World of KJ

International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)
Page 5 of 23

Author:  Corpse [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

You're right, Kanroji, about the media bias. It's hard to find a non-bias news source in normal times, but during a war? It's almost impossible. This was especially so prior to social media where information was more controlled. Now, social media comes with many of its own problems, of course, namely flat-out fake reports that get spread, like using unrelated images and videos and such. But it does provide the world with what's really going on though if you take the time to sort through all trash. And, as long as it's accessible, it helps get information out to the people in countries with an especially bias media.

Your views here are good, I think, since they're from a different part of the world than most here (most commenting here, anyway). And if anything, I think it's a good indication on how America (and the West) still has a lot of work to do with their image. This isn't saying that the West is 100% right or anything, or that they need to prevent anything negative about themselves from getting out, but rather there is still much room to improve themselves.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Yes, it is interesting to see someone's view from Japan

Author:  Shack [ Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Russia may be doing better than thought

Author:  Shack [ Thu Mar 03, 2022 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Is Putin going to attempt to unify Pangea after he's done with the Soviet Union?

"We didn't start this war, the techtonic shifts did!"

Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)


Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Pro-Russian Protest in Serbia!!!! (༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)

Spoiler: show

Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Sat Mar 05, 2022 6:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Hilarious Moment in China and India, where their representatives refrain from voting but citizens are supporting Putin through their Social Platforms (☉。☉)!

Spoiler: show
Explaining the reason behind India's Abstain by it's Citizens (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ

Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Sat Mar 05, 2022 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Biggest Twist of the day!!! Ukrainian Government reported that Russian are bombing Residential Areas but it was Ukrainian Government who were bombing the cities as confirmed by French Journalist (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻

Author:  Shack [ Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

I'm beginning to wonder if getting all the American companies and media to leave and becoming an Iron Curtain type country was part of the goal by Putin. I mean if he just unilaterally banned Facebook and Youtube and hurt their economy by closing themselves off to the US, the Russian people probably would've been pissed. But now he has an excuse to just blame it on the US. Wouldn't be the only reason he invaded but maybe part of it.

Author:  Mr. R [ Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Shack wrote:
I'm beginning to wonder if getting all the American companies and media to leave and becoming an Iron Curtain type country was part of the goal by Putin.

I'm in fmcg - none of the majors actually leave, it's mostly PR targeted at western audience.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Shack wrote:
I'm beginning to wonder if getting all the American companies and media to leave and becoming an Iron Curtain type country was part of the goal by Putin. I mean if he just unilaterally banned Facebook and Youtube and hurt their economy by closing themselves off to the US, the Russian people probably would've been pissed. But now he has an excuse to just blame it on the US. Wouldn't be the only reason he invaded but maybe part of it.

I doubt crippling your economy is a goal to have. I think Putin was hoping for a repeat of what happened in 2014 and for Ukraine to fall quicker. I think he is also hoping for a Trump victory in 2024 to repeal the sanctions, but I doubt Trump will, but he will certain continue to weaken NATO or rather American presence within NATO if elected

Author:  Shack [ Sun Mar 20, 2022 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Zelenskyy bans all opposition parties and merges all national media into one propaganda station... not sure how much better than Putin this guy is

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Well he's not invading someone else's country. So there's that.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Mar 21, 2022 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

I think when your country is in a war, and not just a war, but a war for survival, it makes sense that you seek unity if even through force.

Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Mon Mar 21, 2022 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Darth Indiana Bond wrote:
I think when your country is in a war, and not just a war, but a war for survival, it makes sense that you seek unity if even through force.

Alternate Version of "Precautions better than Cure"

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Mar 21, 2022 2:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

2022 Worldwide Evil Power Rankings

1) Putin (+3)
2) ISIS (-1)
3) Chinese (=)
4) Republicans (-2)
5) Ethiopia (new)- seriously read up on this, its fucked up

Author:  Kanroji Mitsuri [ Mon Mar 21, 2022 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
2022 Worldwide Evil Power Rankings

1) Putin (+3)
2) ISIS (-1)
3) Chinese (=)
4) Republicans (-2)
5) Ethiopia (new)- seriously read up on this, its fucked up

Remove Ethiopia and add Uganda who says that "It's an internal matter of Russia. No foreign power should interfere"

Author:  Barrabás [ Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
2022 Worldwide Evil Power Rankings

1) Putin (+3)
2) ISIS (-1)
3) Chinese (=)
4) Republicans (-2)
5) Ethiopia (new)- seriously read up on this, its fucked up

Where's Israel?

