World of KJ

Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread
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Author:  Cynosure [ Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

I'm watching this mess and it's pathetic. When Alex Jones is the sanest man in the room, you know things are bad.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Elon Musk cancels Kanye

Author:  stuffp [ Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread


Author:  Corpse [ Fri Dec 02, 2022 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

How does Alex Jones still have a show? Not because of the content, but rather all his financial troubles.

And Kanye, well, I don't know if he has a mental issue or if he's gone so far down the rabbit hole he's just become this. I've always disliked him, but there are MANY reasons to pretend he never existed now.

Author:  Shack [ Fri Dec 02, 2022 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Being crazy isn’t likely what caused his anti semite views, however a more sane person probably keeps it to himself more instead of losing a billion and then still going on Infowars with a ski mask and saying I Love Hitler

Author:  Algren [ Sat Dec 03, 2022 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Rappers used to be controversial and relished breaking moulds. But with everyone and their son being kooky these days I guess Kanye had to reach new levels of controversy. He's certainly achieved that.

Author:  DP07 [ Wed Jan 04, 2023 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Shack wrote:
I never thought there was substance to anything Yeobbels was saying even before this, even as someone who normally eats up the redpill soundbites. I think he is just mentally ill.

Thanks for reminding us that if you get enough people to believe a delusion, you are less likely to be considered “crazy”.

Author:  zwackerm [ Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

The m&ms spokescandies RIP 1941-2023

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

They weren't sexy enough for Fox News and thus had to be cancelled.

Author:  zwackerm [ Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Will they still tell us to turn off our cell phones before the movies start lol?

Author:  Algren [ Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Maya Rudolph is the new face of M&Ms. Bizarre move.

Author:  Barrabás [ Tue Jan 24, 2023 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Maya Rudolph's entire existence has always screamed nepotism to me (and she is indeed a nepo baby, thanks Wikipedia Early Life section). Not beautiful, not particularly talented or funny, never done anything noteworthy outside of SNL which itself has always been mostly unwatchable garbage. Or maybe she's a money laundering scheme. Either way, I don't know a single person that would watch anything because she is in it, and yet she continues to have a career and presence in the media.

Author:  Shack [ Tue Jan 24, 2023 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Rick and Morty creator (and voice of both Rick and Morty) Justin Roiland has been axed.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Rick and Morty peaked already, but shocking because this show cannot continue without him.

I was about to comment on the M&M situation and how the right has officially become the new snowflakes, but I am shocked with what is happening to Rick and Morty. Honestly I would just end the show. I get Justin might be a dirtbag if these allegations are true, but without him this show is dead in the water.

Author:  Malcolm [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Has anyone else read Roiland's tweets to the 16-year-olds?

They're definitely nothing to be proud of and it hurts my brain reading them, but being an immature guy in his late 30s/early 40s who'd like to have sex with teenagers who are into him doesn't seem like a big enough deal to me for this kind of reaction. First of all, in 15 states (30% of America!) the age of consent is just 16. There are another 19 states where 16 is also the age of consent, but they have various close-in-age requirements to keep everyone within five (or less) years of each other. But again, in 15 states it's okay for a 16-year-old to consent to sex with a legal adult.

I know "grooming" is a very popular term now, but it's verging on meaningless as everyone seems to have their own definition of what it means based on their particular feelings/history. Manipulating underage people into eventually having sex is certainly something that happens and it's gross when it does, but every instance of an old(er) person expressing sexual interest in a young(er) person isn't perverse.* Especially if the older person throws in the towel and moves on post-rejection. How is it harassment/predatory behavior/grooming/etc. if one attempts sex with a 16-year-old (in a state where that's legal) and nothing happens because they aren't interested?

Several of the examples given in various articles mention how the women feel they were victimized/targeted/groomed/etc., but according to their own version of events nothing happened. He made it clear he wanted sex (or to watch them do things with each other, or whatever), they refused, and that was it. If he had somehow forced himself on them once they rejected him that would obviously be a very different case, but I haven't seen any such claims made.

Let's go back to the vulgar/nasty texts for a moment. Here are a few examples:

"Are you going to get Morty tattoo'd on your boob licking your nipple? If not you, then who?"
"Why are you such jailbait? What's wrong with you in that regard? You should grow older you dumb bitch."
"You should just run away from home and go into sex slavery YOU FUCKING STUPID FAGGOT BITCH!!! (Jk)"

This was the teenager's response to that last one, FYI:

Those are all very taboo, offensive and whatever else you want to call them, but so what? He didn't shout all this from the rooftops, hang out in the quad with them, or threaten anyone. He messaged various teenagers, expressed his desires, they weren't into it, and nothing happened.

I'm entirely lost as to what's so appealing about teenagers for some adults, personally, but if the adult wants to, the teenager wants to, and they're in a state where no laws are being broken, then why is it anyone else's business? I don't know what states the various teenagers hail from, by the way, but I would guess nobody making all these definitive statements about the situation knows either.

He doesn't sound like someone I'd enjoy hanging out with, but until it's for sure known he had sex with girls under 18 in a state where that matters then all this hyperbole is hollow for me and putting Rick & Morty in a tailspin seems premature.

*Are we all familiar with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife, Sam Taylor-Johnson? They met on the set of Nowhere Boy in 2009. She was the 42-year-old director, he was an 18-year-old actor trying to make it big (this was before Kick-Ass), and they were engaged within a year. According to her, “We had quite a psychic link. I felt that link almost from day one of meeting him.” Is there anything nefarious here, or is this one just a love story for the ages?

