World of KJ

Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)
Page 173 of 236

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sun Sep 22, 2019 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
Well surely they aren’t gonna stick with Rusev being the father? Next week it will be someone new beating up Mike. The bad-comedy equivalent of the US title open challenge.

True, that was never confirmed. But if Rusev is making his return, and he's in better shape than ever, why waste him by beating him poor Mike Bennett? Sometimes WWE doesn't bother trying.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Sep 24, 2019 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I think my favorite part of RAW was having the opening WWE logo package distorted with a quick flash of The Fiend at the end.

Author:  Mau [ Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

So Seth crying at the end....... Why?

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I'm scared they're going to have him beat The Fiend at Hell in a Cell. Or some sort of screwy finish. He's being made to look so weak in the lead-up. It's too one-sided.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

What on Earth has happened to the commentary teams? Cole, Graves and Renee are moving to Smackdown, while RAW is getting... Vic Joseph? Dio Madden? Who? I hope they put a name in there as the third... oh... Jerry Lawler. In 2019.

Yikes. They're getting ambitious having two new names in commentary. As much as I hate Cole, he or Graves should be pulling double duty with one new name on RAW, or both and nix Lawler. Is AEW getting Jim Ross why they're putting Lawler back on commentary? Cause that's not a proper solution to losing the best play-by-play guy to the competition.

Renee Young is a "special contributor". I hope she's staying on commentary full time. She's not perfect, but WWE would be wise to keep her on for their big FOX debut.

Author:  Corpse [ Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
I'm scared they're going to have him beat The Fiend at Hell in a Cell. Or some sort of screwy finish. He's being made to look so weak in the lead-up. It's too one-sided.

Very possible Strowman interference setting up a "Monster vs Fiend" match for Survivor Series. But... yeah, having the Fiend "lose" (I'd wager the match would end with no actual pinfall) is a terrible decision at the moment. If they actually go with Monster/Fiend, it should have been done for Hell in a Cell to set-up the Fiend's future title match with Rollins at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble, but this is WWE.

Also... Becky needs to lose to Banks. There's zilch to be gained with a Becky win.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Sep 28, 2019 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Corpse wrote:
Mister Ecks wrote:
I'm scared they're going to have him beat The Fiend at Hell in a Cell. Or some sort of screwy finish. He's being made to look so weak in the lead-up. It's too one-sided.

Very possible Strowman interference setting up a "Monster vs Fiend" match for Survivor Series. But... yeah, having the Fiend "lose" (I'd wager the match would end with no actual pinfall) is a terrible decision at the moment. If they actually go with Monster/Fiend, it should have been done for Hell in a Cell to set-up the Fiend's future title match with Rollins at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble, but this is WWE.

Also... Becky needs to lose to Banks. There's zilch to be gained with a Becky win.

That should have been the match all along, Fiend vs. Monster. There is still no justification for having Bray in the title picture. If he wins, it's too fast and you risk overexposure. If he loses, wow... what an awful way to kill his momentum. If it's a screwy finish, especially inside Hell in a Cell, it muddies the waters. Good job, WWE. You've created a lose-lose-lose situation.

Becky definitely needs to drop the title soon. Get back in pursuit. She built her resume all year and has been a top fighting champion. But now need to get the title off her for a bit and make it interesting. I'm also hopeful that we get the actual Becky/Ronda match at Wrestlemania next year that we were deprived of.

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Sep 30, 2019 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Chances of Hogan vs Flair at WM36? LOL.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Oct 01, 2019 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Seeing them get worked up in the ring and almost fall over is depressing. Sure hope they don't include a bump in Saudi Arabia, neither one can take it at this point.

Man, they sure propelled Rusev up the card, complete with a shit storyline involving Lana and Lashley. Awful ending that felt overstuffed by the time The Fiend showed up. Why are we promoting the next PPV before we even have Hell in a Cell? And these premiere week shows have left us with only three confirmed Hell in a Cell matches? Yikes.

Author:  Shack [ Wed Oct 02, 2019 3:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I've posted some walls of text so I'll keep this one short

Summerslam was solid. Trish-Charlotte was a classic women's match for me, and Becky Nattie was surprisingly good too. But what saved the card is Rollins and Lesnar beat the odds to be kind of perfect. The real MVP of Summerslam though was the runtime at 3.5 hours. NXT Toronto was another solid show as well with Gargano and Cole delivering again. I always thought Io Shirai was the sneaky hottest of the asian wrestlers and they really leaned into with her heel persona (great match too)

I'm happy to see the 205 alumni Cedric Alexander, Buddy Murphy getting pushes, along with Ali earlier. The problem with all these guys is limited character/promo. But they're damn good wrestlers and are immediately some of the best sellers after AJ and Ziggler (Alexander takes some amazing Claymores). I would be more excited about King of the Ring if I wasn't looking at imdb episode titles to see how many I had left and saw "The coronation of King Corbin"... SMFH

I can't believe I'm saying this and it may because Kofi is running on fumes, but I would be ok I think with them making Orton and the Revival both champions and letting them be a dominant faction for a few months. Orton as a bully alpha jock is the first time in years his character has made sense to me and is probably a lot closer to the real life asshole he seemingly is than evil torturer guy. The Revival definitely look like the star QB's two buddies that help him shove people in lockers. Of course now that I say that, they'll just make Brock win the title from Kofi on the first Smackdown on Fox

Also I just saw this for the first time and LOL

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Oct 02, 2019 9:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

About one hour in and I’m pretty impressed with AEW Dynamite. Hasn’t felt like an indie show at all.

