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Ultimate Movie Mayhem: Contestant Lists
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Author:  Jeff [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Ultimate Movie Mayhem: Contestant Lists

This thread is for the posting of your lists. The format has been posted below. Any announcements or discussion should be posted in the "Ultimate Movie Mayhem: Discussion Thread".

Format For Lists:

1. (date) -- (movie title) -- (grade)
review: (Be brief, extended reviews can be posted in the "Your Take" forum)


1. 2/7/2005 -- Dogville -- 8.2/10 (A-)
A compelling, disturbing and completely engrossing film. A bit overlong, and some areas could be cut to allow the pacing to flow a little better.

2. 2/12/2005 -- Uncle Nino
Charming but predictable. Hillarious yet flawed. A by the numbers film, that is still quite good. 7.4/10 (B+)

Please remember to submit your lists in the manner shown on page one, using the "Edit" button to add to your list, rather then posting new lists continually. Users in violation will be subject to point reductions based on the decision of the contest jury.

Author:  zingy [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Zingaling's List

01. 02/13/05: Twisted (Philip Kaufman, 2004) -- C-
Twisted is too predictable, dull, and uncreative. The acting talent was wasted on this movie. Not good at all.

02. 02/13/05: Hitch (Andy Tennant, 2005) -- A-
Hitch is one of the best romcoms I've ever seen. Will Smith and Eva Mendes light up the screen with their chemistry.

03. 02/13/05: Speed (Jan de Bont, 1994) - A+
The second best action movie I've ever seen. Fast, fun, and action-packed.

04. 02/14/05: You Got Served (Chris Stokes, 2004) - C+
This movie is the best from the "Worst Movies...ever" list. It's a bad movie, technically, but entertainment-wise, it's fun to watch.

05. 02/14/05: Anger Management (Peter Segal, 2003) - B+
Hilarious. Adam Sandler and Jack Nicholson make a great team. Not Sandler's best, but certainly a great movie.

06. 02/15/05: 2 Fast 2 Furious (John Singleton, 2003) - B+
No where close to the original, but very entertaining.

07. 02/15/05: Saw (James Wan, 2004) - A+
One of the best horror movies ever. Fantastic. The ending is absolutely incredible.

08. 02/16/05: Taxi (Tim Story, 2004) - C+
Complete idiotic plot, but it's actually pretty funny.

09. 02/16/05: Silence of the Lambs (Jonathan Demme, 1991) - A
Amazing movie, and a start to one of the best trilogies ever. Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster are fantastic.

10. 02/17/05: Paycheck (John Woo, 2003) - B+
An exciting, edge-of-your-seat thriller by John Woo. Very entertaining.

11. 02/17/05: Shark Tale (Vicky Jenson, 2004) - C-
A poor excuse for a kids CGI movie. It's not funny at all. It's not a terrible movie, but no where near good.

12. 02/17/05: The Notebook (Nick Cassavates, 2004) - B+
Shockingly, I really liked this movie. More than I could have ever imagined. It's great with a fantastic performance by McAdams.

13. 02/18/05: I, Robot (Alex Proyas, 2004) - A
The best pure action movie in 2004, and one of the best sci/fi movies ever. Awesome, awesome movie.

14. 02/18/05: Alone in the Dark (Uwe Boll, 2005) - F
One of the worst movies I've ever seen. Completely ridiculous and pathetic. Nothing good can be said about this movie.

15. 02/18/05: Cradle 2 The Grave (Andrzej Bartkowiak, 2003) - B
An entertaining action flick. Jet Li and DMX make a good team in this movie.

16. 02/18/05: Constantine (Francis Lawrence, 2005) - A
Awesome movie. The most entertaining movie I've seen in a while. Kick-ass special effects.

17. 02/19/05: Fear (James Foley, 1996) - B+
A very good movie. Reese Witherspoon and Mark Whalberg both did decent. The story is great.

18. 02/19/05: Hollow Man (Paul Verhoeven, 2000) - A-
Hollow Man has awesome special effects, a great story, and it's very suspensful. I really enjoyed it.

19. 02/19/05: Scream (Wes Craven, 1996) - A+
A brilliant start to the best horror trilogy ever. This is what a real teen horror slasher flick is. Great, great movie.

20. 02/19/05: Scream 2 (Wes Craven, 1997) - A-
A worthy second part, though it's not in the same ball game as the first. It's killer could have been more creative.

21. 02/20/05: Scream 3 (Wes Craven, 2000) - A
The second best of the trilogy. An excellent (and underrated) conclusion to this great trilogy. Loved the ending.

22. 02/20/05: The Grudge (Takashi Shimizu, 2004) - A
Not as great as The Ring, but definently a great movie. One of the closest to actually make me jump.

23. 02/20/05: Scary Movie (Keenen Ivory Waynes, 2000) - A
Hilarious movie. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen.

24. 02/20/05: Scary Movie 2 (Keenen Ivory Waynes, 2001) - B
Not even close to the original, but a worthy sequel. Had me laughing a lot.

25. 02/20/05: Scary Movie 3 (David Zucker, 2003) - B
Hilarious, but my main problem is that it was PG-13. It could have been even better with the R rating. The "sexual" stuff was needed.

26. 02/20/05: Gigli (Martin Brest, 2003) - D+
Is Gigli a bad movie? Yes. Is it Razzie worthy? Yes. Is it one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Hell no. I've seen a lot worse. Over-hyped.

27. 02/21/05: Confidence (James Foley, 2003) - A-
Confidence is a fantastic movie. A heist/con movie that's actually played out right from start to finish. I love the style.

28. 02/21/05: Resident Evil (Paul W.S. Anderson, 2002) - A
A great, non-stop action movie. Probably one of the best zombie movies I've ever seen. Loved it.

29. 02/21/05: Resident Evil: Apocalypse (Alexander Witt, 2004) - A
Kick ass movie. Even better than the first. Extremely entertaining.

30. 02/21/05: Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004) - B+
A clever and funny movie, though it wasn't as good as my first viewing of it.

31. 02/22/05: Identity (James Mangold, 2003) - B
A smart, slick, mystery with a great ending. Jon Cusack, Ray Liotta, and the rest of the cast all give great performances.

32. 02/22/05: Dawn of the Dead (Zack Snyder, 2004) - A
This is one of the best zombie movies ever. I even think this was better than the original. Fantastic.

33. 02/23/05: Sideways (Alexander Payne, 2004) - B+
While Sideways was a great movie, and certainly enjoyable, I didn't find it as funny as proclaimed, nor was it memorable.

34. 02/23/05: The Ring (Gore Verbinski, 2002) - A+
One of the top 5 best horror movies I've ever seen. This is truly the definition of a great horror movie.

35. 02/24/05: The Others (Alejandro Amenábar, 2001) - C+
It was a decent movie, but a dissapointing one too. It could have been so much better. The plot and acting were good, but everything else was just okay.

36. 02/24/05: The Sixth Sense (M. Night Shyamalan, 1999) - B+
Not Shyamalan's best work, but certainly a good movie. Especially after more and more viewings. Haley Joel Osment was excellent.

37. 02/24/05: Bless the Child (Chuck Russell, 2000) - B-
A decent thriller, though nothing too special about it. It was interesting, though, with decent performances.

38. 02/25/05: The Day After Tomorrow (Roland Emmerich, 2004) - A
Visually spectacular. It's probably the most entertaining movie I saw in the summer of 2004. Fantastic movie. Great popcorn flick.

39. 02/25/05: Cursed (Wes Craven, 2005) - B
While it's not as good as Scream (then again, what is?), it was a good movie. I enjoyed it, but I wish it kept the R rating. The PG-13 hurt it.

40. 02/26/05: Twelve Monkeys (Terry Gilliam, 1995) - B+
I didn't love it, but it was a great movie to watch. Excellent performances by the all-star cast.

41. 02/26/05: eXistenZ (David Cronenberg, 1999) - C
eXistenZ is an odd movie. It wasn't bad, but nothing special either.

42. 02/26/05: Badder Santa (Terry Zwigoff, 2003) - A-
Absolutely hilarious movie. Laugh-a-minute. Bernie Mac, Billy Bob, and Tony Cox are all hilarious. Loved it.

43. 02/27/05: The Terminator (James Cameron, 1984) - B
For the time period it was made, it's a really good movie. However, it's nothin' compared to the second and third.

44. 02/27/05: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (James Cameron, 1991) - A+
It's almost unbeatable in it's genre, if it weren't for The Matrix series. Excellent movie. One of the best action movies ever.

45. 02/27/05: Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Jonathan Mostow, 2003) - A-
A great, great sequel, though it's not as great as Terminator 2. Loved the car chase.

46. 02/27/05: Donnie Darko (Richard Kelly, 2001) - B+
I've always found this an odd movie, even after three viewings. It's a great movie, but it doesn't exactly live up to the hype it's given.

47. 02/28/05: 50 First Dates (Peter Segal, 2004) - B-
A nice romantic comedy, but dissapointing as an Adam Sandler movie.

48. 02/28/05: Alien (Ridley Scott, 1979) - A
A fantastic sci/fi movie. This began it all, in my opinion. Awesome movie, especially for 1979.

49. 02/28/05: Aliens (James Cameron, 1986) - A+
James took Ridley's work, and made it a brilliant masterpiece. One of my personal favorite movies ever.

50. 03/01/05: Alien³ (David Fincher, 1992) - A-
A great sequel, but not near the greatness of Aliens. Fincher did a great job with this part.

51. 03/01/05: Alien: Resurrection (Jean-Pierre Jeunet, 1997) - B-
Only god knows what happened with this one. It's no where close to the first three. It was good, but it's definently a step in the wrong direction.

52. 03/02/05: Alien Vs. Predator (Paul W.S. Anderson, 2004) - A
Awesome movie. If it weren't for the PG-13, this movie would be perfect (in the sense of entertainment, of course).

53. 03/02/05: Flight of the Phoenix (John Moore, 2004) - B-
A pretty good action/adventure flick, but very lacking in some action scenes, acting (mainly by Ribishi), and it's ending.

54. 03/02/05: Exorcist: The Beginning (Renny Harlin, 2004) - C+
Not bad. After so much pushing back and reshoots, it turned out to be fairly decent. However, very flawed. Lots of blood and gore, though.

55. 03/03/05: Biker Boyz (Reggie Rock Bythewood, 2003) - D+
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Funny (actually, hilarious in the sense of stupidity), but stupid. Please do not watch.

56. 03/04/05: 28 Days Later (Danny Boyle, 2002) - C+
The more I watch it, the more I realize how overrated it was. It was good, but not great.

57. 03/05/05: Man on Fire (Tony Scott, 2004) - A-
Excellent movie. Fantastic performances, great story, awesome style, top notch acting; it's got it all and then some.

58. 03/06/05: Armageddon (Michael Bay, 1998) - A-
One of my favorite disaster movies. A mix of just about everything. I never understood why it was so hated.

59. 03/07/05: Spy Game (Tony Scott, 2001) - C+
A decent spy thriller, but it could have been more suspensful. Great performances. I enjoyed it.

60. 03/07/05: Pearl Harbor (Michael Bay, 2001) - B
An enjoyable look back at our devastating history. Good performances as a whole, and some great special effects.

61. 03/08/05: Man of the House (Stephen Herek, 2005) - C
A decent, yet highly flawed comedy. I did laugh a lot, but this movie was very unoriginal. I've seen it many times.

62. 03/09/05: The Pacifier (Adam Shankman, 2005) - C+
Despite it looking like a Daddy Day Care clone, it was miles better, and actually funny. A decent Disney flick, but not great.

63. 03/10/05: Ladder 49 (Jay Russell, 2004) - C+
A good firefighter movie, but it wasn't great. Too many slow moments and not enough fire scenes. The love story sucks too.

64. 03/11/05: Hostage (Florent Emilio Siri, 2005) - B-
An effective action/thriller, though highly flawed. It's style and action scenes save it. Decent performances.

65. 03/12/05: Kill Bill: Volume I (Quentin Tarantino, 2003) - A
Quentin Tarantino is a genius. I loved it. Lots of action. Lots of blood. Great style.

66. 03/12/05: Kill Bill: Volume II (Quentin Tarantino, 2004) - A
Less on the action, more on the story. I actually liked this one better than the first, though together, it's a masterpiece.

67. 03/12/05: The Grudge (Takashi Shimizu, 2004) - A
Not as great as The Ring, but definently a great movie. One of the closest to actually make me jump.

68. 03/13/05: Collateral (Michael Mann, 2004) - A+
Excellent movie. One of my all time favorites. Jamie Foxx and Tom Cruise are both fantastic. Loved the club scene.

69. 03/13/05: Basic (John McTiernan, 2003) - B+
A great thriller. It kept me guessing until the end, and I was still stumped. Great performances.

70. 03/14/05: The Ring (Gore Verbinski, 2002) - A+
One of the best, if not the best, horror movie I've ever seen. Creative, creepy, and damn entertaining. Great performances.

71. 03/14/05: Barbershop (Tim Story, 2002) - B+
A very surprising movie. I never expected a movie like this to be so funny and have such a good story, but it did.

72. 03/15/05: Barbershop 2: Back in Business (Kevin Rodney Sullivan, 2004) - B
Not as good as the first one, but still a very funny movie. The story is better, but it wasn't as funny.

73. 03/15/05: The Chronicles of Riddick (David Twohy, 2004) - B+
One of my favorite sci/fi movies. Not as good as Pitch Black, but a great movie. Awesome ending.

74. 03/16/05: Cube Zero (Ernie Barbarash, 2004) - B
Extremely bloody, an interesting story (though it has lots of plot holes), and a well done execution. Very entertaining.

75. 03/17/05: The Incredibles (Brad Bird, 2004) - B+
The best Pixar movie, just above Toy Story. Imaginative, funny, and entertaining. Mr. Incredible was hilarious.

76. 03/17/05: Dead Birds (Alex Turner, 2004) - B
A great horror movie. Great twist ending. The only problem was that it was very slow paced for the first hour.

77. 03/18/05: The Big Hit (Kirk Wong, 1998) - B
A fun, non-stop action comedy. Some parts are really stupid, and the plot could have been better, but it's fun to watch. Some hilarious scenes, too.

78. 03/18/05: Beverly Hills Ninja (Dennis Dugan, 1997) - B+
Freakin' hilarious movie. Chris Farley was the king of comedy back at the time. It's one of my old favorite comedies. Chris Rock was good too.

79. 03/19/05: Shrek 2 (Andrew Adamson, 2004) - B-
A decent sequel to one of the best, if not the best, CGI kids movies. It wasn't as funny, but still entertaining.

80. 03/19/05: The Ring Two (Hideo Nakata, 2005) - A-
A great, great movie. It's not scary at all, but it's got a great story and was very entertaining. Some cheesy parts, but overall, I loved it.

81. 03/19/05: American Beauty (Sam Mendes, 1999) - A
A beautiful masterpiece. Great, memorable performances, great cinematography, screenplay; everything is pitch perfect.

82. 03/20/05: The Thomas Crown Affair (John McTiernan, 1999) - B+
A great crime caper. Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo are magnificent together, and the story is great.

83. 03/20/05: Mortal Kombat (Paul W.S. Anderson, 1995) - A
One of my all time favorite movies growing up. Loved the action, and I was a huge MK fanatic. Still love it to this day, though I see it's cheesiness now.

84. 03/21/05: Apt Pupil (Bryan Singer, 1998) - C+
An interesting thriller. It had it's moments, but it was very slow paced and some parts were kind of dumb. McKellen and Renfro were good, though.

85. 03/21/05: Van Helsing (Stephen Sommers, 2004) - B+
I don't care what people say. This movie is one hell of a ride. Fast, fun, and entertaining. If you can overcome Dracula's terrible performance, you'll enjoy it.

86. 03/22/05: Toolbox Murders (Tobe Hooper, 2003) - C+
A decent horror movie, but nothing special. Some very sick scenes, but overall, very plain.

87. 03/23/05: The Final Cut (Omar Naim, 2004) - C-
A decent story, but a very, very boooooooooooring execution. Robin Williams did okay, but the movie itself was not very good.

88. 03/23/05: Daredevil (Mark Steven Johnson, 2003) - A-
A personal favorite of mine. It's not the best comic book adaptation, but it's a fun popcorn flick.

89. 03/24/05: Valentine (Jamie Blanks, 2001) - B-
It's a very hated movie here, but I enjoyed it (I'm guessing I'm alone on this one?). It wasn't THAT bad. Entertaining, though highly flawed.

90. 03/24/05: Wild Things (John McNaughton, 1998) - B-
An odd movie, but pretty good. A decent thriller, though a little cheesy. I might be blinded by the hot scenes involving Denise (my future wife), though.

91. 03/24/05: The Contender (Rod Lurie, 2000) - B+
A great movie. Excellent story, excellent performances; everything is top notch in this thriller-ish movie.

92. 03/25/05: Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (John Pasquin, 2005) - C
A few funny parts, but overall, mediocre. The original was soooooo much better.

93. 03/25/05: The Jacket (John Maybury, 2005) - B-
An entertaining thriller. The story was very good, and the performances were decent, though it's tough to look at Keira (hottie!) having sex with big nose Browdy.

95. 03/26/05: Guess Who (Kevin Rodney Sullivan, 2005) - B+
Surprisingly, this movie was downright hilarious. Bernie Mac and Kutcher did well together.

96. 03/26/05: Robots (Chris Wedge, 2005) - C-
A mediocre attempt at CGI animation. It looks good (though I've seen better...), but there's no substance here.

97. 03/29/05: Closer (Mike Nichols, 2004) - B+
Great performances. An interesting look at the deception of love. Loved "The Blower's Daughter"!

98. 03/30/05: After the Sunset (Brett Ratner, 2004) - A-
Such a fun movie. Pierce Brosnan and the extra lovely Salma Hayek bring in some great laughs and excitement. Great story and twists.

99. 04/01/05: Sin City (Frank Miller, 2005) - A
Fantastic movie. One of the best looking things I've ever seen. Wow.

100. 04/04/05: The Shawshank Redemption (Frank Darabont, 1994) - A+
One of the best movies I've ever seen. Perfect movie in all aspects.

101. 04/05/05: Elektra (Rob Bowman, 2005) - C
Not good on the second viewing. Pretty mediocre attempt at a spin-off of Daredevil.

102. 04/08/05: National Lampoon's Gold Diggers (Gary Preisler, 2004) - D-
Quite possibly one of the dumbest movies ever created. My IQ points drop drastically after this viewing. Nikki Ziering is hot, though.

Author:  BacktotheFuture [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:59 am ]
Post subject: 

1. 2/13/05: Alien Vs. Predator (Paul W.S. Anderson, 2004) B
Fun, however cheesy movie. If not for it's horrific ending and terrible acting it could have gotten a much better grade.

2. 2/14/05: 1941 (Steven Spielberg, 1979) D
This was supposed to be a comedy but I did not laugh once during it. It seemed they made the movie expecting there to be a sequel because it went absolutely nowhere. Beluschi was the only redeeming factor.

3. 2/15/05: Pirates of the Caribbean (Gore Verbinski, 2003) A
One of the best Action-Adventure pictures I've ever seen. Johnny Deep is superb in his role as Capt. Jack Sparrow.

4. 2/16/05: The Rundown (Peter Berg, 2003) B+
Another mindless action flick made fun through the performances of The Rock, Christopher Walken, and Sean William Scott. Good fight scenes.

5. 2/17/05: Passenger 57 (Kevin Hooks, 1992) F
The worst movie I've ever seen period. My suspension of disbelief is high but not that high. Some of the corniest one liners I've ever heard. The movie is just implausible.

6. 2/19/05 Van Helsing (Stephen Sommers, 2004) C
Average movie at best. All the vampires were overacting throughout. Felt kind of ripped off by the quick killing off at the end.

7. 2/20/05 BASEketball (David Zucker, 1998) A-
Hilarious movie from the great minds of the South Park creators. Great cameos from sports and entertainment people alike.

8. 2/20/05 Scary Movie (Keenan Ivory Wayans, 2000) A
Best spoof movie ever. One of the funniest movies I've ever seen. Perfect concept for the time.

9. 2/20/05 Scary Movie 2 (Keenan Ivory Wayans, 2001) D
Maybe they should've kept to their original movie's tagline. This was flat out terrible. Would've better if they kept all of the original cast.

10. 2/20/05 Scary Movie 3 (David Zucker, 2003) B-
Funny outing. Would've been much better had it not been PG-13. Good step in the right direction for the Scary Movie franchise.

11. 2/22/05 Johnson Family Vacation (Christopher Erskin, 2004) C-
Kept my attention throughout but still a terrible movie. Not many laughs other than Cedric the Entertainer's "Uncle Earl" character. That Solange Knowles is hot though.

Author:  kypade [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:33 am ]
Post subject: 

kypade's big giant list o'movies

01. 02/13/05: Nowhere in Africa (Caroline Link, 2002) ****
What a fantastic movie. Brilliant performances all around, and probably the best German film l've ever seen. Impossible to write a "short" review on it, so l'll just leave it at that.

02. 02/13/05: The Assassination of Richard Nixon (Niels Mueller, 2004) **
Brings absolutely nothing new to the table. Penn and Cheadle are great, and l liked the ending, but otherwise...well, lets put it this way: l dozed off for like 15 minutes, and l NEVER fall asleep in the theaters.

03. 02/16/05: The Barbarian Invasions (Denys Arcand, 2003) *** ½
Great film. l'd been meaning to revisit it so this was the perfect oportunity. l got so much more out of it this time. Just wonderful.

05. 02/18/05: Tape (Richard Linklater, 2001) ***
Excellently written, fun film. l dont think Linklater can make a bad film. But yes, quite good indeed. l didn;t especially care for some little things - Hawke's character is a little too over the top, for example; some of the cameraing isnt really great (but some is) - too jumpy. the disc messed up literally in the last five minutes, which sucked.

06. Hitch (Andy Tennant, 2005) **
l dont get all the love for this film. It's literally every other romcom l've ever seen. Only saving graces are Smith/Mendes' chemistry...they were usually great together, and a few genuine laughs. Otherwise nothing special at all.

07. 02/18/05: Cleo From 5 to 7 (Agnès Varda, 1961) ***
An ever interesting but forgetable look at paranoia and superstition in one young has-been singer's life, and how she deals with her fear of death. It's good, but not great.

08. 02/19/05: Ray (Taylor Hackford, 2004) ** ½
Jamie Foxx is fantastic, but ultimately the film is overlong and not very interesting. Undeserving of best pic by far, but l won't compain when Foxx wins for actor.

09. 02/21/05: Bad Education (Pedro Almodóvar, 2004) *** ½
Wonderful film. Bernal steals not only his scenes but pretty much the whole film. Fele Martínez is great too, as Enrique. l thought the plot was a bit muddled, but by the end it all makes sense. One of the best, for sure.

10. 02/25/05: Constantine (Francis Lawrence, 2005) ** ½
Big fat meh. l just didn't enjoy it much, though it is nice to look at.

11. 02/25/05: Cane Toads: An Unnatural History (Mark Lewis, 1988) *** ½
Facinating documentary. Short but sweet. One of the best "pure docs" l've seen. Those things are ugly, though.

12. 02/25/05: Signing Off (Robert Sarkies, 1996) ****
Wow. What an awesome film. Funny, touching, sad, outrageous, maddening; all in only 15 minutes.
Feel free to discount this if shorts aren't allowed, but l loved it.

13. 02/27/05: All About Lily Chou-Chou (Shunji Iwai, 2001) ****
Are you kidding? Best film of the decade? Pretty close. Best made film of the decade. Probably. Phenomonal.

14. 02/27/05: Porco Rosso (Hayao Miyazaki, 1992) ****
Amazing. Miyazaki once again delivers masterfully. A little less emotionally impactful than some of his other films, but more elaborate and grand.

15. 02/27/05: Bruce Almighty (Tom Shadyac, 2003) ***
Funny movie. l just really liked it, a lot. One of Carrey's best.

16. 03/01/05: The Dangerous Lives of the Alter Boys (Peter Care, 2002) ***
It's funny, smart, very interesting, a little bit weird. Quite good, all around. And l loved the animation parts.

17. 03/04/05: The Jacket (John Maybury, 2005) ***
Entirely forgettable, but for the 95 minutes or so l was sitting there, l was quite enthralled. Everything is passable, except the editing, which l thought was great.

18. 03/04/05: Donnie Darko (Richard Kelly, 2001) *** ½
Such a smart, original, thought provoking movie, though not nearly as much of a "mind-fuck" as people made it out to be.

19. 03/05/05: Donnie Darko: Director's Cut (Richard Kelly, 2004) ***
l got stuck with both of these on the same weekend, accidentally. The directors cut takes a lot away from the original, by adding so much in.

20. 03/06/05: Eulogy (Michael Clancy, 2004) ***
Funny. One of the best disfunctional-family films in a while.

21. 03/06/05: Star Wars IV: A New Hope (George Lucas, 1977) ****
What a great film. This was the first time l saw it in probably 5 or 6 years, so it was almost like watching it for the first time, again. Loved it.

22. 03/07/05: Garden State (Zach Braff, 2004) ****
my fourth or so viewing, and still hasn't gotten old. l like it more and more every time. all the acting is great. as is braff's direction.

23. 03/08/05: Stealing Harvard (Bruce McCulloch, 2002) *
horrible film.

24. 03/10/05: Annie Hall (Woody Allen, 1977) ****
Amazing. My favorite Woody Allen, film (though l've only seen a few). l loved the scene waiting in line at the movie theater. ha.

25. 03/10/05: The Five Obstructions (Jørgen Leth, Lars von Trier, 2003) *** ½
Fascinating doc. It's really amazing how he did some of the stuff he did. Especially the no cuts longer than 12 seconds, thing. The animated short was my fave.

26. 03/10/05: The Perfect Human (Jørgen Leth, 1967) ***
This is the short film that Leth had to remake 5 times for #25. It's interesting, but a little weird. And l have no idea what it was trying to say.

27. 03/10/05: The Seventh Seal (Ingmar Bergman, 1957) ****
Masterpiece. It's sad, uplifting, strange. Such atmosphere, too. And really a relief to realize that not all Bergman's suck -- l highly, highly disliked Cries and Whispers.

28. 03/12/05: The Great Escape (John Sturges, 1963) ****
Another masterpiece. Probably my favorite use of music ever - the score is beyond fantastic. One of the most engaging films l've ever seen.

29. 03/13/05: Road to Perdition (Sam Mendes, 2002) *** ½
Great cinematography, and a very compelling story. Kinda drags once or twice, but an interesting look at mobs/gangsters/whatever they were.

30. 03/14/05: Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979) ****
l watched this in English class...:oops: l was running on no sleep for close to 2 days, and l think l fell asleep for ten or fifteen minutes, but thats no fault of the film. l had actually seen it before, too; towards the end every scene was so familiar. One of the most beautiful war movies of all time.

31. 03/18/05: Raiders of the Lost Ark (Steven Spielberg, 1981) ****
Saw this in the theaters. Again, first viewing in probably 7+ yrs. Great experience. The ultimate adventure film.

32. 03/19/05: Rififi (Jules Dassin, 1955) ** ½
Boring and uninteresting. Nothing special, at all. The heist scene is annoying. Not nearly the classic people make it out to be.
(review for the "Shock Us" bonus points written, but l'm not sure where to post it/PM it or whatever.)

33. 03/20/05: Hoop Dreams (Steve James, 1994) *** ½
Fascinating documentary. Too long for it's own good, l think. But overall it works, and is one of the best docs l've seen.

34. 03/20/05: Catherine the Great (Paul Czinner, 1934) ** ½
see review p20 of Mayhem Discussion thread.

35. 03/21/05: Harvie Krumpet (Adam Elliot, 2003) *** ½
Extremely well done; l think l really like claymation. Narration is excellent, and story is interesting/unique, if a little weird/morbid.

36. 03/21/05: Spellbound (Jeffrey Blitz, 2002) ***
Pretty good doc, but really, theres only so much insight you can provide into the lives of adolescent spelling champs - wears a bit thin after a while.

37. 03/22/05: Raging Bull (Martin Scorsese, 1980) ****
Technicaly amazing. De Niro's performance is stunning, and his portrayal of a truly messed up man is haunting and intense. Unfortunately, l think it's kinda...forgettable. guess we;ll have to see if l forget it in the future. but for now, it's wonderful...just not perfect.

38. 03/22/05: Rivers and Tides (Thomas Riedelsheimer, 2001) ****
Possibly my favorite documentary ever, now. Amazing film. l love that kinda stuff. The rock cones are phenomanal. As was the later wall that he "directed." Truly brilliant.

39. 03/23/05: Robot Stories (Greg Pak, 2004) **
Review pg 20 of discussion thread. Basically, it sucked.

40. 03/23/05: Winged Migration (Jacques Perrin, 2001) **
There's a little lake next to the library l rented this from. If l wanted to watch geese for 2 hrs, l woulda gone and sat next to it. Boring film. Pretty to look at, sometimes, but...boring.

41. 03/24/05: Tokyo Drifter (Seijun Suzuki, 1966) ****
Review page 22 of discussion thread.

42. 03/26/05: Blackball (Mel Smith, 2003) **
boring, stupid, cliche. sports movie, only the sport sucks. as does the movie. kinda funny once or twice. blah,

43. 03/27/05: Shaun of the Dead (Edgar Wright, 2004) *** ½
best zombie movie ever. hilarious. gets kinda serious towards the end, and l dont like that much. but optherwise great.

44. 03/29/05: You Got Served (Chris Stokes, 2004) *
l'll admit. as aweful as l found this movie, l just couldnt change the channel. :( it sukt. bad.

45. 03/30//05: 50 First Dates (Peter Segal, 2004) ** ½
eh. not great. not bad. kinda forgettable. yknow.

46. 03/31/05: In America (Jim Sheridan, 2003) ***
this is a fine little film. l really enjoyed it. course l watched it at like 2 am, so maybe l wasnt thinking right or something. dunno.

47. 04/01/05: The Upside of Anger (Mike Binder, 2005) *** ½
great movie. funny. well acted, for the most part. l was a little disappointed with the lead actress (tever her name is), though. lil predictable. but good.

48. 04/01/05: Sin City (Robert Rodriguez, 2005) ****
Phenomenal. Stylish to the nth degree, and l love style. Even with it's few flaws it was just so cool and fun l couldn't help but absolutely love it. Great.

49. 04/05/05: Bug (Phil Hay, 2002) ** ½
meh. it was kinda interesting, and kinda original, but not technically well made or acted.

50. 04/07/05: Rear Window (Alfred Hitchcock, 1954) ** ½
Hm. isn't this supposed to be like...a masterpiece, or something? frankly, l thought it was kinda boring, and l wasnt interested. l'll try it again, someday, when l'm not so distracted, (maybe that was it, though l dont remember being so.) just nothing special.

51. 04/11/05: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Tom Stoppard, 1990) *** ½
hilarious. almost as good as the book. maybe even funnier, too.

Author:  Atoddr [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 2:39 am ]
Post subject: 

My list:

1. (2-13-05)King Arthur - C
One of the most fascinating stories of all time is reduced to a bad Braveheart rip-off. Disappointing.

2. (2-13-05) The Getaway (1994) - C+
I never saw the original with Steve McQueen/Ali McGraw but I bet it was better than this generic action flick. Not terrible, but not that great either.

3. (2-13-05) The Great Outdoors - C
I haven't seen this in about 15 years. It's a typical '80's comedy with John Candy, notable for the fact that it's one of Annette Bening's earliest film roles.

4. (2-14-05) The Crying Game - B
If You THught Million Dollar Baby was the first Oscar-nominated movie with a highly-guarded plot twist, then you haven't seen this! I found it to be interesting, but overrated.

5. (2-15-05) Batman And Robin - C-
Of course it's bad, but when you watch it again, some of the campier aspects are quite fun. I think Uma Thurman knew she was ina bad movie and gave an over-the-top, vampy performance.

6. (2-16-05) The Recruit - B
A decent spy thriller. It had some nice twists and turns and kept me guessing, but I enjoyed the 1st half of the movie better than the second.

7. (2-17-05) The Man Who Cried - B-
Christina Ricci is an orphan, Johnny Depp is a gypsy, and Cate Blanchett is a showgirl. Those are reasons enough to check out this film that was almost good, but a little too uneven.

8. (2-18-05) The Hours - B+
I rewatched this on cable and liked it better the second time around. The performances were richer, esp. Kidman. It's not just a fake nose that won her that Oscar.

9. (2-19-05) The Philadelphia Story - B
Witty dialogue from Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, and Katherine Hepburn. My effort to watch some classics.

10. (2-20-05) Forrest Gump - A
It's a classic, as good as I remembered. Hanks is great of course, but what I forgot is how good Gary Sinise and Robin Wright Penn are.

11. (2-24-05) A Walk On The Moon - B
I hear the ladies love Viggo Mortenson and Diane lane proves it's true in this well-acted drama.