Author:  zwackerm [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

The M&M thing is part of a trend that everything must be androgynous now, nothing can be feminine or masculine, and its quite alarming. Similar thing happened to Mickey Mouse. It's not okay to be feminine anymore

You can ask "why do you care" and ultimately people don't lose sleep over a defeminized mascot, but clearly someone cared about the M&M being feminine, so its hypocritical to say that when they're the one that made it a problem in the first place.

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

There has been a lot of stupid shit happening in recent years, but in terms of truly stupid, the made-up M&M controversy must be #1.

I'm also seeing there's now another made-up controversy around Microsoft including energy-saving options for their Xbox Series consoles. It's climate politics grooming? (Pretty sure this has been an industry norm since the PS3/360 days from almost 20 years ago.)

Like... to say people need to get a life doesn't even begin to describe more and more of the population.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Feels like the right are getting into the "well if they're gonna cancel our people then we're gonna cancel theirs!" mentology while conveinently forgetting that conservatives were cancelling people long before it ever became a trendy thing for liberals to do.

Like the Dixie Chicks got kicked out of the country music scene for being against the war in Iraq long before they had to remove the dixie from their name.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

MalcolmLives wrote:
*Are we all familiar with Aaron Taylor-Johnson and his wife, Sam Taylor-Johnson? They met on the set of Nowhere Boy in 2009. She was the 42-year-old director, he was an 18-year-old actor trying to make it big (this was before Kick-Ass), and they were engaged within a year. According to her, “We had quite a psychic link. I felt that link almost from day one of meeting him.” Is there anything nefarious here, or is this one just a love story for the ages?

Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Emmanuel Macron and Dane Cook are 3 creepy ones off the top of my head

Then again maybe ATJ and his wife is true love and George and Amal Clooney is a soulless arrangement? Idk...

Author:  Barrabás [ Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

It's very interesting to see what people will and won't get 'cancelled' for.

Selling highly addicting, often lethal drugs to people and financially profiting off of those people's desperation and addiction is never cancellable for some reason. So many rappers have admitted to selling hard drugs. Same with murder or attempted murder. And assault to an extent, look at Mark Wahlberg aka Marky Mark. All those people continue to have careers. The mere idea of 'cancelling' someone because they admitted to dealing cocaine and heroin back in the day seems ridiculous doesn't it? Until you step back and think, wait a second, this person literally made money selling poison to others who were addicted to it. But even then, no one gets cancelled for it.

But anything sex related, or man-on-woman abuse of any kind, sends people scrambling for pitchforks.

Then there's cases like Ezra Miller, where there WAS indeed man-on-woman abuse and questionable behaviour, but Discovery-AT&T-Warner-whateverthey'recallednow's PR machine obfuscated it behind a smokescreen of 'mental health and drug issues, he/they/xir just needs rehab and love <3' and it somehow worked

I'm not saying it's right or wrong. Just interesting.

I have never in my life watched Ricky and Morty and have zero interest in what looks like a cheap cartoon for adults, but maybe he should've come out and said he had a severe heroin addiction and just needs rehab. People seem to be more forgiving if you're an addict.

Author:  Shack [ Thu Jan 26, 2023 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

If you're M&M's it's a better decision to try to appeal to the younger woker side than the older more conservative. First of all, in this specific case, it's candy, obviously a young friendly thing. Secondly, marketing to youth is good because while the middle aged to old guy may have decided he prefers Reese's or vegetables decades ago, the teenager is still more plastic and influenceable. And the youth may have a half century of M&M buying ahead of them instead of potentially years in single numbers. The youth also has more power online to affect the reputation of M&M brand, and this is before considering that the online cancel mob during its peak years has banked enough intimidation points that it'll still make people reflexively afraid to stand up for them for years to come.

Author:  Libs [ Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Barrabás wrote:
Maya Rudolph's entire existence has always screamed nepotism to me (and she is indeed a nepo baby, thanks Wikipedia Early Life section). Not beautiful, not particularly talented or funny, never done anything noteworthy outside of SNL which itself has always been mostly unwatchable garbage. Or maybe she's a money laundering scheme. Either way, I don't know a single person that would watch anything because she is in it, and yet she continues to have a career and presence in the media.

I love Maya Rudolph. Maybe you should look for different perspectives?

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Maya Rudolph is a pretty good actress and comedian. Not one of my favorites, but considering most female comedians are cancer, like Chelsea Handler, Samantha Bee, Ali Wong, and Amy Schumer, that's something to be proud of

Author:  Corpse [ Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Thankfully, it appears M&Ms are being huge trolls to the one person that cares and goes to be thinking about what their fictional, cartoon spokescandy wear on their first-grader level drawn legs.

Marketing campaign leading up to a SuperBowl ad where the candies return highly likely.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cancellation/race/trans/etc. thread

Barrabás wrote:
It's very interesting to see what people will and won't get 'cancelled' for.
John Maher, the guy was once said "I'm not racist, but my dick might be" just announced a huge comeback tour. Morgan Wallen increased his fanbase after yelling the n word at random people from his doorstep.

Rick and Morty pays the bills for Adult Swim, so they will do everything possible to protect its image. And, I suspect, that will eventually include bring Roiland back after fans complain about whoever replaces him.

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