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Improve your memory by following these 5 tips

Meditation- The exercise for the brain

To enhance any kind of cognitive function, doing meditation is the best way to do it. So to improve your memory also you can take the help of meditation. To do meditation, wake up in the morning and you can practice mindfulness. If it is possible, try to do meditation in an open natural place. That can be more effective. Meditation is capable of increasing the gray matter in the brain which is effective for increasing memory. So do meditation daily and boost up your memory poser.

Sleeping well is important

To get overall sound health, it is very important to get enough amount of sleep at night. If you want to improve your memory, try to get sound sleep in the required amount. Lack of sleep can be the cause of your poor memory. It is said that proper sleeping can convert short term memory to long term memory. So, as experts advise, sleep 7 to 9 hours in a day to get strong memory.

Play brain games

Brain games can help your brain to stay active and thereby also boost up cognitive functions like memory, concentration, focus, etc. By playing brain games, you also can boost up your memory power. Along with brain games, you also can solve puzzles, reasoning, mathematical problems, etc. which also can boost up your memory. It is also said that playing brain games can reduce the chances of dementia among old adults.

Have brain foods

To boost up your memory power, you also can take the help of some foods like nuts, soy fruits, and oily fishes, etc. which are known as brain foods. In your diet, add foods which are rich in antioxidants and Vitamin D as those are very effective in improving our memory. Avoiding sugar and grain carbohydrates are also good ways to boost up your memory.

Try to avoid alcohol beverages

If you want to have a strong memory power, then it is better for you if you avoid consuming alcoholic beverages. If you consume alcohol repeatedly, it can show its negative impact on the memory center of the brain which is known as the hippocampus. So try your best to avoid alcohol to get strong memory power.

These are the 5 best tips which you can follow if you want to improve your memory. Smart drugs, which are known as nootropic also, can work as cognitive functions like memory.

As a smart drug, to improve your memory power, you can take the help of Provigil 200 mg. Provigil is the first brand version of Modafinil which was approved by the FDA in 1998. By stimulating the neurons in the brain, this smart drug increases the number of dopamines and thus it boosts up your cognitive functions like memory. As it is a brand of Modafinil, as a nootropic, Provigil is very effective. Have Provigil dosage in the morning or before starting to study or work. You can buy Provigil 200 mg easily from the market. Buy Provigil online and you can get it at an affordable price

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