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 The Lateshow - The Revival 
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100% That Bitch
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Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:42 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- What Will Happen?
mtatoni was here, yaya!!


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Sun Nov 22, 2009 5:56 pm
100% That Bitch
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Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:42 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happened....
4x15, Shattered Glass (3)
Original Air-date, 12/14/2009

Starring McSteamy, Korrgan, Christian, Corpse, matatonio and harry713 as harry
Guest Starring daftme, Eagle, Mr. X & Ross Torrino
Special Guest Star Krem, Jon Gosselin, Kate Gosselin, their eight spawn & Jesus Christ

Written by Korrgan & McSteamy
Directed by a Diet Dr. Pepper can

A car suddenly came a screeching halt by a building, graffiti littering the nearby wall. The door to the sports car came flying open, and a seven inch stiletto touched to the ground. A blue mini skirt clung tightly to an ass as the clicks of her stilettos against the concrete sidewalk clicked on the ground. A group of black people playing basketball looked and watched as the person walked by them.

"Wat's some1 tha' ain't black doin' hurr in East K.J.?" one blackie asked, the rest being too high off meth to answer.

The sexy betch turned at an alleyway, her heels clicking as she made her way towards a car, a Mexican standing by the trunk. He turned to look at her.

"Johnny Eagle, I want my usual." she said.

"Who the hell are you? No one calls me Johnny Eagle but.." he trailed off, as the camera turned to reveal it to be Korrgan, as she reached to pull off her sunglasses. She smiled wickedly.


Christian, harry & matatonio - Christian lies in the hospital bed with matatonio, stroking his hair gently. matatonio remains completely unresponsive, Christian's eyes full of tears as he just keeps petting matatonio. The door opens and harry comes into the room, closing the door behind him. He has some milk and a few goodies from the kitchen, but Christian refuses to eat. harry sits down and lets the awkwardness overflow him, as they sit in the quiet, the only sound the beeping of the machines surrounding matatonio's hospital bed.

harry finally breaks the silence and tells Christian that McSteamy wants everyone to gather in his apartment tonight, since he's gone to a church to find someone that can help Korrgan, an exorcist. But Christian doesn't care. He leans over and kisses matatonio on his cheek. harry decides to leave the room, and across the hallway he sees Mr. X inside in his own hospital bed, sitting up and eating jello. harry goes inside and the two begin talking. harry finds out Ross Torrino is in the hospital, under intense security. harry glares and stands, leaving Mr. X alone. Like always. Mr. X sobs.

Corpse - Ericka and Jon Gosselin sit on the couch, making out hard and passionately. Jon fondles her bewbies and he lays Ericka down on the couch, lying on top of her. He kisses her deeply and removes her top, kissing her neck, Ericka moaning as he starts to rub his hand up his skirt. Suddenly, Jon hears something. "Daddy!" He looks up and sees nothing, looking around. He looks at the door, and through Ericka's mail slot he sees a pair of tiny eyes looking at him. The slot suddenly falls and he hears the patter of tiny feet. He runs to the door and opens it, looking around the hallway. Nothing. He closes the door and looks back at Ericka, who stares at him.

"What's wrong?" she asks. He says nothing, and only heads back to the couch, sitting down, holding his head in his arms. She reaches and tenderly touches his arm. "You know I love you, Jon." He looks at her and smiles, kissing her softly.

Ericka stands and goes into the kitchen, looking back at him. "I'll fix you something nice." she says as she reaches to open the cabinet, inside it a small, five-year-old Asian boy with glasses over his tiny slit eyes staring at her. Ericka has only enough time to gasp out before the kid leaps out and pounces her to the floor, Jon looking over as two other cabinets and the fridge come flying open, Asian children leaping out to attack Ericka, wearing ninja outfits. The pillow next to him suddenly explodes and a large, nine-year-old Asian girl leaps on him. Another drops from the ceiling, a sword in her hands as she screams. The sword cuts through the couch, and she flips mid-air and lands on Jon's back, reaching to grip his hair and jam his face into the floor several times. As the near dozen of kids hog-tie Ericka and Jon up, there is the sound of heels clicking on hardwood, Jon looking to the hallway from Ericka's bedroom.

"Hello, Jon." Kate Gosselin says as she smiles, the possum on her head getting situated.

Korrgan - Scene, the parking lot built beneath KJ Place. The clicking of heels on the concrete is the only sound, the heels visible in the next shot as the person walks through the parking lot. She reaches to press the elevator button, waiting... the elevator doors eventually open, and she steps inside, turning to reveal herself as Korrgan. She looks back out into the parking lot, and she only smiles. The elevator doors close.

*commercial break*

harry - Two police officers stand outside a hospital room, as a nurse wheels a cart down the hallway, the skirt clinging tightly to her ass. Her blond hair flows down her back as she nears the officers, staring at him. "I'm hurr to administer medicine to the patient." she says, her face yet to be shown. The police officers thing for a second, looking at one another, but eventually allow her inside. Inside, she reaches and pull her wig off, revealing herself to be harry. In drag. A naughty nursing outfit.