12. (2-25-05) Braveheart - A
Everyone remembers the violent battle scene and gut wrenching (literally) ending, but I forgot how romantic this movie is at times. Also, Gibson's performance is very underrated. He sells a script that's a bit clunky at times.

13. (2-25-05) All About Eve - A
This movie ties with Titanic for the most Oscar nominations and after watching it I understand why. It still holds up very well today. The script is sharp and very funny and it's full of great performances.

14. (2-26-05) Funny Farm - B+
Underappreciated Chevy Chase comedy from the 80's. It's been several year since I've seen it. Maybe a little too polite, but it still has some funny moments.

15. (3-3-05) Girl With A Pearl Earring - B
Beautiful looking film, but a little slow and needed a little stronger story. Scarlett Johansson continues to impresss however.

16. (3-04-05) Edward Scissorhands - A-
My first complete viewing of this modern classic by Tim Burton. Johny Depp is great, Of course.

17. (3-05-05) Kiss Of The Dragon - B-
This Jet Li action film starts off promising, but becomes bogged down mainly due to Bridget Fonda's character. If this is the kind of parts she was getting it's no wonder she's seemingly retired.

18. (3-8-05) Spy Game - B
Not my favorite DVD, but maybe the one with the best rewatchability. Great pairing of Pitt and Redford. Hasn't Catherine McCormick aged a lot since Braveheart?

19. (3-9-05) The Last Action Hero - C+
I'll never look at action movies the same after watching this. While the movie does have some clever and funny moments, it doesn't completely work. The cameos are funny though, esp. Sharon Stone and Joan Plowright.

20. (3-10-05) I, Robot - B
I didn't really expect much from this so it was better than I thought it would be. It's actually one of those movies where the trailer doesn't give too much away. Decent story and nice effects.

21. (3-11-05) Along Came Polly - C
A romantic comedy that's not funny or romantic. I did think Jennifer Aniston was good though. She is going to have a decent movie career someday soon.

22. (3-16-05) What's Eating Gilbert Grape - B+
It's been about 10 years since I've seen this. Leo is great in his first Oscar-nominated pre-Titanic role. It's a little slow, but an enjoyable movie.

23. (3-17-05) The War Of The Worlds (1953) - B
While the special effects are very dated, this is worth watching. It's hard to watch this without not comparing to ID4 and other end-of-the world movies, but I enjoyed it. It'll be interesting to see if Spielberg can make his remake unique enough.

24. (3-19-05) Anger Management - B-
One of those uncomfortable humor comedies like Meet The Parents, so uncomfortable that I don't enjoy it at times. Still, it had some funny moments. Not one of Nicholson's best.

25. (3-20-05) About Schmidt - B
I've already seen this once, but how can you pass up a Kathy Bates nude scene? It's nice to see Jack in a movie where he plays someome besides himself.

26. (3-26-05) Never Been Kissed - B
One of those movies that actually turns out better than it probably should have with help from the always-funny Molly Shannon and the always dependable John C. Reilly.

27. (3-31-05) Finding Nemo - A-
It still holds it's charm and even gets better on repeat viewings. Visually stunning and what else can be said about how great Ellen Degeneres is in this?

28. (4-1-05) The Human Stain - C
It's a shame so many talented people were involved in such a waste of a movie. It had potential, but doesn't come close to being good on any level.

29. (4-2-05) Cops And Robbersons - C-
Maybe the movie that officially ended Chevy Chase's career. It's lame, uninteresting, and unfunny. Not even Oscar winners Jack Palance and Dianne Wiest can save it, but Wiest tries.

30. (4-3-05) Searching For Debra Winger - B
I just rewatched this on cable. While it has too many 'girl power' moments and Roseanna Arquette is a little irritating, it's an interesting look into Hollywood. The best moments come from Whoopi Goldberg, Holly Hunter, and esp. Jane Fonda.

31. (4-7-05) Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason - B
Not as good as the first, but still entertaining. The weight doesn't look as good on Zellweger this time around.

32. (4-8-05) Frida - B-
Visually interesting, but it needed more insight regarding who Frida Kahlo actually was, not just what she did. Salma Hayek is good, but Alfred Molina is the true heart of this movie.

33. (4-9-05) Thunderbirds - C
Any movie that features bad performances by Ben Kingsley and Bill Paxton needs help. My kids enjoyed it.

34. (4-10-05) Up Close And Personal - B-
Rewatching this on cable made me a little sad for Michelle Pfeiffer. She could have been one of the all-time greats if she had made more movies. And better movies. I miss watching her onscreen.

35. (4-14-05) For Love Of The Game - B+
I'm not a baseball fan, but Sam Raimi and Kevin Costner made me love baseball in this movie. It's too bad the love story is such a distraction.

36. (4-15-05) Grease - A
It's still as much fun as I remembered. While Travolta and Newton-John still are good, it's Stockard Channing that really shines as Rizzo. The musical numbers are great. I can still sing them by heart.

37. (4-16-05) Bring It On - B+
Rewatched this on cable and it's still a very fun movie. Maybe it should have been included on the bonus list for sports movies!

38. (4-17-05) Chariots Of Fire - B
Inspirational but boring at times. That famous score sounds a little dated now, but it sounds great in the opening running sequence on the beach.

39. (4-21-05) Starsky And Hutch - B-
Ben Stiller continues to give us mediocre comedies. Owen Wilson is always funny and Will Ferrell livens this up a bit in his small role.

40. (4-22-05) The Village - A
I know a lot of people hated this, but I loved it. I guess knowing the twist ahead of time made me enjoy the story more. Bryce Dallas Howard was great.

41. (4-27-05) Cheaper By The Dozen - B
You know you're getting older when you watch something because of Steve Martin and Bonnie Hunt instead of Hilary Duff, Ashton Kutcher, and Tom Welling. Family fun that is actually pretty funny.

42. (4-28-05) Planet Of The Apes - A-
I watched the original for the first time in many years and my memory holds true. It IS a classic. I'm going to watch the whole series when I get around to it. Charleton Heston has been in some great movies.

43. (4-29-05) Wait Until DArk - B+
Very effective thriller with a suspenseful ending and a good performance from Audrey Hepburn. The blackouts at the end are very effective.

44. (4-30-05) Miller's Crossing - B-
I'm not a big fan of the gangster genre, but I usually enjoy a movie by the Coens. The best part was the gunfight (duh) and Albert Finney was great, but I had a hard time following all the double crosses.

45. (5-6-05) Pieces Of April - B
Katie Holmes is just ok, but Patricia Clarkson deserved her Oscar nom. for this little dramedy. Should be required viewing for the Thanksgiving holiday.

46. (5-7-05) Radio - C+
Dependable but predictable entertainment. Harris is good and it's nice to see Debra Winger again.

47. (5-8-05) Spiderman - A-
One of the best super hero movies ever for two reasons: Tobey Maguire is perfect as Peter Parker and Sam Raimi obviously loves the source material.

48. (5-12-05) Mr. 3000 - B-
Pretty good sports movie that is predictable until the end. Hmmm, on second thought I saw that ending coming, but I still liked it.

Author:  Eagle [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Eagle's List

01. 02/13/05: Hitch Grade: A-
--[Great movie, enjoyed it throughly, terrefic performances as well as chemistry between Smith and Mendes, on of the higher class romantic comedies]--

02. 02/17/05: Napolean Dynomite Grade: NA
--[Hilarious. Get's better every time I watch the movie. I can't seem to settle on a grade, but every time I see scenes with Tina, or where Napoleans Uncle is talking about throwing a football over the mountains. Simply classic. Pick up new things every time I see it, the mark of a great comedy.]--

03. 02/19/05: Pretty Woman Grade: NA (Around a B+)
--[A fun romantic comedy. Julia Roberts as a stripper, ahh yes. It is a little corny, little sappy, but in the end it is solid and funny. I love Jason Alexander, and Greer is perfect for a laywer/breakup company guy]--

04. 02/20/05: Aladdin Grade: A
--[Amazing movie. The songs, the humor, simply a classic. I love this movie almost as much as the Lion King, and I could watch it over and over.]--

05. 02/21/05: Anchorman Grade: NA (in the C- range)
--[One of Will Farell's worst. He didn't do anythign wrong but the humor was bland, and only occasionally funny. You expect a movie like that to have you laughing the whole time, and it simply wasnt the case. To many flat jokes.]--

06. 03/06/05: Bambi Grade: NA (in the B range)
--[Well I saw disney just released it, and couldn't help myself. Very much an implus buy, but I hadn't seen it since I was a kid. A very good movie, but it really shows you the advancement of today. The movies now just ... more color, more life, more story. Yet soemthing about bambi, the love of his mother, the circle of life (before the lion king makes it famous) and of course ... thumper. Flower is great too ... so much I didn't remember. Good movie.]--

07. 03/07/05: Big Fish Grade: NA (in the B+/A- range)
--[Been a while since I had seen this one. Decided to go ahead and give it a look. Man I forgot how much I like'd the movie. Billy Crudup who plays the son of Bloom, man he drives me nuts in the movie. He just ... seems so out of touch with his character, and did a bad job with it. Everyone else is freaking brilliant, and the movie just hits home. I love stories and thus I love this movie.]--

08. 03/07/05: Cold Mountain Grade: NA (in the B+/B- range)
--[Bought this almost a month ago, and jsut got around to watching it for the very first time. Pretty good movie, they did a good job with Nicole Kidman's character and Renee Zelwegger (sp?) did a terrific job. The confederate bad guys seemed a bit over the top at times, but all in all it was a solid movie, with great performances and a solid but forgettable story.]--

09. 03/08/05: The English Patient Grade: NA (in the B+/B- range)
--[Bought this one a while ago as well ... was a solid movie, good story, intresting throughout. Deffinatly got long in parts, but it was all in all a good tragic story. Little underwhelming, but meh, I enjoyed it.]--

10. 03/14/05: Innocence Grade: NA (in the C-/B- range)
--[OK. This is a japanese anime movie based on a very popular manga. The movie was completely in Japanesse so I watched it with subtitles, and that sucked because the movie is so visually stunning. It made it very hard to follow both the plot and the amazing scenes being shown. That really hurt the effectivness of the movie for me, but it was still OK and I think if I watched it a few more times I would like it more and more.]--

11. 03/19/05: Ring 2 Grade: D+

12. 03/20/05: Robots Grade: B-
--[Review coming shortly]--

13. 03/27/05: Star Wars: Episode 4 Grade: NA
--[I will discuss the grade in an upcoming article. it was a good movie, amazing special effects, and a good story. I have never really sat down and watched all of the origional trilogy. I recently bought them all so thoguht I would give it a go.]--

14. 03/28/05: Star Wars: Episode 5 Grade: NA
--[Every bit as good as the origional, does a good job being a continuation of the story. It is amazing what they were able to do special effects wise even back then. I liked the story, and loved Yoda. He talks funny :)]--

15. 03/28/05: Star Wars: Episode 6 Grade: NA
--[Still an amazing story ... not such a fan of the ending, but meh ... was still good. More thoughts later.]--

16. 03/28/05: I Heart Huckabees Grade: NA
--[WoW. Watched this very tired ... didn't fall asleep ... or maybe I did and dreamt the movie ... will have to rewatch soon. Either way this movie was cool, had something to say, and did an amazing job at saying it. Humor came from being so damn out there you had to laugh. I like it. Reminds me of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.]--

17. 03/28/05: Motorcycle Diaries Grade: NA
--[Well imagine my suprise when I realized it was all in subtitles. Of course ... why would I ever think that a foreign film would be in anything other than english ... duh. Not having slept in about 25 hours, it made for an interesting movie experience. The movie is slow, and relativly uneventful for the most part, yet managed to keep my interest, and it does a good job of showing nothing, yet showing change. I enjoyed it.]--

18. 03/29/05: Finding Neverland Grade: A/A+
--[Just one of those movies, will take another watching. It really hit home with me, I really enjoyed it, was totally captured in the movie, it seemed ... make believe. I have to watch it again, hope it holds the same, and if it does It will be one of my favorites. I am upset that I put off seeing this for so long, and glad that I picked it up on DVD, because I almost didn't.]--

19. 03/29/05: Star Wars: Episode 1 Grade: NA
--[Will discuss more later, but deffinatly the worst so far. Jar Jar was a Big Big mistake.]--

Author:  Jmart [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:19 am ]
Post subject: 

My List

1. 2.13.05 -- Boxcar Bertha (1972) -- C+
For an exploitation film produced by Roger Corman, and directed by Scorsese, it's not a bad film. Even though the film runs 88 minutes long, it drags in many parts. However, the ending of the film is actually quite good, especially with the camerawork during the shootout. So all around, it's a decent film that is just a little boring in some parts.

2. 2.14.05 -- Raging Bull (1980) -- A+
I can't really say anymore about Raging Bull that hasn't been said by critics or fans before. This is just simply a great film. The music, the cinematography, it's all superb. Also, the use of black and white, instead of color is very effective. The boxing sequences are graphic enough with the blood in black and white that I don't even want to imagine them in color. If I have a complaint about the film, I have just one. It feels too rushed at the end. Maybe it's just because I wanted the film to last a little longer because it's so good.

3. 2.15.05 -- Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989) -- B+
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is one of the movies I grew up with, so I have a fond likeness for this movie. The special effects are dated, the acting is forgettable, and the premise itself is over the top, but it's still a very fun movie to watch. On a side-note, the sets are also a marvel to look at as well.

4. 2.16.05 -- Alien vs. Predator (2004) -- C+
I have to admit that AVP is nowhere near the train wreck I thought it was going to be, as it is somewhat fun but on the whole, I still didn't like it enough. One big issue I had going into the film was the PG-13 rating. I figured if you were going to make this kind of movie, you probably want to go for a hardcore R rating, but there is still enough violence to make people happy. If the acting was somewhat less serious I might have enjoyed the movie more, but I didn't.

5. 2.16.05 -- Sideways (2004) A+
I didn't get a chance to post yesterday (Same with AVP) because I wasn't near a computer, but I got a chance to see Sideways yesterday and it absolutely lived up to the hype. The acting is great and the directing is nothing flashy. However, the standout in the film for me wasn't Paul Giamatti, but it was Thomas Hayden Church. The only place I knew him from, was from Wings and he has certainly grown since then as an actor. Also, the ending of the film with Miles knocking on the door was perfect.

6. 2.17.05 -- Shark Tale (2004) B
This is nowhere near as bad as I figured it was going to be, but it's still not as good as Finding Nemo, let alone Shrek 2. However, the film is still somewhat funny and fun to look at. Also, it's kind of odd saying this, but Martin Scorsese was probably the best out of all of them.

7. 2.18.05 -- Saw (2004) D
When I first saw this in theaters I didn't like them film. I now find that after I have bought the DVD, I still don't like the film. It's just an unscary, too clever for it's own good, dumb movie. However, my curiosity for the sequel still remains.

8. 2.18.05 -- Son of the Mask (2005) C
To my surprise, the movie itself isn't awful. I'm not saying it's a good movie, or that I would reccommend seeing it, but it's not an unwatchable. It was also very smart of the filmmakers to use Jamie Kennedy only twice as the Mask, as many comparisons between Carrey and Kennedy were bound to come up. I do think though that I am being very generous when I give this movie a C.

9. 2.19.05 -- The Shawshank Redemption (1994) A+
If the A+ is a shocker to anyone, then you haven't seen the film. The same could be said for me about three hours ago. Before then, I had wanted to see the film only because I have hear nothing but good things. But how good can a movie about a prison really be? Well, it's one of the finest films I have ever seen, and now one of my favorites. Yes, the ending of the movie is very improbable, but I don't care. I love this film.

10. 2.20.05 -- Unforgiven (1992) A+
It's not the best western I have ever seen (The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly) and it's not the best Eastwood movie I have ever seen (Same title), but it's a great film. Hackman's performance was the best.

11. 2.20.05 -- The Big Bounce (2004) B-
I believe myself and three other people liked this movie. The plot is on auto-pilot along with the performances (Freeman is very good in this movie though), but the film is great to look at.

12. 2.20.05 -- Taxi (2004) B
There are three things that surprise me about this movie. The first is the chemistry between Jimmy Fallon and Queen Latifah. What seems like an odd match on paper actually works in this film. They're very funny together. The second is the actual attempt at making a decent cop movie here. Yes, how realistic and serious can you get about supermodel bank robbers, but so what? It's actually pretty well done. The third is how much I liked this movie. I came in expecting a turkey, and what I got was a well done buddy/cop movie.

13. 2.21.05 -- Get Shorty (1995) A-
Just like Jackie Brown that later followed, this is a very good (Jackie Brown is better though), nearly great adaptation of an Elmore Leonard novel. Everyone is spot on here. Also, the movie within the movie, if you want to call it that, is very clever at the end.

14. 2.21.05 -- Scary Movie 3 (2003) B
Some jokes fall flat, but most don't. It's a much, much, much better than it's predecessor, but it's nowhere near as good as the first Scary Movie. Even though he is probably only in the movie for about 10 minutes, Leslie Nielsen is the funniest person in the movie.

15. 2.21.05 -- Scary Movie (2000) B+
It's not as funny as I remember the first time I saw the movie close to five years ago, but it's still a pretty funny movie. What I mean is the first time I saw the movie, I was laughing out loud at most of the jokes. Now, I chuckled most of the time. However, it's still the perfect parody of a parody. How this cut of the film didn't get an NC-17 is beyond me.

16. 2.21.05 -- Scary Movie 2 (2001) C-
I only watched the movies out of order like this, because the third movie was on Starz! and then I decided to watch the next two from there. As for the second movie, it's not really good. There are a couple of laugh out loud moments here and there and the opening Exorcist sequence is pretty clever, but that's about it. However, the running time of 74 minutes (Without credits) make the film at least watchable.

17. 2.22.05 -- Forrest Gump (1994) A+
Man was 1994 a good year for movies or what? First Shawshank, then Fiction, and then there was Gump. Now that I have seen Shawshank, I can no longer say that this was the best film of 1994, but it's now second. I love this movie. It's just so well made with a great uplifting story, and it always makes me feel good when I watch it. Not too many movies can do that with me, but this is one of the few. Hanks definetly deserved the Oscar that he won that year.

18. 2.22.05 -- The Silence of the Lambs (1990) A+
I'm not sure if this deserved the Oscar over JFK for Best Picture, but it's still a damn fine film. Hopkins and Devine are both very creepy, and Foster pulls off the woman in a male's world (FBI) very well. Great movie by Demme.

19. 2.22.05 -- American Beauty (1999) A+
I hadn't seen this movie in about four years, and watching it again was a very good experience. I like it even better now than when I first saw it back in 2000. Very good movie.

20. 2.22.05 -- The Ring (2002) C-
Not that this really surprises me, but I still do not like this movie. It's a highly overrated film, and probably the second most overrated film in the last 10 years, only behind Spider-Man which came out that same year. I just don't see what's so special about it. Granted, the cinematography is excellent and the acting is sufficent, but the all around plot is just completely stupid. A killer video tape? Sadly, zombies are more believeable. Also, when I saw the film again (I last saw it two years ago), the unwanted laughs are still there. For instance when the horse gets chopped up in the rudder of the boat, I was laughing my ass off. Very overrated and a very unscary movie.

21. 2.23.05 -- The Fog (1980) D+
It's sad that even with all of the Carpenter regulars in this movie (Including his former wife Adrienne Barbeau) that this couldn't have been a scarier film. The premise of the movie itself is pretty good (Yes, better than a killer video tape) but the execution is lame. If you are going to have killer fog, you have to do something with it, which would lead to at least having some more gore. Another problem I have with the movie is Carpenter's score. Most of his scores are pretty good even though some sound the same, but this one is just bad. It seems for the last 30 minutes of the movie, he kept hitting one piano key over and over again. Effective at first, then it just became annoying. On the whole, besides a couple of jump moments here and there, the movie isn't really scary. In fact, the only plus of the movie is Barbeau's radio voice.

22. 2.23.05 -- The Rock (1996) A+
This is simply, the best action movie of the 90's. The one thing that makes this movie stand alone (At least for me) is that this is one of the few action movies that actually has some good acting in it. Cage, Harris, Connery? Can you get much better than that?

23. 2.24.05 -- Night of the Living Dead (1968) B
On the whole it's a pretty good film, but I have three problems with it. The acting, the editing and the fact that the middle of the movie is just plain boring. The acting is too over the top (Yes even for a zombie movie), the editing is too chopped up in places, and the middle just seems to drag on and on. However, the film is still somewhat scary, so that's why I liked it.

24. 2.24.05 -- I Heart Huckabees (2004) B
I can safely say that I did not, and still do not understand what the hell this movie was about, and what happened in the end. However, I guess that's why I kind of liked the movie, plus it's funny.

25. 2.25.05 -- Dawn of the Dead (2004) A-
Just before I started watching this movie I was trying to remember why I gave this movie an A- before, and then I remembered that not only was it a good action/zombie film, but that it's also one of the few remakes you will see that actually respects the original film, whether it would be through cameos, or by naming a store after one of the original film's stars. Even though the remake doesn't focus so much on consumerism, isn't as gory as the original, and isn't as humorous, it's still a very good zombie flick.

26. 2.25.05 -- Dawn of the Dead (1978) A+
Simply the best in the genre and one of the smartest horror films ever made. The movie also has one of the most effective, and creepiest musical scores I have ever heard.

27. 2.25.05 -- Day of the Dead (1985) C+
I don't know why Romero thinks this is his best film. The zombie effects/gore are great, but the acting is really awful. It's the weakest in the trilogy, but it's not a bad film. The gore makes up for the acting.

28. 2.25.05 -- Along Came Polly (2004) B
ACP is not the best Ben Stiller comedy I have seen, but it's still a pretty funny one. The pairing of Stiller and Aniston doesn't look great on paper, but they make a good on screen couple in this movie. Also, Phillip Seymour Hoffman is great in a supporting role as the washed up child actor.

29. 2.26.05 -- Scream (1996) B+
This movie simply is a lot of fun to watch, with a good story and very clever in jokes. My favorite in joke in the film is a cameo by director Wes Craven playing the school's janitor dressed as Freddy. It's a very good movie, but not as scary as when I first saw it a couple of years ago.

30. 2.26.05 -- Man of the House (2005) B
It was much better than I thought it was going to be, however it's a movie not without flaws, and most of them come in the editing. However, the movie is still funny (Especially Tommy Lee Jones) and that's why I am giving it a good grade.

31. 2.26.05 -- Scream 2 (1997) A-
I think I kind of liked this one better than the first. The plot is more complex, the killings are more violent, and the twist at the end is kind of clever.

32. 2.26.05 -- Scream 3 (2000) B+
For a film that apparently no one wanted to be involved in, this is actually a pretty good movie and a very funny one too.

33. 2.27.05 -- Mr. 3000 (2004) B
This is still somewhat of a disappointment. It's a funny movie, there's no question about that, but the movie doesn't handle the baseball aspects very well.

34. 2.27.05 -- 50 First Dates (2004) B
I for some reason didn't, and still do not, like this film compared to other Sandler films. I'm not saying it's a bad movie, it's actually good, but compared to Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison, it doesn't. Barrymore and Sandler make a good on screen couple again, but the story is a little weak. Also, that Red Sox referrence they through in there is looking a little stupid right about now.

35. 2.28.05 -- Se7en (1995) A+
I didn't get a chance to post this movie last night because the website was screwing up. However, I did get a chance to see this movie finally yesterday, and I have to say that this is the best in it's genre. It just beats out Silence of the Lambs for that spot. The story itself is very interesting and fun to follow, and the ending is unforgettable. Great movie.

36. 3.1.05 -- The Terminator (1984) B+
For a movie made in 1984, the special effects are top notch. Most of them still are today (The war sequences). However, some aren't. For instance whenever we see the steel terminator move, you can tell that it's stop motion animation. However, a good story, Arnold, and some other good special effects make up for some of the dated effects.

37. 3.1.05 -- Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991) A+
I hate Edward Furlong in this movie. He is just simply very annoying. However, the rest of the movie is fantastic. If I have only one problem with it, it's that it's too long, at least the Director's Cut (152 min). The special effects though, for 1991 are absolutely superb and better than some are now.

38. 3.2.05 -- Stripes (1981) A
I wish Harold Ramis and Bill Murray could've teamed up on more movies. I think they only did four together, with Groundhog Day as their last one and Stripes being their first. This is a really funny movie.

39. 3.2.05 -- Ray (2004) A+
What a beautiful movie. The acting is top notch, and the direction has some style to it. But then there is the music. I never really got into Ray Charles before, but man is most of, if not all of his music beautiful. If I have one problem with the movie it's the 150 minute running time, but that's only a minor complaint, in an otherwise great movie.

40. 3.2.05 -- Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines B
There is one thing that bugs me about this movie. It pays no attention to the characters from the first two movies at all, or else it would realize that the second story takes place in 1995. John Connor was 10, not 13 according to this story. Also, he did not go to middle school when he was 10 years old, unless he was a genius. Besides this little plot glitch, the film is still a lot of fun to watch and has plently of action, but that's about it. It's nowhere near being as good as the first two films are. The best thing this movie has going for it, is the surprise ending and Arnold.

41. 3.3.05 -- Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever (2002) D
This is one of the rare films I have seen where I have absolutely no feeling about this movie. It's just completely empty. I didn't care about the characters at all, and the plot for that matter. The only reason why I am giving this film a D and not an F is because the action sequences are well done.

42. 3.3.05 -- Exorcist: The Beginnning (2004) B
Not a bad film at all, but I have two problems with it. The lack of The Exorcist theme and some odd use of gore. The plotline is actually more interesting than I thought it was going to be.

43. 3.3.05 -- The Perfect Score (2004) B
I wasn't sure what I was going to get out of this movie, but I don't think I expected to enjoy it this much. It shouldn't be compared with Ocean's Eleven and The Breakfast Club, but it's good on it's own terms.

44. 3.4.05 -- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) A+
At one point, this was my favorite movie. That was until I saw Superman for the first time since I was a real young kid. This movie is simply perfect. The music, the cinematography, the direction, the special effects, are all perfect. Great film.

45. 3.4.05 -- Be Cool (2005) B+
This is probably the highest grade I have ever given to a movie, where I have almost fallen asleep in the theater, though it wasn't due to the quality of the film, I was just tired. This film is nowhere near being as good as Get Shorty was, but it's still pretty funny and somewhat clever. And man does Steven Tyler look old.

46. 3.4.05 -- E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) A+
If this was made by anyone other than Spielberg and possibly someone like Martin Scorsese, it would be the highlight of their career. For Spielberg, this is probably his fourth best movie behind Encounters, Raiders, and Schindler's List. This is just a wonderful movie, with one of Williams' best scores.

47. 3.5.05 -- Connie and Carla (2004) D-
This is what happens when there is nothing else to watch on TV. This is an absolutely abysmal comedy, with what has to be some of the dumbest leading characters in film history. If you are on the run from criminals, would you use your real names for an act? Of course not.

48. 3.5.05 -- Donnie Darko: Director's Cut (2001/2004) A-
I really don't know what to say after this film. It's a well made, well acted film, but it's kind of annoying too with all the jerking around. It's not the kind of film that I would watch again any time soon, but it's still a good movie.

49. 3.5.05 -- Zoolander (2001) B+
It's much better than the first time I saw it. The film is more clever than it has to be and it's very funny.

50. 3.5.05 -- Honey, I Blew Up the Kid (1992) B
Eh, this movie does not age well with it's special effects. Some of them look kind of cheesy (Just like in the first) and you can tell very clearly when a green screen was used. However, the charm from the first movie is still there, and that's why I still like this film, even after when I first saw it when I was 5. Also, the bad guy isn't really needed.

51. 3.6.05 -- Spies Like Us (1985) A-
This movie has one of the best first 60 minutes I have ever seen in a comedy. This includes the test taking sequence, the "Dickfer" joke, and the battle training sequences. Then the plot moves on to Russia and things start to slow down, and the laughs become more spread out. This is still a very good comedy though.

52. 3.6.05 -- Paycheck (2003) A-
I think this a much better movie than people give it credit for, but maybe that's because I am a suckup for most Uma Thurman films, and whenever a Boston sports team is mentioned or has anything to do with the plot. It's a very smart movie (More than people give it credit for) and it's directed with a nice visual style, typical of a John Woo film.

53. 3.6.05 -- Predator (1987) A-
On the whole, this is a very good movie, but I think it's slightly overrated. The action, the special effects, the acting, everything is fine, but the movie is just a little too long. The ending seems to drag on just a little bit. However, the action makes up for the somewhat long running time.

54. 3.6.05 -- The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) A+
This is the second best Bond film of the 70's only behind my favorite Live and Let Die (1973) and the third best overall (For Your Eyes Only (1981) is second.........can you tell which Bond is my favorite?) This film just has everything you want from a Bond film. Great action (The last 45 minutes especially), great girls (Barbara Bach), and great music (By Marvin Hamlisch, even though you can say most of it is outdated).

55. 3.7.05 -- Red Heat (1988) B+
Never in a million years would I have thought that the pairing of Belushi and Arnold would work, or at least well enough to keep me entertained. Well, they did. This is a very good movie, and a surprisingly funny one too. "Do you know Miranda?" Also the movie is suprisingly a little gruesome too.

56. 3.7.05 -- Alien: Director's Cut (1979) A+
I missed the boat last week to watch these movies, but I am going to try and watch one of them each day. Anyways, as for the original Alien, it's proabably one of the most suspensful movies I have ever seen, but it wasn't as gory, or as "Jump out of nowhere" scary as I thought it was going to be. That's a good thing, because that was obviously not the intention. It's all about the suspense.

57. 3.7.05 -- Kindergarten Cop (1990) A
I wonder how many parents took their 5 year olds to see this movie, and ended up leaving in the first 30 minutes because their kids were balling their eyes out. Even though the movie is PG-13, the first 30 minutes are kind of brutal, along with the last 20 minutes, were the kid in the movie is going to need some massive therapy after seeing his father get shot like that (Even though he was the bad guy). I'm not mentioning this though as a complaint. For someone like me, this movie is a walk in the park when it comes to violence. Besides the violence though, the movie is also very sweet and funny.

58. 3.8.05 -- Flight of the Phoenix (2004) C+
This one is kind of a tough call. I liked the performances, and the special effects weren't bad. But for a PG-13 movie, there is some unecessary, somewhat graphic violence here. I mean, it's not the most violent PG-13 film I have ever seen, but those were meant to be violent. Three things instances bugged me. 1. Man falling out of airplane, hitting a rock, and we see it all the way down. 2. Man shown from the waist up in sand with what looks like his skin melting. 3. Unecessary slow shot of one of the crew getting shot. Other than that, some mediocre ending, and the somewhat implausible ending, the film wasn't bad.

59. 3.8.05 -- Ladder 49 (2004) A
I can't decide whether I like this movie better than Backdraft or not. I don't think so, but it's pretty close. This movie is the complete package. It's funny, it's heartwarming, and it's very sad, not to mention the fire sequences are very good and very believable. Great film.

60. 3.9.05 -- Daredevil: Director's Cut (2003) B-
I like the original cut much better, simply because it's faster which means the action sequences are coming one right after the other. This version runs about 133 minutes, and we see more of Matt Murdock as a lawyer, and we see more of Jon Favreau. However, at over two hours, the film is just too long.

61. 3.10.05 -- Another Stakeout (1994) B+
It's not as good as the first movie, but it's still a pretty funny movie. The addition of Rosie O' Donnell to the cast didn't really hurt or help the movie, but Estevez and Dreyfus still made a good team. The dinner sequence towards the end of the film remains a very clever sequence.

62. 3.10.05 -- Eulogy (2004) A-
I really liked this movie. It reminded me a lot of the tv show Arrested Development. It's a shame this movie didn't get to more theaters than it did, seeing as it has a great cast, and it's a very funny movie. Ray Romano is especially funny in this movie.

63. 3.10.05 -- True Lies (1994) A+
This movie is a lot funnier than I remembered it being, and a lot more violent too. Tom Arnold made a good sidekick, and Jamie Lee Curtis and Schwarzenegger make a good on screen couple. Bill Paxton is also very funny as the used carsalesman. I also liked the ending with the two of them doing the tango. I wish there could've been a sequel to this, but that time passed a long time ago.

64. 3.11.05 -- Clerks: The First Cut (1994) B
Well, I think this is my favorite indie of all time, but only because I have seen like three others. This is a very funny movie, but it's not my favorite of Kevin Smith's. Also, the ending with Dante getting shot comes completely out of nowhere and isn't necessary.

65. 3.11.05 -- Mallrats (1995) C+
Eh. The film certainly looks a lot better than Clerks did, but that's about all it has on it. The sharp witty dialouge isn't there all throughout the movie like Clerks, and the overall feel of the movie feels...........forced. It's not a bad film thanks to Smith, Affleck, Lee and Mewes, but it's Smith's worst film.

