World of KJ

BKB has been banned indefinitely
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Author:  trixster [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  BKB has been banned indefinitely

For the following post: viewtopic.php?f=12&p=1737960#p1737960, though really it's for his combined actions over the past months.

I'll decide on the length later. But I've had enough of him.

Author:  Rev [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

bring him back when TDKR beats the Avengers ;)

Author:  Bradley Witherberry [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

Now the Nolan PSD's can continue undisturbed.

Author:  Jedi Master Carr [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I think it is justified. I think many people get tired of his trollish behavior.

Author:  David [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

Jedi Master Carr wrote:
I think it is justified. I think many people get tired of his trollish behavior.

I more or less agree. I'm indifferent to the whole Nolan vs. Avengers debate, but he's a real conversation destroyer, bringing the nerdy superhero hate crap even into non-related threads. Letting him run rampant surely didn't appeal to people glancing at the forum and considering chiming in. Completely intimidating and obnoxious.

Author:  Brian [ Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

Rev wrote:
bring him back when TDKR beats the Avengers ;)


Author:  DP07 [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

By now he just sounds like background static to me.

Author:  Dr. Lecter [ Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I dunno, he's redundant and stupid and crazy, but there are no serious personal attacks there either.

And it's amusing to make fun of him when he's wrong (which is often).

I say unban in a week. I mean if he is that terribly annoying he can just be prohibited from posting in Cinemania and Box-Office for a while...

Author:  trixster [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I see no reason to allow him to keep posting here.

Author:  MovieDude [ Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

WOKJ wouldn't be the same without BKB, warts and all. He's been here as long as any of us, and those who remember him from years ago can no doubt recall when he was much more belligerent than he has been. Besides, we have an ignore button now!

I agree with Dr. Lecter that he should be allowed back after a week. Banning people for voicing dissent, as obnoxious as it may be to some folks, is unnecessary and sets a dangerous precedent. After all, this forum got started because of that sort of administrative heavy handed-ness.

Author:  Bradley Witherberry [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I've had him on ignore for two years, and even I enjoy seeing other's reactions to his stirring of the pot. KJ suffers from enough groupthink as it is. Also, who will assure a movie's success, if he doesn't predict it's failure?

I think he should be allowed back but forced to go by his original username.

Author:  trixster [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

He's not banned for being a dissenter. He's banned because he can't engage in a coherent, civilized argument without resorting to obnoxious name-calling.

But if everyone wants him back, I guess that's the kind of forum you guys want.

Author:  Eagle [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

If you felt BKB's insults crossed the line, then he deserved a ban. Decide on a length, unban him after that time, and if he crosses the line again, rinse and repeat.

Sometimes you have to draw a line, so draw it, set the consequence and enforce it. I've never been a fan of permanent bans, I tend to favor repeat vacations.

Author:  Bluebomb [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

Why don't you increase the length of the ban per rule broken? First ban could be for 1 week. Second could be 2 weeks and so forth. On his fifth ban, he'll already be up to 4 months and then on his tenth, he'll be banned for 10 years. Or you could cap it at a certain number...whatever floats your boat. Maybe that would curb his excessive and unnecessary name-calling.

Author:  Bradley Witherberry [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

You know who trixster should ban? The person (who shall remain nameless) that denigrated fellow KJer's taste in movies in this thread...

Re: Bottom 10 of 2011
Bluebomb wrote:
The Tree of Life
Bradley Witherberry wrote:
The Tree of Life
Alex Y. wrote:
The Tree of Life
Algren wrote:
Tinker Tailor Solder Spy

"Unnamed Person" wrote:
If you really think Tinker Tailor and Tree of Life are amongst the worst films of the year, you should just stop watching movies.

Author:  Jonathan [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

This forum's aversion to banning people has always been one of its worst tendencies, and the "Oh they're not THAT bad!" mindset that forced us to put up with Korrgan's mean girl act, Joe's serial-killer undertones, and BKB's one-note trollathon. It stunts the community's potential for any growth, and yes that includes continuing to allow BKB to drag the conversation down with his inability to change his mind and be a stubborn stupid thing. He hasn't added anything to these forums in years. At all.