He reaches and lifts up a syringe, taping it and pushing out the air, some of the medicine inside the syringe spurting out like cum into RuTorri's mouth. Ross Torrino lies in his bed, his one remaining arm in a handcuff, as it's attached to the bed. harry walks to his IV and grabs the wire, staring down at Ross Torrino, giving him a glare. He punctures the IV tube and pushes the medicine from the syringe into it, and then he smiles.

harry leans forward and whispers that he deserves to die. But Ross opens his mouth and pulls harry into a sudden kiss, harry fighting back but unable to get loose. Ross rips harry's nursing outfit off and fondles his tight, sexy manbewbs, going to lick one. Ross then uses the nub that used to be his hand and he begins to rub it against harry's asshole, pushing it inside. As Ross screws harry with his nub, harry moans wildly and jerks it. Fisting him without a fist, but a nub, harry loves it, haven't had the pleasure of being fisted in weeks, since he went "lovey dovey" with Christian, harry missing his sluttiness.

Then, harry orgasms hard, and his cum spurts and showers Ross's face with cum, Ross lapping it up with his tongue. Then he suddenly falls dead, harry smiling. harry quickly dresses himself and walks out, leaving Ross Torrino dead in his hospital bed, cum all over his face. Exactly how Ross Torrino wanted to go out.

McSteamy & Korrgan - McSteamy looks down at his watch, and mutters something about having told everyone to gather near his apartment door fifteen minutes ago. He looks around and sees no one but the reflection of himself in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors on both sides of the hallway. The elevator doors suddenly ding, McSteamy looking over as a priest walks out.

McSteamy and the priest walk to the door to McSteamy's apartment, McSteamy gripping the door knob... inside, across from the doorway, daftme stands in the mirror, smiling. She watches as the door knob begins to twist. She turns and begins walking.. Korrgan sits on the couch, her left arm on the arm rest, her eyes closed tight. She looks passed out. daftme, in the mirror, walks to Korrgan's reflection in the mirror and sits down right where Korrgan is.. Korrgan's eyes open, and she looks towards the door as it opens, smiling.

The door opens wide, McSteamy staring into his apartment. He and the priest slowly begin to make their way in, shutting the door behind them. They walk into the living room, staring at all the destruction around them, from McSteamy and Korrgan's brutal fight the night before, before matatonio's shooting.. McSteamy looks up from the debris to the couch, seeing nothing. He keeps moving into the apartment, looking around. It feels so cold. And darker than it should be. The only lights on the ones in the kitchen, which cast a spooky light out into the living room and dining area. McSteamy and the priest, Father Krem Cokezero (it's foreign), make their way towards the hallway that leads back to the master suite, passing the doorways to the two guest bedrooms and a bathroom, McSteamy staring at the tinted white glass door that leads into his bedroom. As he reaches it, he grips the door knob and slowly turns it, pushing the door open.

Korrgan lies on the bed, eight candles lit in various places throughout the bedroom. A tight black silk nightie clings to her body, as she bites her bottom lip ever so slightly, staring at him. "Mm, you brought a friend. I didn't know you liked to bring friends into bed with you." she says as she slowly moves up onto her knees, staring at McSteamy and Father Krem. Father Krem, holding a Bible and several beads and crosses, stares at her. "Those anal beads?," she asks, " kinky."

"daftme.. you have to let Korrgan go. It's not right. Please, I.."

The scene suddenly shifts to the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Korrgan responding to McSteamy. What they say is inaudible, no sound. Father Krem begins to say something as Korrgan reaches under the nearby sheet, neither McSteamy or Father Krem seeing the glass shard Korrgan pulls out from beneath it. Korrgan suddenly leaps, standing and jumping from the end of the bed, landing on top of Father Krem's back. As he tries to buck her off, she begins to stab the glass shard into his back, repeatedly pulling it out and stabbing back into the same spot. He drops his Bible, crosses, everything. McSteamy grabs Korrgan's hair and pulls it back hard, Korrgan screaming. Everything still inaudible as you, the viewer, watches from inside the mirror. McSteamy manages to rip Korrgan off of Father Krem and he throws her towards the mirror, her forehead hitting it hard. She stares into the mirror, into the camera, before she collapses to the floor.

*commercial break*

Christian, harry & matatonio - Christians sits in a chair in matatonio's hospital room, simply watching matatonio as he breathes. The soft beeping of one of the many machines surrounding him the only noise in the room. He leans forward in the chair and places his hands over his face, muttering, "Jesus Christ."


Christian looked up, Jesus Christ floating in the room above matatonio's bed, a bright, nearly blinding light coming from behind him, captivating the entire room. He suddenly moves his arm, pointing towards matty. Christian quickly shakes his head and pleads for him to not take matatonio. But Jesus Christ simply smiles, and tells he will not come for matatonio for a long time, and he tells his child, Christian, to look more closely. Christian looks at Jesus's finger a bit closer.. seeing it stop just above a mirror on the other side of the room, Christian staring at his reflection inside it.

