World of KJ

Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)
Page 166 of 236

Author:  Flava'd vs The World [ Mon Feb 18, 2019 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

A very strong Elimination Chamber, probably the best ppv they’ve had since.... gosh I can’t even remember. WWE has turned Kofi from a comedy side bit player to a main event worthy star in just 5 days. I hope he gets the big Mania match with Daniel Bryan.

Author:  Corpse [ Mon Feb 18, 2019 11:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Yeah, pretty strong Elimination Chamber. I wonder if this Kofi push was meant for Ali, or if they just decided to give Kofi himself the spotlight.

DX was announced as the first inductees into the HOF this year. If they don't ever induct Chyna, at least she'll be in as apart of DX.

Author:  Mau [ Tue Feb 19, 2019 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

What the fuck was that DIY Nonsense? Ignoring the feud of the decade? Bitch bye

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Feb 19, 2019 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I think Kofi was given a Mustafa Ali spot, but WWE didn't expect the crowd to be so behind Kofi. I don't see it continuing into a match at Wrestlemania. He's put in so much hard work and deserves it, but with WWE constantly pushing new NXT talent into WWE, I think Kingston is going to get lost in the shuffle. No way do they bank on Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston at Wrestlemania. If anything, they'll fuck it up by Kofi turning on The New Day for holding him back.

I wish WWE would hang back a bit on all the Stone Cold/Becky Lynch comparisons. Walking out smiling while being flanked by two security guards. I don't hate it, but Becky doesn't need recycled ideas.

I'm not a huge fan of these "Let's introduce some new NXT talent into WWE" storylines. They have established talent they need to build, not to mention a bunch of NXT men and women introduced in the last few weeks that I haven't seen much of. It's flooding WWE.

Weren't Ciampa and Gargano feuding in NXT? Or did WWE do a "Let's erase all that for new audiences"

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Random Smackdown Thoughts:

-I'm not 100% sure how to pronounce Ciampa, but I'm 100% sure it's not how Shane pronounced it.

-Speaking of, having the new NXT guys (Aleister, Ricochet) face off against very recent NXT guys (Andrade, Eric Young) just shows the futility in trying to build off any momentum you've created from NXT going into WWE. Andrade should be in contention for the title, but they've kept him simmering below the surface, which is basically 99% of the men and women that jump from NXT to WWE. Has any NXT superstar cracked the top surface in the last three years when they went to RAW or Smackdown?

-Is there anyone not ready for Asuka?

-Kofi Kingston gets the Dean Ambrose 2016 shot at the WWE Championship at Fastlane, thus giving him the title shot but keeping him out of the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania.

-As much as I think WWE will ruin anyone that comes from NXT, Ciampa and Gargano do feel different. And I'm sure they've reunited them and briefly mentioned their feud in order to re-do it for new audiences.

Author:  Mau [ Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I didn't like how Asuka lost to Mandy but I guess they need an opponent for fastlane

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Thu Feb 21, 2019 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
Has any NXT superstar cracked the top surface in the last three years when they went to RAW or Smackdown?

This one is sticking with me. It's crazy how so many have come from NXT and only made it to the midcard. Shinsuke, Kevin Owens, Bobby Roode, Andrade, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, Drew McIntyre. Most of these guys have had main event matches, but none have captured a World title in WWE. Asuka and Bayley have been drowned by WWE. Even Becky Lynch didn't become a star until six months ago.

Author:  Mau [ Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Yeah, but I have HUGE hoped for Gargano. If he can't become th biggest thing ever in WWE then NXT becomes the minecart farm for WWE.

They sure as fuck cannot ruin Mr Takeover.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I'm old enough to remember when Batista and Triple H was briefly a big deal and a Wrestlemania main-event. But this is not going to be the Wrestlemania match they think it'll be. No one really cares about Batista. He's like Goldberg, he got some great crowd reactions at first, but it won't last. At least they made him a heel, but that just will mask the boos. And what's the reason for attacking Flair to get at Triple H? Wasn't it Triple H that was pissed he never beat Batista? Or something. I'm sure he must have at one point.

Author:  Mau [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

We're talking about the company that has somehow cooled Becky off despite her huge hype. They're just fools

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I feel that too. They're fortunate that crowd reactions are still strong for Becky, but you have to pull the trigger and announce the match.