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Mar 23, 2022 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Barrabás wrote:
Flava'd vs The World wrote:
2022 Worldwide Evil Power Rankings

1) Putin (+3)
2) ISIS (-1)
3) Chinese (=)
4) Republicans (-2)
5) Ethiopia (new)- seriously read up on this, its fucked up

Where's Israel?
That's a tough one to rank. I feel like anyone who would put Israel in the top 5 also wouldn't recognize Israel's right to exist and thus it would cancel out right? At worst they're #3 on the Genocide power rankings right now which still keeps them below China and Ethiopia. Maybe Yemen too, but its too depressing to keep researching that kind of stuff.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Wed Mar 23, 2022 9:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Don’t forget about Turkey, North Korea, and Myanmar

Author:  Chippy [ Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

I don't believe any person arguing for Palestinian rights is also arguing for Israel to not exist.

Author:  zwackerm [ Thu Apr 14, 2022 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Israel lol

Author:  Algren [ Sun May 22, 2022 1:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Everything I'm seeing recently and for the last few months points toward a Chinese invasion of Taiwan this year, and most likely this summer before Dictator Xi's third term approval. It is worrying stuff but all the signs indicate this will happen. Firstly, the most obvious sign is the recent leak of a War Mobilization Meeting between the PLA (People's Liberation Army) and Guangdong Province government officials; the province that is very close to the Taiwan Strait. This meeting talks of transitioning the area from what they refer to as "Normal State" to a "Wartime State". It also talks of short turnarounds such as one month and 45 days for certain immediate tasks. Then it goes into detail about recruitment, civilian conscription, etc. Another point to consider is the pandemic. Launching an offensive in winter would bring an additional problem that will hurt the potential of a CCP victory, so I get the impression China will try to get it done before the winter, and before the in-party vote on Xi's third term, so that he looks like a god to the people for bringing about the "great rejuvenation of the motherland" (seriously, this is how they talk!). Then there's the small matter of the pandemic and how that's been used as a stress test for war. The people haven't revolted. Propaganda and censorship has largely worked. So there's nothing stopping the CCP from moving forward in that regard. To top it off, I've been hearing about passports and visas being cancelled/not issued for a while now under the guise of pandemic control, but I fear this is another test and implementation of war policies. They're just not letting people leave. You don't want your people fleeing the country when you have instigated a war, it looks bad on the government. So how do they counter that? Easy. Don't let people leave. Let people get used to the idea of staying in China. And if they can't leave, they might as well enlist and help with the invasion effort.

I know it seems alarmist. I can hardly believe it myself, but it's just that all the signs I'm seeing and hearing about indicate that it's very close. I can't see why they would wait until, for example, next year. I believe they also want strike while the US and other countries are preoccupied with Ukraine. China was also over the moon that Russia launched an invasion. Russia acted like a teenager with OCD there, falling right into China's trap. Xi knew what he was doing. Putin believed his hype. I am sure Xi praised Putin so much that he thought he was invincible. That backfired, and now Xi has all the data. He now knows what will likely happen if he launches an attack on Taiwan with regards to sanctions and a military response from the west (slightly different situation, but still, good for Xi to get an idea of likely scenarios to barricade his country against). This is another area where the pandemic has been perfect for China to stress test disrupted supply chains (a tactic the west will likely use in the event of an invasion). China has been hoarding supplies in recent years and cutting off reliance on other countries to limit any effect of sanctions.

I'm racking my brains but not a single thing comes to mind that makes me question that it will happen, and particularly this year. It's also an operation that will probably not take very long to accomplish, just as Putin thought Ukraine would be, but with China I get the impression their modern militarization will prove to be far superior to that of Russia's old Soviet-era weaponry and mindset. So if Xi were to launch an attack this year, he probably believes he could get it done in a few months right in time for his third term and before the next wave of Covid. And though there's always unforeseen circumstances and hurdles, with the population on his side through brainwashing, even if it lasts longer, there's one thing China has in abundance that means it can fight a war of attrition better than anyone, and that's manpower. They can throw bodies at a problem and it will fix itself eventually.

So, yeah, I'm not sure what else to say. I'm hearing and seeing things on a daily basis that supports my theory. Fingers crossed I'm wrong.

Author:  Corpse [ Thu Jul 07, 2022 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: International politics (China, Russia, UK, etc.)

Bye-bye, Boris Johnson.

Scandal after scandal, sexual misconduct allegations, cabinet resignations (especially the last couple days), etc. eventually became too much. Should have resigned sooner, but at *least* he did it now, so there is a tiny bit of credit for him. At least his party had the decency to say when enough is enough, unlike in some countries when they have a leader(s) with similar (and more) damaging problems and turn a blind-eye and continue their support because "loyalty."

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