The door to the room opens suddenly, Christian's head turning to see harry as he steps into the room, looking at him. He looks back to where Jesus Christ had been, but he sees nothing. harry asks Christian if he'd like to leave, get something to eat, and maybe go to KJ Place. Christian simply nods as he looks back to his reflection in the mirror, where Jesus had been pointing to....

He eventually stands and begins to exit with harry, but he stops in the doorway and looks back at matatonio, staring back at him.. matatonio simply lies in the bed, emotionless. Christian turns and walks out, closing the door.

Corpse - Ericka sat on the couch beside Jon Gosselin as she watched Kate pace back and forth, the possum on her head pewping a little, Ericka gasping as it fell to her carpet, Kate stepping on it and smearing it into the carpet.

"God damnit, Jon. All these 20-something sluts. Do you know how many people I have killed? I have killed all your god damn girlfriends, and anyone that got in my way!" Kate exclaims, Jon's eyes going wide as he asks if she was who has been killing his girlfriends, Ericka looking at him as if that was a bit of information she would have enjoyed having.

"And now you date a nignig? You're really testing my patience." Kate looks at her children as they do kid crap (do you really need to know?), as she keeps on pacing.

Ericka decides to speak up.. "Kate, if you let me go, I'll quit dating Jo--", but all Kate says is, "Shut up." and she raises a gun, aiming it at Ericka. Ericka stares at it, her eyes widening slightly. She leans back and shuts it.

McSteamy & Korrgan - Blackness. Before, like eyelids opening, there is a blurred view. It slowly corrects itself, everything coming into focus. McSteamy looks back, as Korrgan stares back. She looks to both of her arms as they are tied to a bedpost, the expression on Korrgan's face one of anger as she tries to pull at both, but not being strong enough. Father Krem readies for the exorcism, Korrgan staring at his Bible, holy water and other things. She look at McSteamy, smiling and laughing.

"This isn't going to work." she says, just shaking her head.

Father Krem begins to recite from the book in KJtalian. The screen goes black. It comes back to show Korrgan yanking at her restraints. Blackness. As it comes back, a breeze blows out some of the candles in the room as Korrgan screams, a close-up of her face as she screams, her face beginning to look green and The Exorcist chickish. Blackness. Korrgan's back arches as her head touches to the bed, her body arching as she screams. Father Krem goes on. Blackness. McSteamy covers his mouth as he stares at Korrgan. The candles blow out. Blackness. It begins to flash very quickly between the blackness and random views of the bedroom. Korrgan's wicked, grotesque possessed face suddenly comes into view permanently as she screams. Father Krem says one final sentence, and her scream turns from one of dark pleasure to pain. Suddenly, there is a flash, and part of the floor-to-ceiling mirror wall behind the bed cracks. Korrgan's body falls limp to the bed.

McSteamy moves to the bedside Korrgan, and he slowly moves strains of her hair away from her face, as her eyes open very slowly to look back at him. He smiles. "It's you.." He pulls her into a tight hug, then he looks back to Father Krem, thanking him over and over. Father Krem begins to laugh.. but his laugh is soon overshadowed by the laughter of.. daftme. It comes from all angles, the three of them looking around.

"I'm not haunting Korrgan's body any more.." she laughs, then finishes, "..I'm haunting the entire apartment building now." She begins to laugh.

"Now you can never leave me, McSteamy. I'll never let you go."

McSteamy and Korrgan look over at Father Krem, who looks around and then goes, "Oh fuck."

*commercial break*

McSteamy & Korrgan - daftme's laughter comes to a stop, and suddenly Korrgan feels a grip on her leg and she is yanked. Screaming, Korrgan is pulled off the foot of the bed and dragged across the floor. Her fingernails dig into the ground, one breaking, Korrgan screaming as she is pulled down the hallway. McSteamy gives chase but he isn't fast enough, the door to the bathroom slamming shut as Korrgan is pulled into it. Korrgan is lifted up into mid-air and then thrown into the large bathtub. The floor-to-ceiling window next to the tub explodes. It doesn't shatter, it breaks in a perfect square, falling on top of the tub. Korrgan stares up, her eyes wide as she realizes what daftme is planning to do. The faucet in the tub begins to spew water, Korrgan screaming as she begins to bang her fists on the heavy glass.

Outside the bathroom door, McSteamy bangs on the door, hearing Korrgan's screaming on the other side.

"daftme you betch, LET ME IN!"

McSteamy begins to throw his shoulder into the door, the door beginning to give way. Finally, on the fourth try, the door flies open, McSteamy nearly falling to the floor. He catches himself on the side of the doorway, staring inside. He quickly moves to the tub, with the glass over it with Korrgan below, the tub nearly full of water. He begins to kick at it over and over and over, but it never cracks, not once. The water builds more and more as Korrgan panics beneath. The water finally reaches the top as Korrgan takes her final breath before she is submerged. The stares up through the glass at McSteamy as he keeps kicking at the glass, her view of him distorted and blurry through the glass.