And I hate to be a broken record. But the match technically cooled off once Charlotte was added and they diminished Becky's appearances.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Tue Feb 26, 2019 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

And, as was made abundantly clear last night, Ronda cannot guarantee a strong promo, and Stephanie's involvement is a buzzkill to the whole storyline. There's something really detrimental to her presence. She doesn't have a babyface or a heel role technically. It sucks that she's a part of it at all.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Feb 27, 2019 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

I'm not sure what's going to happen at Fastlane. Will Kevin Owens win the title, turn heel and go with Kofi at WM? No way do they keep Kevin Owens a face. I welcome the change, but he works so well as a heel, and he'd work so well antagonizing Kofi Kingston. Better than Daniel Bryan unfortunately. But it seems super last minute.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Fri Mar 01, 2019 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Mister Ecks wrote:
I feel that too. They're fortunate that crowd reactions are still strong for Becky, but you have to pull the trigger and announce the match.

And I hate to be a broken record. But the match technically cooled off once Charlotte was added and they diminished Becky's appearances.

Add to this how Becky and Ronda re-ignited the feud yesterday on Twitter. They just make it so much more interesting. And I like how I don't know 100% if Ronda knows everything Becky is going to say cause she reacts like she doesn't, but I can't imagine she doesn't know either. They're building the match better than WWE has in the last few weeks. The absolute best moment on TV so far was the RAW after the Rumble. That's over a month ago now.

I also wish they hadn't went with the injured knee angle. Unless it's an actual injury and she'll be fine for Wrestlemania. If it's just a work, it sucks a little life out of it to see her limping to the ring.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Mar 02, 2019 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

More random thoughts:

-I don't know what they were going for with Kevin Owens doing a Stone Cold Stunner on Smackdown. They can pretend it's his own thing now, but it's like when Shawn Michaels needed a submission move and adopted the Crippler Crossface. No move is owned by one wrestler necessarily, but you could never see that and not see Chris Benoit. It feels like Vince has wanted to re-create Austin for two decades, then once Becky started getting Austin comparisons, now he wants a guy to have that role. Or maybe I'm just overthinking a throwaway finishing move.

-Still can't believe we almost got away with no special attraction Wrestlemania matches, but we're definitely getting Triple H vs. Batista. I have no interest in seeing either one in the ring again. Batista returning feels like we've reached a weird middle ground where bringing back a big name means bringing back someone who's pretty mediocre in the ring and in overall wrestling history.

-On the plus side, it seems like Undertaker isn't getting mentioned at all for a Mania match? Which is odd all things considered.

-The Becky/Ronda Twitter feud picked up a lot of steam. Lots of stories suggest WWE isn't happy with it, but I can't buy that, unless they're pissed that Becky and Ronda are doing it without Charlotte. It's funny how the overall feud has worked and worked best between Becky and Ronda, but it fizzled once Charlotte was thrown in. Isn't that strange? It's almost like they don't need her and never did.

As for Ronda breaking character and saying words like "fake" and "script", I don't necessarily hate it. I know most are against it because it looks really bad for wrestling. But I also think the whole thing is a work, with WWE's consent. They've been desperate for a decade to trend on Twitter, and now something is actually huge on there and building their biggest show of the year. And because it's not on TV, it can be edgy, without it damaging overall product.

Author:  Mau [ Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Lol Asuka killing Sonya and Mandy without breaking a sweat lol

I luv Crazy killer Asuka.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Mar 06, 2019 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Two storylines converged on Monday night and I don't think WWE even realizes it. Triple H spoke of the respect he has for Ric Flair, and in doing so, he confirmed why Charlotte Flair is a part of the Ronda/Becky storyline. There's no other reason to include a genuine third wheel to two people that have built the story on their own without any help from Charlotte besides mocking Becky. If the match does end up main eventing Wrestlemania (I'd put the odds at being lower now than a month ago, which pains me to say), that's why Charlotte is there. So she can be one of the first women to headline Wrestlemania.

Last night, Charlotte and Becky should not have closed Smackdown that way. Who is writing this? First of all, Becky on crutches is not working. If she's not legit injured, they should have had her say she's 100% last night. I don't need to see her hobbling through the match at Fastlane and all the way to Wrestlemania. At some point, you look less like an underdog and more like a charity case. Her underdog-ness came from being NOT the chosen one. Giving her an injury is an unnecessary crutch, so to speak.