66. 3.11.05 -- Pearl Harbor: Director's Cut (2001) B+
Well, I think I am one of the few people who actually really liked this film. Actually, now that I think about it, when I saw it in theaters, most of the people left crying at the ending, but maybe that's because they spent $5.00. I don't know, I thought it was money well spent. I guess that's why I paid $30 for the Vista Series Director's Cut. So what's the difference between the DC and the Theatrical? Well this version is R for more gore during the bombing sequence, it's on the whole a minute longer (We get a new scene with Baldwin towards the last half of the film where he is in the barracks with the men, instead of a campfire scene between Hartnett and Affleck) and there are more racial slurs. Personally, I like this edition better because of the violence (Even though I think it would've offended some people), because it seems more like a war movie. Also, the score for the film is fantastic.

67. 3.12.05 -- Chasing Amy (1997) A
It's not my favorite Kevin Smith film, but this is his best in terms of story. Actually, this is almost like Jersey Girl in the sense that it's more drama then comedy. The last 30 minutes in fact are borderline dreary. However, it's still a very funny movie thanks to Lee and Affleck.

68. 3.12.05 -- Dogma (1999) A
Ballsy. That's really all I have to say about this film..........ballsy. If I have one problem with the film, it's that it's just a little too violent. For a mostly comedic film, the minor graphic violence in the film seems slightly out of place. Another slight problem would be the running length. At over 2 hours it just feels a little too long. Other than that though, the movie is still really funny, and it was a smart move by Smith to include more of Jay and Silent Bob in this one, unlike the last film where they were only in one scene.

69. 3.12.05 -- Reindeer Games (2000) B+
Surprise, surprise, surprise. I've owned this movie for about four years now, and I have never really sat down to watch the entire thing. The contest finally gave me a good excuse to. Well, to my surprise, this is actually a pretty damn good movie, and the twist at the end was very clever. I now have an excuse to go out and buy the Director's Cut.

70. 3.12.05 -- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) A
This is my personal favorite of Kevin Smith's films. I like how he said before this film was made, that you didn't have to see the previous four in order to understand this film, but that's a load of bullshit. You can still enjoy the film if you haven't seen the four, but it helps going in if you have seen them. Ferrell is hilarious in this.

71. 3.13.05 -- Collateral (2004) A
Another great film by Michael Mann. I wouldn't say that this is his best (That still goes to Heat) but this is a great film that has the same kind of feel as Heat did. It's cool to see Tom Cruise out of his usual roll and playing a bad guy, and Jamie Foxx gives a very impressive performance as the cab driver (Oscar worthy though? I don't think so). Also, I think the film has been somewhat ridiculed with the ending. I thought it was very suspensful, with the chase through the office building and onto the train. And the ending, is just perfect. Great film.

72. 3.13.05 -- The Pacifier (2005) C+
A tale of two halves. After a somewhat entertaining opening sequence, the film is kind of dead for the first 40 minutes. Then, around the time that we learn one of the kid's is in a play, the film starts to turn around (Not because of this scene though). The film is corny as hell, but at least it's mostly funny. Diesel is on auto-pilot here, but at least it seemed he enjoyed working on the film.

73. 3.13.05 -- Jackie Brown (1997) A+
I'm having a hard time deciding whether JB, or Kill Bill is my favorite Tarantino movie. For now I am going with this one, but I'll check in again once I have seen Vol. 1 & 2. Anyways, as for this movie. I think the reason why I like it so much is because it's clever, and it's dialogue driven, plus the movie just seemed to breeze along, so it was easier to sit through. Also, the last 45 minutes of film with the payoff in "Billingsley" was very well done, and I liked how they showed it from everyone's point of view. JB is a great movie that is very well constucted, and the 154 minute running time just seems to breeze by.

74. 3.14.05 -- Kill Bill Vol. 1 (2003) A+
It was very smart of QT and Miramax to release this film into two seperate halves. I think the full 3hr 30min movie would work well for a DVD, but I know I couldn't sit that long in a theater. Anyways, the first half of the film is great. It's not really plot driven, and all we know about "The Bride" is that she is tracking down these four killers and Bill, to kill them for what happened at their wedding. We don't know why yet, but that's a good thing. The violence drives this half of the movie. Even though the blood spurting is completely unrealistic, it's still a lot of fun to watch.

75. 3.14.05 -- Kill Bill Vol. 2 (2004) A+
This is the better half of movie. The first half was great, but what makes the second half great is that it is more story driven. It's also quite suspenseful (When she is in the coffin), there is plently of violence, and it's mastefully acted. Even though he is in the movie for only about 30 minutes, David Carradine gives and Oscar worthy performance (He got robbed of a nomination). This guy is truly evil. Also, the dialouge in this movie, is actually better than his previous films. Well, after watching these three movies (Or, really two), I think Kill Bill is his best movie, and my favorite of his. Even though Jackie Brown is one of my favorite movies, I like this better, and I can't wait for the complete DVD to come out in August (Rumor).

76. 3.14.05 -- Major League (1989) B+
Here is the beginning of a franchise that just went wrong. The first film is great, the second one is good, but the third one sucked. The first film is very clever, and very funny, especially with the help from Bob Uecker.

77. 3.15.05 -- Reservoir Dogs (1992) A-
This is Tarantino's worst film, but that's saying something, especially since it's his first. For most director's, this would be their pinnacle film. For Tarantino, he was just warming up. The characters aren't very well developed, the very witty dialouge is there. Plus, there is the absolutely powerful ear cutting scene, with one of the best payoffs with what ends up happening to Mr. Blonde. It's a very good movie for his first time out, but it's not as great as his later three films are.

78. 3.17.05 -- This is Spinal Tap (1984) A
I personally do not think that it's one of the funniest movies ever made, but it's still pretty damn funny. Stonehedge, amps to 11, giant cucumber, black cover, Billy Crystal as a mime, all of this is really funny stuff. But in a 82 minute movie, the film seems to drag towards the end, and in a movie this short, that's kind of unacceptable. However, the film is laugh out loud funny throughout, so that's why I am giving it a high grade. Also, if you own the DVD, get a chance to listen to the commentary. It's one of the funniest I have ever heard.

79. 3.18.05 -- Without a Paddle (2004) B+
Okay, so we have seen these types of movies before, so what? As long as the movie is funny, I am going to like it. This one just happens to be very funny throughout. Dax Shepeard is actually surprisingly good here. I hope he goes on to do a few more movies.

80. 3.18.05 -- Beverly Hills Cop (1984) A+
This is my second favorite movie behind Superman. Eddie Murphy is just on the top of his game in this movie, and Judge Reinhold and John Ashton make for some very funny supporting action. Also, Harold Faltermeyer's score (While being very 80's) is really good, especially Axel's theme. Great film.

81. 3.18.05 -- The Upside of Anger (2005) A+
How many director's have the balls to blow their own character's head up? Well, Mike Binder does. The only other work that I really knew Binder from was from his film, The Sex Monster which was very funny. While this is a funny film, it's mostly a drama, and a great one at that. Even though he has played so many baseball players before, Costner is very good here. However, it's Allen who makes this film. She definetly deserves a nomination here. Also, the twist at the end was clever.

82. 3.19.05 -- Pulp Fiction (1994) A+
Here is yet another great movie released in 1994. This is not my favorite Tarantino film which I have mentioned before above, but this is probably his best from a screenplay point of view, as well as dialouge. Also, every single actor in the film is on top of their game here, especially Travolta. The needle scene is my favorite scene in the film.

83. 3.19.05 -- The Incredibles (2004) A
I'll take Toy Story and it's sequel over this movie, but this is Pixar at it's finest. If I have one problem with the movie, it's the running length. The movie is 115 minutes long. It kind of drags on towards the end, but the film is still very enjoyable to watch, and the visuals are stunning.

84. 3.20.05 -- Breakin All The Rules (2004) B
So in 2004 we saw three different kinds of Jamie Foxx. In this movie we get to see the romantic comedy side of him, which we have seen somewhat before. This is an enjoyable movie based on the performances. The story is a little weak and sometimes confusing, but ever single performance in the movie is fun to watch, especially from Peter MacNicol.

85. 3.20.05 -- Junior (1994) A-
I forget the first time I saw this movie, but I knew I liked it. This time around, I completely forgot about the first time I saw it, so it was like watching a brand new movie to me. This is the type of movie where you have to suspend your belief throughout, or else you aren't going to like it. The movie is very funny and very sweet, and that's what counts. I'm not sure what else I can say about a movie where Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a pregneant man, except that he, Devito and Thompson have good on screen chemistry with one another.

86. 3.21.05 -- Envy (2004) B-
I believe me and 7 other people enjoyed this movie. This time around, it wasn't as funny as when I first saw it in theaters, but I don't see the reason for why it has been horribly recieved. It's nowhere near being Ben Stiller and Jack Black's best films, but it's not awful.

87. 3.21.05 -- Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) A-
BHC II is nowhere near being as good as the original, but it's fine for what it is. I think the minor mistake here was the hiring of Tony Scott to direct. The film should've been more focused on the comedy again like the original instead of the action. However, for an action film with comedy in it, it's not bad at all. The reason why this film works is because the trio of Murphy, Reinhold, and Ashton. They are funny once again.

88. 3.23.05 -- Dark City (1998) A+
This is one of the few films I have ever seen, where after you watch it for the first time, you immediately want to watch it again. In this case, the reason to watch it again is to see all of the visuals once more, and to understand more of the film (If you can). The visuals are the best thing about this movie.

89. 3.25.05 -- Airplane (1980) A+
Is this the funniest film ever made? No. However, it's somewhere in the Top 10. Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, Dumb and Dumber, are all ahead of this in my book. That saying though, this is still a hilarious movie, with a laugh just about every five seconds. Whether it would be an old lady talking jive, Kareem-Abdul Jabbar, or Leslie Nielsen, the movie is just plain funny.

90. 3.25.05 -- Beverly Hills Cop III (1994) C+
What seems to be a promising opening to the film with Axel's boss being murdered, only leads to disappointment. Reinhold and Murray do the best they can with the material, but most of it is just plain stupid to take seriously. Also, John Ashton as Taggert is sorely missing here. Hector Elizondo is funny, but the duo of Taggert and Reinhold is missed here. Also, what a complete butchering of the Axel Foley Music Theme. What the hell is up with the cheesy trumpets? I wouldn't really reccommend this film, however, Murphy and Reinhold at least make it watchable. I hope there is a fourth movie somewhere down the line.

91. 3.26.05 -- Guess Who (2005) B+
It was a little better than I thought it was going to be. It's basically the same movie as Meet the Parents, with the exception of the race card being involved. However, i'm not saying that's a bad thing. This movie is very funny, although not quite on the same level as MTP.

92. 3.27.05 -- Stand By Me (1986) A
What a great film. This is definetly Rob Reiner's best film (Yes, ahead of When Harry Met Sally and This is Spinal Tap.) I say it's his best film because it's probably his most complicated. The characters are well developed, the film is funny, and it's touching too. The only problem I see with the film is the whole "Lardass" sequence, because it kind of slows down the film, but I guess when you have four characters in the woods throughout the whole movie, you have to come up with various things. Great film.

93. 3.28.05 -- Psycho (1960) A+
The best horror films are the ones that are pyschologically scary. Halloween is at the top of that list and Psycho is close behind. I don't get scared by many horror films, and watching Psycho, I realized that it was no different here. However, it's still a brilliantly crafted film and a very interesting one. The shower scene is the most famous scene from the film, but I found those 15 seconds to be a highly overrated. Why are people afraid to go in the shower after watching this? I can see how a 10-15 year old can say that, but grownups? However, the last 10 minutes of the film are what make it brilliant.

94. 3.28.05 -- D2: The Mighty Ducks (1994) C-
Here is a film that I loved as a kid. Watching it now 10 years later (Wow), I realize that really, kids that are 13 or younger are really the only audience to enjoy the film. I won't play cheesy to anyone under 13. For anyone older than that, it's one hell of a corny movie.

95. 3.29.05 -- Toy Story (1995) A+
The Incredibles is Pixar's best work, but it's not the most enjoyable. That honor goes to Toy Story. It's the most enjoyable to watch. Even though they were never in the same room together recording, Hanks and Allen make a good team as Buzz and Woody. I also enjoyed the several references to Raiders of the Lost Ark (When the globe is rolling towards Buzz) which I never noticed before until now. Also, the score and songs by Randy Newman are great. Great film.

96. 3.29.05 -- Toy Story 2 (1999) A
It's not as good as the first one in terms of story, but the visuals are much more enhanced and the characters are more developed. Wayne Knight is great as Al. I also liked the 2 Buzz's, and the Star Wars reference on the elevator. It also features another great score by Randy Newman.

97. 3.30.05 -- Glitter (2001) F
Here is one of the few movies I have ever given an F, and there is a good reason why. This is my least favorite movie. This is one of the few movies I have ever seen where there are no redeeming qualities to it, whatsoever. The editing sucks, the music is awful, Mariah Carey can't act to save her life, there is a character named Dice, and the movie is set in 1983???? AWFUL!!!

98. 3.30.05 -- Monsters Inc. (2001) B+
I would rank this somewhere in between A Bug's Life and The Incredibles. It's better than being just a good movie, but it falls short of being great. Just like with any Pixar film, the visuals are fantastic. The story however is a little weak.

99. 4.1.05 -- Celtic Pride (1996) C+
Even though the film completely makes fun of Celtics/Boston fans, the film is still funny in spots. I was actually an extra on this movie during some of the scenes that were shot at the Boston Garden. I didn't realize it until just today, but all of the scenes that are shot in the Garden are really horribly shot. The stadium isn't lit like an actual arena, and the gameplay doesn't seem like an actual realistic basketball game. However, the movie isn't so much about the basketball, but the comedy, and the comedy is somewhat funny.

100. 4.1.05 -- Sin City (2005) A+
Well my A+ grade here is really shocking. Okay, so maybe it isn't. The film is the complete package. The stories are interesting, and the look of the film is fantastic. The thing that I also liked about the film is that there was not one standout star. Everyone seemed to be in a supporting role here. For instance from the previews, Jessica Alba seemed to be in the film a lot, but really she only has about 20 minutes or so of screen time. And surprising to me (And it's obviously because the film was in black and white) the gore wasn't too intense. Great film.

101. 4.2.05 -- Fever Pitch (2005) A+
I got a chance to catch the sneak preview tonight. This was the first of two movies. Seeing as I am a Red Sox fan, going in there was no doubt I was going to like this movie. The question was just how much. Well, I absolutely loved the film. It is a perfect film (For at least someone from Boston). It captures the spirit of what being a Red Sox fan is all about (Without going over the top), and the chemistry between Fallon and Barymoore is great. The other great thing about the film is that you do not have to be a Red Sox fan in order to enjoy the film. With the possible exception of Dumb and Dumber, this is the Farrely Brothers best film.

102. 4.2.05 -- Robots (2005) A
Robots was the second half of the doubleheader and this was a very good film as well. It was surprisingly funny, and the visuals are great to look at. And of course, the best thing about the film was Robin Williams. Even though he is nowhere near as good as he was in Aladdin, he is still very funny here.

103. 4.4.05 -- After the Sunset (2004) A-
I was very surprised at how good this film actually is. Yes, of course I would give a high rating to seeing Salma Hayek in a bikini, but besides that there is actually a well done story here. I liked the chemistry between Harrelson and Brosnan. The same can be said for Brosnan and Hayek. Very well done.

104. 4.4.05 -- My Boss's Daughter (2003) C+
Okay, this isn't a great film, and I wasn't expecting it to be. However, what did surprise me most was how much I laughed. Yes, a good chunk of the jokes died, but most of them were funny. No one is really great here (Especially Tara Reid), but they are not supposed to be. This is a very flawed film, but it's a funny flawed film.

105. 4.6.05 -- Groundhog Day (1993) A+
Here is a movie that I could not stop watching when I was younger. Whenever I went swimming in my backyard, I use to bring out a TV and a VCR and I would always put this in for some reason. My mother got sick and tired of it, and now hates this movie because of it. For some reason with me, I never get tired of it, even though it's kind of odd to watch a movie multiple times about a certain day that happens multiple times. Anyways, to sum up very quickly since I have already used most of my space for this small review, I love this movie. It's the perfect romantic comedy, and this is probably my second favorite Bill Murray movie.

106. 4.8.05 -- What about Bob? (1991) A
"I feel good, I feel great, I feel wonderful." This is just simply a great film, and one of the few comedies that actually has a brain to go along with it. Why it took so long for some people to realize he was a great actor (Most people started noticing when Lost in Translation came out) I have no idea, but he is just shy of brilliant here. And then to be supported by the great Richard Dreyfus? It doesn't get much better than this.

107. 4.9.05 -- Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous (2005) C+
This may sound like an odd comparison, but this movie reminded me a lot of Beverly Hills Cop III, with the exception of this being the second film in the series. Just like in BCH III, they took a once clever character and made it into a cartoon. Also, the bad guys in both films were very weak. That's the bad news though. The good news is that Sandra Bullock and Deidrich Bader, and Regina King save this movie from being absolute crap. They're all very funny here. It has a throwaway plot but who cares?

108. 4.10.05 -- Sahara (2005) A
Well here is a pleasant shocker of a film. Based on the trailers and TV spots that I have seen, I seriously thought this movie was going to be a pile of crap. However, the movie is actually great, and I never thought I would be saying this, but the comparison between Indiana Jones/James Bond to Sahara is actually a good one. Now even though it's nowhere near as good as Indiana Jones, and most of the Bond movies, the film takes a lot out of both of those series. The film is also as highly implausible like most Bond movies. Nice little shocker.

109. 4.12.05 -- The Bad News Bears (1976) B+
This is one of those movies where you have seen most of it, know who wins, and yet haven't watched the entire film. Today was the first time I watched the entire thing, and I have to say that even though it's extremely funny, the film has a real dark side going for it as well, however it's realistic. For instance, there is a scene where a coach for the Yankees slaps his pitcher in the face. Now when I played, I never saw a father do that, but it happens. The film is extremely funny, but brutally realistic.

110. 4.12.05 -- Blazing Saddles (1974) A+
Most directors hope to have a movie like this once in their career. Mel Brooks had two in one year. The one two combination of this and Young Frankenstein must have been great to see on the big screen. This is just simply a laugh a second film. There is maybe only a 5 minute sequence in the middle of the film in which it drags, but the last 15 minutes of the film make up for that.

111. 4.13.05 -- Slap Shot (1977) A
Here is one of the funniest and most intelligent sports movies you will see. Even though it's about hockey and loves the sport, it definetly criticizes what the game was becoming in '77 with more violence and more fighting. But besides the actual point of the movie, Newman gives a great performance. If I have a problem with the movie though, it's that it runs just a bit too long for a comedy. It's about 2 hours long and probably could've used about 20 minutes deleted from the running time. Besides that, it's a great film.

112. 4.14.05 -- Miracle (2004) A
Even though this movie made a somewhat hefty sum at the box office, it just seemed to get lost in the shuffle last year. The same with Kurt Russell and Oscar nominations. He should've been nominated for his role as Herb Brooks here, since mostly he becomes Herb Brooks (Doesn't imitate him) and the story is mostly about Brooks and not the team. There are also some great supporting performances too, especially from Patricia Clarkson. Great film.

113. 4.15.05 -- Young Frankestein (1974) A+
In some ways, it's not as funny as Blazing Saddles, but I would say that it's a little bit more intelligent. It doesn't go for the sight gag, or the sound gag as often as they did in Saddles. I'm not saying that, that style of humor isn't funny (I find it to be quite funny) but I think this type of humor is harder to pull off, and they definetly did.

114. 4.15.05 -- National Lampoon's Gold Diggers D
This movie comits the ultimate cardinal sin of a comedy, it's just simply not funny. I will admit I chuckled at a couple of jokes here or there, but this is just a stupid and lousy movie, and there is not even enough of Nikki Schieler Ziering to go around. However, it's nowhere near being the worst movie I have ever seen, plus Nikki is topless three times, so that is why I am giving it a D.

115. 4.16.05 -- Beauty Shop (2005) C
Kevin Bacon makes this movie bearable to watch. If it wasn't for him, this movie would sure as hell have a much lower grade. I have three big problems with the movie. The first one is that it's not funny throughout. The laughs are scattered. The second is the running length. It's 100 minutes long but it feels much longer, which leads me to my final point. It's just flat out boring. You know, I like characters who talk when they have something smart to say (Like in the first two Barbershop films) but here, the characters and dialouge are just boring.

116. 4.17.05 -- Ocean's Twelve (2004) A
For a sequel, this is actual a very clever film. It doesn't contain the best story in the world, but all of the actors seemed to be having fun while making it, and it passes on through to the film, because it's a lot of fun to watch. The cinematography and the music are the best part of the film from a technical aspect. I also liked the whole in-joke with Tess, and I liked the nice little Sox/Yankees reference on the train.

117. 4.18.05 -- For Love of the Game (1999) B
I'm such a sucker for baseball films. If this movie were just focused on the Preston/Costner relationship, this movie would be absolutely boring since the two of them essentially act like stick figures. However, the baseball aspect of the film is so well done, that it's hard for me to give this a low grade. Plus, the movie pokes a couple of jabs at the Yankees, so it's especially hard for me to hate the film. However, if you aren't a baseball fan, I wouldn't see it. The acting is basically wooden and emotionless.

118. 4.18.05 -- Johnson Family Vacation (2004) D+
With the exception of a couple of funny moments in the film, I really did not like this. I especially don't like films that ripoff scenes from other films. In this, the first 45 minutes are basically the same as in National Lampoon's Vacation. The difference between the two? Lampoon's Vacation was funnier. This entire film is a piss poor attempt at being funny. The film's lone bright spot though is Steve Harvey.

119. 4.19.05 -- The Avengers (1998) D
Now let me begin by saying that I never saw the TV series. However, if all of the dialouge on the TV show was full of innuendos and puns constantly like this film, then I wouldn't have liked it. Whoever wrote this film, thought they were writing very clever dialouge. Maybe it was, but it didn't translate because of the actors. I like Uma Thurman and Ralph Fiennes, but they are both awful in this film. The film's only saving grace is Sean Connery. All in all, the film sucks.

120. 4.20.05 -- Spaceballs (1987) B+
Okay here is an analogy. Hook is to Spielberg as Spaceballs is to Mel Brooks. Okay, so what does that mean? It means that if these two films were directed by anyone else, it would be a career film for them. For Brooks and Spielberg, it just kind of a walk in the park. The first 30 minutes of this movie are flat (Besides the ship gag). Once we get to the "Ludicrous speed" joke the film takes off. It's nowhere being on the same level as Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstein, but it's still a funny movie.

121. 4.20.05 -- Melinda and Melinda (2005) A-
What a good little movie here by Woody Allen. For some reason, no one (Based on the box office numbers) went to see this film and that's a shame because it's pretty good. I like how the stories were setup and I liked all of the peformances (Especially from Ferrell). The only thing I guess that I didn't like about the film were parts of the dramatic story. It starts off very nicely, but then by the last two scenes, I just didn't care about any of the characters. With Ferrell's story, I did care what happened to the characters. Going from the movie, I guess that means I like comedic spins on stories more than dramatic ones. I also like that Steve Carrell ended up in the movie. He has about the same screentime as Jimmy Fallon did in Anything Else, but at least all of his scenes are with Ferrell.

122. 4.20.05 -- The Producers (1968) A
The Producers is not my favorite Mel Brooks movie, but it's better than Spaceballs. Now, I haven't seen the Broadway play so I can't compare the two productions. However, this does make me anticipate the remake coming out, I think later this year. Even though the jokes are very funny before we see some of the actual play, the best part of the film is the play itself. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard Springtime for Hitler. The Producers isn't as good as Blazing Saddles and Young Frankenstien, but it's still a great film.

123. 4.21.05 -- Meet the Fockers (2004) B+
Is the film anywhere near as good as the original? Well it comes close in several points, but on the whole I would say no, but I wasn't expecting that when I first saw the film. Dustin Hoffman and Barbra Streisand are perfect additions to the cast. The best sequence in the film is at the surprise family dinner when Greg is up on stage after being injected with the truth serum. Focker out!

124. 4.22.05 -- A Time to Kill (1996) A+
I caught this on cable last night, and I have to say that this is one of the most effective and powerful courtroom dramas I have ever seen. Every single scene seemed to be powerful, and not just throw away scenes. Great film.

125. 4.23.05 -- Cellular (2004) A-
Here was one of the most underappreciated films all of last year. Is it preposterous and dumb at times? Yes. Is it a little weird that William H. Macy ends up being the action hero at the end? Yes. Is the film very clever, tense and worth watching? Absolutely.

126. 4.23.05 -- A Lot Like Love (2005) C-
To begin with, I like Ashton Kutcher and I like Amanda Peet. I also thought the trailer for this movie was good. All I have to say is A Lot Like Love is a lot like shit (Insert rimshot). I don't think I have ever seen a romantic comedy, where the two main characters are so inept about their feelings for one another. Peet and Kutcher are fine in their parts, it's just that the characters are so stupid, we don't really care what happens to them by the end of the movie. Plus, there are a lot of unintentional laughs in the movie (Title cards specifically), which brings it down even more.

127. 4.24.05 -- Spanglish (2004) A
Here, once again like Cellular, was one of the most underappreaciated movies from last year. Now, it's not on the same leve as As Good as it Gets was, but I don't think it was trying to be either. Adam Sandler and Tea Leoni do a standup job here playing a married couple on the verge of going crazy. And then there is Paz Vega. I have come to the conclusion that she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Oh, and she is a very good actor as well. Talk about a one-two punch.

128. 4.25.05 -- Starsky and Hutch (2004) B+
Even though I have probably only seen four or five episodes of the original TV shows, I can tell you very easily that they nailed this movie down. This is almost a perfect remake of the TV show. If it weren't for a couple of stupid jokes here and there, it would've been great. However, the film's cast is just about perfect.

129. 4.25.05 -- New York Minute (2004) F
I guess this is the punishment I get for Tivo'ing all of the 2004 films I could find playing. This just happened to be one of those films. This has got to be one of the worst films I have ever seen. It actually comes close to being on the same level as Glitter. It just doesn't make any sense. To add onto that, the directing is awful and there is a lot of unecessary CGI work in the film. The only "good" part of the film was the cameo by Bob Saget, and I never thought I would say that Bob Saget would be the best part of any film (Even though I liked Dirty Work, which he directed). This is just a bad film, and now my new worst of 2004.

Author:  Anonymous [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:32 am ]
Post subject: 


[size=75]1. 2/13/05 - 13 Going On 30 (2004) F

This is a paint by number film at its worst. One big cliche after another. Bad, bad, bad. And not funny to boot.

2. 2/13/05 - Chicago (2002) - A

It succeeds because of great musical numbers like Cell Block Tango. The acting is top notch, the cinematography is pitch perfect, the sets shine, the directing is incredible. I think Rob Marshall deserved his nomination and a win wasn't out the question.

3. 2/13/05 - Driving Miss Daisy (1989) - A

Very sappy but it succeeds on the strong acting of Morgan and Jessica. I wouldn't call it a comedy but it is funny at times. One of the best ending shots of all time. Sad and uplifting at the same time.

4. 2/13/05 - A Beautiful Mind (2001) - A

One of the best "hollywood" biopics ever made, if not the best. Like Chariots of Fire with Vangelis, A Beautiful Mind makes use of a haunting score courtsey of Horner and Charlotte Church. This movie touches me deeply every time I watch it.

5. 2/14/05 - Gigli (2003) - C

Rhymes will really. Actually, not a horrible film. One issue, my penis neither resembles a sea slug nor a toe. And why do all killers for hire have a change of heart?

6. 2/14/05 - La Vita E Bella (Life is Beautiful) (1998) - A+

What amazes me most about this film isn't the acting (which is incredible), or the cinematography (which is also incredible), but how funny and sad this film is. It reminds me of a Disney film, it's that magical.

7. 2/15/05 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) - A

Out of all the wu xia and wushu films, CTHD remains the best. Maybe because it has the most straightforward narrative and the best fight scenes. I could have done without the extended flashback of Jen and Lo. Too long and it didn't move the story at all.

8. 2/15/05 The Silence of the Lambs (1991) - B

A lot of attention was given to Sir Anthony's work but I'm a Ted Levine fan myself. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. Good film, nowhere near great though.

9. 2/15/05 Unforgiven (1992) - A

Eastwood's deliberate and slow directing style is perfectly suited for westerns. An all star cast and a classic story. I like how Will's past is revealed bit by bit. We know he has a lot to be forgiven for but we would have never guessed how evil old Will once was. When he says he will kill everyone, regardless of age or gender, he means it. It's no idle threat.

10. 2/15/05 Forrest Gump (1994) - A+

There are many incredible things about Forrest Gump. One of the most incredible things is its running time. Less than 2 1/2 hours! I don't think there's another Best Picture winner that could win the Oscar against Forrest Gump. Not West Side Story, not Titanic, not Gone with the Wind, not even The Godfather, I think it's the Best Best Picture winner ever.

11. 2/16/05 From Justin to Kelly (2003) - F

If Justin Guarini is the mayor of Spring Break, I'm the governor of Boxing Day. And Hovercrafts, they have never solved arguments before. And they aren't going to start now.

12. 2/16/05 Annie Hall (1977) - A

I'm not an Allen fan, in fact, I hate his films. But Annie Hall is the only exception. It's witty and poignant and true and I can relate to it. For me to relate to a little neurotic Jew is hysterical. This is a really funny film. A well deserved Oscar. Keaton is great, as is Allen.

13. 2/16/05 Shakespeare in Love (1998) - C

zzzzzz. I don't get the appeal of this film. The acting is fine, the sets, the story, no major issues. But it just isn't interesting to me. I'm not a fan of the subject matter. Baz couldn't even make William work for me.

14. 2/16/05 Titanic (1997) - A+

I think it's impossible to explain what exactly makes Titanic great. My own theory, it isn't the cutting edge visual effects or the masterful directing of Cameron. It's the very simple boy meets girl framework of the story. The disaster is a virtual afterthought. If the kept promise at the end in heaven doesn't make you weep, you may not be human.

15. 2/16/05 American Beauty (1999) - B

Solid production. A lot like Shakespeare in Love in terms of being a good film but not spectacular. But at least with American Beauty, the story drew me in. Great acting. Brave ending. I enjoyed both the score and soundtrack.

16. 2/16/05 Gladiator (2000) - A-

Ridley's best work. Epic story. Joaquin made this film, as did Russell. Gladiator has the distinction of being the only film I've loved after hating. I don't know what brought on the change of heart but when I first saw it in the theater, I laughed throughout most of it.

17. 2/17/05 Braveheart (1995) - A

The only thing that separates it from the usual fare is the ultra violence. Gibson is best when he's slightly insane.

18. 2/17/05 The English Patient (1996) - C-

A whole lot of nothing. The cinematic equivalent of a gorgeous painting. I don't even think it's that good of a love story. What was with that guy's lover riding on top the car in the desert? That's dangerous.

19. 2/17/05 Schindler's List (1993) - A+

My mum grew up in Nazi Germany. She was a small child during the war and doesn't remember much. She tells stories about her uncle, who was a SS officer. It's hard to believe these things really happened. Schindler's List manages to capture a moment in time that shouldn't be forgotten. And it does it brilliantly.

20. 2/17/05 White Cat, Black Cat (1998) - F

Whimsical? Slightly. Charming? Absolutely not. I can't find a single redeeming factor in this entire mess of a production. Normally, a nude run through a field of sunflowers would be entertaining at the very least. Or a madcap wedding. Dadan's insane antics. A resurrection. Even Afrodita escaping through the woods disguised as a tree stump and being rescued by a giant should have elicited a giggle. I don't get it.

21. 2/18/05 House of the Dead (2003) - F-

Since you have such an attractive cast, why not go all the way and feature hard core sex? One of the worst films I've ever seen. Who had the bright idea to incorporate videogame footage?

22. 2/18/05 Belle Epoque (1992) - B

I watched it MST3K style with English dubbed in (damn you Starz). It does change everything. But the daughters are still very attractive. Lucky Fernando. And Cruz looked really young.

23. 2/19/05 Nazis: The Occult Conspiracy (1998) - A

Malcolm McDowell narrates this documentary. It's pretty shocking how similar the Indiana Jones films are to what the Nazis were really trying to accomplish. Either they were really insane and thought they were gods in the making. Or they were really insane and on to finding mystic powers. Guess we'll never know.

24. 2/19/05 Diamonds and Rust (2001) - A

A documentary about deep sea diamond mining and the multinational crew that lives on the boat year round. Everything from work to sex to racism is covered during the filming. When a crew member is disciplined for peeing off the side of the boat, he screams racism. The board scoffs at the idea. Later, a senior crew member expounds on why blacks are less than human. He's very scientific about it. Later comments are even more shocking.

25. 2/20/05 Scream (1996) - B+

Billy and Stu made this film. Very funny.