He looks up, McSteamy suddenly stepping up on top of the glass and moving to the empty window, gripping the side of it as he stares down the 69 floors to the ground below. He turns and looks back inside the apartment bathroom. "Let her go daftme, or I jump." He keeps looking around, waiting.. then he leans further out. "I swear I'll fucking do it, daftme!" and with that, the glass over the tub suddenly explodes into tiny specs, Korrgan rising from the water almost immediately, gasping for breath. McSteamy jumps down into the tub with her, holding her close as she catches her breath.

"I just wanted to kill her like you killed me..." daftme says, her voice seeming to come from all sides of the room. "Guess I'll have to come up with some different."

Suddenly, like a rag doll, Korrgan is thrown from the tub and she flies out through the window outside of the apartment. McSteamy happened to be holding her hand, and as his body twists, he keeps a hold of it. Korrgan screams as McSteamy holds her hand, half his body out the window as he reaches to grab her other hand. He tries to lift her, daftme's laughter coming from inside, but McSteamy can barely recognize it over Korrgan's screams. He keeps trying to lift her back into the apartment, as Korrgan keeps trying to put her feet to the glass to help him, but she finds it difficult, her feet slipping every time she puts it to the glass.

Father Krem appears behind them and he grabs McSteamy, helping him pull her inside. McSteamy holds her close as Father Krem begins to chant in KJtalian. daftme screams as he chants over and over, her scream only growing in volume. The glass in the apartment begins to shatter in a line towards the door, as if daftme is fleeing, and when it finally reaches the door, the door explodes off its hinges, flying out into the hallway.

"I think she's gone.. from here."

Christian & harry713 - Christian and harry walk through the main hallway, the elevator doors sliding open. They both step inside and harry, the closest to the panel, presses room 69. The elevator doors close..

Corpse - Ericka looks over at Jon as he lies on the floor of her apartment, rope wrapped around his abdomen and arms, his legs loose and spread out in front of him. She begins to move towards him, looking over to see if Kate was back yet.. Minutes ago she suddenly just walked into the back of the apartment, leaving Ericka and Jon with just the kids. Ericka got as close to him as she kid, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "I love you.." she whispered. Jon looked at her and smiled. "I love y--" Jon began, but he was cut off..

"I heard that too, slut." Kate said, Ericka looking up at her. "He used to tell me that a lot. And look at us now." It was then Ericka and Jon noticed what was in her hands. An axe. Ericka's eyes went wide, as Kate raised it above her head.

Kate swung it down, Ericka screaming... the axe connected with one of Jon's legs, just at the thigh. Blood began to squirt out, especially when Kate ripped the axe out. Jon was screaming in agony, and Jon and Kate's 8 kids began to scream in horror as they watched.

"You ruined my fucking show, you chinky Asian motherfucker!" Kate scream, raising the axe up again before driving it down into his thigh again, severing his leg. Ericka was screaming wildly as she inched herself away, watching as blood poured from his severed thigh, a large pool beginning to form around him.

Kate screamed again and drove the axe down, this one connecting inside his left shoulder. As Jon screamed, Ericka took Kate's preoccupation with Jon to begin undoing the ropes. Since six year old fucking kids had done them, she wasn't finding it too hard to get herself undone.

"All that fucking money I could've made with Kate Plus 8! But no! You had to fucking threaten me with a lawsuit if I continued to film the kids without your permission!" she raised the axe above her and threw it down, connecting it into his other leg right at the knee. Jon didn't scream too much this time, he seemed to be going into shock, as Ericka watched them. Kate began to sob as she stared down, blood having splattered onto her label-wannabe shoes and clothes.

"Mommy, stop! Please mommy!" the kids were screaming, but Kate ignored them.

"We were gonna do the show without you. All that money would've been mine. If you'd just let us.." Kate stared down at him as she raised the axe once more, " wouldn't have come to this." This time, instead of throwing the axe down, she swung it from the side, the axe slicing through Jon's neck. Ericka screamed as Jon's head flew from his body, blood spewing out like a fountain. His head flew across the room and hit Mady, one of the older 10-year-old twins, right in the face, making her fall down.

Ericka, still on the floor against the wall, stared at Kate. Blood was all over her. Kate turned her gaze to Ericka, a smile spreading across the lips of the possum on her head. Ericka put her back again the wall as Kate neared, Kate raising the axe above her head. Ericka knew the end was near. She turned her head to the side and shut her eyes, ready...

But just then, the power went out.

Christian & harry - The power went out in their elevator, just as they reached floor 65. They were almost there. Christian hit the emergency button and then grabbed the phone, putting it to his ear.

"Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?" Christian's voice came from the speaker in the security room, but no one was there to answer. No one alive. Three security guards lied on the floor, dead.

Corpse - Ericka opened her eyes and turned her head to look at Kate. Kate lowers her axe, looking around as the emergency lights on the outside of the building come on, the dim red light coming into Ericka's apartment. Kate looks around.. "What's happening?" she whispers.

".....Eeeerrricka." Ericka hears whispered in her ear. "daftme?" she asks. "Yes. Ericka. You were always so nice to me. Find a hiding place. Somewhere I won't accidentally get you. Go now. Go!"