I completely and fully support this ban, and would not at all mind leaving it indefinite.

Author:  Eagle [ Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

Bluebomb wrote:
Why don't you increase the length of the ban per rule broken? First ban could be for 1 week. Second could be 2 weeks and so forth. On his fifth ban, he'll already be up to 4 months and then on his tenth, he'll be banned for 10 years. Or you could cap it at a certain number...whatever floats your boat. Maybe that would curb his excessive and unnecessary name-calling.

I've always liked something like this. One week for first bannable offense, two for your second, three for your third, four for every banning from then on.

Jon's also right, we have certainly been banning averse in the past. Which is why I say we should draw a line, set the consequences, and follow through. As Bluebomb said, enforcement of broken rules might just curb some of the excessive name calling / personal attacks.

Author:  trixster [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

The thing is, BKB's broken so many rules over his time here that he probably should be banned permanently. But nobody ever seems to do anything about that.

Author:  Riggs [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I'm fine with his ban. The TDKR thread in the Cinemania section and many more threads were just unreadable thanks to him.

Author:  Bluebomb [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

trixster wrote:
The thing is, BKB's broken so many rules over his time here that he probably should be banned permanently. But nobody ever seems to do anything about that.

I don't know his situation but if he's been banned for one week here and there, it's not going to curb his behaviour.

More drastic measures need to be taken. See below.

Eagle wrote:
Bluebomb wrote:
Why don't you increase the length of the ban per rule broken? First ban could be for 1 week. Second could be 2 weeks and so forth. On his fifth ban, he'll already be up to 4 months and then on his tenth, he'll be banned for 10 years. Or you could cap it at a certain number...whatever floats your boat. Maybe that would curb his excessive and unnecessary name-calling.

I've always liked something like this. One week for first bannable offense, two for your second, three for your third, four for every banning from then on.

Jon's also right, we have certainly been banning averse in the past. Which is why I say we should draw a line, set the consequences, and follow through. As Bluebomb said, enforcement of broken rules might just curb some of the excessive name calling / personal attacks.

It sounds like BKB has broken the rules many times. Therefore, the sequence of punishments needs to be harsher in order for him to either "put up or shut up". Drastic measures needs to be taken for the more disruptive members of the site, IMO.

Therefore, the length of banishment regarding to BKB could be applied as follows:
first ban = 1 week
2nd = 2 weeks
3rd = 1 month (4 weeks)
4th = 2 months (8 weeks)
5th = 4 months (16 weeks)
10th = almost 10 years (512 weeks)

If he breaks a more serious offense, you could forgo one ban and skip to the next one. Say, he insults a member and is way over the line. If it's his 2nd time breaking the rules, instead of him getting a 2 week vacation, it's now a 1 month lockout. I stress that he needs to be informed of this or any type of enforcement should you guys decide to go ahead with it.

Author:  Eagle [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

I would support something similar to what Bluebomb posted above. I think it'd be a good thing to actually spell out how the discipline process will work, and then follow through. Trixster has mentioned users getting away with things, it's undeniably true.

Of late, there have been consequences for actions around here (mostly due to trixster), but those consequences are spur of the moment, and undefined. It's better than the wild west attitude that came before it, but it's still not great. I'd like to see us continue to improve even further, to the point where we have a defined process, stated consequences, and a group of moderators who work together to enforce that process.

Author:  Keyser Söze [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

He definitely should be banned from posting in any TDKR thread until its release date. At that point he has to face facts.

He is amusing at times but get predictable.

Author:  Brian [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

where is Korrgan?

Author:  Rev [ Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

BKB has got to be here for the summer movie season beginning in May.
Lots of BIG movies opening & he has to be a part of it.

It's tradition :)

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: BKB has been banned indefinitely

bryanbmp wrote:
where is Korrgan?

trixster got his panties in a knot and decided she should be lifetime-banned instead of the usual week-banned.

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