26. 2/20/05 Scream II (1997) - A

A rare sequel that outdoes the original in every aspect. Much funnier film, great cast. For about 6 months after the film, I copied Luke Wilson's imitation of Skeet Ulrich. "That's the way the cookie crumbles", head slap and all.

27. 2/20/05 Scream III (2000) - A-

I'm a sucker for movies within movies. The Hollywood angle works well within the Scream universe. Parker Posey is very very funny in this film. And Puddy aka The Tick no less. "Dew drop". Princess Leia, Jay and Silent Bob. It's a madhouse.

28. 2/20/05 Scary Movie III (2003) - F
Zucker, oh how the mighty have fallen. One of the worst sequels ever made. Worst cinematic crime possible is an unfunny comedy.

29. 2/20/05 Scary Movie II (2001) - D
As bad as Scary Movie III if not for the comic genius of Chris Elliot, David Cross, and the fighting pussy. What a waste of Tim Curry.

30. 2/20/05 Scary Movie (2000) - A
A smart seething parody. It's rude, awfully funny, and pulls no punches. How this series went so wrong is beyond me.

31. 2/21/05 Shaun of the Dead (2004) - A

Clever film. Not as funny the third time around. But still, better than most other comedic horror films.

32. 2/21/05 House of 1000 Corpses (2003) - F-

I'm watching way too many horrible films this week. This was one of the worst. Rob Zombie should be banned from movies for life.

33. 2/21/05 Final Destination II (2003) - D

The downward spiral continues. Opening crash and a few creative deaths aside, there is no reason to watch this film. Ever.

34. 2/21/05 Final Destination (2000) - B

Funny, exciting, and clever. Not sure if there's much else to ask for in a horror film. Nice plane crash.

35. 2/21/05 Paint Your Wagon (1969) - D

Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin in a musical about the gold rush. Well, we all have bills to pay. Not the worst musical I've ever seen but close.

36. 2/22/05 Blair Witch Project (1999) - A+

Brilliant. Unsettling. A rare achievement in horror. The tent attack ranks amoung the best frights ever. Same goes for the ending.

37. 2/22/05 The Sixth Sense (1999) - A+

Haley is The Sixth Sense. Great cinematography, directing, and scoring only add to the excellence.

38. 2/22/05 The Ring (2002) - B+

Not as good as The Sixth Sense. Using the Pacific Northwest as a backdrop was a stroke of genius. The use of color in the cinematography, along with the score sets it apart from other thrillers.

39. 2/22/05 The Exorcist: 25th Anniversary (1973) - A

Classic storytelling. This film is creepy and makes you very uncomfortable. But then again, isn't that the watermark of a great horror film.

40. 2/22/05 Identity (2002) - B

Nice update on Ten Little Indians. Sometimes films get bogged down in the twists. Somehow, Identity managed to avoid that trap.

41. 2/22/05 The Thing (1982) - A+

Another twist on Ten Little Indians. They don't make sci-fi like this anymore. To hell with CGI, these creature effects are some of the best ever filmed. Something about having a moving puppet adds realism. Also, depending on the type of person you are, you either see good things in store for Childs and MacReady. Or, someone is getting eaten.

42. 2/23/05 - Friday The 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985) - F

Run Dudley, run. Every single kill in this film consists of a shot of Jason. An insert of the murder weapon. A killing noise. Then the victim's face. How sloppy.

43. 2/23/05 - Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan (1989) - F+

Run Kelly Hu, run. Rinse and repeat the above review. Boxing with Jason is never a good idea. He may not be Mike Tyson but he is an unstoppable killing machine. NY was a nice change of pace though.

44. 2/23/05 Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (2000) - F-

Too many wipes. This is not Star Wars. There are other ways to transition between scenes other than using wipes. This just isn't a good film.

45. 2/23/05 Rosemary's Baby (1968) - A+

Great film made even better by its ending. It makes no sense...or does it? A mother's love is a wonderful thing. la la la la la la la la la la. Old people have never been creepier.

46. 2/23/05 The Shining (1980) - A+

Kubrick is a god. There are so many reasons to love this film. Endless big wheel tracking shots, 100 plus takes for a single scene, "Here's Johnny," bloody elevators, creepy mascot sex, hedge labyrinth, redrum, Scatman's porn painting, it's all superior. And the ending, priceless. If you ever get the chance, watch the documentary on the making of The Shining. Stanley was determined to kill Shelley during filming.

47. 2/24/05 Slasher (2004) - A+

I've never had such a bad taste in my mouth after watching a documentary, and I've seen docs on the holocaust and child molestation. Slasher is about Michael Bennett, a master used car salesman. There's so much sadness in this film. Hundreds of poor people are tricked into believing that they can buy an $88 car. John Landis directed this film.

48. 2/24/05 Summer Lovers (1982) - A

Greece, nude beaches, Daryl Hannah, threesomes, what else could Peter Gallagher possibly need? I was hoping for once a cinematic menage-a-trois would work out. Did I mention that there's A LOT of full frontal nudity in this movie?

49. 2/24/05 The Others (2001) - C

Not a fan of horror by way of Masterpiece Theater. I didn't find the twist very interesting. Kidman was good though.

50. 2/24/05 Dawn of the Dead Unrated (2004) - A+

Flawless. I love films about the end of the world.

51. 2/25/05 They (2002) - F

Didn't even qualify as a film. I still don't know what the point of it all was.

52. 2/25/05 The Return of the Living Dead (1985) - F+

With affection, I hated this film. It's cheesy and very 80's but the ending was clever. Talking zombies are great, though the science behind it boggles my mind.

53. 2/25/05 28 Days Later (2002) - A+

I debated about the grade. I've decided to still give the + rating even though the ending was too sugary for me. This movie is incredible in every sense of the word.

54. 2/26/05 The Omen (1976) - A

Look at me Damien. It's all for you. Between this and Rosemary's Baby, I want to punch every small child I see. Should have watched It's Alive to complete the trilogy. Baboons have never been scarier.

55. 2/26/05 Friday the 13th (1980) - C+

Best story and the best kills of the series.

56. 2/26/05 Accidental Tourist (1988) - B+

I've always had a crush on Genna Davis. But William Hurt gives me diarrhea. Great movie about life and love. The boy who played Davis' son, he was pretty good but weird.

57. 2/26/05 Ordinary People (1980) - D

Not my kind of movie. I couldn't relate to Hutton at all and he's the heart of the story. Shame it won Best Picture.

58. 2/27/05 Nowhere in Africa (2001) - C
I'm a huge fan of films based around WWII. Outside of the acting of the young girls who played the daughter, I found the movie pretty standard stuff. An exotic locale alone doesn't make a story worthwhile.

59. 2/27/05 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) - A+

It's sci-fi, it's a techno thriller, it's trippy, it's arty. When HAL begins to die and talks about when he was born, you actually feel bad. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer please. Movies at this level are rare. I've given other films A+'s but 2001 is light years beyond the rest.

60. 2/27/05 Before Sunrise (1994) - A+

This movie reminds me so much of myself in the 90's. I was the same age as Jesse and Celine. Young, in love, stupid, philosophical. Should have exchanged info!

61. 2/27/05 Before Sunset (2004) - A+

This film is everything Sunrise isn't. It's painful, full of truth, but yet, there's still love. The best film ending in the last 50 years.

62. 2/28/05 Friday The 13th Part VI (1986) - F

I'm not sure why I'm still watching these films (the bonus points have lapsed). Since I don't own them and they seem to be playing on cable I figured why not. It's the funniest Jason film, you know you're in for laughs when they the credits are an homage to Bond.

63. 2/28/05 Terminator (1984) - B

My least favorite Cameron film. There was a huge jump IMO of what he was able to do with sci-fi between this film and two years later with Aliens. Not that Terminator is bad, it just hasn't aged well. The police station assault was good.

64. 2/28/05 Terminator II: Judgement Day (1991) - A+

Wow. One of the best sci-fi films ever made. T-1000 is one of the greatest villians in cinema history. Cameron was at the top of his game with this film. The truck chase, the humour, the flashbacks, Linda Hamilton, the breakout, the Swat team, Furlong is the only loose piece and even he's ok.

65. 2/28/05 Terminator III: Rise of the Machines (2003) - B+

Surprisingly good film sans Cameron. Most unlikely chase scene ever, very funny and exciting film overall, I liked it.

66. 3/1/05 Alien: Director's Cut (2003) - A

What makes this such a great film is the backstory. You have an SOS what turns out to be a warning from a mysterious ship with dead giant beings. The crew that responds is strangely weary about any mention of aliens. What has happened in this reality, have hostile aliens already been encountered? Or has the space travel slowly driven them insane? Ash, space truckers, the company, the two life cycles of the Alien, and ten little indians, it all adds up in spectacular fashion.

67. 3/1/05 Aliens: Special Edition (1991) - A+

It's everything Alien is, plus more. The marines in space angle has been tried many times after Aliens, and almost every attempt failed. The hanger showdown between Ripley and the Queen, it doesn't get much better. And Bishop. And PFC William Hudson.

68. 3/1/05 Alien Cubed: Special Edition (2003) - A

A very good film. I like Fincher's style and this cut adds 30 minutes to the ORT. It's very nihilistic but then again, isn't that the theme of the entire franchise. Interesting mostly Brit cast, including 85. Brave ending.

69. 3/1/05 Alien Resurrection: Special Edition (2003) - C

It's the worst Alien film by far. But it's strangely hypnotic and has many interesting moments. The Kill Me clone is one of them. Smart but flawed script by one of my favorite writers, Joss Whedon.

70. 3/1/05 Alien Vs Predator: Extended Edition (2004) - D

It's starting to grow on me. The cut aways are what kill me. That and the lack of blood. The script is pretty poor as well. But just to see Predators and Aliens, albeit not normal species of either, just to see them is good enough for me. God, the big fights was bad too. And all the slow-mo. Maybe it hasn't grown on me. The Predators were so inept. Why are they so bulky? Why was Lance even in this film? I just knew they were going to kiss when he took his mask off.

71. 3/2/05 ET the Extraterrestrial: Director's Cut (2002) - A+

More heart than most other sc-fi films. Drew is very cute. I can't believe the mother walked around in a robe with all those boys in the house. It really has aged well, outside of a few pop culture references and dated hairstyles, this film could have been made last year. It is very sweet and sugary, I look forward to Spielberg releasing his alien anger this summer.

72. 3/2/05 Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) - A+

Signs owes the suspense of the house siege to Close Encounters. Comparing the two, Close Encounters has actually more palpable dread when the "clouds" abduct the young boy from the house, whereas Signs' alien attack is all manipulated atmosphere. And the CETK aliens are creepy, I know they aren't meant to be but they are.

73. 3/2/05 Minority Report (2002) - A

The chases, the realistic sci-fi elements, the creepy old botanist, the eye switch, Moon River muzack mall escape, spiders, Agatha, the only thing that kept this movie from being flawless was the chicken shit ending. Great adaptation by Scott Frank and incredible production design and cinematography.

74. 3/2/05 Blade Runner: Director's Cut (1992) - B

Pris!!!! Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep? The visuals are out of control in this film, top notch bleak filthy sci-fi. The story though, IMO, paled in comparison to the world they created. It was intriguing but from the gate it seemed bogged down. Even with the voice over removed, it still doesn't work on all levels for me. It's a nice twist on the film noir formula and as to the classic question, yes, i think he is.

75. 3/2/05 Twelve Monkeys (1995) - A

Terry Gilliam is a perfect fit for sci-fi and fantasy films (Brazil, Time Bandits). This film has many loops and twists so it's not for the casual viewer. Pitt is great, as are Stowe and Willis. I love the whole concept. It's all so weird. You can't undo time, no matter how hard you try. The way the beginning connected to the ending, brill. And I've always hated airport security. Did I mention that I loved films about the end of the world? The inspiration of 12 Monkeys, La Jetee is interesting if you ever get to watch it, as is The Hamster Factor , a documentary.

76. 3/3/05 The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - A+

There's not much else to say that hasn't already been said. It's one of the best films ever made. Sad, poignant, funny, great story, excellent directing. My favorite part, the taxes.

77. 3/3/05 One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (1975) - B

The acting is what raises this film to a high level. It don't think it's the best film about mental illness. The relationships between the characters, esp Chief and Mac are the heart of the film. Nurse Ratched stands out. And DeVito was once a handsome little dude.

78. 3/3/05 Fried Green Tomatoes (1991) - B

I don't know why people are surprised when they see this film in my collection. It has a great cast, it blends past and present perfectly, it has a definite sense of time and place, it's a feel movie. Tandy and Bates are perfect.

79. 3/3/05 Say Anything (1989) - C

Very dated. I like Cusack but the story is fairly weak.

80. 3/3/05 Mississippi Burning (1988) - A

Willem Dafoe and Gene Hackman, two of the best character actors are incredible in this film. And the score by Trevor Jones, it has such a hard edge and synth base, an odd choice for this film but it works. I've always liked Alan Parker, this is one of his better films. This is my second Brad Dourif film of the day. Following the hospital blowup, there's a chain of events put into effect by Hackman's character that needs to be seen to be believed. Excellent.

81. 3/4/05 Gone With the Wind (1939) - C

Great looking film considering when it was made. But not my kind of film. The dialogue made me want to jam a knife in my ear. The running time didn't bother me too much since I skipped the intermissions and overtures.

82. 3/4/05 50 First Dates (2004) - D

One of the most gimmicky romcoms ever made. I don't object to the plot, it's just poorly executed. The supporting cast is completely unbelievable but more importantly, if you can't buy into the leads, you're dead in the water. I liked the soundtrack though.

83. 3/4/05 Casablanca (1942) - B+

For being made 60 plus years ago, it's held up very well. Smart screenplay, great performances, classic directing. I'm an ageist, been so since film school. Otherwise, I would be handing out an A+ to Casa.

84. 3/4/05 The Hours (2002) - D

Closest I've come to not watching an entire film during this contest. I don't get it. At least a bad horror film is watchable on some level. The Hours is pure dreck. Like watching invisible paint dry.

85. 3/5/05 Friday The 13th Part II (1981) - F+

Wow, that's a whole lot of plot for a Jason movie. Ok kills, not enough gratuitous nudity though.

86. 3/5/05 Jeepers Creeps II (2003) - D-

Victor Salva manages to always infuse homosexual teenage undertones to his films. No surprise he spent time in prison for molesting a 12 year old male star of one of his films and for videotaping it. I think he just needs to get it all out and make a porn. No need for the constant subtext.

87. 3/5/05 Roger and Me (1989) - A

Moore is my hero, the guy is like Robin Hood. How he manages to capture these themes on film is amazing. This is probably his most stripped down documentary, but some of the topics he covers (the building of a theme park, Amway, Xmas, crime) are as explosive as any others.

88. 3/5/05 Casesar's Park (2000) - A

Wow, Milwaukee has some truly insane people. There's one guy who has a tic of sorts where he needs to photograph everything. He said he got into an argument once with a guy as to whether a certain cemetery was military or not. So he went to the cemetery and photographed every tombstone, hundreds of them, to prove that it was. The best way to describe how this guys acts, looks, and lives is he's exactly like the White Castle guy from American Splendor. He's likely on disability and yet spent hundreds of dollars and an incredible amount of time to do this. And in this documentary, obsessive photo guy is one of the more normal citizen's of Caesar's Park.

89. 3/5/05 Revolution (2004) - C

Cho's least funniest concert film. She spends too much time on gays and her family, it's not topical enough for me.

90. 3/6/05 Clerks (1994) - A

The speech about the Death Star is worth your time alone. I can't wait for The Passion of Clerks.

91. 3/6/05 Mallrats (1995) - B

If you don't love Smith's universe, you won't love Mallrats. I think it ranges from funny to hilarious, sometimes in the same scene. Jason Lee is great and Claire Forlani is gorgeous. Adventure, excitement, a Jedi craves not these things. 15, she told me she was 36.

92. 3/6/05 Chasing Amy (1997) - A+

Smith's best film. It manages to rip Star Wars and provide one of the definitive love stories of the 90's. What happened to you Affleck, you used to be cool. I think Jerry Bruckheimer fixing your teeth was the catalyst. Did you know I always wanted to be a dancer in Vegas?

93. 3/6/05 Dogma (1999) - C+

You know Jesus? Know him, the nigger owes me 12 bucks. I would rate it higher but I'm an atheist so the entire film is nullified.

94. 3/6/05 Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001) - A

This is some funny shit. It's epic. Scooby Doo, Mooby's, Shannon Elizabeth, Eliza Dushku, Moonraper, yo babe, you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?, boo boo kitty fuck, the female clitoris?, Planet of the Apes, butt fucking brady bunch, he loves the cock, Magnolia fan, Jon Stewart, Will Ferrell,, Miramax, make it fast and sexy, ooh what a lovely tea party, Good Will Hunting II, another dead hooker, Scream 4?, Pee-Wee Herman, ET, go to hell Pacey, you went to film school, does your daddy know you're giving a nigger coffee, no it is fuckee, do you know I came up with the idea for Seasame Street, NWP, Niggas With Puppets, Mark Hamill, avenge me, I think George Lucas is gonna sue somebody.

95. 3/7/05 Predator (1987) - A

The gatling gun alone makes this film an A. This is the fourth or fifth film I've seen during the competition that uses the "Ten Little Indians" template. I ain't got time to bleed. And the screaming Indian. They don't make films like this anymore, casted with real men. If they remade it, the entire cast would be in their early 20's.

96. 3/7/05 Total Recall (1990) - A

Paul Verhoeven makes the best sci-fi films (Hollow Man had a invisible man/rapist, beat that!). This film has special meaning for me because it was one of the first R rated films I'd ever seen. The Mars immigration scene is probably my favorite. 2 weeks. Consider it a divorce. Martian atmosphere sucks.

97. 3/7/05 True Lies (1994) - A+

Tango Por Una Cabeza, bathroom brawls, horse vs motorcycle, Harrier jets, Tom Arnold, Jamie Lee's dance, Bill Paxton, dogs being knocked out, Eliza Dushku, homemade flame thrower, truth serum, nukes, bridge explosion, Tia Carrere. And to think, Cameron decided on this film ONLY after he realized Spider-man was impossible due to technical limitations. And True Lies is a remake, of a french film no less! Absolutely brilliant.

98. 3/7/05 Eraser (1996) - C

This was the deathblow to Arnold's action movie career. Not that it's a horrible movie, it's just that it is so similar to his films during the 80's. It was a complete step backwards from his action hits of the 90's. The plane sequence is great, the shoot-outs, so-so. CGI alligators, never a good idea. Those guns are cool though.

99. 3/7/05 The Spy Who Came In from the Cold (1965) - D

Way too slow for me. But then again, almost all John Le Carre adaptations are. Black and White cinematrography is my kryptonite.

100. 3/7/05 Catching Out (2003) - C

A documentary about people or hobos who ride the rails. Interesting concept, so-so film.

101. 3/8/05 Armageddon: Director's Cut (1998) - B

I've made it a point to study the films of Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer since my interest is divided between producing and screenwriting. After Simpson died in '96, my love for their brand of cinema didn't falter and Bruckheimer just kept on truckin' along minus the "baggage" of Simpson. I think films like Armageddon are fun entertainment. Are they the best? No. But I'd be hard pressed to find an opening scene more jaw dropping than the destruction of Manhattan. Good casting and clever SFX beat out a bad script in this instance.

102. 3/8/05 Pearl Harbor: Director's Cut (2001) - C

The opposite of Armageddon. Great SFX lost out to a really shitty screenplay and poor casting. I think the Director's Cut is a more honest version of the film. Extreme violence and foul language are necessary when you're making a film about one of the most brutal attacks in the history of warfare. It's clear the talent behind this film wanted to mirror the success of Titanic. The visuals are as good but neither Bay nor Bruckheimer had the passion for the story in the same way Cameron had the passion for Titanic.

103. 3/8/05 Reindeer Games: Director's Cut (2000) - C

Frankenheimer deserved better than this. Great cast, clever script, difficult production. I liked the ending.

104. 3/8/05 Barbershop II: Back In Business (2004) - D

Not my type of film. I didn't think the first film left many unanswered questions. A few laughs.

105. 3/8/05 Laws of Attraction (2004) - F

Two of my favorite actors. Pure shite. Neither romantic nor comedic.

106. 3/9/05 Good Will Hunting (1997) - A+

Considering their work history following this film, I still wonder if Damn and Affleck actually work the screenplay. Robin Williams gave a top notch performance.

107. 3/9/05 Daredevil (2003) - D

Even the SFX failed this Marvel adaptation.

108. 3/9/05 Spy Game (2001) - A

What makes Spy Games such a good film is how it unfolds. It's present day told with flashbacks. Normally that's a cinematic kiss of death. But it works here and it works well. Redford is so slick in Spy Games. I'm a huge fan of Tony Scott (in some ways more than Ridley) and he doesn't disappoint.

109. 3/9/05 The Quiet American (2002) - D

Michael Caine more or less plays the same character in every film he does. I liked Jaws 4 more than this film. There are some cute Saigon ladies though. Hubba hubba.

110. 3/9/05 Spies Like Us (1985) - D

Started out funny, but once they left training, it just became too silly for me.

111. 3/10/05 The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) - A

Much more opulent than even Die Anthor Day, yet it's a better film. It's charming and exciting, never too over the top or grim. Less isn't always more in the world of James Bond. I would use TSWLM as a model for future bond films. Keep it big, fun, and loose. Also, one of the best openers ever and probably the second or third best title song ever.

112. 3/10/05 Snatch (2000) - B

Style over substance. I'm more of a Lock Stocked fan but Snatch has it's moments (anything with Pitt). Ultra violence perpetrated by English actors set to good music is always a good combo.

113. 3/10/05 Kindergarten Cop (1990) - B

Funny movie considered it's insane premise. The kids are cute and it's one of the more quotable Arnold films.

114. 3/10/05 Cunnamulla (2000) - A

A documentary about life in the middle of the outback. Small town impoverished living seems to be the same everywhere, sex, drugs, violence, and racism.

115. 3/10/05 It Happened On Night (1934) - D

Way too boring for me. I understand the historical importance but this film ain't for me.

116. 3/11/05 Reservoir Dogs (1991) - A

Probably the most impressive directorial debut in the last 25 years. But it was only a prelude to much better things. Stuck in the middle with you.

117. 3/11/05 Pulp Fiction (1994) - A+

One of the best films ever made. My favorite scene, oh wow,...Mr. Wolf. So pretty please with sugar on top, clean the fucking car.

118. 3/11/05 Jackie Brown (1997) - A

When Jackie Brown is considered QT's weakest film, you begin to realize how great of a filmmaker he is. When you absolutely, positively got to kill every motherfucker in the room.

119. 3/11/05 Kill Bill Volume I (2003) - A+

Flawless, epic filmmaking. House of Blue Leaves is a stunning piece of art. O-ren Ishii! You and I have unfinished business!

120. 3/11/05 Kill Bill Volume II (2004) - A+

Same as above. Elle vs Bride is just as impressive as House of Blue Leaves. Bitch, you don't have a future.

121. 3/12/05 Play Misty For Me (1971) - B

Solid movie, I liked how everything was resolved with a single punch. Not the best movie about stalkers or uberfans, but still good.

122. 3/12/05 Mein liebster Feind - Klaus Kinski (1999) - D

Documentary about the friendship between Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski. A problem of execution not subject matter. Too choppy.

123. 3/12/05 Live Nude Girls Unite! (2000) - C

Documentary about San Fran strippers forming a labor union. Not enough sex and the women weren't very attractive.

124. 3/12/05 Paternal Instinct (2004) - A

Heart warming doc about two gay men trying to have a child with a surrogate mother.

125. 3/12/05 Storytelling (2001) - D

I wonder what Dawson's cut scene was like. I mean, I know it was about a gay athlete but considering what wasn't cut, it must have been pretty intense.

126. 3/13/05 I Am Trying To Break Your Heart (2002) - A

I love Wilco. Warner ended up paying triple for their album. That's poetic. Well constructed documentary with some alternate versions of Wilco's biggest hits.

127. 3/13/05 David Bowie: Glass Spider Tour (1987) - C

Shitty camerawork and stage design wreck an otherwise great Bowie concert film.

128. 3/13/05 Dirty Harry: The Original (2001) - C

Some interesting insight to the Dirty Harry mythos. Lots of behind the scenes footage and interviews with actors/filmmakers.

129. 3/13/05 The Real Cancun (2003) - F-

If you're going to show people having sex in documentaries, why not go all in. Make it NC-17.

130. 3/13/05 Collateral (2004) - A

Fantastic job by Mann, Cruise, and Foxx. I love the look of this film.

131. 3/14/05 Westray (2001) - F

About a mining disaster in Nova Scotia. Very very boring. For a documentary about a disaster, I expected more of a kick.

132. 3/14/05 Mommie Dearest (1981) - B

I gave it a B simply because of Faye's acting and the line No Wire Hangers.

133. 3/14/05 Imagine: John Lennon (1988) - A

Rare footage of The Beatles. It doesn't get much better.

134. 3/15/05 The Incredibles (2004) - A+

Perfect film. Makes you wonder why even bother making life action Bond and Superhero films.

135. 3/15/05 Unlikely Heroes (2004) - A

How many stories are left to tell about the Holocaust. Heartbreaking documentary about unsung "Schindlers."

136. 3/16/05 A Dog's Life: A Dogamentary (2004) - C

Use of a "dogcam" should have yielded more pov shots of butt sniffing and humping.

137. 3/16/05 Dope Sick Love (2005) - A+

Wow, hardcore drug use and hardcore sex. You gotta give it to HBO. Nobody does documentaries better.

138. 3/16/05 About Schmidt (2002) - D+

It's a dramedy, I know, but it doesn't have enough of comedy or drama for me. Bates and Nicholson are good but that's about it.

139. 3/17/05 Playing By Heart (1998) - A+

I don't know why this film rings so true to me. I guess I like the complex relationships, every adult relationship I've had has been extremely complex for a number of reasons. It's interesting to see my life mirrored on screen.

140. 3/17/05 Don't You Worry, It Will Probably Pass (2003) - C

Documentary about teenage lesbians. The one girl, My, she was kind of cute.

141. 3/17/05 An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) - F-

Wow. Pure shit. Not even close to being worthy of being remotely associated with An American Werewolf in London

142. 3/17/05 End of Extinction: Cloning (2002) - A

Well done documentary about the implications and difficulties of cloning a Thylacine aka Tasmanian Tiger. I'm for cloning, regardless if the animal is still alive or not. The most intriguing moment for me was the reveal of a cloned Cama in UAE. A cama is a cross breed of an camel camelid (or llama).

143. 3/18/05 1984 (1984) - A-

This film has been imitated time and time again. Aged well. The rat helmet still creeps me out.

144. 3/18/05 The Ring II (2005) - D-

It takes huge balls to gather up everything that was great about the original and toss it out the window for the sequel. The worst sequel ever, no. But terribly boring and silly and riddled with continuity errors.

145. 3/18/05 Robots (2005) - D+

Not as bad as Sharktale but one of the worst CGI animated features. Most of the jokes fell flat but the visuals were interesting. I'm torn.

146. 3/18/05 Be Cool (2005) - C+

Not even close to the original but an interesting cast and the star power of Travolta carry the film.

147. 3/19/05 Koyaanisquatsi (1993) - C

I'm one of few people who have actually seen Phillip Glass in concert (Monsters of Grace). So I like to consider myself a Glass fan. But the score here drove me bonkers. The time lapse stuff is interesting I guess, but I've seen it a thousand times before.

148. 3/19/05 Trekkies (1997) - A

I actually think Trekkies 2 is a better film, if only because it focuses on the worldwide phenomenon of Star Trek and less "talking heads". Still, Trekkies is very interesting. One thing though, I can't and don't support the dressing up of pets in costumes. Humans have free will, pets however, are prisoners.

149. 3/19/05 Gojira Ni-Sen Mireniamu (2000) - B

Gojira Ni-Sen Mireniamu was supposed to reinvent the Godzilla franchise for Toho. And all and all, it didn't do too bad of a job. The story is fairly classic Godzilla. He awakes, he goes to town, a bad monster is introduced, he kills it, and all of Japan is happy. The end.

What isn't classic Godzilla are the cutting edge visual effects (well, cutting edge by Toho's standards). The big green guy hasn't looked better and although a man in a rubber suit may not be up to standards in today's world of motion pictures, it works well in the context of the Godzilla universe. The final monster fight looks light years better than what was achieved 30 years earlier by Toho.

There are many nods and winks in the film, a self-referential scifi tone that worked wonders for the horror genre. I think Toho producers probably watched the Scream franchise to find the best ways to make fun of yourself without going overboard. And if you really think about, 300 foot tall monsters fighting is pretty ridiculous.

The film isn't for casual Godzilla fans but if you, like me, enjoys Godzilla, you'll love Gojira Ni-Sen Mireniamu. I do wish they had found a way to get those sexy little Mothra twins in the movie. The Shobijin. Sing along with me:
Mosura ya Mosura dongan kasakuyan indoo muu rosuto uiraadoa, hanba hanbamuyan
randa banunradan tounjukanraa kasaku yaanmu Mosura ya Mosura yasashisasae wasure
arehateta hito no kokoro inorinagara utai, ai no uta

150. 3/19/05 El Mariachi (1992) - D

Robert Rodriguez's debut film has become a bit of a legend in the world of independent filmmaking. I for one never understood all the fuss. Yeah, he made it for 11 bucks but it actually looks like it (the real budget was around $7,000).

The story, if you can call it that, involves a man, el mariachi, who is mistaken for a hitman and hunted down by every bad guy in Mexico. Now normally, a no frills action premise like that would be great but the budget of this film and the early eagerness of Rodriguez, combined with an awful cast, sinks this film.

Rodriguez makes some interesting production choices, like only allowing two actors to shave their mustaches (the drug lord and el mariachi). It's a very Looney Tunes way of distinguishing who's who. Stylistically, the gun fights pale in comparison to what he was able to achieve with higher budgets.

I just don't understand the El Mariachi hype. Rodriguez is one of my favorite directors and we all have to start somewhere. But this debut film compared to others like Usual Suspects andReservoir Dogs, just fails to impress.

151. 3/19/05 Batoru Rowaiaru (2000) - A+

As a screenwriter, attempting to remake a film is a tricky business. I've only attempted it twice before and ended up with pretty good results. There's a third film I've consider remaking and it's Batoru Rowaiaru, which just happens to be a masterpiece.

Based on the novel by Koshun Takami, Batoru Rowaiaru follows a group of unruly high school students who are drugged and sent to an island to compete in the Batoru Rowaiaru Act. Simply put, a fight to the death, where only one student can survive.

It's no surprise that Batoru Rowaiaru has been compared to A Clockwork Orange. Both are extremely violent and both use popular classical music as a central score. The most immediate comparsion of the two films for me however is how much they speak to the youth culture, senseless ultraviolence, trigger happy media, and girls gone wild (and homicidal).

Batoru Rowaiaru is the strangest reality show you'll never see and that's the angle I'm most interested in adapting. Like The Running Man, Series 7, and some of the darker episodes of The Survivor, Batoru Rowaiaru taps into what it means to win at any cost.

152. 3/20/05 Kaijû Sôshingeki (1968) - D

Looks can be deceiving. In Kaijû Sôshingeki, we're given more monsters than we can shake a stick at. But soon thereafter the movie shifts gears to focus solely on an alien conspiracy. Not that there's anything wrong with aliens. Personally, I love them. But in a Godzilla monster fest, you expect, well, you expect monsters.

The basic story is as follows. Mankind has managed to wrangled up all the world's biggest and meanest monster and confine them to Monster Island. But aliens, the Kilaaks, want to conquer Earth and figure releasing the monsters to destroy major cities is a good first step. Brave astronauts intervene, King Ghidrah shows up, and our lovable monsters win.

My favorite scene is when two scientists talk on phone, one is on Monster Island, the other, a moon base. Before long, they end up talking about the cost of the call. I like little realistic touches like that. If I ever make a Godzilla film, I'm playing it straight too.

153. 3/20/05 Kyûketsuki Hunter D (1985) - B

What's most impressive about Kyûketsuki Hunter D is how it blends genres. It's a gothic horror tale of monsters and a monster killer but it also features elements of classic futuristic anime. Doris, the heroine has been bitten by Count Magnus, the evil vampire. D, the hunter, is the "Man With No Name" archetype. His actions speak louder than words.

The visuals aren't the best but for a 20 year old anime film, I think they've aged well. The film is very violent and kinda sexual so if you have a weak stomach or are very religious, you may want to skip this one. D could have shown Van Helsing more than a few things about killing monsters. My favorite battle, probably D vs the Giant.

154. 3/20/05 Lola Rennt (1998) - A

What I love the most about this film is how original it is. It's unlike any film I've ever seen before. Lola has twenty minutes to save Manny by getting him 100000 marks. That's the entire plot. And the film replays the plot with different outcomes until she achieves the most desirable one.