Ericka begins moving, Kate staring at her as she goes. "Betch, get back here!" Kate moves towards her but she slips in the pool of Jon's blood, falling down onto her ass. Ericka runs into the kitchen and opens the cabinet doors by the sink. She gets inside of them and turns. As she reaches out to grab the cabinets to pull them to, she sees every single window in her apartment explode, shattering into pieces.

As the floor-to-ceiling glass wall explodes behind Kate, Kate screams. The shattered glass flies by her, all of her kids screaming as they try to hide their faces. The glass collects on the floor around them, Kate looking up. She smiles, looking around. Everything seems fine..

Suddenly, the glass begins to collect in a pool, the glass growing larger as the glass is pulled to the center of the room. Kate watches in horror, having no idea how to react or respond, as the glass keeps collecting, growing bigger and bigger. Without warning, four streams of glass shoot out from the growing mass, Kate screaming as the glass wraps around both of her wrists, digging into them on every angle, two other streams wrapping around her ankles. She is lifted into the air, screaming in pain as blood begins to drip from her wrists. The glass pulls Kate to the roof, holding her there, giving her a perfect view of the mayhem about to occur below.

Her eight children look up at her, Kate staring at the monstrous collection of glass in the middle of the room. Four more streams jut from the glass, heading towards Mady, the twatty twin. The glass cuts through her arms and legs, her limbs flying off of her. She screams and falls to the floor, blood streaming from each of her four stumps.

Kate screams as she watches the four glass shards combine into one, and it heads to Joel, easily her ugliest and least camera-ready child, the glass wrapping around him, covering his entire body from head to toe. It twists around his body like a snake around its next meal. The glass then thrusts itself into his body, and when the bloody glass specks fall to the ground, nothing is left of Joel but bone.

"Holy Godney Spears, run, kids, RUN!" Kate screams, the glass around her wrists. Alexis, Hannah and Leah, the sextuplet girls, try to run for the door. Alexis gets there first and she grabs the door knob to twist it. The mirror on the inside of the door explodes, the shards first striking Alexis' face, tearing the skin off of her entire face and scalp, her hair flying back. More shards strike across her clothes, ripping them off, along with her skin. Her completely naked and skinless body falls to the floor, dead.

Cara Gosselin, the eldest twin, lies on her knees beside her twin sister Mady, who lies in a large pool of her own blood, limbless. Mady, who is in shock, twitches. Cara looks up at Kate as she is pinned to the ceiling, forced to watch her children die, her consequence of allowing her family to be destroyed for all to see. And now so must she watch their destruction.

Aaden slams his tiny little fists into the cabinet doors that Ericka is hidden inside of, begging for her to open them up and help him. Ericka, on the other side, just holds the door closed, tears running down her cheeks.

The large, monstrous mound of glass seems to take on a life of its own, dark, sinister laughter heard coming from within it just as a stream of glass shoots out from it, finding Colin Gosselin, one of the five year old boys. The glass heads straight for his face as Kate screams for mercy. Just before it reaches his face, the glass separates into two, turning around the curve of his head before forcing itself into his ears. Kate screams from the roof as she watches the glass flow through his ears, his body switching. The streams suddenly break through his eyes from within his skull, blood splattering.

The same two streams fly through the air, wrapping themselves around Leah's leg as she hides under a table with Hannah. She is pulled out from under it, Hannah trying to help her but failing. Dragged across the floor, Leah's nails dig into it as she screams. Suddenly she is lifted into mid-air by the glass, Leah completely defenseless. Leah is then thrown with some incredible force by the glass streams out the window, Leah screaming as she falls the 69 floors to the ground below. She slams down into the road, her body near about exploding into chunks as every bone in her body breaks. What is left of her is then run over by several cars.

Hannah, still beneath the table, looks out at the madness happening around her, never knowing the glass shards slamming down with their strong, supernatural force into the table, causing it to fall and crush her, killing her instantly. The same glass shard moves towards Mady and Cara, Cara staring at it and screaming as the glass stream forces itself down through Mady's throat. It builds and builds until the back of her head explodes, Cara screaming even more. She stands and runs to the door of the apartment, almost slipping in Alexis' blood, as she opens the door, running out into the hallway. She runs down the hallway, banging on the doors of the neighboring apartments, finding no one. She reaches the elevators and begins to pound the button, but there is no power.

"Please, please, please don't kill me." she whispers between her cries. And just like that, the door to one of the elevators opens, Cara looking inside the elevator... finding it empty. The power inside of it is own, whereas it appears off everywhere outside of it. She runs inside and just as she was about to press a button, she sees Aaden come running out from the apartment. He runs down the hallway towards her, Cara waving for him to hurry. "Run, Aaden, run!" she proclaims, Aaden's neon yellow crocs making little squeeky noises as he runs down the hall.

A stream of glass suddenly comes out from the apartment, thrusting itself down the hallway and wrapping itself around Aaden's waist, picking him up into the air before squeezing, his body snapping and slicing in half, Cara screaming as she watches her brothers waist and legs hit the floor. The elevator doors close, Cara finding daftme's reflection in it. "I always kinda hated him." daftme says. Cara just nods as the elevator begins to lower down.

