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Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations
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Author:  Corpse [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 7:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Harvey Weinstein Sexual Harassment Allegations

Netflix has announced that next season (6) will be the final for House of Cards.

I don't doubt that the show was coming to an end after a couple more seasons, though I'm pretty sure the Spacey backlash certainly played a role in them ending it next year.

Author:  Malcolm [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations


Author:  Jmart [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Rapp at age 14.


Author:  nghtvsn [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

The answer is you don't get sexual innuendo or otherwise with a 14 yr old. No excuses whether anything happened or not. And if it took Rapp 30 years to actually say something who is to say spacey wasn't successful with a different child. Ch ch ch ch child. I guess it's okay just cuz nuhthing happened....bleh. Then again, maybe Rapp made this up for giggles but he has nothing to gain.

Author:  Malcolm [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

I can't speak to anything else Spacey has done/not done, but just based on what Rapp has said occurred (as far as he remembers, 30 years later) it sure sounds like nothing happened that evening. I guess I'm supposed to judge Spacey as guilty of child porn/assault/molestation/everything else ever based on this three decades past story.

Again, a story where nothing happened. To base such resolute "he IS this" and "he IS that" on one person's account is a bit much. If a bunch more come forward with anything solid, that would obviously change things, but as of now it's just ONE story of something that didn't happen from thirty years ago. For me, that isn't enough to demonize somebody entirely.

Author:  Algren [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Malcolm wrote:
I can't speak to anything else Spacey has done/not done, but just based on what Rapp has said occurred (as far as he remembers, 30 years later) it sure sounds like nothing happened that evening. I guess I'm supposed to judge Spacey as guilty of child porn/assault/molestation/everything else ever based on this three decades past story.

Again, a story where nothing happened. To base such resolute "he IS this" and "he IS that" on one person's account is a bit much. If a bunch more come forward with anything solid, that would obviously change things, but as of now it's just ONE story of something that didn't happen from thirty years ago. For me, that isn't enough to demonize somebody entirely.

Well said.

Author:  Algren [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spacey will not be getting the International Emmy Founders Award. And House of Cards has been cancelled. See what happens with just a story? People could certainly get vindictive in this current culture. Anyone will believe anything right now if it's against a white male in Hollywood.

Author:  Jedi Master Carr [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Honestly. this was going to be the last season of house of cards anyways. I heard it was getting too expensive for Netflix to continue. And really the show had run its course and just needs to wrap up. As for this story, I really don't know if he was drunk I could see that happening. It sounds like he just tried to make a pass at him and kiss him. He didn't physically assault him or do anything like Weinstein did. Unless other accusers come out I think this will die down. Luckily for Spacey this hit when the news media was obsessed with Trump and it made it a back page story.

Author:  Algren [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Thing is that people will not see it that way. They will see "Spacey" in a headline along with"sexual assault" and suddenly he's a rapist. In this modern culture of "fast news, fast conclusions", good people like Spacey will be dragged through the mud for the sake of getting more clicks. People don't read anything anymore. They just see headlines and immediately react. Details are no longer important because what's important is "what people think, not what they know", sadly.

Author:  lesterg [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Spacey’s statement made it far worse. One of the worst public responses ever and he should fire everyone who advised him.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Discrediting every single sexual assault allegation is what causes most sexual assaults to remain a secret. Justifying what Spacey did or didn't do is even worse. If he was in any way innocent or if there was a misunderstanding of age, it would have came out in that awful response.

Author:  Malcolm [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Once again, this is a *single* *allegation* of (based on what Rapp claims) *sexual misconduct* from thirty years ago yet everyone ie news outlets/general opinion seems perfectly happy to proceed as if "Kevin Spacey--CHILD RAPIST!!!" is a concrete, presided-over fact and we're onto the sentencing phase now.

My issue is the extreme rush to judgement as if we've all seen these heinous tapes, or something, and--newsflash!--asking questions or simply requiring further information isn't "discrediting" somebody. Anyone making claims of sexual assault/misconduct/whatever should absolutely always be questioned to determine veracity. You don't get to just loose that stuff onto the internet then throw your hands up with a lame "but no questions--my privacy blah blah."

I find it odd that simply wanting more information before settling on a conclusion is "discrediting," "justifying," "victim shaming," or whatever else. I know this is probably mostly me, but a lot of my problem with this is the way it's being reported. I've seen things like "alleged sexual assault on a child" so many places and *immediately* after the news broke. I've read Rapp's account and while surely inappropriate/worthy of looking in to, where was the "sexual assault" on a "child"? "Sexual misconduct" and "teenager" seem more fitting, but I guess that'd incite less furor...

Author:  nghtvsn [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Who knows why Rapp brought it out now but I take it as true because he has nothing to gain. He's on a successful tv show already. I think maybe he wants to expose Hollywood at least in my view of holding up certain folks like Bill, Polanski or Allen on a pedestal and now being all into justice and wanting to completely distance themselves from Weinstein, Spacey and others with I'm sure more to come. Whatever this industry practice was or condoning or whatever you want to call it needs to end in Hollywood and folks like Crews and Van Der Beek and Feldman should come out and spill the beans and not leave it in limbo or just as something to be aware of yet do nothing the way Damon, Affleck, Tarantino and Fonda admitted to doing. Also, back to Spacey, he didn't deny this forcefully and apologized for the incident, so again it's just this one but I don't doubt someone else will pop up.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Dustin Hoffman and Brett Ratner just went down

Author:  stuffp [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Well mass accusations do take the heat of single individuals now.