Another device the film wields is the underused flashforward (everyone always uses the flashback). Lola comes into contact with several strangers within the twenty minutes and for each one, their entire life from that moment on is shown in a series of rapid fire clips. Fate of course is a fickle bitch, so as Lola replays the twenty minutes, the lives and clips change for the strangers.

If I had any complaint, it's probably the short running time. But in this case, it fits perfectly within the construct of the film. If the twenty minutes were replayed just one more time, I think it would become too much.

155. 3/20/05 La Femme Nikita (1990) - A

Luc Besson is an incredible director. La Femme Nikita was his break out film and it deserved every bit of acclaim it received. Junkie/hoodlum kills a cop and instead of paying a price, is recruit by the government to become an assassin. A fairly simple premise but Luc delivers lots of subtext and detail to the story.

Nikita is never really supposed to be likable, she's a cold blooded killer. Yet, she grows on you. You realize she's a scared little girl tossed into a very adult situation. The film was remade for American audiences and though Point of No Return has a better cast, the original film surpasses it on almost every level (except for Nina Simone). Jean Reno has a great cameo.

156. 3/20/05 À bout de souffle (1960) - A+

I love this film. I love Patricia, I love Michel. In fact, whenever I have to sign any nonlegal disclosers (like guestbooks or birthday cards), I always sign Lazlo Kovacs. It's probably the most linear film I've ever seen. Michel is in trouble. Fin. That's more of less the entire story. By today's standards, A bout de souffle wouldn't even qualify as a motion picture. It's far too minimal.

What you get is a seamless blend of film noir and French new wave. Michel personifies the notion of an antihero, he paved the way for iconic movie characters for the past 45 years. What film today could feature characters just walking or laying in bed? The list is few and far between. The direction by Goddard is effortless, the screenplay by Goddard based on a Truffaunt story is simply brilliant, and the cinematography by Coutard is magical. What holds it all together though are Patricia and Michel. Without such interesting and textured leads, the film wouldn't be as great.

157. 3/21/05 Romance (1999) - D

Or as I like to call it "Cock." I've had friends in film school who were able to get away with filming sex acts because they called it art. I however, would consider the same films to be poor porn. Romance falls into that category. The female lead, a school teacher no less, craves sex more than her lackluster partner can provide. So she takes a dark sexual journey that leads, of course, to a close up of a bloody vagina and childbirth.

Though Romance isn't a gay porn, there's an extraordinary amount of cock in it. Soft cock, hard cock, ejaculating cock, cocky cock, pop rock cock, sock cock, clock cock, Doc cock, it's a virtual cockfest.Cockapalooza.So if you like cock (and a wee bit of bloody vagina), Romance is for you. If you want to see a sexual thriller of sorts, check out Eyes Wide Shut or Last Tango instead.

158. 3/21/05 Shiri (1999) - B

I had high hopes for Shiri. Hot Korean chick, lots of gunfights, how can you go wrong? I never felt fully engrossed in the story. Assassin films are hit or miss. Assassin films that revolve around women are even sketchier. Had the story been stronger, I think I would have really loved Shiri.

What saves the film though is the uberviolence. Throw Heat and Woo's finest films in a blender for 3 minutes and what's left is Shiri. Maybe a hundred thousand bullets in total were fired in the film. The gore is pretty explicit. It also has a pretty solid soundtrack. Viewers of Lost will recognize Shiri. It's the beautiful Yoon-jin Kim. Hubba-hubba.

159. 3/21/05 Gojira vs Supesugojira (1994) - C

First things first. Gojira vs Supesugojira looks great. It actually looks better than the 1998 American Godzilla film. The cinematography, perfect. The story though is iffy at best. Space spores and Godzilla's DNA mix. And born from that is Supesugojira, a pretty good monster. Little Godzilla plays a part in this film but the producers apparently had ET in mind since Little Godzilla looks much different from his past appearance (much much cuter). This film also marks the first time the UN gets involved in Japan's affairs. You would think with 300ft monsters roaming around, the UN would have debated this issue sooner.

The sexy Mothra chicks are also in Gojira vs Supesugojira. I would pay anything for an hour with those two babes. Winning the "Strangest Thing Ever In A Film" award was the end credit song. It's called "Echoes of Love" by Date of Birth. It's an actual love song modeled after Morning After (from the Poseidon Adventure). Watching Godzilla splash around the ocean, in slow mo, with a growing orange setting sun in the background no less, was the oddest thing I think I've ever seen in my life. It's worth a watch for that scene alone.

160. 3/21/05 Gojira tai Megaro (1973) - D+

One of the more interesting Godzilla films. Maybe interesting is the wrong word? God awful but extremely entertaining is better. Megaro is a giant beetle monster. Not too shabby, eh? If I was to pinpoint where the film went wrong, it would be when Godzilla performed a drop-kick.

What I liked about the film however is Jet Jaguar, the friendly giant robot. I'm obsessed with all things Ultraman and Spectre-man so a giant kung-fu robot will never do wrong in my book. So if you can love the camp, I think Gojira tai Megaro is one of the better films in the franchise. Can you even drop-kick someone if you have a tail? It would seem physically impossible.

161. 3/21/05 Gojira vs Desutoroia (1995) - F

Gojira vs Desutoroia rips off Aliens in a fashion that deserves praise. It's so blatant, it's almost unbelievable. The story revolves around Godzilla's nuclear core overheating and exploding. It's one of the more politically charged entries in the franchise. Godzilla again mistakenly spawns his nemesis, this time Desutoroia, a so-so monster.

The only reason to really watch this film is for the ending. You see, Godzilla dies. And the citizens of Japan actually seem sad. I don't understand their emotions. If I lived in a country were walking natural disasters were a part of my everyday life, I would be elated if the main perpetrator died. I really am interested in doing a straight take on the Godzilla mythos. Imagine if you lived in Philadelphia and every couple of weeks, two 300ft tall monsters fought it out downtown. I would live in such a state of constant fear, glued to 24 hour news coverage, afraid to leave my house, suspicious of everyone around me. Wait, that sounds a lot like me post 9/11.

162. 3/22/05 Le Pacte Des Loups (2001) - B+

Le Pacte Des Loups seems to have been largely forgotten about. I really enjoyed it. It's a weird blend of French governmental history, horror, and martial arts. And it has prostitutes. The cast is great, especially Mark Dacascos, Monica Bellucci, Vincent Cassel, and Samuel Le Bihan. Special note needs to go to Mark for the best Lethal Weapon Riggs impersonation I've ever seen. And Monica Bellucci for being fine as fuck.

The Beast of Gevaudan (based on a true story) is killing at will in Southern France and a pair of hunters are dispatched to track it down. The plot is paper thin and the CGI work on the beast (are those strings?) is laughable but when Le Pacte Des Loups throws martial arts and Bellucci into the mix, all is forgiven. It's a nutty mixture for sure but somehow it all works together.

163. 3/22/05 Akira (1988) - A

Probably the greatest Anime film ever made. 99% of anime is style over substance. Akira is a welcomed balance of the two. Akira was the first film I ever attempted to remake. It's story is one that would translate well for American audiences. You have a young biker thug transformed thanks to an irresponsible government into a killing machine. You have a political climate that accepts the young man as a messiah. And you have tons and tons of extreme action/violence.

I have two scenes that I hold closest to my heart and that I most focused on in the original treatment for the remake. One is the downtown Neo Tokyo showdown between Tetsuo and the army. There's something powerful about Tetsuo fashioning that red cape around his neck and staring down the tank. The second scene involves the destruction of the bridge (along with most of Tetsuo's innocent followers). The idea of such blind hysteria, religious fervor and massive collateral damage is something that has never really be touched on in a sc-fi film before. The only parts of Akira that fais are the trademark metaphysics and ghostly imaging that's just part of Anime. But all those scenes would be tossed out in my remake.

164. 3/22/05 Triumph des Willens (1935) - A

How do you begin to review this film? It's brillant propaganda. Hell, sign me up. It looks fun. I get to march in parades, mud wrestle, free workouts. Chicks love Nazis (circa 1935). Triumph des Willens plays like fiction, it doesn't seem real.

I had family members in the Nazi party, SS in particular, so it's weird watching Triumph des Willens. I can't fathom what the fuck my relatives were thinking. But maybe being there, in the thick of it all, it somehow made sense. Maybe its akin to my obsession with films? In any case, Triumph des Willens is an important film that should not be ignored.

165. 3/22/05 Control Room (2004) - B

A solid doc that's a great companion piece to Fahrenheit 9/11. I still find the American solider who spends the most time on screen, his outlook on the war and the friendships he formed with Muslims are the saving grace of the film. Which is very odd when you think about it.

166. 3/22/05 The Specials (2000) - A

What Mystery Men should have been. I love The Specials. The script is very smart, the whole notion of America's 7th Best Superhero Team is comic gold. The cast includes Rob Low as the Weevil, Jamie Kennedy as Amok, and Thomas Haden Church as The Strobe. But it's the lesser known characters who steal the show, like Deadly Girl, Minute Man, Power Chick, US Bill, and Mr. Smart.

When The Specials attempt to license their likeness to a toy company, it's probably the funniest thing I've ever seen in a comic book film. Not every joke hits but just enough to make the film work. If the producers had a larger budget, I think this film could have been as popular as anything Marvel films has produced.

167. 3/23/05 Saturday the 14th (1981) - F

This movie was a lot scarier when I was younger. According to the film, the date of Saturday the 14th is much darker than Friday the 13th. There are plenty of monsters for sure but being that this film is not rated R, there's no gore or real violence.

Still, I remembered the bedroom scene between the boy and the monster vividly for years and years. I was traumatized. It was only until I brought the dvd, that I realized how incredibly cheesy the entire film was. Not the worst film I've ever seen (since it holds a special place in my childhood) but utter shit nonetheless.

168. 3/23/05 Series 7 (2000) - A

If I know a friend hasn't seen this movie before, I play it at for them. I claim it's some stupid Canadian reality television show (no one watches Canadian television). I love seeing their reactions while they watch people shoot and kill each other on a reality show.

The acting by the "contestants" is very believable. I wonder how I would react if I was chosen by lottery to kill other people for a television show. Clearly some people like it more than others. The production value is pretty high, the entire film is shot and edited like a real television show, including confessional cans, production mishaps, and reenactments. I highly recommend this film.

169. 3/23/05 The Final Countdown (1980) - B

I'm such a nerd. I've always loved the "what if" genre. The Final Countdown is the ultimate "what if" film for war buffs. What if a nuclear powered air craft carrier traveled back in time to right before Pearl Harbor was attacked? Should they destroy the attackers and witness history unfold? Or intervene and change the course of the world?

You don't expect to see the likes of Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen chewing up and spitting out dialogue in a sci-fi film of this sort but yeah, apparently they had bills pack then. For a film that's 15 years old, some of the effects are still pretty impressive. I wish more of this films were made today. There are endless possibilities in the genre. They should remake this film.

170. 3/23/05 Forbidden Planet (1956) - A

One of my favorite sci-fi flms of all time. It blends cutting edge SFX, especially the Krell monster, with a great cast. And the world got to meet Robby the robot for the first time. For such a funny actor, Leslie Nielsen really had his share of serious roles in the early days. And Anne Francis was nice!!! I would have never left the ship with a chick like that on board.

Forbidden Planet is widely considered to be the model for all science fiction that has came along since it's release. That's a hard point to argue against. Forbidden Planet never plays it anything but straight unlike earlier films. The sets were extraordinary, a first in the genre. And special mention has to be made of the score by the Barrons, it was the first electronic score ever. Solid film all around.

171. 3/23/05 Modesty Blaise (1966) - B

Sexy mod chicks. And secret agents. And Terrance Stamp. Modesty Blaise has it all. My love of all things 60's is no secret. I often wonder what it would have been like to live in London back then, pre major STDs. The plot is a standard 007 rip off. There's a super villain (sort of), diamonds, groovy sets, lots of evil henchmen, and a ton of sexual identity issues.

Monica Vitti isn't the cutest Italian bird. But, what she lacks in beauty, she more than makes up for with slutty behavior. I still would like to see a film about 60's secret agents told from the pov of a low level henchman. That's where the real story lies.

172. 3/24/05 The Lickerish Quartet (1970) - C

Ah, sweet sweet Metzger. There's nothing like it. Soft focus, jumpcuts, flashforwards, and lots of ass. There's not much of a story (unlike other Metzger films) but basically the weirdest family you'll ever meet sits around a castle all day watching blue films. Sounds like a party, eh? Not really, just a lot of humping and seemingly not a lot of actual sex.

Silvana Venturelli is absolutely stunning in the film. She looks like she's from another universe where actual beauties are plentiful. She has a part in the other Metzger film I happen to own, Camille 2000. If you like beautiful women and some skin, and exotic locales, I recommend this film. But if you're looking for porn, probably not the best film for that.

173. 3/24/05 The Holcroft Covenant (1985) - B

Michael Caine and Nazis. And sex clubs. It's a very creepy story, but Covenants in general are bad news. There's a lot of talent here besides Caine. You have John Frankenheimer behind the camera. And a screenplay based on Robert Ludlum's novel. Plus the lovely Victoria Tennant.

Like the Bourne franchise, The Holcroft Covenant has some action in it but is more of a thinking man's thriller. I would love to see this film remade. The original hasn't aged very well. And besides, Nazis have been sadly ignored as of late by Hollywood. A film about the Fourth Reich would be worth about 40 billion on gold.

174. 3/24/05 Funeral in Berlin (1966) - B

The Harry Palmer franchise is an interesting one. You have four other films in addition to Funeral in Berlin. The Ipcress File, Billion Dollar Brain, Bullet to Beijing, and Midnight in St.Petersburg. Often compared to James Bond with brains, Harry Palmer is a great spy.

Harry Palmer is given the choice of being in the service of her majesty or going to jail. Working for MI seems like a great alternative to me as well. The story is standard Cold War stuff involving a Soviet defector. Not the most original story but Caine is great in just about everything he does. Plus he's given a lovely co-star in Eva Renzi, a must for any spy film.

175. 3/24/05 Fire in the Sky (1993) - A

I've never seen a UFO. Don't really know anyone who has for sure (my mum and sis have seen weird lights in the sky). But I believe in UFOs. You ask why? Because of stories like Fire in the Sky, based on real life events. Humans, for all their infinite wisdom, have very weak minds. The idea that there are beings out there, faster, stronger, and better than us, just isn't kosher. The cast, including DB Sweeny and Robert Patrick do wonderful work as regular joes, swept up in this truly extraordinary event.

The meat of Fire in the Sky lies in the flashback of the actual abduction. From the design of the ship's interior, to the look and movement of the aliens, it has a very realistic and absolutely terrifying effect. These aren't your classic aliens, they aren't slimy and bleeding acid. These are malevolent, thinking, crafty creatures who motives aren't evil. It just seems as though they're scientists doing a job. And killing some people in the process.

176. 3/24/05 Trainspotting (1996) - A+

One of the 5 or so greatest films to come out of the 1990's. It doesn't just offer up sex, drugs, and Lou Reed in a casual and romantic fashion. It blasts you at point blank range with it. The cast, wow. Renton, Spud, Sick Boy, Tommy, and Begbie. They all do their best work here and have all failed to reach the same level of excellence. I hear a sequel is in the pipeline based on the follow-up novel. These actors need the challenge.

Danny Boyle proved here that he is a force to be reckoned with. John Hodge, his longtime collaborator turned Irvine Welsh's book into an perfect screenplay. The use of editing tricks, along with the soundtrack, all add to the overall feel of Trainspotting. I'm not a junkie, but if I was, I only hope it feels, looks and, sounds like Trainspotting (minus the creepy baby). A perfect film.

177. 3/24/05 Orca The Killer Whale (1977) - D

Richard Harris vs the only creature than hunts the Great White Shark. Not too bad of a logline. But the film never manages to capture the magic of Jaws. From the opening frame, you know why. Very very low production value. The direction is poor, the score sloppy, a lot of stock footage is utilized. Just seems to me that someone said, hey an Orca is bigger than a shark.

No to say Orca doesn't have some charm. Seeing numerous actors get maimed and chomped on is fun. Bo Derek looks incredible in the film, as does Charlotte Rampling. When Bo gets a little personal attention from Orca, it's pure camp fun. The stillbirth scene is a thing of legend. Makes you see Shamu in a different light.

178. 3/24/05 Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels (1999) - A

A killer flick. Guy Richie stuffs so much style into this ganster picture it's nauseating, in a good way. Another brit film that uses flashy camera tricks and editing to add to the chaotic atmosphere. And the soundtrack, simply brill. Everything works here. The cast, mostly unknown stateside, are all pitch perfect.

The only problem, and this is coming from a brit, is the unbelievably thick accents. I can see American audiences not quite grasping Lock Stock in the same way they grasp Trainspotting. It's not as accessible. But smart and funny and exciting nonetheless. Besides, who watches Lock Stock to understand the story? Nobody, that's who.

179. 3/25/05 The Fog of War - A+

Flawless doc. McNamara is a fascinating character. The firebombing scene was particularly interesting. Also, it's a very visual film, not just talking heads and news footage. Have to mention the Glass score.

180. 3/25/05 Rufus Wainwright at the Fillmore (2004) - B

I like Rufus but its sn otherwise standard concert film with some witty commentary from Rufus tossed in.

181. 3/25/05 Gangster #1 (2000) - B-

My love for all things 1960's continues with Gangster #1. Paul Bittany and Malcolm McDowell play the same character in different eras. There is plenty of ultraviolence and groovy birds. The story, not the most original. But there aren't many tales left to tell about 1960's gangsters in London.

Paul's work in Gangster #1 is actually better than Malcolm's. Not only is his arc meatier but Malcolm plays it way over the top. Imagine that scene from Training Day with Denzel. But with more fury. A good film but I can recommend a dozen others set in the same era and location that are leagues beyond Gangster #1.[/size

Author:  Jeff [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

RogueCommander's List

This is originally where I was going to put my list.

And then reality set in.

Author:  Anonymous [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

01. February 13th, 2005 -- The Right Stuff -- A
Brilliant epic about pioneers of American space program.
02. February 14th, 2005 -- Dodgeball -- D
Cliched movie with couple of good jokes, and quite a few lousy ones.
03. February 15th, 2005 -- Solaris -- C
Even though I'm a big sf fan (well, atleast literature), don't think I'll see this one again any time soon. The pacing of movie really turned me off it, and ruined most of the good stuff about it. Not that there were many of that either.
04. February 16th, 2005 -- Gothika -- D
Uh, almost laugable movie with some serious plot holes...or there might not be one, and I'm just getting it wrong? Nah, still sucks.
05. February 18th, 2005 -- Bad Company -- C
Probably I could've catched some better movies, but sticked with this one. Mediocre movie, but for many annoying Chris Rock was just fine for me...and saved a movie from even bigger mediocracy.
06. February 18th, 2005 -- 24 Hour Party People -- A-
Manchester, Joy Division, Hacienda,...just some things that this excellent movie is about.
07. February 18th, 2005 -- Evil Dead II -- A-
One of my favorite horrors.
08. February 21th, 2005 -- Metropolis -- C
Really nothing special in this anime movie.
09. February 27th, 2005 -- Star Wars, Episode I: The Phantom Menace -- A
George Lucas didn't raped my childhood, infact he made sweet sweet love with it :D
10. February 28th, 2005 -- The Village -- C+
Really not that bad as I expected it to be.
11. March 6th, 2005 -- Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope -- A
12. March 10th, 2005 -- 12 Angry Men -- C+
Nice movie that could've been excellent if not for two annoying, and imo unnecessary characters.
13. March 11th, 2005 -- 13 Days -- B
14. March 12th, 2005 -- The Incredibles -- A
15. March 12th, 2005 -- The Silence of the Lambs -- A
16. March 13th, 2005 -- Star Wars, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back -- A
17. March 16th, 2005 -- The Chronicles of Riddick -- F
18. March 20th, 2005 -- Star Wars, Episode VI -- A

Author:  Schlomo [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Schlomo's List

1. 2/13- Hitch (2005): A-
A suprisingly intellegent, yet funny romantic comedy with the ever-charasmatic Will Smith.

2. 2/13- Sky Captain And The World Of Tommorow (2004): B+
A retro and fun sci fi action flick with some of the best special effects I've ever seen

3. 2/14- Van Helsing (2004): B+
A great popcorn flick with incredible action and sets which is extremely underrated

4. 2/14- Friday The 13th (1980): B
Not necissarily a terrifying film, but it was one of the first slasher movies so It deserves respect

5. 2/14- Goodfellas (1990): A+
simply put, this is a certified classic of the mobster genre with great directing by Scorcese

6. 2/15- Equilibrium (2002): B+
A great sci fi action movie along the lines of The Matrix, which is completely ignored by most people

7. 2/15- American Wedding (2003): B-
This film is an OK teen comedy, but lacks the hilarious moments that made American Pie 1+2 great

8. 2/16- Super Size Me (2004): B
A witty film that, while it gets laughs, doesn't truly expose anything at all

9. 2/16- Mission Impossible (1996): A-
One of the first true great blockbuster summer action pics, with great sequences in it.

10. 2/17- Lake Placid (1999): C+
An interesting combination of small town comedy and horror, that can't pull it off sucessfully on either front

11. 2/17- Daredevil (2003): B+
A good superhero movie with a great dark atmostphere and great fight sequences

12. 2/17- Donnie Darko (2001): A-
One of the most original and strange films I have ever seen, I'm still trying to figure it out.

13. 2/17- Fargo (1996): B+
A funny portrayal of mid-western life, that, despite being very good, is also very overrated

14. 2/18- South Park: Bigger Longer And Uncut (1999): A
Absolutely hilarious. This film was and always has been one of the funniest movies ever made to me

15. 2/18- House Of Flying Daggers (2004): B+
As with Hero, this film his some breath taking visuals, but it also has a good story to back them up

16. 2/19- Saw (2004): B
The ending to this film is absolutely incredible, however the acting throughout is TERRIBLE

17. 2/19- Terminator 3 (2003): B+
This movie is a large step down from T2, but it still is a fun summer blockbuster with good action

18. 2/20- A Beautiful Mind (2001): A
A moving and extremely well acted film with great performances and an emotional plot

19. 2/21- House Of The Dead (2003): D-
Laughably bad...literally an embarrasment to film that avoids an F just because it made me laugh

20. 2/21- Finding Nemo (2003): A-
Yet another charming, yet witty CGI comedy from the geniuses over at Pixar with great voice acting

21. 2/21- Hotel Rwanda (2004): A+
This is an incredible film. Extremely moving and powerful with an unbelievably great preformance by Cheadle

22. 2/22- The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957): A
A true classic of the war genre with wonderful acting jobs by Alec Guiness and William Holden

23. 2/22- Not Another Teen Movie (2001): B-
This film had a lot of dead-on impressions of other teen movies, but it fell short of actually being that funny

24. 2/22- The Rock (1996): B
A very fun movie with tuns of action packed moments, but I found that the ending was a little lackluster

25. 2/22- Constantine (2005): A+
Pure awesomeness! Great Special effects with great acting, great action, great story, and great's great

26. 2/23- I Heart Huckabees (2004): B+
A clever and strange film with a very odd type of humor and a great cast, with an especially good job from Jude Law

27. 2/23- Some Like It Hot (1959): A-
A classic comedy with old fashioned humor and a few pretty funny gags. It stars the forever-hot Marylin Monroe.

28. 2/23- Halloween: Resurrection (2002): B-
This film starts out very well, but begins to lose a lot of the suspense and dark atmosphere as it goes on

29. 2/24- Goldeneye (1995): A-
This film marked the departure from lower budget Bond films, to the more recent big blockbuster type ones.

30. 2/24- The Invisible Man (1933): B+
A classic Universal monster flick, with a good performance from Claude Rains and special effects that still look good!

31. 2/24- Road Trip (2000): B
A pretty funny teen comedy with many gross out jokes and hilarious moments, that just can't hold up a cohesive film

32. 2/25- Reservoir Dogs (1992): A+
The first film from Quentin Tarantino is also one of his best. This movie has a brilliant script, gritty violence, and a gripping plot

33. 2/26- Throne Of Blood (1957): B+
This is a Japanese adaptation of "Macbeth". While the film starts out a little slow, it's a very ambitious project with great camera work

34. 2/26- Cursed (2005): B+
I do not understand all of the negative comments about this movie. It's a fun Scream-like movie with good laughs and scares

35. 2/26- Bull Durham (1988): B
A fun little look at love and baseball, with comical moments thrown in for good measure. Endearing, but not of much substance

36. 2/27- Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (1993): A
Despite being animated, this the most faithful Batman movie ever made. It's very dark and perfectly captures the mood of Gotham

37. 2/27- Next Friday (2000): B-
An okay sequel with some funny lines, but not nearly as good as the first. This misses the "Smokey" character from the original

38. 2/28- Our Man Flint (1966): B
A cheesy yet fun James Bond ripoff with a great '60s vibe to it. This film is somewhat similar to Austin Powers, except being serious!

39. 2/28- Forrest Gump (1994): B+
This is a good film. However it is also one of THE MOST OVERRATED movies I've ever seen. I found it very slow, with bad pacing

40. 2/28- The Grudge (2004): B+
Sure, this movie has little to no plot and cheesy acting. But it has plenty of great 'jump outta your seat' scares to make up for that.

41. 3/1- Lost Horizon (1937): A-
A very offbeat, yet wonderful film by the great director Frank Capra. The film has beautiful sets and great acting by Thomas Mitchell

42. 3/1- RKO 281 (1999): B
A very interesting TV docu-drama about the making of 'Citizen Kane'. While the film has a great feeling to it, the acting is sort of bland

43. 3/1- Exorcist: The Beginning (2004): B+
This film gets ragged on for looking cheap. While it does, it also delivers great scares and heaps of blood, and that's a good thing

44. 3/1- The Naked Gun (1988): A-
A really funny David Zucker spoof movie that is jam packed with sight gags, and features Leslie Nielsen at his all time funniest

45. 3/1- The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (2004): B+
This movie may not be able to sustain itself for an hour and a half, but when it works, it REALLY works. It is a quirky, trippy funfest

46. 3/2- Wings (1927): A-
This is the first film to win a best picture oscar, and it deserved one. It is a silent film,but it also has amazing action and great acting

47. 3/2- Die Hard With A Vengeance (1995): A
This is my favorite of all the Die Hard films because the action is very intense, and the addition of Samuel L Jackson is great

48. 3/3- Count Yorga, Vampire (1970): B-
A little bit of 70s drive in movie cheese mixed with a decent performance from Robert Quarry make for a fairly enjoyable movie

49. 3/3- How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days (2003): C-
Dull and sappy romantic fluff with hardly any good laughs at all with very rigid acting jobs by Hudson and McConaughy=lame

50. 3/4- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001): B
A fun and mindless summer movie with no plot, but it has tons of action and a shower scene from the steamin' Angelina Jolie

51. 3/4- Blazing Saddles (1974): A-
A comedy classic from the great Woody Allen. This movie has countless amounts of hilarious scenes, especially the "beans" bit

52. 3/5- The Firm (1993): A-
Intelligent legal drama with great twists and turns. This film also features one of the most memorable Tom Cruise performances

53. 3/6- Dial M For Murder (1954): A
Another classic murder mystery from the master Alfred Htchcock. Great direction and incredible characters make this a great film

54. 3/6- The Jacket (2005): B+
An well acted psychological thriller with a very interesting and innovative plot that utilizes the talents of Knightly and Brody well

55. 3/6- Be Cool (2005): C+
This is a predictable comedy with not many funny moments. The only good part of the film is Vince Vaughn's "Raji" Character

56. 3/7- Hannibal (2001): A-
This is a great follow up to "Silence of the Lambs". Hopkins and Moore both have great performances, and the overall mood is great

57. 3/7- Bambi (1942): A
An extremely touching and moving film from Disney's golden age. Also, the movie is incredibly animated with amazing use of colors

58. 3/8- The FBI Story (1959): B-
A fun little piece of one sided gloss, which basically promotes the FBI, but does so in a relatively entertaining manner with a good plot

59. 3/8- Wild Things (1998): B
Not necissarily a good film, but a very entertaining one that keeps you guessing with twist after twist Overall, a very fun mystery

60. 3/9- Ladder 49 (2004): B-
This film features an incredible acting job from both Jaoquin Pheonix and John Travolta, but it also happens to be packed with cliches

61. 3/9- Stuck On You (2003): A-
A great comedy, that despite many gross out laughs, also has a huge heart. This makes it an extremely unique film from the Farrely's

62. 3/9- Rocky IV (1984): B
While this film does follow the same tired format of all the other Rocky movies, it also has the best villain and fight scene of the series

63. 3/10- Road To Perdition (2002): A
I like this movie a lot. The story and acting are supurb, and the film features an incredible cast. It's also very moving and emotional

64. 3/10- American Graffiti (1973): A+
An incredible and amazing movie. This film perfectly captures time and nostalgia with great acting and superb emotional concepts

65. 3/10- Leprechaun: Back 2 Tha Hood (2003): C-
Sure, this is a terrible and rediculous straight to DVD movie. However, it was just terrible enough to be slightly amusing and funny

66. 3/11- American Splendor (2003): A
The use of interviews and the comic strips spliced into the plot make this already hilarious film one of the most creative movies ever

67. 3/11- Napoleon (1927): A+
This is one of the best films I've ever seen. It uses many techniques of of todays movie making and the acting is absolutely superb

68. 3/12- Scream 2 (1997): B+
While this movie is by far the weakest of the trilogy, it's still very good. My issue with it is that the Villain reveal is a little predictable

69. 3/12- Hostage (2005): A
Wow. I am shocked at how good this movie was. It was packed with action, suspense, and stylistic action. Bruce Willis is great in it too

70. 3/12- The Lady From Shanghai (1948): B
This movie is pretty slow, and the two leads don't have much chemistry. But once the climactic trial scene begins, the film gets good

71. 3/13- I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988): A-
This is one of the top black comedies of all time. It perfectly captures the mood of 70s blacksploitation films and packs it with humor

72. 3/13- Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (1991): A
An epic and exciting film is also the best Robin Hood adaption ever put on film. The sets are beautiful, and Kevin Costner is wonderful

73. 3/14- Phantoms (1998): C+
This movie does have some good and suspensful moments. But overall it was just weird and full of plot holes. A mediocre effort overall

74. 3/14- Casshern (2004): A-
Sure this is an overacted melodrama with no plot. But it does have THE BEST special effects I've ever seen, that alone makes it great

75. 3/15- Ricochet (1991): C
The film features some fun performances from Washington and Lithgow, but that cannot overcome a shoddy plot and lots of lame action

76. 3/15- Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983): B
A heavy dosage of campy fun mixed with humor and science fiction with some entertaining stories make for a pretty good B-horror flick

77. 3/16- Robocop 3 (1993): C+
This is a worthy sequel to another pretty mediocre sequel . The acting and directing are sub-par, the music and setting are top-notch

72. 3/16- What The Bleep Do We Know? (2004): D
The only good thing about this propaganda tool is it's semi-interesting visuals. Other than that, it's a namby pamby cult recruiting video

73. 3/17- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975): B-
This is a certified cult classic with a gigantic following, that despite being fun and amusing, is not nearly is good as a lot of people say it is

74. 3/18- The Hound Of The Baskervilles (1959): B-
Equipped with a fairly good script and dark atmosphere, this Sherlock Holmes film feels more like a horror then a straight up mystery

75. 3/18- The Ring Two (2005): B
Yes this film disregards everything the first one set up, BUT this film does have some good scares and isn't deserving of critical panning

76. 3/19- Jackie Brown (1997): B+
This is Tarantino's worst film by far, but still is very good. Samuel L Jackson and Pam Grier are great, but the pacing is a little bit off

77. 3/19- The Truman Show (1998): A
Jim Carrey's finest preformance is also one hell of a great movie. Emotional, funny, touching all in one plus an incredible plotline

78. 3/19- The Ten Commandments (1956): A+
Wow. What an incredible movie this is. Heston is great and the effects (for the time) are breathtaking. The definition of an epic film

79. 3/20- Hulk (2003): C
Oh gawd. This is the opposite of what a comic book movie should be. Slow, self important, dull and lacking in the action department

80. 3/20- The Usual Suspects (1995): A+
Without a doubt, this is the best thriller ever put to film. Spacey is terrific, and the script is incredible. Also the twist ending is shocking

81. 3/20- The Lion King 1½ (2004): B+
This film was suprisingly good . The movie is one of the funniest Disney films in recent memory, and Timon and Puma are scenestealers

82. 3/20- Spring Break Shark Attack (2005): B-
HILARIOUS!!! This is one of the worst movies ever with terrible acting and no scary moments. But it's so funny to see this hopeless film!