Kate Gosselin, still back in the apartment, pinned to the ceiling, stares down at the massacre that has become the apartment. Blood covers nearly every inch of the floor, with limbs, fingers, bones strewn around and lots of dead chinky Asians scattered around. She just sobs, crying hard. "My.. my.." she stares around, sobbing, "my... my... my MONEY!"

The entire monstrous collection of glass in the middle of the room suddenly begins to move towards her, Kate screaming as it nears. The glass turns and begins to go up her vagina, Kate screaming as the glass cuts away at her lady parts, her face going shocked as the glass reaches her stomach. Somehow, her stomach begins to expand as the glass fills her up, her stomach growing faster and faster, soon popping out of her shirt. Stretch marks appear on her stomach as it keeps expanding like skin is never suppose to, Kate gasping out as it just keeps going. Just as the last of the glass travels up her coochie, Kate looks down at her stomach. It is just as large as it was the day before she went into labor with the sextuplets. Kate just stares at it, her eyes wide with tears. And then, her stomach explodes, the glass flying like confetti. Kate manages one last scream as she suddenly falls from her place on the ceiling to the floor. By the time she hits, Kate Gosselin is dead. daftme's laughter echoes through the apartment.

Calm comes over the apartment. The cabinet doors come open and Ericka slowly crawls out, standing up. She walks around the island that divides the kitchen and the living room, and she stares around at everyone. All the body parts, the blood, the skin. As she looks at everything, she finds Jon. More tears form in her eyes as she stares at his headless body. She walks to him and she falls to her knees, taking her hand in his.

Moments later, Ericka finds herself standing into the bathroom mirror, looking at her black skin, perfect weave, her ghetto fabulousity. "It's my turn now." she proclaims to herself. She grips the edge of the sink with both hands, the skin of her hands almost looking as though they are bubbling, her entire body in the mirror seeming to begin to change. The view of her in the mirror disappearing as she sinks beneath it. Then, movement. A white boy rises up, in the same dress Ericka had been in before.

Jason smiles. "It's my turn."

daftme appears next to Jason in the mirror suddenly, Jason turning to look at her. "No, it's mine." daftme reaches to grab Jason by his throat.

*commercial break*

Everyone - daftme grabs Jason by his throat, her grip hard on him as she begins trying to slip herself inside of him to possess him. She feels it working, when suddenly, Father Krem appears from the hallway, holding up a large cross with a Bible in his other hand. He chants something, and daftme feels herself failing to possess Jason. Her grip falls from his throat, and everything around her begins to glow white, this weird sound coming from somewhere as she is engulfed in the whiteness.

daftme covers her eyes with her hands, the whiteness blinding.

"daftme... come to me. I want you."

She looks up, moving her hands from her eyes. "McSteamy?" she asks, smiling.

"Come to me, daftme."

She begins to walk, everything still bright but she seems to know the way, slowly moving towards the sound of McSteamy's voice. She turns into McSteamy's apartment, slowly moving through it, the white blinding light seeming to come from the bedroom. daftme reaches the door and she grips the knob, smiling as she twists it. She steps into the bedroom, and there he is. Waiting for her.

"daftme, come here." he says with a charming smile. She begins to move towards him, reaching to take his hand as she reaches him.

"I love you, daftme. I know that now."

She smiles, staring into his eyes.

"I want to be with you forever." he reaches up and slides a hand through her hair, daftme smiling as she stares into his eyes.

"So I... I have Korrgan ready for you." McSteamy says as he turns, daftme also turning and seeing Korrgan sitting on the bed.

"Possess her again," McSteamy looks at daftme next to him, "and we'll be together again."

daftme looks back at Korrgan and smiles wickedly. She begins to move towards her, Korrgan just sitting up on the bed, her back to the bedpost, her knees bent up. The white light, not so blinding any more, comes from behind Korrgan, daftme sitting on the bed next to her. daftme suddenly reaches out and grabs Korrgan's leg, daftme gasping as she feels herself fading away, going into her...


daftme hears McSteamy scream, Father Krem stepping out, chanting. The blinding white light suddenly disappears and when daftme turns to look back at Korrgan, she is gone. daftme slowly turns around, seeing McSteamy and Father Krem staring at her. She takes a step forward and she hits into an invisible wall. It is then revealed that daftme is back inside the mirrors, trapped. She puts her hands to the mirror, banging on them. She glares at McSteamy and tries to run from mirror-to-mirror to get out of the room like she's been able to do in the past, but she just smacks into the edge of the mirror she is trapped in, finding herself unable to leave it.

daftme slowly turns to look at McSteamy. "You tricked me.. you tricked me and now I'm trapped. McSteamy, why?"

McSteamy doesn't answer her. Instead, he reaches to grab the door knob, opening the bedroom door. Korrgan stands there, holding an axe. daftme's eyes go wide, worried.. Korrgan begins to walk into the room, moving around the bed. She inches toward her with every step, daftme staring at the axe. She looks up.

"McSteamy, help me! I love you." she begins to cry. "Please!"

Korrgan finally comes to a stop, staring into the mirror at daftme.