But the best parts of this feud, and the parts that re-ignite my interest, are when it's Becky and Ronda, inside or outside the ring. Monday night was really good. Ronda is a heel and the beatdown was good. I'm not a fan of saying wrestling is all pretend and now she'll be an actual fighter? She was fine the way she was, she doesn't need to now look like she's UFC Ronda. But it works between her and Becky. Charlotte continues to muddy the waters. And I think Charlotte is fantastic, especially as a heel. But if there's a true definition of a third wheel, It's Charlotte to this feud. It is only taking away, not adding.

Author:  Mau [ Wed Mar 06, 2019 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Yep. You're right but I am sure we fuck, we're getting a better match with her added.

On a side note.. anyone having problems with Torrie being induced to HOF can go choke on a dick.
She was the hottest WWE diva ever (til Mandy Rode came along). And she dominated SmackDown for most her time there.

Author:  Shack [ Fri Mar 08, 2019 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Just caught a glimpse of an ad by accident of Brock and Reigns match with Brock as the champion. You've gotta be kidding me lol

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Mar 09, 2019 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Ronda going off on fake wrestling and all that isn't the way to go. Touching on that to get her to be more of a fighter was fine, but leaning into it is just hurting the overall feud. If they're building towards the wrestler beating the fighter, that's just silly. We know in a genuine fight, Ronda would likely beat the women and the men too. I find it so hard to believe WWE is pushing this, but they did after all ruin a pure fire main event in Ronda Rousey and Becky Lynch. And I'm all but certain it's because they had no intention of ever having Rousey and Becky face each other at Wrestlemania. Plans were made for them, so they went with it, but only on their terms.

It's times like this that it's hard being a fan when the people in charge clearly don't know what they're doing. They chose loyalty over money. Loyalty to themselves, loyalty to generations (Triple H's devotion to the Flairs), loyalty to being right all the time in spite of what the fans tell them. It's why we're inches away from Roman Reigns getting added to the Universal Championship match at Wrestlemania. I genuinely can't remember how many times this would be for Reigns and Lesnar at Wrestlemania, but however many it is, it's that amount too many. But with the newfound respect and adulation for Reigns after his great prognosis, they'll want to try it one more time and one more time it'll blow up in their face. WWE fans are waiting for the right time to go back on the anti-Reigns train, and it's not a matter of if but when.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

And can WWE put a moratorium on using real life death and tragedy in storylines? Natalya having to endure the storyline with the Riott Squad and her recently deceased father, and then Triple H dropping in mentions of Ric Flair's son in his promo. Natalya and Ric were likely OK with both, but WWE should never have to resort to incorporating death into stories. If you can't build a storyline within the wrestling world, then maybe it's not a story worth telling.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Mon Mar 11, 2019 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Gotta admire WWE's insistence to not get Becky over since the Royal Rumble, complete with a DQ finish that sends her to Wrestlemania.

Please, for the love of God, take the knee injury away starting tonight. If that's how she fights at Wrestlemania, it's going to suck.

Author:  Mau [ Tue Mar 12, 2019 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

It's been over a month and a half. She needs to stop selling the damn knee.

Also you KNOW Alexa Bliss is OVER AS FUCK with management. She had been on tv without wrestling. Has a segment on every RAW and now will host WrestleMania. She's the only female wrestler to get this kind of treatment outside Ronda/Char/Becky. And she doesn't have a storyline right now.

That face turn when she kills Lacey Evans for interrupting her will be ICONIC. Crowd is begging for a few days turn. All hail little miss Bliss.

Author:  Mister Ecks [ Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

Glad the crutch is gone. Now the limp can go next week and we're back in business.

The Becky/Charlotte segment does make me wish the actual earned main-event of Wrestlemania, in an alternate universe, was Becky vs. Charlotte.

I wasn't that thrilled with Orton vs. Styles at Mania, but their promo clicked well for a good feud and match. The indy guy that made a name for himself outside of WWE for two decades, and the son of a WWE hall-of-famer that was undoubtedly handed his opportunity (he did rise above his own last name, obviously).

I had no expectation that Kofi would ever be in the WWE Championship match at Wrestlemania, but good god, I think it's happening. What a cool opportunity for mid-carders to see someone who's paid their dues get their moment. Finally.

Author:  Mau [ Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wrestling (WWE, IMPACT, NXT, AEW)

SmackDown killed it last night.

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