83. 3/21- The Legend Of Hell House (1973): A-
A very good 70s haunted house films, with a creepy atmosphere not to mention some great acting by Roddy McDowall. Lots of twists too

84. 3/21- The Breakfast Club (1985): A-
Another classic John Hughes teen drama/comedy that features great acting by Emilio Esavez and Molly Ringwald. Great 80s film!

85. 3/22- Being Julia (2004): B
This film delivers a unique across the board appeal and Annette Benning shines. But the film has very bad cinematography

86. 3/22- First Knight (1995): C
The only saving grace of this film is that it has GREAT sets, but other than that it's very bland and for the most part terribly acted

87. 3/22- Winged Migration (2002): A
This is a truly incredible film. It details the hardships and beauty of the life of a migrating bird. It is truly fascinating and moving

88. 3/22- The Mind Reader (1933): B
I have never heard of this film, so when I saw it on TCM I had to check it out. Overall, it's pretty slow, but William Warren is great

89. 3/23- Formula 51 (2001): B+
This is far from a great movie, it is too goddamn cool! The plot is about drugs, and it features Samuel L Jackson, what more do you need?

90. 3/23- Fallen (1998): A-
Denzel Washington and John Goodman are both great it this supernatural cop drama. The best part of this film is the electrifying ending

91. 3/24- Cherry Falls (2000): B
This film isn't really all that scary at all, but it is a lot of fun and feels like a classic 80s slasher flick. Also, Jay Mohr is really good

92. 3/24- Sheena (1984): D+
Ugh. This movie sucks HARD. The plot is rediculous, the action is sub par, and the acting is insulting. Tanya Roberts is hot though

93. 3/24- The Original Kings Of Comedy (2000): A-
This film is impressive because it takes a concert film and makes it into a very entertaining movie. Bernie Mac's set is great as well

94. 3/25- As Good As It Gets (1997): B+
More of a drama then a comedy, this good albeit overrated film goes for subtle real life references as opposed to pure humor

95. 3/25- Commando (1985): A
Stupid...but a HELL of a lot of fun. There are 81 (!) death scenes in this film. Not to mention, Ah-nold is top notch in this mindless blow-em-up

96. 3/26- Taking Lives (2003): B-
This is a mediocre thriller with a twist ending that falls flat. However there is one GREAT scare scene in the movie and Jolie is hot

97. 3/26- Guess Who (2005): C+
I like Bernie Mac and Ashton Kutcher is bearable but if you've seen Meet The Parents, just replace Deniro with Mac in you've got this

98. 3/26- Alien Apocalypse (2005): C-
Dear god, this is a god awful abomination to cinema...I mean the Sci Fi channel. But I have to like it a little because Bruce Cambell's in it

99. 3/27- Forces Of Nature (1999): B-
This movie isn't really funny at all. And Ben Affleck is a pretty bad actor. But the plot is very good and Denise Richards is smokin'

100. 3/27- The Mummy Returns (2001): A
This movie is pure, unadulterated FUN. The double decker bus chase scene is insane! The Rock and Brendan Frasier are also good

101. 3/28- The Vikings (1958): A-
A truly epic historical film with great battle sequences and incredible acting from Janet Leigh, Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis

102. 3/29- After The Sunset (2004): B
Fun little movie with lots of twists and turns. Pierce Brosnan is good, and it's nice to see Woody Harrelson again. Selma Hyak *drools*

103. 3/29- Looney Tunes: Back In Action (2003): A-
This movie is sooooooo underrated. It's really funny and entertaining and Brendan Frasier is very good. The museum scene is incredible!

104. 3/30- The Saint (1997): B+
Another underrated film stars Val Kilmer, who is at his finest here, and Elizabeth Shue is very good as well. Overall, it's fun and intelligent

105. 3/30- Jaws 3 (1983): B
God, another underrated movie, what's wrong with the general public? This is the most gruesome and scary of the Jaws trilogy IMHO

106. 3/31- Event Horizon (1997): C-
This movie is just lame. The acting is piss-poor, and I didn't find the film scary at all. Basically it's cheesy and takes itself too seriously

107. 4/1- Sin City (2005): A+
Incredible. That's all I can say about this film. It is so violent, so groundbreaking, and so goddamned powerful that it's simply incredible

108. 4/1- The Perfect Storm (2000): B
This movie is tedious and somewhat slow to build to the climax, but when it does...boy are you in for a ride. Edge of my seat towards the end

109. 4/2- The Haunting (1999): B-
This film isn't the disaster that some made it out to be. It's fun and has some good scares, but it just cannot on any level compete with the original

110. 4/2- Misery (1990): C+
I'm not really sure what to think about this Stephen King adaption, on one hand it's atmospherically creepy, on the other, it's dull and repetitive

111. 4/2- Cobra (1986): D
Ew. This movie has some okay action, but other than that it's filled with cliches, terrible acting, and some of the worst diolauge ever to be filmed

112. 4/2- Sinbad The Sailor (1947): B+
This is the epitome of a good ol' swashbuckler. The costumes and sets are great as is the bright technicolor. However, Douglas Fairbanks overacts

113. 4/3- Battle Royale (2000): C+
This starts out great, and I mean GREAT , but from there it goes down hill with slow moving flashbacks which disrupt the action AKA the good stuff

114. 4/4- The Bone Collector (1999): B-
This film has a great performance from Denzel Washington, and a few good ideas, like the early 1900s books. But other than that, it's run of the mill

115. 4/5- Sideways (2004): B
This movie gets a little slow at times, but that can be easily forgiven simply because the performances of Paul Giamatti and Thomas Church are great

116. 4/5- Duck Soup (1933): A
This film is easilyone of my favorite films ever made. It has laugh out loud physical comedy that makes you feel great. The Marx Brothers best outing

117. 4/6- Breakdown (1997): B+
This is an extremely intense and suspensful action/thriller. It will really keep you on your seat, and Kurt Douglas is absolutely fantastic in his role

118. 4/7- The Blob (1988): B
Although I personally prefer the original to this one, the remake does have some really fun moments, and the blob itself is a pretty good monster

119. 4/8- A Bronx Tale (1993): A-
This is my second favorite gangster movie starring De Niro (best one being Goodfellas), but this one still is really good. De Niro is a great director!

120. 4/9- The Devil's Advocate (1997): B+
Taylor Hackford delivers a very good directing job on this creepy, stylish supernatural law thriller. Keanu shows us all that he actually can act

Author:  Spidey [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:44 am ]
Post subject: 

Spiderman2005's List
I am no longer playing.

Author:  publicenemy#1 [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 1:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

PublicEnemy#1's List

1. 2/13 - Battle Royale (2000, Kinji Fukasaku) - A
A fantastic film that should get a proper release in the US. Entertaining, disturbing and provoking.

2. 2/14 - The Notebook (2004, Nick Cassavetes) - B+
Pretty good, Rachel McAdams is fantastic in this.

3. 2/15 - The Phantom of the Opera (2004, Joel Schumacher) - A
Yet another rewatch. A haunting, beautiful film. I cannot wait for the DVD.

4. 2/15 - The Aviator (2004, Martin Scorsese) - B
It's a good movie but nowhere near fantastic. Fantastic can be said about DiCaprio and Blanchett's performances though, their both outstanding.

5. 2/17 - The Motorcyle Diaries (2004, Walter Salles) - B+
Great movie, I didn't love it it though. Fine performance from Gael Garcia Bernal though.

6. 2/17 - Saw (2004, James Wan) - B
I liked it. Very entertaining, but the weak performances do affect my grade...

7. 2/18 - The Virgin Suicides (1999, Sofia Coppola) - C+
Very well done, but it's just a weak film. Kirsten Dunst is great in this though.

8. 2/18 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004, Michel Gondry) - A
One of the best films (if not the best) of 2004.

9. 2/18 - Kiki's Delivery Service (1989, Hayao Miyzaki - A
A wonderful little movie from one of my favorite directors, Hayao Miyzaki. Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away are still my favorite works by him though, go check them out if you haven't.

10. 2/18 - Aladdin (1992, Ron Clements & John Musker) - A
One of my favorites.

11. 2/19 - Kill Bill Volume 2 (2004, Quentin Tarantino) - A
My favorite film of 2004, Uma Thurman gives an incredible performance. Stupid Academy for not giving her recognition...

12. 2/19 - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000, Ang Lee) - A
One of my favorite films ever, beautiful film.

13. 2/19 - Spirited Away (2001, Hayao Miyzaki) - A
My favorite animated movie, ever. Amazing.

14. 2/20 - My Neighbor Totoro (1988, Hayao Miyzaki) - A-
Great movie, as are all of the other Miyazaki films.

15. 2/20 - Constantine (2005, Francis Lawrence) - B
A very entertaining movie, not a bad directorial film debut from Lawrence.

16. 2/21 - Mean Girls (2004, Mark S. Waters) - A-
Funny and entertaining, the cast and the screenplay makes this movie what it is, an excellent teen film.

17. 2/27 - Pirates of the Caribbean (2003, Gore Verbinski) - A-
A very fun movie. Depp (or Murray) deserved that Oscar in 2003 IMO.

18. 2/27 - Hitch (2005, Andy Tennant)- B+
I liked this a lot, surprisingly. Will Smith, Eva Mendes and Kevin James are all great.

19. 2/28 - American Beauty (1999, Sam Mendes)- A
Absolutely amazing. A highly impressive directorial debut from Mendes and the whole cast is fantastic.

20. 3/2 - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984, Hayao Miyazaki) - B+
Great movie, I didn't love it as much as Miyazaki's other work though.

21. 3/4 - Porco Rosso (1992, Hayao Miyazaki) - B+
Wonderful film. Filled with great characters and excellent animation.

22. 3/6 - Resident Evil (2002, Paul W.S. Anderson) - B
Yes, I know it isn't a good film. But, I just have to admit that this is just plain entertainment, I enjoy it a lot.

23. 3/6 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse (2004, Alexander Witt) - B
See above. :razz: Both REs are big guilty pleasures.

24. 3/11 - The Village (2004, M. Night Shyamalan) - A-
Along with The Phantom of the Opera, this is the most underrated film of the year. Bryce Dallas Howard is excellent.

25. 3/12 - Garden State (2004, Zach Braff) - A
Wonderful. Braff and especially Portman deliver excellent performances.

26. 3/13 - Cinderella (1950) - B+
Better than I remembered. It's definatly a weaker film than say, Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast though.

27. 3/19 - The Incredibles (2004, Brad Bird) - A
My favorite Pixar film, absolutely gorgeous animation with a great story and characterse.

28. 2/20 - The Ring Two (2005, Hideo Nakata) - A-
I guess it's because there were so many negative remarks, I enjoyed this immensely. Naomi Watts is terrific in this.

Author:  torrino [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Remember guys, you've GOT to answer ALL questions directed your way from the contest jury. Unless you watch 500 obscure movies that none of us have seen (a contest juror will ask you about a movie he or she has seen that you CLAIM to have seen), expect questions that will determine whether or not you have seen the movie.

Author:  Jeff [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

The questions will be PM'ed to you, and you are expected to respond via private message to the sender.

Author:  Jeff [ Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

Please check the first post to hopefully clarify any questions regarding the format of lists.

Author:  WDW04 [ Mon Feb 14, 2005 1:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Emmy's wdw list of films

1) 2/13/05 --Titanic--A(9.3/10)
An excellent film that people say is overatted but I hadnt watched in whole since 1999 but when watching it last night it was awesome. It was a little corny but in a good way and it deserved all of its money.

2)2/13/05 Shakespeare in Love--A(9/10)
Very good movie that I had never seen before but I am very happy i saw it b/c of Gwyenth:wink: Seriously I was loving almost every minute of it and thought it to be a well played out movie.

I went into this movie expecting an excellent movie b/c of Will Smith. What I came out with was an excellent movie that was b/c of James and Smith. James had the funniest stuff and I am super glad I saw it this weekend

4) 2/14/05--- Forest Gump--A+(9.8/10)
I love this movie. It never gets old watching it. I have seen it in spanish,english,german and french and it is still an awesome movie no matter what language it is in. An excellant movie to wake up to.

5) 2-14-05 Insomnia--B-(8/10)
This was an ok movie. Not excatly what i hoped for . I was looking for a real thiller but I got let down but still good acting if nothing mainly b/c of swank(I love my girl)

6) 2-15-05/Silence of the Lambs/ A(9.3/10)
The best Lecter film of the 4.I defintly enjoyed it and even on second viewing was a little scarey but thats just me..

7) 2/15/05 -- Justin to Kelly -C(7.2/10)
I dont get why ppl bash this movie. I actually enjoyed it(i have seen it 4 times and still living). It's not the best but it is good enough for a C

8) 2/15/05 -- Before Sunrise --B (8.3/10)
Good Romantic movie. It is a little slow but good acting from Hawke and Deply. Good movie though.

9)2/16/05-- American Beauty--A(9/10)
I enjoyed this movie and got what i wanted from which was good quality entertainment. Spacey was awesome and Benning was very good too(but Swank still desrved the win).

10) 2-16-05 Big Daddy A-
One of Sandler's best films. Seen this movie way too much.

11)2-18-05 Before Sunrise- B+
Second viewing gets a higher grade b/c i saw it before watching Before Sunset. Awesome movie and got alot better since i knew what was gonna happen

12) 2-19-05(midnight if u were wondering y different dates)- Before Sunset- A-
This was an excellent film and very pleased with this as a sequel.Deply was robbed of a nomination by the academy even though she wouldnt have won.

13) 2-19-05 Redemption- B+
Foxx is excellent in this film and should have won his Globe for this also. I was pleased with this movie but had a lower grade as it could have been a little better.

14) 2/20/05 Office Space- B
Didnt see what all the hype was about an Ok film with ok acting. Basically the movie was not the best but I dont really like giving low grades :lol:

15) 2/20/05 Boys Dont Cry- A
Swank is excellent in portraying Tenna Brandon in this film. She was able to make you feel as if you were actually watching a guy,not a girl, doing this role. I would have sworn it wasnt Hilary if you didnt see the breasts :smile:

16) 2/20/05 Child's Play 2- B-
This was the least scariest of the Child's Plays I have seen so far. Bride was the best of course imo. Chucky was funny more than scary but thats just me

17) 2/21/05 Fast Times at Ridgemont high- A-
Awesome movie that launched Sean Penn's career. I found it amazing how they projected the 80s' to be in 1982 when the decade had just been. I really enjoyed it though it was stupid at times.
18) 2/22/05 Scream A
Good movie that was the start of the slasher films in the late 90s. It gets better every time you watch it too.
19) 2/22/05 Scream 2 A-
The second scream was almost as good as the first one but still very good.
20) 2/23/05 Scream 3 A-
Awesome movie that was better than the second one but not a whole lot better. I did enjoy it alot more though.
21)2/23/05 Scary Movie 2 A
The funniest of the 3 and repeat viewings help ya pick up things u didnt notice before. I love watch the Scary Movies
22) 2/24/05 Ring-B+
Very good movie that scared the shit out of me. I barely got through the ending thats how scared I was. sad huh. Very good though just few flaws
23)2.24.05 Sixith Sense A-
Osment was amazing in this movie and its sad he has seemed to disappear. I actually watched the movie in whole for the first time today. 8-[
24)2.25.05 Unforgiven A
Wow is all I can say and that Freeman and Eastwood are the best duo in any movie. I liked the progressive nature and the screenplay really well. I would have given an A+if abit more violence.
25) 2.25.05 Schindler's List A+
Good God between this movie,braveheart and Unforgiven I dont know if I can sleep tonight. VEry realistic movie I Loved it. The Black and white made this movie even better. Great movie that actually shows real history happening.
26) 2.25.05 Braveheart A+
I thought that Passion was violent not compared this movie. An excellent performance by Gibson both directing and acting.He should have gotten an oscar for both but hey best picture and director are enough any day.
27)2.26.05 Final Destination A-
I really like this movie alot but it gets kind of dull after about 5 times. Still some good deaths in it. Teacher was the best with the computer. I never bring a drink near the computer b/c of this.
28)2.26.05 Final Destination 2 A
I think this was is the oppisite of the first with repeat viewings. It gets better. I loved the all the deaths and especially like the car crash and the barb wire.
29) 2.26.05 I know what you did last summer A-
Damn good horror flick which set up prince and gellar. I thought it was funny as much as scary
30) 2.26.05 I still know what u did last summer B+
I liked this one almost as good but kind of saw it as unneccesary.Thank God no more sequels to this.The Tropic island setting was good though
31) 2.26.05 Others B-
I saw through this film after about 30 minutes and just was curious how it played out. I did like Kidman though in this film and she was good if nothing else was.(note I didnt sleep very well last night lol)
32)2.28.05 Terminator B+
This was an awesome special effects. I loved arnold as the bad guy this time instead of the good guy but it wasnt Cameron's best.
33)2.28.05 Terminator 2 A+
Cameron's Best film. Everything was perfect in here. I liked how they had arnold good guy in here. Effects were the best thing of all.
34) 2.28.05 Terminator 3 A-
It was pretty good. I liked have a bad guy(girl) as eye candy. The ending was good and little suprising to me.
35)2.28.05 50 First Dates A+
This is the best adam sandler movie imo. I loved Sandler and Barrymore's chemistry together.Tatoo face was pretty funny too. 'I will cut you up with a meat cleaver.' Sean astin was fresh off LOTR so you got wat you expect from him which is a pretty funny character. Sorry I am carrying on I love this movie though.
36) 3.1.05 Casablanca A-
I love old black and white films.To me they let your imagination run wild.So many memorable lines from one movie too. 'Here's looking at you kid' Boghart is an excellant actor and this movie was no exception.
37)3.2.05 ET- Director's Cut A+
I love this movie. It is a cute movie about aliens the best part though is the score. On the DVD there is an option to here the score live at the 2002 premiere while atcing the movie. Wow I thought i was there. This is by far the best score ever to me imo. Excellent movie though.
38)3.2.05 Close Encounters-A
I like this movie. Speilburg made an instant classic that makes ya really wonder wat is out there? Excellent film.
39)3.2.05 Minority Report- A-
I love Cruise's movies and this is so underrated imo. The eye changing scene was the best and the ending I liked even though it was a little predictable
40) 3.2.05 Singing in the Rain- A-
I love old movies. I had seen the play of this and the movie imo is way better. The acting is superb as is the music. It was an overall excellent movie.
41) 3.3.05 Gone with the Wind- A
I used to hate sitting through this movie but now that I guess u could say i am older I like alot. The running time is long but that doesnt bother me b/c it seemed to go by pretty quickly. Rhett and Scarlett are the perfect on-screen couple especially when they started out hating each other.Anyways very good movie with excellent cast
42) 3.3.05 Fried Green Tomatoes A
I loved the duo of Tandy and Bates. Bates' marriage conflict and problems tied in perfect with Idgie and Ruth's story. Almost made me wish I was a woman so I could be Towanda :lol:

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Feb 14, 2005 6:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

My list

1. 2/14/05 -- Finding Neverland -- A- (8.6/10)
-The last of the big 5 from 2004 I had yet to see and it was a goodie. It easily tops Sideways and The Aviator, it's position in the top 3 has yet to be determined. The movie was so full of imagination, love, and soul that it seems an impossible movie not to like. Johnny Depp does what he does best as always, truly one of Hollywood's best.

2. 2/15/05 -- You Got Served -- V (2.4/10)
-Sometimes there are just bad movies, not funny bad, but just bad... this is one of them. If this movie was funny at all it could've saved it self from such an embarrasing grade. Plus, La La at the end just put the final nail in the coffin. This is an example of film gone wrong.

3. 2/16/05 -- Alone In The Dark -- C (6.7/10)
-Surprisingly not bad at all. After House of the Dead I was not expecting anything out of this movie, but it was actually quite entertaining. Christian Slater pulled off a decent performance here, shame he is box office poison. Nothing much is explained, but it's better that way.

4. 2/17/05 -- Get Shorty -- B (7.6/10)
-A nice little satire of Hollywood with a lot of attitude. It makes way for the sequel out in just a way weeks. John Travolta was great as the gangster turned movie producer, really seperated it from being just another gangsta movie. The rest of the performances were stellar with only Russo really sticking out.

5. 2/19/05 -- Superman 3 -- B (7.7/10)
-Richard Prior adds a nice little twist to the Superman movies playing the computer genius/oaf Gus. No Gene Hackman in this one though, that was a slight dissapointment. Made up for it by Superman turning into an asshole though, that was classic.

6. 2/20/05 -- Constantine -- A (8.9/10)
-Absolutely incredible movie. Here's hoping that this is made into atleast a trilogy. John Constantine is such a great character, kicking demon ass, and then making some smart ass crack at the devil. Longer than it needed to be, but it does it's bidness in that time.

7. 2/20/05 -- First Blood -- A (8.8/10)
-A true classic that took me far too long to see. Rambo is a just a badass, there's nothing more too it. The action genre has known little better. Can't wait to see part 2 and 3.

8. 2/21/05 -- Scary Movie -- A+ (9.8/10)
-One of my all time favorate movies that never gets old. The ultimate satire that takes no prisoners in the cliched filled horror genre. This is the start to a great trilogy.

9. 2/21/05 -- Scary Movie 2 -- A- (8.4/10)
-Not as good as the first one, but that's understandable. Despite being the worst in the series, it's still one of the greatest satires of all time. David Cross is just hilarious.

10. 2/21/05 -- Scary Movie 3 -- A- (8.5/10)
-The conclusion to one of the best comedy trilogys and the best satirical trilogy. While this one lacks the nasty humor from the first two, it still manages to pull it's weight.

11. 2/22/05 -- Final Destination -- A (9.1/10)
-A classic horror movie that does not get old at all. Such an intresting idea brought to life in an amazing film. Really makes you think, don't it? What if death is really chasing us all. Damn!

12. 2/23/05 -- Final Destination 2 -- B+ (8.0/10)
-Kinda lost the originality of the first one, but still damn good. The deaths are more unique, and the crash is a hell of a lot cooler. Than again, death isn't cool. But it is pretty fun to watch a guy get torn into 3 by a rogue wire.

13. 2/23/05 -- The Girl Next Door -- B- (7.3/10)
-Elisha Cuthbert is just too cute. This was alot better the second time around, though I am not sure why exactly. Perhaps the directors cut is just that much better. hmmmmmm.

14. 2/23/05 -- Dawn Of The Dead (2004) -- B+ (8.1/10)
-Well the movie doesn't really own up to the Anatomy of a Head Exploding feature on the dvd, but it's still good. I'd say better than the original, even.

15. 2/25/05 -- The Silence Of The Lambs -- A (8.7/10)
-Another classic. Silence is a thrilling movie, Anthony Hopkins is just great as Hannibal. Easily the best of the 4. Still weird how this beat JFK for the oscar, that wouldn't happen nowadays.

16. 2/26/05 -- The Ninth Gate -- B (7.6/10)
-Johnny Depp is seriously so awesome. The movie is a little slow paced but his performace makes up for it. I wonder how many times Johnny has saved a movie from unspeakable dullness.

17. 2/27/05 -- The Terminator -- A+ (9.8/10)
-One of the all time greatest movies. Ahhhhhhnold is so damn cool it's insane.

18. 3/1/05 -- Terminator 2: Judgement Day -- A+ (10/10)
-Wow, I hadn't seen this in awhile. Last time I saw it, I ranked it under the first Terminator. For some reason though, this time it was just superior to the first, and one of the greatest of all time. I think this might rank top 5 in my all time movie list, note the 10/10.

19. 3/1/05 -- Terminator 3: Rise Of The Machines A- (8.4/10)
-The weakest in the trilogy but it's understandable. This movie really wasn't needed, though they did a good job with it. You could tell they were really straining for some original ideas.

20. 3/1/05 -- Alien vs Predator -- B (7.6/10)
-So I decided to start at the end of the Quintology, unlike the rest of you. This isn't a bad movie, but it seems like it's there just to be there. It holds no significance to the rest of the series at all. That said, fun movie with lots of exciting moments.

21. 3/2/05 -- Alien -- A- (8.4/10)
-Not quite worthy of a full A, but a good movie nonetheless. There's a few parts that make you jump, even after all these years.

22. 3/3/05 -- Saw -- A (8.9/10)
-This is what's known as a mindfuck. It's a horror movie, with an actual plot :-o. Don't see many of those nowadays. Also this movie has one of the best endings in horror history, incredible.

23. 3/3/05 -- Aliens -- A+ (9.8/10)
-Another one of history's great films. This is a 2 1/2 hour masterpiece that could've easily been 3 1/2 hours if Cameron had decided to go in that direction. Some of my all time fav quotes in this such as "What are supposed to use? Harsh Language?". That cracks me up everytime.

24. 3/3/05 -- Batman -- A (9.2/10)
-The best of the four 'new' Batman's. Michael Keaton is the best Batman, Adam West is just silly, Val Kilmer was miscast, and George Clooney should never have come near the set of a Batman movie.

25. 3/4/05 -- Blade Runner -- C (6.8/10)
-I really didn't like this movie for the most part. The worst Ridley Scott movie I've ever seen, quite dissapointing. The story with Sebastian and the two replica's was the only thing that saved this movie from getting a lower grade.

26. 3/4/05 -- Alien³ -- B (7.6/10)
-This wasn't nearly as good as the first two, but still a fun ride. The way Fincher did it was kind of annoying though, it seemed he was only trying to create a legacy out of this. It didn't work obviously, not even killing Ripley could prevent a 4th film.

27. 3/5/05 -- One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest -- A+ (9.9/10)
-Wowzo, did not expect it to be that good. This really is motion picture at it's finest. Jack does a wonderful job as 'Mac', but really all the cast are great. Except Mildred, I hated her, but I guess we were meant to hate her. Really deserving of all the oscars it won.

28. 3/5/05 -- Alien: Resurrection -- B (7.7/10)
-Better than Alien 3, but still nowhere near the first 2. I liked the human/Alien thing at the end, pretty damn inventive.

29. 3/6/05 -- Mallrats -- A+ (9.9/10)
-This movie is just too damn good. The entire series is for that matter. Kevin Smith is a just a genius when it comes to making films like this. The force is strong with this one.

30. 3/6/05 -- Exorcist: The Beginning -- B+ (7.9/10)
-Pretty good, sets up the series quite nicely. Actually very scary, didn't think it would be. It seemed like just another bs movie with the sole purpose to make money, but alas it wasn't. It probably deserved the NC-17, there was some messed up stuff in it.

31. 3/7/05 -- Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back -- A+ (9.7/10)
-So I'm not going in order at all, big deal wanna fight about it? This is the lowest A+ you can get but I think this movie deserves it. So many cameos, so little time.

32. 3/7/05 -- Armageddon -- B- (7.2/10)
-Quite possibly the hardest film in the known universe to grade. It's damn entertaining, but then again so awful you just can't give it a great grade. So that's why there is such a thing as a B-.

33. 3/7/05 -- Chasing Amy -- A (9.4/10)
-The only one of the Quints that gets below a 9.5, and that is for only one reason. For the 15 or so minutes when Holden and Allysa (sp?) are together, the film kinda drags. It's like Kevin Smith wanted to make true love but didn't know how. Note how quickly he messes it up with the Fingercuff's thing. The film get's great again after that.

34. 3/8/05 -- Total Recall - B (7.7/10)
-I could't get the nagging feeling that it really was all a dream out of my head throughout the entire movie. I hate when I'm wrong about the ending. Good movie with Ahhnold though, they always are. The governator should do a movie about taking over California.

35. 3/9/05 -- Dogma -- A+ (9.8/10)
-Just another classic by the might of film Kevin Smith. Love how Smith took on religion with such an all star cast. Only got one more left in the series :-).

36. 3/9/05 -- True Lies -- A (8.8/10)
-Not Cameron's best but still a great movie. Ahhnold really is one of the best in the biz, if only he hadn't done Collateral Damage or The 6th Man, those are stains on his career he didn't need.

37. 3/9/05 -- Clerks X -- A (9.5/10)
-Quite a bit different from the theatrical, not as good. The original ending actually dropped my grade like .2 points. It's so depressing.

38. 3/10/05 -- Commando -- A- (8.5/10)
-This is the definition of an 80's film. It's got the music, the killing, and the Ahhhnold. Still good, not his best, but still good.

39. 3/11/05 -- Pulp Fiction -- A+ (10/10)
-Probably the finest achievement in film ever. I know the movie line by line now, it's just so effin good. The music, the style, and Quentin are all amazing. It's easily one of my top 5 favorate movies of all time.

40. 3/11/05 -- Predator -- A (9.4/10)
-This starts just like a regular Ahhnold movie, and there is nothing wrong with that, but then it takes on a twist. There's an alien hunting them in the jungle. So it's like an action movie with explosions and gunfire and the foreign chick, then it's a thriller about a team lost in the jungle. Great play on different genres.

41. 3/11/05 -- Snatch -- A+ (9.9/10)
-I have no idea what happened in this movie but it was one of the besr I've ever seen. A movie with this kind of plot and chaos should not be so funny, but hell if it was. Took me way too long to see this.

42. 3/12/05 -- Collateral -- A- (8.2/10)
-Terrific film that gets better every time I see it. Tom Cruie and Jamie Foxx both have amazing chemistry together. They should reunite for some future film.

43. 3/13/05 -- Reservior Dogs -- A (9.5/10)
-Most impressive debut ever. A bank robbery film without a bank robbery, just the robbers, genius.

44. 3/13/05 -- Flight Of The Phoenix -- C+ (7.0/10)
-Entertaining but not that good. They could've done a lot more with this movie, but it seemed they, whomever they is, wanted to get it out ASAP.

45. 3/15/05 -- Kill Bill Vol. 1 -- A (9.1/10)
-Killer movie, quite literally. Amazing how the slaughter of Japanese people can be so amusing whether it be in color, B&W, or silhouettes. Quentin really did do a fine job with this.

46. 3/16/05 -- Donnie Darko: Director's Cut -- B+ (7.9/10)
-Good movie but a tad bit too long. Dunno if it was better than the original, I saw it so long ago that it's hard to tell which parts are new and which aren't.

47. 3/17/05 -- Jackie Brown -- B (7.5/10)
-The worst Quentin movie obviously. Well made plot but just wasn't that original.

48. 3/18/05 -- Kill Bill Vol. 2 -- A (9.3/10)
-Bitch... You don't have a future. That pretty much sums up how great this movie is.

49. 3/20/05 -- Gladiator -- A+ (9.9/10)
-Ridley Scott's best movie. I'm glad I caught this on TNT. So incredibly well made and deserving of that oscar it won.

50. 3/21/05 -- The Ring Two -- B (7.5/10)
-Grade is definitely going to change, for better or worse I don't know. I couldn't think of what to give it, so you know, B works for now. It was dissapointing, not very scary, but hell if it had it's moments. I can see the backlash towards the film, but I can also see why it could be loved. It was better than The Village, and WAY better than The Grude. Just need some more time to think before I give it a final grade. Longest review yet, woot.

51. 3/22/05 -- Le Pacte Des Loupes (Brotherhood of the Wolf) -- B+ (7.9/10)
-The only foreign film that I actually own, well non UK that is. I remember seeing this in the theatre way back when, before hand having no idea it was going to be in French. It was an amazing film though, made up for me having to actually pay attention to the subtitles. Quite a masterpiece of a thriller.
It misses out an the A because towards the end it tended to get slow. Was it really necessary for that guy to rape Marianne? I think not. The conclusion was very good though. Didn't really expect the brotherhood to have gone so deep that it involved her whole family and all the other royals. The beast's end made you sympathetic towards it, it was made into that.
The characters were well developed. Mani especially. The opening of the first hunt was just plain awesome. He was totally owning all those people in the circle. He didn't even get beat, he got shot. They couldn't take the indian down so they had to pussy out and shoot him. He would've killed them all with his tomahawk thingy.
So overall a good movie. An easy pick for foreign week. I am surprised this didn't even get nominated for foreign film. Though the academy does tend to look down on action thrillers. So, really, not that surprising. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.

52. 3/23/05 -- The Fog Of War -- B (7.3/10)
-Docs aren't really my style but this one was alright. About the same level as F 9/11, cept F 9/11 had all that bullshit with the people crying and force feeding us sympathy. My condolences but please shut the fuck up. Macnamara's (sp?) story is intresting enough for a movie. I have no doubt that someday it'll be turned into a feature length blockbuster called Bob.

53. 3/24/05 -- Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels -- B (7.3/10)
-Guy Ritchie took this film and made it into a much superior movie called Snatch. They both share the same elements, but Snatch picks up the pace a lot quicker than Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels could hope for. The build up to the robbery is very slow. However, once it gets there, it get's quite good. Unfortunatly, the movie is beyond halfway over by that time.
It takes about an hour for the movie to get good. Snatch is good right from the get go. That's what most seperates the two films. The ending to Lock, Stock is odd. We never find out what happens to the rifles, but it's pretty amusing. The main four characters are well done when they get their screen time. It's just the rest of the characters that take far too long to build up.