"daftme," Korrgan smiles, daftme staring at her, "'s about time you finally go to Hell. You fucking cunt." And with that, Korrgan swings the axe. daftme screams for McSteamy to help her, the axe connecting to the glass right where daftme's chest is. The glass explodes, shattering, Korrgan closing her eyes and turning her face away from the glass.

She looks back into it, then she looks around the room, almost searching for daftme somewhere else. Her gaze falls on McSteamy, and they both smile at one another. Korrgan walks in the glass, breaking underneath her shoes, McSteamy pulling her into a hug. daftme is gone. Shattered like glass.

Some dramatic, Grey's Anatomy-like song begins

The power comes on suddenly, restored to all of KJ Place. Elevator doors ding on floor 69, Christian and harry walking out. They look at one another and smile, before pulling one another into a loving kiss.


Jason gathers his clothes, folding them neatly and putting them inside his luggage, pulling the luggage behind him on its wheels as he walks to the doorway, opening it. He stops inside the doorway and looks back, at the bodies of the dead Gosselin family. He stares at Jon the longest, before finally turning and shutting the door behind him.


Korrgan turns her head as she lies on the bed next to McSteamy. He opens his eyes and smiles at her, reaching to take her hand into his. He leans into her, kissing her. She kisses him back lightly, McSteamy smiling as he kisses down her cheek to her neck, kissing on it. Korrgan turns her head and stares at the wall, focusing on a single picture. One of her and Caius. She stares at it, her eyes looking sad, but she fights back the tears. For the first time since his death, she is herself. But she can't mourn him in front of McSteamy. Not after everything he just went through to help her. She turns her head back to McSteamy, and they kiss.


Christian sits down on the edge of his bed, holding a picture frame in his hand. He stares down at it. matatonio smiles back at him from the frame. Tears form in Christian's eyes as he stares into the picture. He begins to cry, tears falling down his cheeks and onto the picture frame. A close-up of matatonio's face sees a tear drop from Christian fall right into matty's face, and it rolls down matty's cheek, looking like a tear of his own.


The camera moves slowly down the hospital hallway, turning to the right, then the left. It moves through the open door of a hospital room, revealing matatonio inside the bed. There is the sound of his breathing via his ventilator. He's hooked to several machines, monitoring him. The camera slowly moves towards his face just as matatonio's eyelids spasm,his eyes slowly opening. All you can hear is the breathing of his ventilator, his eyes fully opening and blinking several times.


The elevator doors open on the second floor of the parking garage, Jason walking out, dragging his luggage behind him. He heads towards his car before he stops, a shocked look appearing on his face.

"Dear God!"

The camera goes around Jason in a 360 turn before revealing one of KJ Place's support beams, a detonator on it, counting down from 39 seconds.

Johnny Eagle opens the trunk of his car in an alleyway in East K.J., Korrgan staring down into it. She smiles and puts her shades back on. She reaches inside and lifts out one of the bombs, and she looks at Johnny Eagle with a smile. "It's perfect."

Jason looks around the parking garage, seeing a bomb on every single support beam. He begins taking steps back, leaving behind his luggage as he watches the detonators hit 30 seconds.

Korrgan applies a bomb to the final support beam, making it stay with C4. She begins to press buttons on the timer, putting it down for two hours. She steps back and looks around, smiling. She turns and begins walking, her heels clicking on the concrete floor of the parking garage. She reaches the elevator and presses the button, the doors opening moments later. She steps inside and turns, smiling as she looks out at the parking garage. The elevator doors close.

Jason and turns, running fast towards the exit of the parking garage, wanting out so bad. But when he reaches it, the gate is down. He grabs the gate in the middle, shaking it, screaming for help. Shaking the gate hard, trying to lift it up. He finally comes to a stop, looking behind him. He knows it's futile..

The close-up of a support beam with a bomb on it. 9...

Christian holds harry close as they lie in bed, harry's head on Christian's chest over his heart.

A whole other support beam, a bomb on it too. 8...

Cara Gosselin wanders out of KJ Place, walking down the sidewalk crying.


Korrgan turns over in her bed, facing away from McSteamy. A tear rolls out of her eye and down her cheek, collecting near her nose.


Christian looks up from harry, seeing kevinsky standing next to their bed, Christian starting to cry very hard, covering his mouth with his hand.


Jason falls to his knees by the parking garage gate, turning to look at the various support beams, a bomb on every one, counting down to his death.


McSteamy turns over and wraps his arms around Korrgan, holding her tight into his chest. He kisses her neck and falls back asleep, Korrgan crying as quietly as possible.


Suddenly, daftme's laughter is heard as several of the support beams are shown, each with a bomb on them.


In the shattered glass next to Korrgan and McSteamy's bed, daftme appears in it on the floor, smiling wickedly as her image is distorted in the shattered glass.


A block away from KJ Place. KJ Place, a skyscraper standing tall. A large boom is heard. Then another. And another and another. Finally, the south side of the skyscraper, which the camera is facing, explodes, fire and smoke rising up.

KJ Place suddenly begins to collapse, crumbling from the bottom. The skyscraper falls down into itself, a large cloud of dust starting to travel out from it. The skyscraper keeps falling, until finally the entire building is gone, having collapsed.