Author:  Mau [ Wed Oct 02, 2019 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

So NXT murdered AEW, and then booked Kushida vs Walter for next week. When Finn Valor is overshadowed by rucking Ciampa, you know NXT didn't just win the battle, they ended the war on day 1

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Fri Oct 04, 2019 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

AEW nearly doubled NXTs ratings. And I'm not even sure NXT was the better show. They have lost their cool kid status. And I can't help but feel like Balor was demoted. I'm expecting much more of that as the ratings sink. NXT is basically being sacrificed for the sake of pettiness and it's a huge bummer. Hopefully HHH can right the ship, but I'm not feeling good about it.

Author:  Corpse [ Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)


Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Poor Kofi.

A really weak show overall. It had a few fun moments but all the big things they set up were big fails.

Author:  Mau [ Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)


Rip kofimania

Author:  Corpse [ Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)


What are you doing? A DQ in a Hell in a Cell match, really? I saw some footage shared on Twitter (multiplier videos from various locations in the arena) and the fans were PISSED. Rollins is going to get booed out of the building tomorrow night.

Along with the Kofi squash, I don't think they could have booked two worse moments in a single weekend.

Author:  Mau [ Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

What the actual fuck was that?

Literally the worst they've done..... And oh boy they done awful shit before
I can't even list everything that they got wrong

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)


Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Oct 07, 2019 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Instead of using the “biggest week in pro wrestling history” to showcase why they are superior to the new competition, WWE chooses to antagonize their own fans. I just don’t get it.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Mon Oct 07, 2019 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Flava'd vs The World wrote:
Instead of using the “biggest week in pro wrestling history” to showcase why they are superior to the new competition, WWE chooses to antagonize their own fans. I just don’t get it.

Because they can. AEW isn't competition to them. Even if they were a threat, WWE wouldn't think so. And honestly they're not. It would take a long time for AEW to make a lasting mark. WCW beat WWE for a long time in the ratings, and look how that ended. So even if AEW did start doing better than WWE, it's still not over.

And that's not me justifying that horrible ending. That's just me saying Vince McMahon is perfectly happy with how that show ended. A bad reaction is still a reaction to him. Better than indifference.

The only positive is making The Fiend an actual, unbeatable monster. But... is it wise to kill Seth's finishing move? Or to make The Fiend no sell chair shots, finishing moves, ladders and sledge hammers? People always complained that The Undertaker no-sold everything. But this might be detrimental to everyone if The Fiend is booked as invincible.

Anyway, the build for Bray Wyatt was perfect and well-deserved, but this match at this time was too soon. The referee stoppage made no sense. I'm not sure the red light effect worked either. I don't want to squint at every match with The Fiend. And the blood pouring out of Seth's mouth at the end was overkill.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I keep thinking about that HIAC match, and I can at least see what WWE was trying to do by making The Fiend unstoppable but keeping the title on Seth. Yet they could have done this any other way without the championship or the finish. I hope it doesn't end up hurting Bray overall.

At the very least, they could run a Firefly Funhouse on Smackdown and have Bray kidnap the ref to say it wasn't his decision to decide when the match was over. Something to salvage it. Seeing zero mention of it on RAW until the last 25 minutes shows that they at least know how poorly it went over. But again... their money is always on Seth and Roman, so I hope it doesn't end up getting blamed on Bray Wyatt.

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Did they make the Fiend look unstoppable though? Cause I thought he looked very stopped just laying there on the ground for ten minutes straight.

And this was only three days after they jobbed out Kofi to promote a Saudi Arabia match.

So we are basically in the same spot as last December, where they had to dedicate an entire episode of Raw to apologizing to the fans for how terrible the show had been lately (and kayfabe blamed Baron Corbin for the whole thing.) The New New Era lasted for less than a year.

Its too bad my network resubbed on the 30th. Would they really even care if say 100k people left though? Seems like all the money is coming from the tv shows now anyways.

Author:  Alex Y. [ Wed Oct 09, 2019 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Only began watching Aew this month, and it has been so much better than wwe. Wwe just likes to intentionally piss of their audience and had such a boring filler raw after the bullshit endings on Friday and Sunday.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Oct 10, 2019 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I watched AEW for the first official time this week, and I'm feeling mixed. I like what they're doing and what their aim is, but I'll need to see a little more from them. They have a few stars, but their stars so far are the ex-WWE guys. It's great seeing a new side to Ambrose (feels wrong to refer to him as that now) and Jericho is as fun as ever. But... it's missing something.

The crowds seem fun though. That intensity is what WWE misses a lot. Some of the best moments in WWE lately are when the crowds are hot, and I guess that goes hand in hand with something that makes them react that way.

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