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Favorite Zelda game?
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Author:  Shack [ Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Favorite Zelda game?

I'm replaying Ocarina of Time right now so I was inspired to make this thread. I love both the N64 ones but I think Majora's Mask is slightly better

Author:  Corpse [ Tue Apr 23, 2019 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

01. Breath of the Wild
02. The Wind Waker
03. Ocarina of Time
04. A Link Between Worlds
05. Twilight Princess
06. A Link to the Past
07. Skyward Sword
08. The Minish Cap
09. Majora's Mask
10. Four Swords Adventure
11. Oracle of Seasons
12. Oracle of Ages
13. The Phantom Hourglass
14. The Legend of Zelda

Haven't played:
The Adventure of Link
Link's Awakening (very much anticipating the Switch remake)
A Link to the Past & Four Swords
Spirit Tracks
Tri Force Heroes

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Sat Apr 27, 2019 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

Majora's Mask 3D
Breath of the Wild
Skyward Sword
The Wind Waker
Ocarina of Time
A Link Between Worlds
Twilight Princess

2-4 are pretty equal for me. Breath is so huge, Skyward single-handedly justified my Wii purchase (I hated using that controller for 95% of games but had so much fun swinging the Wiimote around for that one) and Wind Waker just has the coolest style. I wish they would port the remake to Switch, I never got it on Wii U.

I should point out that I rarely ever finish these games (Mask, Sword and Link are only ones I've beat Ganon/The Moon), so I am not that invested in the story. They just go on for so long. Majora's Mask was very well paced and creepy and had fantastic gameplay, so it is my easy #1.

Author:  Steve [ Mon Oct 21, 2019 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

I think my favorite is probably Wind Waker. I just enjoyed it so much and I've played it the most times through. Even sailing long distances and collecting random treasure was a treat for me.

1. Wind Waker (Gamecube)

second place is a tough call... I think Ocarina easily the most impactful/transcendent at the time I played it, but I've played Twilight Princess through more often. Love its style and gameplay.

2. Twilight Princess (Gamecube)
3. Ocarina of Time (N64)

Then the handheld that was my introduction to the series:

4. Link's Awakening (Gameboy)

The most recent 3D one I've played didn't really hold up on a second run-through, but still has a lot to offer:

5. Skyward Sword (Wii)

then, it was fine:

6. A Link Between Worlds (2DS)

haven't played Breath of the Wild or the two NES games, and only played half of Link to the Past. Did play Minnish Cap but don't really feel like it's official Zelda for some reason.

I literally CANNOT play Majora's Mask. I think I've tried three separate times over the years and always quit around 3 hours in. I hate the time constraint and the whole thing stresses me out.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

Bump, can this be sent to the WaterCooler?

Author:  Shack [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

1. Majora’s Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. The Wind Waker
4. A Link to the Past

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

1. Majora’s Mask (when I think of video game as art, I think of this game)
2. Ocarina of Time (not only the quintessential Zelda game, but also a surprisingly poignant take of the coming of age story)
3. Breath of the Wild (still the best opening to a game ever made, but ironically, its ending was so weak, it kept it from masterpiece territory for me)
4. Twilight Princess (I go back and forth between this and Wind Waker for this spot. Both kinda fill the role of living in the shadow of previous Zelda’s, but this one much more so as it is in many ways a spiritual redo of Ocarina of Time. Yet it has a melancholy vibe to it that makes it stand out)
5. Wind Waker (it probably is my subjectivity getting in the way, as it really has aged well, but the cartoony style clashes poorly with the narrative for my tastes. Also its exploration methods are far more shallow than it leads on. Still, it is charming with a great ending)
6. Skyward Sword (once you adjust, the Wii motion controls weren’t as bad as people made them out to be, and it has some of the most interesting dungeons, but it is far too linear and has poor pacing in the third act that drags out the game too much)
7. The Legend of Zelda (maybe I am too young or bias towards the games I grew up with in the late 90s, but Zelda doesn’t work super well until it became more cinematic with later games, it just lacks the magic even if the design is great.

I haven’t beaten Link to the Past, but have played it deep into its story. It to me has the same issues as the original and is why I don’t like the 2D Zelda’s despite loving the 2D Mario’s. Zelda just took such a leap with Ocarina of Time even if A Link to the Past set all the standards. I just think adventure games that tell its story through exploration don’t translate well into a 2D environment unlike JRPGs.

I also haven’t beaten Tears of the Kingdom, being a dad to young children, it is hard to get immersed in adventure games like I used to when I was single. Still it feels disjointed, but I wonder if a second playthrough where I focus on the main story beats might improve my opinion.

Author:  Darth Indiana Bond [ Mon Jan 29, 2024 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Favorite Zelda game?

So, now that I have beaten Tears of the Kingdom and am going back and listening to everyone’s thoughts, it appears mostly negative. What the fuck? I want to hear some positive perspectives, like Corpse, you like the game, why is it worthy of praise?

I think this game might age better if people play the story straight instead of endless adventuring. Like I would be curious how it plays if you play the story as intended and cut out the exploring. Will it age well?

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