The camera is engulfed by the dust cloud.



Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:55 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
so... what do u think of the episode guys?


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Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:07 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
OMFG, my modem broke down, got fixed and it broke down again... I FUCKING HAE IT.

thank god it's ok now D=


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Fri Dec 04, 2009 1:04 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
You have been missed, apparently so.

"Der Lebenslauf des Menschen besteht darin, dass er, von der Hoffnung genarrt, dem Tod in die Arme tanzt."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:34 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
you were missed too


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Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:18 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
Indeed, I was. Even by you?

"Der Lebenslauf des Menschen besteht darin, dass er, von der Hoffnung genarrt, dem Tod in die Arme tanzt."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:23 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
People magazine has ran an article about the biggest stars of 'The Lateshow', to show what is next in their lives following the shocking end of the show.

Corpse - Having successfully completed his transgender reassignment surgery from female to male, Jason is taking the direct-to-DVD market by storm with roles in Wrong Turn 4: One Way Street 2 Death, Save the Last Dance 3 and SyFy channel original Grizzly Rage 2: Brown Bear vs. Black Bear, about an Alaskan town that finds itself the center of an epic turf war between two species of bears, with a group of humans fighting for survival among the mayhem.

harry713 - He is taking some time off after the end of 'The Lateshow' from acting, by getting into the music business. He is currently in the process of recording an album, working with exciting producers like Danja and RedOne. They say he will be a more manly Lady GaGa, but we hope he isn't built up as the next big thing to only come off as the next Adam Lambert.

Korrgan - She has renewed her contract as the host, executive producer and show runner of The Inferno series up to the fifteenth season for the outrageous price tag of $3,500,000 per season, making her one of best paid reality show hosts ever. And with her revelation of being one of Tiger Woods' nineteen mistresses and the only one with a sex tape featuring the golfing legend and his lovechild fetus growing inside of her, and the continued success of her hit reality comedy show about her life, Freakshow, which will document her pregnancy with Tiger's child in its next season, there is no foreseeable end to Korrgan's reign as the Queen of Drahmaz at KJ. The only negative we found was the quiet cancellation of Filmgasm's spin-off of The Inferno series over irreconcilable differences. Korrgan is allowing the contract of the FG series to run out without renewal, but is keeping it quiet until its current season is over.

Christian - He has replaced Leonardo DiCaprio in Mel Gibson's upcoming Viking Oscar-bait picture, and with Oscar buzz already going wild over his performance in Gracious: Based on the Novel "Shove" by Ruby, Christian's future as a leading man in KJollywood looks bright. His next role will be as a shape shifter in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse this summer, where he will take the shape of Kristen Stewart's acting talent. He will not physically appear in the film.

McSteamy - He is trying to get his next show, Dr. Tijuana, up off the ground. The show, potentially starring himself, his beloved (fag hag) daftme and co-star and friend matatonio as three Mexican E.R. doctors in Tijuana, deals with their trials and tribulations as they try to care for the inhabitants of the US/Mexico border town, including locals and vacationers alike. The show is finding a hard time getting picked up despite the fact he pioneered the former hit show 'The Lateshow', because they are Mexican'ts.


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:51 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
The Lateshow breaks all-time tv-records.

After a huge episode two weeks ago (56.7M Viewers, 21.2 in 19-49 demo), the finale of the lateshow was anounced, the finale was pushed for two weeks, After re-shoots and rewritting and MAYOR promotion from KJBO, The Lateshow's final episode drew an incredible 114.23M viewers and 57.6 in the demo.


Tongue Pop!

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Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:00 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....
The Lateshow...... coming back to life!!!!

After its shocking finale last week, TLS has been renewed for the rest of the season and it will finish its original 35 episode order, but... sirprise not the whole cast will be back.


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Thu Dec 17, 2009 4:01 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It Happens....


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Last edited by Mau on Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:33 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
sdfvb gtimme moree


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Last edited by Mau on Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:19 am

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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
This is what happens when I pick up my purse and leave.

Christian, for shame.


Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:53 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
it's still good *slaps*


Tongue Pop!

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Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:39 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
An online poll had the next result:

Biggest Lateshow twist last night

Harry's dead 0%
Korrgan's twitter 13%
Daftme's alive and fucking McSteamy 86%
Matatonio's awake, no wait he's in coma again 1%


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Wed Dec 30, 2009 12:44 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack

THE LATESHOW will bring to you the most elaborate birthday party next saturday!


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Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
gimme maoir bitch


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Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:21 pm
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
best thread EVEERRR


Tongue Pop!

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Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:47 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
How sad.


Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:33 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
Lubitsch wrote:
How sad.

are you


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:45 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
fuck you bitches this is my 7000th post..... The LateShow... FTW!!!!!
:lol: :lol:


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Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:28 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
and .... daftme's back.


Tongue Pop!

I kneel with Magnus.

Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:41 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
frozen water, frozen water, infant!



save me D:

Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:46 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
what's that?


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Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:47 am
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Post Re: Tнε Lαтεsнσω -- It's Baaaaaaack
guess :)



save me D:

Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:48 am
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