54. 3/25/05 -- Per Un Dugno Di Dollari (A Fistful Of Dollars) -- A (9.2/10)
-Straight out of Italy comes one of the best westerns of all time. Now I haven't seen the other two yet, so I can't determine if it is the best western of all time. Clint Eastwood's best role though, no doubt. I don't even have to see the other two to determine that.
The shootouts in this movie are incredibly good considering it was made it the 60's. We don't see any blood, but I guess that was normal back then. I have to admit, though, I HATED that stupid little kid. He was the most annoying thing I've seen in a movie in a very good while. Stll, the rest of the movie more than makes up for an annoying kid.

55. 3/26/05 -- Per qualche dollaro in più (For A Few Dollars More) -- A (9.3/10)
-Part two in the epic troligy was better than the first, much to my surprise. It has everything the first one has, except with Colonel Douglas Mortomer instead of an annoying kid. The shootouts are still great, the baddies are just as good, if not better. Also, the man with no name, is awesome as usual. The final draw was great, Mortemer finally got his revenge.
This has a higher imdb rating than the first one, and for good reason, I think. Some might disagree though, and I can see their point. Everyone seems to agree that The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly is the best, though. I can't wait to see it. If it's as good as everyone says, then it should have no problem matching the magnificance of the first two. Pretty hard to do, in my humble opinion.

56. 3/26/05 -- Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo (The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly) -- A+ (9.7/10)
-Part three in the trilogy is the best. This is obvious. With quotes like "If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk." Classic that was. Tuko was an awesome character, I'm glad he didn't die at the end. Unlike poor ole Douglas Mortemer. They turned him into a villian this time, quite original.
So this is the end of Sergio Leone's Spaghetti western trilogy. Quite an epic. It runs at nearly three hours but you don't want it to end still. The best western (HAHA ITS A HOTEL) I've ever seen easily. Very spectacular end to the Dollars trilogy.

57. 3/27/05 -- Ice Age -- B- (7.1/10)
-Full of cheese and cliches, but you gotta love it anyways. Scrat!

58. 3/27/05 -- Toy Story - A (9.2/10)
-Pixar's first movie moved into new grounds for animation. With a great cast of voices it moved CGI into the mainstream. Way to go you.

59. 3/27/05 -- The Lion King -- A (9.6/10)
-Not quite the A+, but still one of the best animated films. The thing I didn't is how the pace changes so drastically at the end. In the beginning it's a nice building pace, but then at the end everything happens so quick. I guess Disney didn't want it to run for too long.

60. 3/28/05 -- Shrek -- A (9.5/10)
-Gotta love this satire on fairy tales and all that happily ever after stuff. The Ogre is the hero, the donkey is the annoying sidekick, and the princess is straight outta the Matrix.

61. 3/28/05 -- Toy Story 2 -- A (9.3/10)
-Slightly better than the first. Only sequel for Pixar is one of their best. I sure hope they don't try to make Toy Story 3 without Pixar.

62. 3/29/05 -- Monsters Inc. -- A (8.9/10)
-Not as good as the Toy Story's. Pixar does make a wonderful film though, shame they split with Disney.

63. 3/29/05 -- Guess Who -- B- (7.1/10)
-It's actually a pretty funny movie, at first. Then it just goes on and on and on and stops the humor to give us our emotional dosage. No thank you.

64. 3/29/05 -- The Emporer's New Groove -- A- (8.3/10)
-Quite amazing how little this movie was appreciated upon it's initial release. It's pretty damn funny, probably less appreciated by kids than teens/adults. Crunk was obviously the highlight. "By all accounts it doesn't make any sense."

65. 3/30/05 -- Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) -- A (9.0/10)
-Well the dubbing is pretty bad if you watch it in English. However, it's better than with subtitles as this movie is visually amazing. I haven't seen that many anime's, but this is my favorate out of the ones I've seen.

66. 3/31/05 -- South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut -- A+ (9.9/10)
-Still hilarious even after then nteenth viewing. You really catch all the satire elements after nteenth viewings. So yeah, I can say nteenth as much as I want.

67. 3/31/05 -- The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride -- D+ (5.5/10)
-Typical Disney sequel where it takes everything from the first one and takes a big dump on it. Pointless with dumb songs. If only Disney weren't such cash and hounds and would leave their classic's alone.

68. 4/1/05 -- After The Sunset -- B (7.4/10)
-Despite the fact that this movie has no direction it is still entertaining. Pierce and Woody have good on-screen chemistry. And Salma Hayek is hawt, which this movie won't let you not know.

69. 4/2/05 -- The Lion King 1 1/2 -- B (7.5/10)
-Clever little story that is loads better than Lion King 2. Still doesn't match the original, but that's understandable.

70. 4/2/05 -- Kiki's Delivery Service -- B- (7.1/10)
-This move was way too happy for me. There was no evil at all. Even the few conflicts there were easily solved in a matter of minutes. Besides that, cute littles movie.

71. 4/2/05 -- Sin City -- A+ (9.7/10)
-Never once last year did I give a movie an A+, but Sin City rightfully deserves it. It's so intense, it's so amazing. Not just visually (although you can't take your eyes of the look of the film), the three storylines are all incredible. Marv, Dwight, and Hartigan's stories all had a balance of action, violence, romance, and humor. This is going to be the movie to beat this year, will anything do it?

72. 4/6/05 -- The Mummy Returns -- B+ (8.2/10)
-All the characters that return from the first one are great, but I don't much like the new ones. The kid is annoying, but most kids are. The Rock gets his head plastered on a CG Scorpion and grunts his way through the movie. Still, pretty fun adventure.

73. 4/6/05 -- They Call Me Bruce -- B+ (7.9/10)
-Not sure whether this was a satire or an actual kung fu film. It was a funny story about a misfit trying to be a warrior type. Whatever, good movie.

74. 4/7/05 -- Elektra -- C (6.6/10)
-Jennifer Garner sure is hawt, but she didn't need to do this. The movie is pretty stale, besides the one dude that could make the animals come out of his chest.

75. 4/8/05 -- Kung-Fu Hustle -- A (8.9/10)
-It's kinda like the Matrix of Kung-Fu movies in a sense. The final fight between the Beast and the One was incredible. The finish especially.

76. 4/9/05 -- Dead Of Winter -- D (5.1/10)
-This was god awful. It was boring and predictable all the way through the movie. The characters are all terrible as well. I just wanted to slap Kate for being so damn stupid in front of the cops. All the other characters have silly motives that aren't explained very well.

77. 4/9/05 -- Vertigo -- A- (8.4/10)
-Here in 2005 this movie's visuals and score freaked the shit out of me. I can only imagine how the poor people of 1958 felt after seeing it. Seriously, Hitchcock puts a feel to all his movies that are so fucken scary. Nothing really scary even happened in this movie, but it was one of the most thrilling movies I've ever seen. The only reason it missed out on the A is because it lags in the beginning and the end. If the pace would've kept up the entire movie, it would have been an easy A.

78. 4/10/05 -- Van Helsing -- B- (7.1/10)
-It's not as bad as the general consensus, but it still isn't that good. There are some cool things about it though. Frankenstein's monster was well done and the Werewolves look badass. However, shit like Kate Beckinsale's character are just awful.

79. 4/12/05 -- Robin Hood: Men In Tights -- A+ (9.7/10)
-I think this is in the top 3 Mel Brooks movies. An excellent satire of the Robin Hood story. It's so fucken funny, Mel Brooks is the greatest.

80. 4/12/05 -- Ocean's Twelve -- B- (7.2/10)
-Pretty lame compared to the first one. It started off pretty good, but towards the end it got so incredibly ridiculous. Typical sequel where they just have to confuse everyone to try an improve.

81. 4/13/05 -- Blazing Saddles -- A+ (9.8/10)
-Such a classic. It's not Mel Brooks' funniest movie, but it's one of his best. "My name is Jim, but most people call me ... Jim."

82. 4/13/05 -- Space Balls -- A (9.5/10)
-Another classic from Mel Brooks. Splendidly satires Star Wars on all accounts. I hope Mel finally gets around to making the sequel to this.

83. 4/13/05 -- Life Stinks -- B (7.6/10)
-It really wasn't very funny. Good story, lack of humor. Jeffery Tambor was great in it though.

84. 4/15/05 -- Rocky -- A (9.0/10)
-First time seeing this and I loved it. Rocky's story was great, even if he didn't beat Apollo Creed. Can see why this sparked a mega franchise.

85. 4/16/05 -- Dracula: Dead and Loving It -- B (7.6/10)
-Rate it the same as Life Stinks. It's got a good story, and is damn entertaining. The problem was the lack of humor though. Leslie Neilson could've been a hell of a lot funnier.

86. 4/16/05 -- The Amityville Horror -- B (7.7/10)
-It had some good scares in it, but some of them were very silly. Don't wanna spoil it though. Ryan Renolds was great as the norm gone crazy. He definitely deserves some respect in the acting community. Everybody else gave a stellar performance. The one thing that really irked me was the ghost Jodie (in the preview, so not spoiling it). All she did was provide some cheap scares that added nothing to the story.

87. 4/16/05 -- Young Frankenstein -- A+ (9.7/10)
-Mel Brooks' second best film. I don't think it tops Blazing Saddles. It does pull off what Life Stinks and Dracula: Dead and Loving It failed to do though. It doesn't give us the straight up laugh out loud humor that Blazing Saddles, Robin Hood: Men In Tights, and Space Balls give us, but still manages to be hilarious. Congratulations Mel.

88. 4/21/05 -- The Blair Witch Project -- B- (7.1/10)
-I didn't see anything in this film that would warrant either the title of Classic or Biggest Piece Of Shit of the Modern Horror World.

89. 4/21/05 -- Bowfinger -- A (8.8/10)
-This was downright hilarious. Eddie Murphy and Steve Martin both did wonderful jobs. "Gotcha Suckas!"

90. 4/22/05 -- Dr. Strangelove -- A (9.0/10)
-Is it possible for Stanley Kubrick to direct a black and white comedy satiring the cold war? "It is not only possible, it is essential!" One of the greatest of all time for sure.

91. 4/23/05 -- Ed Wood -- A- (8.3/10)
-Johnny Depp is amazing as the optimistic, yet horrible filmmaker. Some of the other cast members almost steal the show from him, but we all know that's not possible.

92. 4/24/05 -- Shaolin Soccer -- A- (8.4/10)
-Awful dubbing doesn't stop this movie from being great. Stephen Chow is either insane or a genius or both. Still wish it would've been in subtitles.

93. 4/25/05 -- Bram Stroker's Dracula -- A (9.3/10)
-My only complaint of this movie is is the sound sometimes is so loud you can't hear the people talking. Besides that, this is a masterpiece. All the actors and actresses are great. Even the wolf plays a great part.

94. 4/28/05 -- Equilibrium -- A (8.9/10)
-This is one of the best movies ever to elude mainstream success. By all accounts this completely bombed at the box office, and was ignored for the most part. The gunfights are amazing, the pure heart of a good action movie.

95. 4/28/05 -- True Romance -- A- (8.5/10)
-Love and lots of bullets. What else does a movie need? Nothing I tell you, nothing at all.

96. 4/28/05 -- Caddyshack -- A- (8.5/10)
-While not the comedy masterpiece that most say it is, still a great movie. Chevy, Rodney, and Bill all give hilarious perfomances. However, all are upstaged by the gopher :-).

97. 4/29/05 -- Tombstone -- B+ (8.1/10)
-You gotta really put on your sense of disbelief to enjoy this film. With the ridiculously fake moustaches, accents, and the fact that the entire cast arrived in Tombstone at the same time. After that though, it's quite enjoyable. When Wyett goes on his rampage of the cowboys, that was a classic moment.

98. 4/30/05 -- The Untouchables -- A (9.2/10)
-Yet another classic crime movie. With such a great cast it would be pretty damn hard not to pull off a good movie, but they pull off a great movie. Costner and Connery make a great team, shame that it got split midway through.

99. 4/30/05 -- Heat -- A (9.5/10)
-Really long and really good. The street shootout was the most well done I have ever seen. The side plots kind of drag it down, which is why it doesn't get the A+. The rest is so outstanding though.

100. 5/1/05 -- Suspect Zero -- C+ (6.7/10)
-Well it was slowpaced, extremely confusing, and just plain weird. Those are the flaws of this movie, and it's easy to see why it never hit with any kind of audience. It kept me intrested till the end though, and that is what's important in a movie.

101. 5/2/05 -- Leon -- B (7.5/10)
-It was good, but could've been a lot better. The gun shoot outs were cool enough, but I just wasn't feelin' it. Anyway, nice try.

102. 5/4/05 -- The Fugitive -- A (9.5/10)
-Excellent, just excellent. The stars of this movie shine in ways that few others can. Well, almost anything with Harrison Ford is bound to be good. Also, the train crash was awesome.

103. 5/4/05 -- Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery -- A (9.5/10) I
-Hilarious satire that is better than most, if not all, the James Bond films. Never gets old.

104. 5/5/05 -- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider -- B- (6.9/10) I
-FX and boobies are the only thing this movie has going for it, and there is nothing wrong with that.

105. 5/5/05 -- The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy -- B (7.7/10)
-The only good add ons that the movie gave were Marvin's extra lines. The kidnapping of Trillian was so completely pointless. It also had way too much kid appeal to it. Despite being shot at by an entire army on more than one occasion, Marvin was the only one who was hit. Talk about bad aim! However, I think it did hit the key points of the book pretty well.

106. 5/5/05 -- Forest Gump -- A (9.5/10) I
-Sucks that I couldn't get the 32 bonus points for this, but oh well. Excellent movie that well deserved it's Best Picture oscar. The mass size of this movie is huge. So much in so little time.

107. 5/6/05 -- Unforgiven -- A (9.4/10) II
-Helluva movie with a helluva ending. Clint went so badass, just like, BAM! How did he not win the oscar for actor or director? Well, atleast it got the Best Picture.

108. 5/7/05 -- Anaconda -- B (7.3/10) I
-Well I used to love this movie, now it's just kinda bleh. Jlo'c character is really annoying. Ice Cube and Jon Voight make up for it though.

109. 5/7/05 -- Godzilla -- B+ (7.9/10) I
-Yeah, I actually enjoyed this film, so what? Despite it being a cliche of all monster movie it was still highly enjoyable. Take that you blasted critics.

110. 5/7/05 -- The Chronicles Of Riddick -- B+ (8.0/10) I
-Like Godzilla, a movie most people hated, but I found quite enjoyable. Lots of good action sequences in this one. Also, love the fact that tomboy Jack from Pitch Black grew up into such a hottie. Nice!

111. 5/8/05 -- Star Wars -- A+ (9.8/10) I
-A classic and one that doesn't fade away over time. Lucas created an amazing world with this one film. Of course, Lucas' directing style holds a lot of cheesy moments and happy endings, which is why Empire is the best one of the series.

112. 5/8/05 -- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle -- B+ (7.9/10) I
-Yet another one of those silly movies that I like. The play on movies is great in this one, really captured the show well. It was doomed to fail though. Too smart for little kids and too stupid for adults.

113. 5/8/05 -- Schindler's List -- A+ (9.7/10) II
-The most powerful movie I have ever seen. It shows the confliction between the good and bad of people. Was it a Good vs Evil movie like some make it out to be? No. Schindler wasn't good and Geoff wasn't evil. They were just doing what they thought was the right thing to do at the time. Spielberg really created a true masterpiece with this film.

114. 5/9/05 -- Training Day -- A- (8.5/10) I
-While it's not Denzel's best role he did deserve the Oscar he won for it. Ethan Hawke does a swell job as the "hero" in this film as well.

115. 5/9/05 -- Jurassic Park -- A+ (10/10) I
-It doesn't get much better than this. This was my favorite movie for the longest time. However, it was a much different experience watching it after I just read the book. You notice all the subtle changes they make for it to be more appealing to the mainstream crowd. Sex roles are the biggest change I noticed, besides the obvious death switching. In the book, Lex (the little girl) is constantly wining and complaining and serves no real purpose besides to annoy her little brother, who is just as smart as Dr. Grant. However, in the movie, Tim is the annoying one and Lex saves the day at the end. Not really big enough to affect the movie, but still...

116. 5/10/05 -- Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi -- A (9.4/10) I
-Long ago I thought this was the best Star Wars of them all. Times have changed. It's definitely weaker than the first two, perhaps a little stronger than Phantom Menace. Damn ewoks.

117. 5/10/05 -- Spider-Man 2 -- A (9.6/10) I
-Definitely in the top two films of last year. If the academy wasn't so scared of change this would've been nominated for Best Picture. Sam Raimi turns this into what so many other super hero movies like Daredevil and The Hulk tried to accomplish, and he did it twice.

118. 5/11/05 -- Die Another Day -- A (8.9/10) I
-Bond, James Bond. These are the funnest movies to watch. Lots of guns, sex, and explosions. Those crazy Brits can do it all can't they?

119. 5/11/05 -- Big Fish -- B (7.4/10) I
-I thought this movie was pretty good at first, but it started to drag towards the end. Burton did good though, as he always does.

120. 5/11/05 -- Se7en -- A (9.1/10) I
-While not the greatest movie of all time it is one of the most fucked up. Kevin Spacey plays a sick and deranged villian that Hollywood has not often seen. I say way to go dawg!

121. 5/11/05 -- Deep Blue Sea -- A- (8.2/10) I
-I love shark movies. Even if a shark movie is horrible I'll still find it entertaining. This one was good though. The black cook survives the whole ordeal. Take that cliched horror formula!

122. 5/12/05 -- That Thing You Do! -- B (7.4/10)
-They go up then they go right back down. Such a common tale in the music buisness.

123. 5/13/05 -- House Of Wax (2005) -- B (7.6/10)
-No better than any of the other horror movies I've seen this year, but this one get's major points for the extremely gory death sequences. Obviously the one that tops them all is Paris Hilton's. I don't even hate her, but her death scene was one of the best I've ever seen.

124. 5/13/05 -- Enemy At The Gates -- A (9.3/10) I
-I didn't remember this being so good, but it sure as hell was. Jude Law plays some great roles but never really gets any recognition. Love the final duel between Jude and Ed Harris, it was shot amazingly well.

Author:  torrino [ Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Rules on Questions:

1. If you haven't been asked a question this week, please drop torrino, dolcevita, or RogueCommander a PM.
2. If your original answer is deemed skeptical, you will be asked to write an essay (a short essay) that expands on a much broader topic covered throughout the entire movie. This is to protect the SANCTITY and PURITY of the contest and RogueCommander's investments. Essays will typically be due within an hour or two of the time you open the PM ;)
3. If your answer is just plain wrong, you lose all credit for movies watched in that entire week.


Author:  Anonymous [ Fri Mar 25, 2005 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've run out of space in my other post. :oops:


182. 3/25/05 Jackie Chan's Who Am I (1998) - C

I'm a Jackie Chan fan. There I said it. This film is fairly complex for a Chan film. And therein lies the problem. Jackie's films are at their best when they revolve around fights, not explosives smuggling, cops, and car chases.

There is one scene however that kept Who Am I from getting an F grade. The rooftop fight between Jackie and a very tall white guy. Clearly they were trying to copy Game of Death. And for the most part, it worked. Watch it if only for that fight, skip the rest.

183. 3/25/05 Dog Soliders (2001) - B

I'm a sucker for a good lycan film. Dog soldiers isn't the best. But what it lacks in quality it makes up for in atmosphere and gore. A bunch of British soldiers are being killed off by mysterious monsters. Decimated is more like it. Guts, blood, brain matter, it's all sprayed about.

The title is interesting when you think about the monsters. They are werewolves, they act as such, they are described as such, they have the characteristics of werewolves. But they have the heads of ordinary (well mutated) collies. They're weredogs, not werewolves. I love their body though cause I like my werewolves tall and stringy, not the muscle bound apes of Underworld.

184. 3/26/05 Black Box BRD (2001) - C

Black Box BRD is about the Federal Republic of Germany. It's not a very fun or even entertaining film. Black Box BRD is more like something you'll watch in school and write a paper about.

Wolfgang Grams and Alfred Herrhausen are more or less the center of Black Box BRD. When creating a film about terrorism and the RAF (Red Army Faction), I would expect to see a lot more turmoil and strife on screen. I don't quite know where the film fails but I can put a lot of blame on the structure of the story and the directing. Documentaries are a tricky lot, especially ones with muddled subject matter.

185. 3/27/05 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) - C

Classic film that's dated in my book. You also have to give it more credit for what it meant for the medium than how good of a film it is. Just like most films from the 30's.

186. 3/27/05 Bambi (1942) - C-

Along the same lines as Snow White. I don't think Bambi even qualifies as a feature film. But again, it has historical importance. But it's just not a fun film to watch.

187. 3/28/05 Beauty and the Beast (1991) - A

Great story, great songs, I'm surprised at just how much I enjoy this film every single time I watch it.

188. 3/28/05 Toy Story (1995) - B

Considering its the first CGI animated feature film, it's not flawless. But Buzz and Woody are an interesting pair.

189. 3/28/05 Toy Story II (1999) - A+

One of those rare sequels that outdoes the original in every aspect. It should have been nominated for Best Picture in 99. It has a truly sad and meaningful story behind all the cool visuals.

190. 3/29/05 Monster's Inc. (2001) - B

Not my favorite Pixar film but it's one of the most visual (the door chase is quintessential madcap). I love the open ended conclusion (has Boo aged?)

191. 3/29/05 A Bug's Life (1998) - C

Slighty worst than Monster's Inc. I think the characters are far too cute for my taste. I don't like the look of the film either.

192. 3/30/05 Finding Nemo (2003) - A+

Without Dory and Nemo's chemistry, this film would be dead in the water (haha, get it). They made the film what it was. It's also one of the most visually arresting films ever made. Perfect for kids and adults.

193. 3/30/05 Shrek (2001) - B

The problem with films like Shrek is that they are so dependant on pop culture they get old very quick. Shrek 2 had stale jokes in it before it was even released. Still, I like having animated features geared to my age group.

194. 3/31/05 Keana: The Prophecy (2003) - C

Interesting visual component but lackluster storywise. I like Richard Harris in it.

195. 3/31/05 Triplettes of Belleville (2003) - D-

I remember first seeing it when it was nominated for an Oscar. I don't get it. But then again, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to.

196. 4/1/05 Southpark: Bigger, Longer and Uncut (1999) - A

Brilliant, funny, great songs, perfect pace. What else could you ask for in an adapation of a hit television show.

197. 4/1/05 Waking Life (2001) - A

Linklater is one of my favorite directors. Other talented directors have failed when trying to experiment with different mediums. But Linklater hits all the right notes, interesting storyline, great cast (Jesse and Celine!!!!), I love the soundtrack.

198. 4/2/05 Titan A.E. (2000) - D

Not a very good film. Stale story, actually boring visuals. Massive misstep. And the cast, very shitty work.

199. 4/2/05 Sin City (2005) - B-

I'm torn. Though I love the look and feel of the film, I can't say I loved the actual film. There have been several movies lately that have experimented with the medium (Waking Life, Sky Captain, Toy Story). And though Sin City isn't a complete failure, something just doesn't feel right about it.

This film should have connected with me on every level, I fit perfectly into it's demographic. I love film noir, I love comic books, I love ultra-violence, and I love chicks with guns and knives (Can I keep Devon Aoki in one of my spare bedrooms? Maybe in a cage?)

Part of the problem for me lies in the story itself. The three chapters are wildly uneven and the dialogue, though purposely stilted, never grabbed me (outside of a random one liner).

200. 4/3/05 Goya in Bordeaux (1999) - D

Goya felt like the longest film in history. It had its moments (scary paintings and nude beauties) but overall it felt like an exercise in excess.

201. 4/3/05 Rivers and Tides (2001) - D+

Rivers and Tides was interesting in that someone must be really crazy to spend all that time creating temporary art. I understand pouring time into someone that will last in theory forever. But his stuff either melts, floats away, or blows over. Insane.

202. 4/4/05 Man's Best Friend (2002) - A

Frank and funny British documentary about the penis. "There are two things that taste, smell, and look like feta cheese. And one of them is feta cheese." From women to straight men to gay men, the talking head format works for this film.

203. 4/4/05 Alligator (1980) - C

The best giant alligator film ever made. The limo attack still kills me.

204. 4/5/05 Girl With A Pearl Earring (2003) - F

Boring, boring boring. Like watching a filmed painting.

205. 4/6/05 Frida (200) - C+

Substandard biopic saved by Julie's great direction. The acting is ok but the story didn't engage me.

206. 4/7/05 Basquiat (1996) - A

Perfect biopic. Incredibly interesting subject, spectacular acting, especially by Wright, Bowie, Del Toro, Forlani, Walken, Hopper, Dafoe, and Oldman. Just an extraodinary film about a important time in history. I loved the look and sound as well.

207. 4/8/05 156 Rivington (2002) - C

Decent documentary about artists living together in NY within a fixed community

208. 4/9/05 Dickie Roberts: Child Star (2003) - C+

Could have been funnier. But still, I love Spade.

209. 4/10/05 Supervolcano (2005) - B

Surprising effective docudrama about a Yellowstone Park eruption.

210. 4/11/05 Belle De Jour (1967) - C

Catherine Deneuve playing a hooker. I expected a lot more hot sex.

211. 4/12/05 A League Of Their Own (1992) - A+

Great cast, Penny Marshall is underrated as a director. I didn't buy the ending of game 7 but I guess it fits within the story.

212. 4/12/05 Robin Hood: Men In Tights (1993) - D-

Considering the talent involved, a very unfunny film. Brooks, I'm shocked.

213. 4/13/05 Yentl (1983) - D

Babs is my kryptonite. BTW, Mandy must have worked out back then. Bad songs, silly story, I didn't like it.

214. 4/13/05 Bull Durham (1988) - C

I'm not a fan of Costner or baseball films in general. The last 20 minutes or so were interesting in that it was all sex more or less.

215. 4/13/05 Alison's Story (2004) - A

Really heartfelt documentary about a disabled woman (no arms and disfigured legs) attempting to care for her newborn.

216. 4/13/05 Seabiscuit (2003) - A

Great cinematography, interesting story, good acting. One of the better films in the 2003 Oscar race.

217. 4/13/05 Young Frankenstein (1974) - A

Very funny film. Putting on the Ritz is probably one of the funniest classic moments in cinema history.

218. 4/14/05 Blazing Saddles (1974) - A

Along with Young Frakenstein, the most impressive double release ever for a director. Just amazing.

219. 4/14/05 White Men Can't Jump (1992) - C+

An odd film. The tone is completely uneven but it has it's charm (thanks mostly to the cast).

220. 4/14/05 Bend It Like Beckham (2002) - C

Ok story, interesting visuals. I never quite understood the hysteria surrounding the film.

221. 4/14/05 Miracle (2004) - C+

Kurt carried the film. Hockey isn't very interesting to me but the story worked nonetheless.

222. 4/15/05 Jerry Maguire (1996) - A+

Flawless film. Besides the acting and directing, the script is very funny and moving, and the cinematography by Janusz was stellar.

223. 4/15/05 Dawn of the Dead (1978) - F

Poor film. Cheesy and silly.

224. 4/15/05 Positive Women (2005) - A

Doc about Brits living with the AIDS virus. Well made and moving.

225. 4/15/05 Grease (1978) - A

Fun film, great cast. I love the songs and it makes good use of the film medium

226. 4/16/05 West Side Story (1961) - A

My only issue with WSS is that it really doesn't take hold of the film medium. It feels very much like a filmed stage production. I would have loved to see a Coppola or Scorsese tackle this film and throw a lot of visual flair into it.

227. 4/16/05 The Sound of Music (1965) - A

Nazis AND singing kids. Cute, silly film.

228. 4/16/05 Rocky (1976) -C

Ok film, not Oscar worthy though. Talia got cute really cute.

229. 4/16/05 Chariots of Fire (1981) - C

Another odd Oscar winner. Not a bad film, again just ok.

230. 4/16/05 My Fair Lady (1964) - A

Great sets, music, acting. One of my favorite musicals.

231. 4/17/05 Cabaret (1972) - A+

This should have won Best Picture. It's a flawless movie musical. Whereas West Side Story failed to use the medium, Cabaret took the medium and blew it apart. I highly recommend this film.

232. 4/17/05 History of the World Part I (1981) - C-

Somewhat funny at times but not completely brill.

233. 4/17/05 Bad News Bears (1976) - C

Cute film. I'm not a fan of kids or baseball though.

234. 4/17/05 Bowfinger (1999) - B-

Gotta love the combo of Martin and Murphy. Could have been funnier but good nonetheless.

235. 4/17/05 State and Main (2001) - C+

Mamet writes great dialogue but I expected more out of this film. Good cast but a weak story.

236. 4/18/05 Swimming With Sharks (1994) - B

Kevin Spacey is great and so is Michelle Forbes. It's Frank Whaley who brings down the ship. He's like a low-end Matthew Broderick. I enjoyed the film much more when I was in film school. It seems cartoony today. And the ending is stupid.

237. 4/18/05 Ed Wood (1994) - A+

Probably the best biopic I've ever seen. Depp and Burton should only work with each other for the rest of their careers. Excellent cast and overall production.

238. 4/18/05 Get Shorty (1996) - A+

Get Shorty is what you get when you combine a talented director with a great script from excellent source material and add polished actors to the mix. Funny film. Special mention goes to Hackman, DeVito, Lindo, Russo, and of course Travolta.

239. 4/18/05 The Muppet Movie (1979) - A+

Muppets, great songs, and probably the single greatest group of cameos ever assembled. WTG Henson.

240. 4/18/05 CQ (2001) - B-

Style - A+++++++. Everything else, not so good. This is a very sexy sleek film for sure. Zane and Lindvall, meow.

241. 4/19/05 The Stuntman (1980) - F

I can't even tell you what this film was really about let alone recommend it. Silly, slow, muddled. Bad bad bad.

242. 4/19/05 The Legend of Boggy Creek (1973) - A+

Not the greatest film ever but for what it was tasked it, it performed the job flawlessly and still manages to affect me. I have no idea why Hollywood has turned its back on Bigfoot. Harry and the Hendersons, Watchers (sort of), I think that's about it.

243. 4/19/05 The Blair Witch Project (1999) - A+

Scary as hell, incredible, timeless masterpiece. The creepiest film I've ever seen.

244. 4/20/05 Sleepy Hollow (1999) - A+

Tim Burton, Andrew Kevin Walker, Francis Ford Coppola, Johnny Depp, Ian McDiarmid, Christopher Lee, and Christopher Walken. That's an all-star line-up if I've ever seen one. Insanely cool production value, great film.

245. 4/20/05 Dr. Strangelove (1964) - A+

It's shocking just how great this film is. Had Kubrick never made another film, he would still have been one of the greatest directors ever based on Dr. Strangelove alone.

246. 4/20/05 The Thin Man (1934) - D

Too old fashioned for me. Cinematic tryptophan.

247. 4/20/05 His Girl Friday (1940) - D

The earlier comment about Tryptophan. More or less the same thing. Workplace comedy but not funny.

248. 4/20/05 Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) - B

Innovative, funny, classic 80's film. Plus you get Disney and Warner toons together for the first time ever.

249. 4/21/05 Clerks (1994) - A

Funny but somewhat dated. The Star Wars references are gold. I can't wait for The Passion of the Clerks.

250. 4/21/05 The Blob (1988)- C

Ok remake. Definitely graphic (which is a plus in my book).

251. 4/21/05 Bram Stroker's Dracula (1992) - A+

So fun to watch. A visual orgy.

252. 4/21/05 8MM (1999) - C+

The feel good movie of 1999. Grim subject matter aside, pretty good cast and solid script and direction.

253. 4/21/05 Boogie Nights (1997) - A+

The scene between Rollergirl and Jack in the limo, and Dirk in the truck with the john are worthy of an Oscar. Adding Buck to the mix placed it in a world all its own. Oh, and the firecracker scene. That's money.

254. 4/22/05 Reefer Madness (2005) - B-

The acting is good but the songs left me wanting more. The lounge lizard Jesus number is probably the highlight.

255. 4/22/05 Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (2005) - A

After watching this film, I realized that I was completely clueless about Enron. The actually attempted to trade both bandwidth and weather. Weather? How do you trade weather?

256. 4/22/05 Envy (2004) - F

I love the cast. Shockingly bad film. And boring.

257. 4/22/05 Satyricon (1969) - D

Not enough sex and violence. Hedonism-lite.

258. 4/22/05 On The Town (1949) - B

Great choreography and set design. The songs though, not very catchy.

259. 4/23/05 Ocean's Twelve (2004) - B

Lots of style, no substance.

260. 4/23/05 Sideways (2004) - A

Devastating and funny. This film continues to grow on me.

261. 4/23/05 Spanglish (2004) - B

It's third act flaws are even more apparent on repeat viewings.

262. 4/23/05 Orgazmo (1997) - C

Not really funny or sordid. I expect more from Trey and Matt.