Author:  Jmart [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

It's weird we're circling back to Brett Ratner. He's been more of an "open secret" than Spacey. The Brett Ratner/Olivia Munn story has been around since at least 2011. ... ivia-munn/

Is he also the first person accused to flatly deny everything? That Henstridge story doesn't look good though.

Author:  mdana [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Malcolm wrote:
Once again, this is a *single* *allegation* of (based on what Rapp claims) *sexual misconduct* from thirty years ago yet everyone ie news outlets/general opinion seems perfectly happy to proceed as if "Kevin Spacey--CHILD RAPIST!!!" is a concrete, presided-over fact and we're onto the sentencing phase now...

No longer.. ... 05411.html

Author:  mdana [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Jmart wrote:
It's weird we're circling back to Brett Ratner. He's been more of an "open secret" than Spacey. The Brett Ratner/Olivia Munn story has been around since at least 2011. ... ivia-munn/

Is he also the first person accused to flatly deny everything? That Henstridge story doesn't look good though.

Doesn't help his credibility that when the story first broke he falsely claimed they had an affair.

Author:  Jmart [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

No it does not. He’s had to backtrack on the Munn story alone at least once. And his backtrack, using the word whore, wasn’t exactly the wisest of choices.

Author:  Algren [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

lol, this Dustin Hoffman thing is utterly hilarious. He groped his assistant's bum, she asked him to stop, and he did. That makes him a sexual predator? Jesus. Give me a break. So he talked about breasts and sex while in front of her. That makes him a "pig" and "gross"? He's an actor. It's showbiz. They're liberal and open as fuck. This stupid assistant is just trying to be part of this sexual harassment trend, that's all. She voluntarily gave him a foot massage for fuck's sake. I am not surprised Hoffman thought she was interested in him.

This isn't a sexual harassment case. This is a misunderstanding/failed hook up case. If Dustin Hoffman was just some guy and not a huge movie star, this assistant wouldn't even have remembered it, and if she did she would have put it down to "oh, boys will be boys". He was probably attracted to her. That's allowed.

This is a non-story.

Author:  Algren [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Jmart wrote:
It's weird we're circling back to Brett Ratner. He's been more of an "open secret" than Spacey.

Which is also funny that Patty Jenkins is acting so surprised, like she didn't have a clue while she handed him an award a few days ago. Everyone in this business is as fake as the next person. As long as it's not front page news that week, people are happy to act ignorant, but if it's trending on Twitter, they're suddenly "distressed". It's all bullshit. When all this blows over, Ratner and Spacey will be doing fine. Spacey will probably be nominated for an Oscar next year. :P

Author:  Algren [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

And Corey Feldman is just a joke. A complete joke. He apparently has some names but won't reveal them because the truth is that he wants to be financially remunerated for doing so. He tried it once with his book. That didn't do it. Now he's back (timed to perfection) with a $10m Indiegogo campaign, but nobody cares ... it's up to just $178k. lol

If he really cared, he would follow in Rapp's footsteps and tell everybody what he knows. If he was genuinely abused, then he has nothing to worry about.

Author:  stuffp [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 8:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Don't know the details of the Feldman thing yet, but it's sad whomever funded him $178k already.

Author:  Algren [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

He has been trying to get attention, money, and column inches for years about his supposed abuse. He keeps saying shit like it's typical to "shame the abused, not the abusers", but then he doesn't ever name names. Maybe people would take him seriously if he actually outed people. He just wants his abuse to be a "get rich" scheme. I would suspect that if he was abused, the abusers are no longer big players in Hollywood, and he knows this, which is why he still doesn't say anything because he's got nothing on anybody important.

Author:  stuffp [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Edit: Hollywood Sexual Harassment Allegations

Algren wrote:
lol, this Dustin Hoffman thing is utterly hilarious. He groped his assistant's bum, she asked him to stop, and he did. That makes him a sexual predator? Jesus. Give me a break. So he talked about breasts and sex while in front of her. That makes him a "pig" and "gross"? He's an actor. It's showbiz. They're liberal and open as fuck. This stupid assistant is just trying to be part of this sexual harassment trend, that's all. She voluntarily gave him a foot massage for fuck's sake. I am not surprised Hoffman thought she was interested in him.

This isn't a sexual harassment case. This is a misunderstanding/failed hook up case. If Dustin Hoffman was just some guy and not a huge movie star, this assistant wouldn't even have remembered it, and if she did she would have put it down to "oh, boys will be boys". He was probably attracted to her. That's allowed.

This is a non-story.

So far, yes...again something that happened +30 years ago is now being blown up. Taking from the accuser's side he did display inappropriately lewd behavior then, and sure this can happen once and I think it could be excused, but this might drag out other stories that show repeat behavior, but until then, there's certainly no need vilify Hoffman yet, especially since he did apologize for what happened then.

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