Just stop. You sound foolish.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Libs wrote:
zwackerm wrote:
Because employers and universities are like "we need to accept/hire more white males cuz diversity". Oh wait that's not true.

What's even the point of responding. You will never win an argument trying to claim white men are discriminated against. Just stop. You sound foolish.

I'd say discrimination is a strong word for it. But employers and universities certainly know that it looks better the more non white males they have.

Though there are more women enrolled in college than men.

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

The best colleges in the World are the ones with the most diversity. 58% or so of all colleges are still White people. That's a huge majority. The next closest ethnicity? Hispanic, at 17%.

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

But yes, 56% or so, of college students are women.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Chippy wrote:
The best colleges in the World are the ones with the most diversity. 58% or so of all colleges are still White people. That's a huge majority. The next closest ethnicity? Hispanic, at 17%.

Well white people are 63% of the nation. So colleges are actually less white than the overall population. Not that that's a problem

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

In other news, Trump taking the U.S. out of the Paris accord is a despicable disgrace. Screw this guy. History will judge.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

The Paris Agreement is going to lessen climate change by well less than 1% by the year 2100. I don't see what the big deal is.

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

zwackerm wrote:
The Paris Agreement is going to lessen climate change by well less than 1% by the year 2100. I don't see what the big deal is.

You're impossible.

Read a newspaper.

There are literally only 2 other countries in the world not part of this deal. There's a reason for that.

Author:  Jmart [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

zwackerm wrote:
The Paris Agreement is going to lessen climate change by well less than 1% by the year 2100. I don't see what the big deal is.

So fuck it?

The US and China are #1 & #2 (I believe in that order) as being the worst offenders. With the US backing out, Trump is basically telling everyone to go fuck themselves as he'll set it up that there are no checks. No checks speeds up the warming (which he doesn't "believe" in because...greed and idiocy) and we won't have to worry about 2100, cause fuck our children.

Hopefully not too much damage is done in 3.5 years even if we're already past the point of no return.

Author:  Excel [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Comey testifying next week.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Renewable energy jobs are increasing. Trump trying to pump life into dying industries won him the election. If he backs down on that he backs down on any hope of winning 2020. Trump knows his base and knows how he won. He would be an idiot for flip flopping on this issue, but he would have changed some minds. It would have been the honorable thing to do. But when has Trump ever done something honorable?

Author:  Rev [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Excel wrote:
Comey testifying next week.

Yay more drama :D

Author:  Caius [ Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Trump Era: The Awkward Mix of Libertarianism and Fas

Libs wrote:
zwackerm wrote:
Mister Ecks wrote:
Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
Men can be really insecure

This is what everything boils down to, although you might as well say white men. They're insecure about everything, about anyone that isn't a white man wanting what they have and they don't want to be thought of as equal or lesser. If you aren't white and a man, you should be happy with less. That's the argument. Any other argument is bullshit.

Have you really met a lot of white men who don't want women or non whites to succeed?

Yes. Even if they're not conscious of it.

I think you support Trump. Even if you're not conscious of it.

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