263. 4/23/05 Rehab (2005) - A

Brutally honest doc about young adults going through drug and alcohol rehab.

264. 4/24/05 Bridget Jones Edge of Reason (2004) - B

Inferior sequel but still manages to hit more than a few jokes. Strong cast.

265. 4/24/05 Meet The Fockers (2004) - B

I actually liked this as much or more than the original. Not as WASPY to me as the first film (I know, go figure). And Babs hardly made me want to kill people. Hardly.

266. 4/24/05 Elektra (2004) - F-

Depending on the number of films you've seen, Elektra could very well be the worst.

267. 4/24/05 Primer (2004) - B

I'll need to rewatch this one a few more times to wrap my mind around it.

268. 4/24/05 Extraordinary People (2004) - A

Doc about young people living with Neurofibromatosis (a bit like Elephant Man's disease). It's interesting to see how different people cope under truly incredible circumstances.

269. 4/25/05 Jersey Girl (2004) - B

Will Smith has one of the most labored cameos ever recorded on film. Cute very weird film.

270. 4/25/05 House of Flying Daggers (2004) - C+

I'm officially bored with this genre.

271. 4/25/05 The Village (2004) - B-

I'm torn. I love it AND hate it. I don't understand why we couldn't have the twists and the monster.

272. 4/25/05 Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind (2004) - A+

One of the best films ever made about relationships. And it's sci-fi to boot. It doesn't get much better.

273. 4/25/05 After The Sunset (2004) - B

Solid crime caper. Sexy and smart. Pierce is a god amoung men.

274. 4/26/05 Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - B

Very creative story will great visuals. Danny Elfman is a genius (just stating the obvious).

275. 4/26/05 Heist (2001) - A+

The best contemporary heist film ever made. This film is too cool for words.

276. 4/26/05 Replacement Killers (1998) - C

Violent enough but a terrible story. Bad casting as well.

277. 4/26/05 Equilibrium (2002) - B

Pretty standard 1984ish yarn. The fantastic kinetic gun-fu though is anything but standard. And Bale shines but he's good in just about everything.

278. 4/26/05 Thomas Crown Affair (1968) - B

Split screens and a sexy as hell Faye Dunaway. Killer combo.

279. 4/27/05 Moulin Rouge! (2001) - A+

Wildly imaginative. A fitting end to Baz's Red Curtain trilogy.

280. 4/27/05 True Romance (1993) - A

Quintessential Tarantino by way of Tony Scott. Out of his 3 solo writing gigs (not counting Four Rooms or script doctor work), True Romance is probably the most straightforward.

281. 4/27/05 Chicago (2002) - A

Cell Block Tango. Great musical.

282. 4/27/05 The Untouchables (1987) - A+

Two of the best television to film adaptations ever were directed by Brian De Palma. Here he surrounds himself by the best actors (DeNiro, Connery), one of the best writers (Mamet), and one of the most surreal scores ever (courtesy of Morricone). And Mounties.

283. 4/27/05 Dancer In The Dark (2000) - D

Very strange film.

284. 4/28/05 Leon (1994) - A+

World, this is Nat. Nat, this is the world. What a funny and intense film. Luc Besson's finest work.

285. 4/28/05 The Good The Bad And The Ugly (1966) - A+

Probably my favorite western. And Clint's best work.

286. 4/28/05 Tombstone (1993) - A

All-star cast, solid production.

287. 4/28/05 Heat (1995) - A

The best shoot-out I've ever seen. The story in between though is really really long. But you get Nat. Good trade.

288. 4/28/05 Once Upon A Time In The West (1968) - A

Prototype for the perfect western.

289. 4/29/05 XXXXXX (2005) - F+

Complete mess of a film. Massive failure for everyone involved.

290. 4/29/05 Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy (2005) - C-

I want to like this film more than I exactly do. Sperm Whale, Marvin, So Long and Thanks For All The Fish, and of course Zoey and Martin. It was nice to see the Jim Henson Creature Shop create great puppets.

291. 4/30/05 Man Thing (2005) - F

Marvel finally has hit rock bottom. Man Thing?

292. 5/1/05 Alamo (2004) - D+

Interesting cast, piss poor execution. Too bad really, could have been a great R rated epic.

293. 5/2/05 Face/Off (1997) - A

Woo isn't my favorite director (something about bad stunt doubles irritates the shit out of me). But Face/Off is ingenious in its casting and storyline. It would make a great franchise, random superstars trading personalities and playing against type.

294. 5/3/05 Eat This New York (2002) - B

Documentary about the trials and tribulations of opening a restaurant in NYC. Good but the choice to feature other restaurateurs (like Rocko) instead of the main subjects who are very very interesting slowed down the pacing too much. The history lesson bogged down the film.

295. 5/4/05 Butterfly (2000) - A

Documentary about Julia Butterfly Hill who lived in a 1000 year old tree for 2 years in protest of logging. And she's cute. A sexy and crazy activist. Who'd a thunk.

296. 5/5/05 Godzilla (1998) - D

Almost unwatchable. It's sad because this could have been a great ride. The main problem is not having a second monster. Earlier scripts featured 2 monsters battling it out, leaving Godzilla the protagonist.

297. 5/5/05 Lake Placid (1999) -B

I'm not sure why I enjoy this movie so much. It's funny and well acted but the SFX are really cheap looking.

298. 5/5/05 Tokyo Godfathers (2003) - D

I wouldn't like it anymore had it been live-action. Three homeless people raising a baby isn't the most interesting plot. Now three successful bachelors, that's a movie.

299. 5/5/05 Anaconda (1997) - B

Like Lake Placid, just goofy fun. Jon Voight deserved an Oscar nomination for his work here. Insane! Whatever happened to Ice Cube and Jennifer Lopez? Seemed like they would both have promising careers.

300. 5/5/05 Congo (1995) - B

Old fashioned adventure story. Plus a signing gorilla and killer hippos. Frank Marshall doesn't make enough films. Congo, Alive, Aracnaphobia, all great popcorn films.

301. 5/5/05 Eight Legged Freaks (2002) - B-

Campy film. Fun but could have been better.

302. 5/5/05 Hercules (1997) - A

My favorite of the modern Disney films. It's the most broadway, has great action, humour, and style.

303. 5/6/05 High Anxiety (1978) - C

Clever but not hilarious. I liked the parody of The Birds and the violin bus.

304. 5/6/05 Thirteen at Dinner (1985) - C

I like how Hercule can string together random bits of information to solve the ultimate crime, murder.

305. 5/6/05 Crash (2005) - C-

Trite and melodramatic.

306. 5/6/05 Kingdom of Heaven (2005) - C-

Completely unnecessary.

307. 5/6/05 Spaceballs (1987) - C+

Gotta love anything that makes fun of Star Wars. Solid cast, pretty funny jokes.

308. 5/6/05 Parent Trap (1998) - D-

Boring. Not my kind of movie at all. Quaid must have a gambling problem.

309. 5/7/05 Artemisia (1997) - D

Well, it did have nudity. Unbearable.

310. 5/7/05 Dead Again (1991) - A

Perfect film. Great acting, flawless script by Hollywood's most talented screenwriter Scott Frank. It's funny at times, tense, excellent direction and cinematography. Incredible twist.

311. 5/7/05 Pocahontas (1995) - C

The worst of the modern Disney animated films. Pocahontas just isn't an interesting subject for this type of film. The songs were largely forgettable and the cast dynamics didn't work.

312. 5/7/05 Zoolander (2001) - A+

Hilarious. An extremely quotable film. What is this, a center for ants? It's a walk-off

313. 5/7/05 Sum of all Fears (2002) - B+

Even though it deviates greatly from the novel (Arabs to Neo Nazis), it's very enjoyable, smartly directed and written. The only misfire was casting Affleck.

314. 5/7/05 Jurassic Park (1994) - A

Perfect popcorn film. Excellent SFX, great story, Jeff Goldblum is the only stand out in the cast.

315. 5/7/05 The Bourne Supremacy (2004) - A

Despite throwing away all the source material, a brill sequel. Matt Damon is the poor man's 007. Great realistic fights too.

316. 5/8/05 Grave of the Fireflies (1988) - D

Substandard animation, poor storytelling. One the of most boring films about WWII I've ever seen.

317. 5/8/05 Big Business (1988) - D+

This movie was killing me. Why is it that all films that featured high profile offices in Manhattan during the 80's were all designed by the same art department? Every single time, black, silver, and gray. Horrible high concept comedy. For 11 hours, the two sets of twins continued to almost run into each other.

318. 5/8/05 You Got Served (2004) - F

I still think Breakin and Breakin II are the best films ever made about inner city dancing. Dance contests haven't been the same since. You Got Served feels very cheap, like a bunch of friends decided to make up a movie.

319. 5/8/05 Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001) - A+

One of the best parodies ever made. Instant classic.

320. 5/8/05 Monster-in-law (2005) - C

Below average rom-com sunked by Lopez but saved by Fonda and Sykes.

321. 5/8/05 King and I (1956) - B-

Lavish production that didn't really capture my attention. Feels very dated.

322. 5/9/05 Paycheck (2003) - B+

Surprisingly intense sci-fi film. I could have done without Ben but I liked it. Great supporting cast.

323. 5/9/05 My Own Private Idaho (1991) - A

Tough film to review. But the performance of River and Keanu and Udo Kier are extraordinary. Plus anything with gay sex and The Simpsons is instantly fascinating.

324. 5/9/05 Reefer Madness (1936) - B

The sad thing about watching films from this time period is that everyone who appears in it is probably dead. There are some young hot attractive couples in this movie, and the innocence of the time period juxtaposed against the rich sexual tapestry I've learned that really existed (thanks HBO and vintage internet porn sites) drives me bonkers. The film is funny, esp. the hit and run. Drugs are good by the way.

325. 5/9/05 La Cage aux Folles (1978) - D

What sort of lens filter did they use? Cotton balls? Laurent died of AIDS complications many years ago. Sad.

326. 5/9/05 Blow Out (1981) - A

Just an excellent DePalma film (aren't they all). Allen seems to be on another planet though. Great opening scene. Hubba-Hubba. Rent Blow Up, it'll make a nice double feature.

327. 5/9/05 Phantom of the Opera (2004) - B+

Joel did good. And the musical number "Masquerade" is one of the top 10 movie musical moments ever. Incredible production value.

328. 5/10/05 Ocean's 11 (1960) - D

Considering the cast, well, some of the cast, it's an awful film. Very slow. And Kick In The Head was sang over 11 thousand times in the film. Heist films by definition should be exciting. This movie makes me want to smoke. And bowl.

329. 5/10/05 Ocean's 11 (2001) - A

Vast improvement over the original. Great style, excellent pacing. Perfect cast.

The biggest difference between the two films are Danny and his team are old army buddies in the original, where in Soderbergh's version they're the best of the best in their respective areas of expertise, with no real prior connection for the majority of the team. Also the heist is based in part on revenge.

330. 5/10/05 The Italian Job (1969) - B

60's farce but with an edge. And an amazing cast of beautiful women.

331. 5/10/05 The Italian Job (2003) - B

Funny, good caper film. I tend to think it's a bit too slick but it's highly rewatchable.

It's easier to just say what's similar between the two films. Minis and gold. Everything else was changed from the locations, to the nature of the motley crew, to the dynamics of the heist. If there was one thing the remake should have kept, was the humor and sexy ladies. I also think Wahlberg isn't even close to being a suitable replacement for Caine.

332. 5/10/05 The Manchurian Candidate (1962) - B

Murky, dark, ridiculous fight scenes. Still, classic Frankenheimer film. Angela steals the film.

333. 5/10/05 The Manchurian Candidate (2004) - B+

Insane remake. Many of differences are noticeable, obviously a different era and set of circumstances. It retains the basic structure of Frankenheimer's paranoid opus but the remake is much more visceral. It's gothic, violent, hilarious at times, over the top. Both are great films but in terms of tone, they couldn't be more different. Also, wherea Angela was the only firecracker in the original, everyone brings their A game to the remake. They're all mugging for the camera.

334. 5/10/05 Manhunter (1986) - C-

Manhunter isn't a bad movie. But style wise, it's terribly dated. And almost everyone seemed miscasted. I don't think Cox is right for Lecter.

335. 5/10/05 Red Dragon (2003) - B+

This is how you remake a film. It's a very close to Manhunter in terms of structure minus the bookends. But Ratner completely outshines Mann in every way possible It makes some smart choices in the cast, namely creating two strong female characters and making Lounds less of a playboy slimeball and just a plain slimeball (best performance of the film by Hoffman). The Tooth Fairy is much more sympathetic in this film, there's a richer dynamic between Graham and Lecter.

336. 5/11/05 Goldeneye (1995) - A-

The second best Brosnan era Bond film (Tomorrow Never Dies is the best). Great stunts, excellent story. I love the theme song.

337. 5/11/05 From Russia With Love (1963) - A+

Excellent film. What I love most about it is how much time is spend developing the bad guys. Nowadays, the baddies are given a speech here and there, and that's about it. From Russia With Love takes it's time and creates a masterpiece within the franchise.

338. 5/11/05 Dirty Work (2004) - B-

A documentary about people who have unpleasant jobs, a bull semen collector, a man who restores dead bodies, and septic tank cleaners. Jobs don't get much more unpleasant I guess. Being a crack whore would seems worse though.

339. 5/11/05 Winged Migration (2001) - A

Next to Microcosmos, the most stunning camera work ever for a nature documentary.

340. 5/11/05 Jaws (1975) - A+

Just a great frightfest. So many things could have gone wrong in this film. But instead, it's a timeless classic. Perfect score, perfect old school animatronic creature.

341. 5/11/05 The Saint (1997) - B

I actually really enjoyed the film. It has a great soundtrack, I would recommend it for anyone's Ipod. And Val has a wacky charm that suites the world of The Saint perfectly.

342. 5/11/05 Christine (1983) - C

In the world of Stephen King adaptations, not at the bottom with Graveyard Shift and Tommyknockers. But not at the top with Misery or The Shining.

343. 5/12/05 Fight Club (2000) - A+

One the best films every made about the human condition. It's exciting, has a lot to say, a perfect film. Great twist.

344. 5/12/05 Night of the Comet (1984) - D

I like the premise. It's the execution that bugs me. But turning people into sand is good in theory.

345. 5/12/05 The Living Daylights (1987) - C+

Dalton just is too serious for Bond. He fits the tux but doesn't fit the role. But hey, it has Russians. Go Russia.

346. 5/12/05 The Phantom Menace (1999) - C

Great visuals. Boring story. Not a fair trade in my book.

347. 5/12/05 Attack of the Clones (2002) - B

Great visuals. Ok story. A better trade and seeing Yoda in action is worth the price of admission.

348. 5/12/05 Revenge of the Sith (2005) - A

Exciting end to the prequels. Funny, fast paced, emotional at times.

349. 5/13/05 Star Wars (1977) - A

Seems a bit bleaker thanks to Sith. And where's Yoda.

350. 5/13/05 Empire Strikes Back (1980) - A+

Best Star Wars film. It has action (Hoth), love (Han and Leia), and a twist to end all twists.

351. 5/13/05 Return of the Jedi (1983) - B

Say what you will, I love the Ewok song. The entire film is works for me.

352. 5/13/05 Hoop Dreams (1994) - A+

Like a pint sized version of the 7-up series. This documentary backs a lot of punch and should be required viewing for anyone interested in filmmaking.

353. 5/13/05 Patriot Games (1992) - A

My favorite Clancy adapation if only because it features the IRA in america.

354. 5/13/05 National Treasure (2004) - B

I'm not sure if I like the kindler softer post-POTC Bruckheimer. Exciting if logically impossible film.

Author:  Jmart [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 10:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Ran out of room in my original post

My List

130. 4.28.05 -- Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) B-
Overall I would say this is a pretty solid effort from the Spade/Wolf/Sandler gang. Do their characters become sitcom and cartoonish towards the end of the film, like in most of their films? Yes, but who cares? The film is funny throughout, Spade is pretty good throughout, and that's all that matters.

131. 4.28.05 -- Top Secret! (1984) B+
Is this anywhere near being as good as Airplane? Of course not, but the film is still pretty damn funny. The Zuckers and Jim Abrahams came up with another strong effort with this one. Even when some of their jokes do not work, you can tell that they are at least trying. This is also a pretty good effort for Val Kilmer, seeing as it was his first movie. It's also very impressive that (Even though it was recorded later) he is actually singing all of the songs he has to preform. Strong effort here all around.

132. 4.29.05 -- Caddyshack (1980) A+
This still remains one of my favorite comedies. I could watch this movie again and again and never get tired of it. All of the great one-liners are from Rodney Dangerfield. If he were alone in this movie, it probably still would've been a good movie. But to have support like Chevy Chase, Bill Murray and Ted Knight is pretty damn good. Great film. "Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!"

133. 4.29.05 -- xXx: State of the Union (2005) C-
Let me just quickly start off with what is good in the movie and that is the first 20 minutes. The opening action sequence is pretty well done. Okay, so what's bad? Just about everything else, especially the CGI effects. All of the effects seemed to be like cartoons. The throwaway plot doesn't help matters much either.

134. 4.30.05 -- Identity (2003) A
Here is one of the best pyschological thrillers in recent years. Even though it takes place at a motel, it doesn't bare any resemblance whatsoever to Pyscho which is a very good thing. All the actors do a fine job in what for each of them is a supporting role. There is no standout star in the film. Also, the twist towards the end of the film was very clever.

135. 4.30.05 -- The Interpreter (2005) B+
The Interpreter is a well-done thriller that is slow in some points, but most of the time, very suspensful. The scene on the bus, and the scene towards the end of the film inside of the U.N. had my heart pounding. And once again, Sean Penn gives another great performance. Nothing Oscar worthy, but it was still very good. The same can be said with Kidman.

136. 5.1.05 -- The Assassination of Richard Nixon (2004) B-
The only reason why I would reccommend seeing this film is because of Sean Penn. He gives a great performance as the truly disturbed Sam Bicke. But the movie is really hard to sit through, even with the 97 minute running length. Since I can't really describe my feelings on the movie, I will quote a review by the New York Daily News movie reviewer, Jami Bernard. "A slight movie and a major downer, is an acting showcase for Sean Penn. That's good, but not enough."

137. 5.3.05 -- Bonnie and Clyde (1967) A+
What a fantastic movie, and what makes it so good is that it's simplistic. You have the two main characters who rob banks and are constantly being chased by the police. Then we have Clyde's brother and his wife join the gang, along with a tag-along who works at a gas station. We have these five characters and none of them are developed real well, but that doesn't matter. We don't need any information about these people. The only character depth we see is Clyde's intimacy problems and Bonnie's mother disapproving of what they are doing. However, this is all a good thing. Who wants to get bogged down by subplots? Fantastic movie on the whole thanks to the story and teriffic acting, with one hell of a brutal ending.

138. 5.3.05 -- The Blues Brothers (1980) A+
This has always been a favorite of mine. The musical numbers are fantastic as well as the car chases, and the film is hilarious as well. If I have one problem, it's that it's too long. 2hrs 20min for a comedy? Well, at least the time is well spent. I also liked the cameo by Steven Spielberg towards the end of the film.

139. 5.3.05 -- Heat (1995) A+
The film is 175 minutes short. This is one of the few "long" films that I have ever seen where if they had added another half hour onto the running time, it probably still would've been enjoyable and felt like it was short. What can you say about the film? The gunfight scene is the loudest and most amazing I have ever seen, and the scene between Pacino and De Niro is fantastic. Great film.

140. 5.4.05 -- Ghostbusters (1984) A
The movie was made in 1983/'84 and it shows. The graphics aren't very good (Great for '84) and the pop theme song now seems corny and dated. However, the fun spirit of the movie still remains and it's very funny.

141. 5.4.05 -- Blind Horizon (2004) B+
This is one of the best straight-to video movies I have ever seen, but that's not saying much. I can say very easily that I was confused all throughout this film, but that is a good thing. I'm still trying to figure out how all things tied up in the end. Solid acting, stylish directing, and an actual good script, make this a very good film.

142. 5.6.05 -- Black Sheep (1996) C+
Even though Black Sheep is nowhere near being on the same level as the very funny Tommy Boy, but the film still does have a few good laughs and is pretty good. Gotta love Gary Buesy being his usual self in a movie.

143. 5.6.05 -- Darkness: Unrated (2004) D
Darknees commits the cardinal sin of horror movies in that it's just not scary. To my surprise there was not one moment that made me jump. Also, the story involves children getting their necks sliced? No thanks. Plus the ending, while it may have been good in an actual scary film, it just left me uneasy. I hope they weren't planning on making a sequel. I'm glad I only rented this.

144. 5.7.05 -- Criminal (2004) A-
This movie reminded me a lot of the movie Shade, in the way the plot ends up unfolding. The only reason though why I gave this movie a lower grade than Shade (A) is that you can kind of see how the plot will turn out in the last 20 minutes, although not all of it. Shade saved the surprise until the very last scene and covered it nicely. Anyways, this is a very good film that is very well acted, and has a clever ending. If you haven't seen either this or Shade, seek them out, they're very good movies.

145. 5.7.05 -- Crash (2005) A
SPOILER: The scene with the little girl getting "shot" completely turned the film around for me. Up until that point I thought it was a little too preachy, and there weren't any emotional scenes. But that scene with the girl had me on the edge of my seat, and damn was it emotional. From that point on the film is great. Don't get me wrong, the film prior to that scene is very good, but that one scene put it in the A column for me.

146. 5.8.05 -- Lethal Weapon 4 (1998) B+ II
A very underrated sequel. Glover and Gibson still made a great team, and the action sequences are great with Jet Li, especially the final fight between them on the pier. Plus with the addition of Chris Rock made the movie that much funnier, along with Joe Pesci.

147. 5.8.05 -- Monster-in-Law (2005) D
Jane Fonda came out of a 15 year retirement to do this film? Why? There is almost not one original scene in this film. Granted, there are a couple of scenes that made me laugh (Viola's talk show), but I felt like I have seen this movie before. It could've been much worse though.

148. 5.10.05 -- The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) A+
The great thing about the movie, that I was surprised about, was how funny it actually was. I was expecting something more along the lines of the humor in The Royal Tenenbaums (Which was funny but more darker), but most of the humor in this film is more subtle which made the film laugh out loud funny (At least for me). This also features Bill Murray at the top of his game, and in some aspects he is even better here than he was in Lost in Translation. Great film.

149. 5.10.05 -- In Good Company (2004) A-
I love movies where the charactes are the essential element to the story, and aren't just there. This is no exception. All of the performances in this movie are solid, especially from Topher Grace. He should be getting more publicity for his work, unlike his other That 70's Show co-star Ashton Kutcher. His character is probably the most complex of the bunch, and he has no problem dealing with it. The ending strangely enough is kind of cathartic. Very good film.

150. 5.11.05 -- Blade: Trinity (2004) B
Now, this isn't a bad movie at all, it's just an extremely cheesy one, and that's what hurts the film. The two prior films took themselves seriously and weren't really funny (With good reason). This time around though, there are a lot of attempts by the filmmakers to make this funny. For instance Vamipre Dildo's, and the line "I just ate garlic, and I farted" (Plus many other lines). What the hell? However, the action is still great, and the performances are likeable.

151. 5.11.05 -- Alone in the Dark (2005) F
Usually, when I see a film this bad, I wonder what the state of the finances are for all of the actors involved, because the only way I can see Tara Reid, Christian Slater and Stephen Dorff doing this film is either they are broke, or they lost a bet. I knew I this was going to be awful when after the first two minutes of the film were playing, I thought it was a trailer for another film (Since I am watching this on DVD). Uwe Boll has once again gone out of his way to make a very horrible movie. Just when you think things couldn't get worse after House of the Dead, they do. The CGI effects are awful, the plot makes no fucking sense, and the acting is miserable. Not to mention the fight sequence at the beginning of the movie is horribly shot. Also, for a "professional" film, it reminded me a lot of the way Species III looked, which was a direct-to-video movie. Awful film.

152. 5.11.05 -- Spartan (2004) A
Here is the very cool thing about this movie. It grabs you by the throat during the opening minutes and doesn't let go until the final frame. You are thrown into the story, and you have to figure out on the fly what's going on. The movie makes you think, and it makes you think all the way through. No answers are put together until the final seconds. Also, the film gets bonus points from me since part of it is shot in Boston.

153. 5.12.05 -- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) A-
This is by far the weakest film in the Star Wars series, but it is by no means an awful movie. Yes Jar Jar Binks and Jake Lloyd were both annoying, but I think the film was especially trying to be kid oriented because of the darker plots that were upcoming. And yes, the acting is wooden too, but I think it is supposed to be. It is afterall a space opera, and it's supposed to be somewhat like an opera. I think the acting fits suit. On the bright side though, the film features fantastic effects and a great lightsaber duel at the end of the film.

154. 5.13.05 -- Kicking & Screaming (2005) B-
Here must have been the executive's pitch........"Will Ferrell with kids!" If you are expecting something more than that, you are not going to like this film. That's what I was expecting out of this movie and I liked it, but I thought it felt somewhat rushed. It's 90 minutes long and it feels it. It doesn't really develop any big relationships in the film, even between Ferrell and his father, but that's not so much a bad thing. It's all about Ferrell and being funny. He is, and that's why I liked the film.

155. 5.13.05 -- Superman: The Movie (1978) A+
And now, to end the contest with style. The first Superman movie is not only the best superhero movie ever made, but it is also my favorite film. Nothing comes close to topping it. John Williams' musical score is absolutely brilliant. His Superman Theme is one of the only themes that gives me goosebumps, it's that good. The special effects are absolutely superb. Spider-Man can keep his CGI, because blue/green screen 24 years earlier looks a hell of a lot better. And the acting for a comic book film is absolutely dead-on perfect. I absolutely love this movie.

Author:  zingy [ Wed May 04, 2005 5:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

I didn't run out of room in the original post, but I'm starting kind of 'fresh' in this after such a long break from updating.

1. 04/10/05: Fever Pitch (2005) Grade: B-
Surprisingly sweet. Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore were great together, and the movie was very funny.

2. 04/12/05: Hotel Rwanda (2004) Grade: A+
Absolutely amazing movie. I loved it more than I could have ever imagined.

3. 04/13/05: Ocean's Twelve (2004) Grade: B
A dissapointing movie in comparison to the original, but I enjoyed the new style of it. Too bad there was no solid story.

4. 04/15/05: The Amityville Horror (2005) Grade: A-
Great horror remake. Lots of good scares.

5. 04/19/05: Meet the Fockers (2004) Grade: A
Hilarious movie. I liked the original slighty better, but this was much better than I could have hoped for.

6. 04/20/05: House of Flying Daggers (2004) Grade: C+
Very dissapointing. Looks beautiful, but it was very boring.

7. 04/22/05: The Interpreter (2005) Grade: B
Predictable, but a solid thriller. Great performances by Kidman and Penn.

8. 04/24/05: Sahara (2005) Grade: B+
Very fun movie. A nice surprise. Some great, but over-the-top, action sequences.

9. 04/26/05: Blade: Trinity (2004) Grade: A
The second best in the series, behind Blade II. Great fun, overall.

10. 04/27/05: Darkness (2004) Grade: D
Crapola. Unscary and stupid. The ending made absolutely no sense.

11. 04/28/05: Suspect Zero (2004) Grade: B-
A good thriller. Predictable, but a good movie to pass the time.

12. 04/29/05: xXx: State of the Union (2005) Grade: B+
Great fun. A great start to the summer season. Stupid, but some action scenes are some of the best I've seen since Bad Boys II.

13. 05/01/05: The Truman Show (1998) Grade: B+
A tad bit overrated, but still a great movie. Never expected to like it so much.

14. 05/03/05: National Treasure (2004) Grade: A
The biggest surprise of 2004. Sooo fun and entertaining. Nicolas Cage was great.

15. 05/04/05: Roger & Me (1989) Grade: B-
It's an interesting documentary. It wasn't as good as his others (Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine), but it was decent.

16. 05/04/05: The Untouchables (1987) Grade: A-
Great gangster movie. After doing a whole project about Al Capone, and watching this movie, I really really liked it.

17. 05/06/05: House of Wax (2005) Grade: A
One of the best slashers I've ever seen. Some great death scenes.

18. 05/07/05: The Incredibles (2004) Grade: B
I'm growing tired of it, but it still looks good.

19. 05/07/05: Who's Your Daddy? (2003) Grade: C
A funny, yet wildly stupid movie. Reminded me of The New Guy.

20. 05/08/05: Phantom of the Opera (2004) Grade: N/A
One of the very few movies that I've ever turned off during a viewing. It's not my kind of movie at all.

21. 05/09/05: The Bourne Supremacy (2004) Grade: B+
A great spy movie. This could eventually be better than the Bond series.

22. 05/10/05: The Negotiator (1998) Grade: A
Fantastic movie. Great performances. I wish they had more action movies like this these days.

23. 05/11/05: Shanghai Noon (2000) Grade: B-
For some odd reason, we were watching this in business class. It's a funny movie, but nothing great.

24. 05/11/05: Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) Grade: B
Not the greatest action movie, but fun.

25. 05/12/05: Shanghai Knights (2003) Grade: B-
Once again, Business class. But, yeah, it's a tad bit funnier than the original. I enjoyed it.

Author:  Schlomo [ Sun May 08, 2005 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Zing, I like your Idea of restarting, so I'll do the same.

1. 4/29- The Interpreter (2005): B
I saw this with high expectations and walked away slightly dissapointed. Not that it wasn't good, but the intruige could've been better

2. 4/29- The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy (2005): A-
Absolutely hilarious madcap and random humor which perfectly fits the tone of the books. Mos Def was really exceptional in his role

3. 4/30- xXx: State Of The Union (2005): B-
This film is competely devoid of a story, and rediculous. But it had some of the best action, and I actually liked how cheesy it was

4. 5/1- Platoon (1987): A
A brutally honest portrayal of life in Vietnam. Great direction from Oliver Stone and nice acting from Charlie Sheen. Truly powerful

5. 5/1- The Bone Collector (1999): B-
This is a pretty run of the mill standard thriller with good acting from Denzel (as usual) and a pretty good concept. But Angelina sucks

6. 5/2- Godzilla (1998): B+
This is a very underrated movie which features some great effects and action. Better than Day After Tomorrow in entertainment value

7. 5/3- The Matrix Reloaded (2003): A-
When I first saw this, I hated it. But now, I actually like it. The highway scene is the best action scene ever filmed, and I love Agent Smith

8. 5/3- True Romance (1993): A
This is brilliantly written by Tarantino and posesses an incredible shootout scene in the end. Christian Slater used to be a really good!

9. 5/4- Pearl Harbor (2001): C-
The special effects, especially in the USS Arizona, were amazing. However, the contrived love story and patriotic bullshit were annoying

10. 5/4- The Incredibles (2004): A+
The most entertaining movie in the history of film is also brilliantly written, animated, acted, and just about everything else you could name

11. 5/5- The Replacement Killers (1998): C+
Nothing really stands out about this film other than the large amount of gunfights it has. However, it is pretty fun to watch I suppose

12. 5/6- Kingdom Of Heaven (2005): A-
Beautiful cinematography and incredible performances from Neeson and Bloom(!) Also, the battles were the best this side of LOTR

13. 5/6- Dick Tracy (1990): B+
This is a underrated film which possess incredible colorful vibrancy which makes it very unique. It's really a blast just to watch it

14. 5/7- The Bourne Supremacy (2004): A-
This is a very intelligent and straightfoward spy movie with an interesting story, as well as the best car chase I've ever seen

15. 5/8- National Treasure (2004): B+
This is the prototypical Bruckheimer action flick...and boy is it fun! The story is extremely intruiging and Nick Cage is great

16. 5/8- Terminator 3 (2003): A-
Everyone disliket this film, but I thought it had the best action of the series (yes, even better than T2), and really good FX

17. 5/9- Spaceballs (1987): B
A funny, yet slightly overrated, Mel Gibson Star Wars spoof. It has good moments, but it's not as good as say, Blazing Saddles

18. 5/10- Amadeus (1984): A+
Incredible. That's all I can say. It really is a shame that I saw this one day after posting my top 100, because it would be #1

19. 5/11- Assualt On Precinct 13 (2005): A-
I really liked this film. It felt suprisingly personal for an action film, and a lot of the action scenes were graphic and well done

20. 5/11- The Sandlot (1993): B
A childhood favorite that doesn't hold up quite as well today. It's still very endearing and great family entertainment, though

Author:  Jeff [ Wed May 11, 2005 9:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Zingaling, you do realize you don't get points for Phantom of the Opera, right? :wink:

And you turned it off? :roll:

Author:  zingy [ Wed May 11, 2005 9:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

RogueCommander wrote:
Zingaling, you do realize you don't get points for Phantom of the Opera, right? :wink:

And you turned it off? :roll:

That's fine. It doesn't deserve points, anyways. :razz:

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